Top 10 Worst Foods For Diabetics

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Hello Health Champions. Did you know that most  people in the world are either diabetic or are  

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moving toward diabetes or pre-diabetes today. But  the good news is that the foods I'm going to talk  

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about today are the same ones you want to avoid if  you want to prevent or reverse both pre-diabetes  

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and diabetes. Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes are  both metabolic diseases. And what does that mean?  

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Metabolism. It means to change or transform. To  take something and turn it into something else.  

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So we've often heard the phrase you are what you  eat and that makes sense that you eat the food and  

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some of the food becomes energy and some of the  food we turn into tissue into new body parts and  

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new cells. But then some people misconstrue that  a little bit and they think that the dietary fat  

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that we eat becomes body fat. And then if we gain  a bunch of body fat now we get obese and we have  

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type 2 diabetes because these two are associated.  But that's a little bit too simplistic and think  

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about this. Think about cows like this guy here  is eating grass and if the cow became what it ate  

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then we would expect to find a bunch of grass  inside the cow but we don't because the cow  

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transforms, metabolizes that grass into meat. And  that's how it turns out for humans as well that  

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most of the fat on your body does not come from  the fat that you ate. Metabolic health is when  

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the body can take a substrate which means a raw  material or the things that you start with. And  

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for most of us most of the time that's fat protein  and carbohydrate. And if we have a good metabolic  

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health then we can take these and we can turn  them into tissue and energy like we just said.  

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But metabolic health is a continuum so some bodies  can do this really well and some have gotten a  

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little out of balance. So if we're balanced if we  have metabolic flexibility if we have not ruined  

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or worn out our metabolic machinery now we can  take pretty much any combination of these for a  

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while at least and we can still make tissue and  energy. And especially if we have a good balance  

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between feasting and fasting if we don't eat a  whole bunch of meals more than what we expend. But  

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if we eat an unbalanced if we eat way too much of  one of these for a long time and in diabetes we're  

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talking about carbohydrates because carbohydrates  raise blood glucose and trigger insulin which is  

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at the root of the problem. If we do that for  years and decades now we get unbalanced we wear  

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out our metabolic machinery. So now in order to  become unbalanced we basically had to exceed the  

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threshold exceed the capacity of that metabolic  machinery. There are basically four causes  

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of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes and  the first one is what we mentioned we exceed the  

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threshold. We wear out the metabolic machinery  and basically that refers to the liver when we  

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overload the liver when we give the liver too much  to handle of the things that only the liver can  

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handle, it gets toxic. It gets exhausted and we  get a fatty liver. That sets the stage for insulin  

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resistance. The second thing is when we eat too  much glucose chronically eat too much glucose that  

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raises blood sugar, triggers insulin and when we  have high insulin levels for years or decades, now  

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the cells become desensitized, which is another  way of saying insulin resistance. The third way  

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is inflammation which also promotes insulin  resistance it desensitizes receptors to insulin  

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and anything causing inflammation primarily  sugar grains and vegetable oils when we get  

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excess omega-6 fatty acids that shifts the body's  ability to regulate inflammation. And number four  

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is stress so stress raises cortisol, which raises  blood sugar, which raises insulin so it sort of  

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works a little bit like eating too many carbs  but stress also promotes certain inflammatory  

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signal molecules in the body. Number 10 on  the list is one of the most controversial  

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because fruits and berries are like a sacred  cow. They're a holy grail we can't talk ill  

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about these things so let's put it in perspective  they're not good or bad we have to understand who  

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they're good or bad for and what kind. So berries  are the best kind because they're high in fiber  

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high in nutrients low in sugar. Then we have  things like regular fruit more like cherries and  

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apples and oranges and things like that. Then we  have tropical fruit which are sweeter. They're  

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pineapple banana mango etc. And then we have  canned fruit which is more processed that's not  

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a great thing. It often has the peel removed which  has a lot of the fiber and it is often packed in  

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the juice from fruit which adds sugar or it's  packed actually in syrup which adds sugar to it.  

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So they're getting worse from top to bottom  and the worst would be fruit juice because  

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here we have only the sugar suspended in water.  We have removed all of the fiber and we've broken  

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down all the cells so the sugar is just floating  around ready for fast absorption. So how much of  

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this we can have depends on where we are on the  spectrum of metabolic health. If you're very  

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healthy if you're very insulin sensitive which is  maybe 10% of the population you can have some of  

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all of this. You can have plenty of berries you  can have some regular fruit you can have a little  

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bit less of tropical and canned fruit ideally.  And you can even have some fruit juice if you  

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squeeze it yourself it can be very nutritious you  might be able to have a glass a day and not really  

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ever mess anything up. I wouldn't recommend the  pasteurized fruit juice bought in stores because  

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it doesn't have all that many nutrients left. But  if we're talking about type 2 diabetes we have to  

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understand you're not anywhere near the green end  of the spectrum. You're not even near the middle  

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you're over on the side of poor metabolic health.  You've broken your machinery and any amount of  

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sugar is very difficult to tolerate. So basically  what that means is the berries which are the best  

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kinds you can have some of those because they're  very low in sugar and they're very high in fiber  

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but all the rest of it you should probably avoid  and fruit juice for you would be really no better  

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than Coca-Cola is. Metabolically it would just  be sugar in water essentially. Number nine worst  

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food for a diabetic is starch. Because starch  turns into glucose and anything made from wheat  

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or corn so things like bread and crackers waffles  pasta pretzels biscuits they only take minutes  

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before these branches these trees these chains of  glucose start breaking down to individual glucose  

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molecules and start raising blood sugar. And  the same thing holds true for things like rice  

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and beans and potatoes they are mostly starch. So  that means that they will very quickly raise blood  

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sugar and start triggering insulin which is the  second most important factor after overwhelming  

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the liver. But what is the difference between  sugar and other forms of carbohydrate in how they  

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impact the liver. Let's say that we eat a hundred  calories of glucose so that could be potatoes or  

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rice or something like that then 20%, 20 calories  are going to go through the liver and 80 percent  

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are going to be metabolized by the rest of the  body because every cell in your body can use  

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glucose. It's the most fundamental energy molecule  of life and the impact on the liver is actually  

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even less than that because most of this glucose  going through the liver is going to be repackaged  

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as glycogen so the liver might actually only burn  up a couple of percent of that glucose so the  

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metabolic burden on the liver is very small. Let's  contrast that with something like alcohol ethanol  

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in liquor and wine and beer. The liver now has to  take care of 80 percent, the vast majority, and  

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the brain and the pancreas and the stomach will  burn up a little bit and a little bit would spill  

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out through the kidneys but roughly 80 percent  of all that alcohol is exclusively burned by  

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the liver transformed by the liver so that places  an enormous burden if we have a hundred calories  

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of alcohol 80 has to be metabolized by the liver.  Now for fructose that number is 100%. There is no  

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other cell in the body that can do anything with  fructose so all of the fructose that you consume  

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has to be metabolized by the liver. And then if  we look at sugar or sucrose, table sugar, white  

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sugar, then that is 50% glucose and 50% fructose,  so we get 60% of the burden on the liver and 40%  

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on the body so that makes a lot of sense because  that is the average between the glucose bar  

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and the fructose bar. But here's the thing that a  lot of people miss and misunderstand. Let's think  

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about our metabolic health spectrum again so  what this means is if you are on the green end  

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of the spectrum if you were a hundred years ago  before you had a bunch of sugar you ate rice and  

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potatoes you were working hard in the field  then you were very insulin sensitive and now  

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you can tolerate a lot of glucose you can eat that  all day long because you're going to burn it off.  

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However if you are on the unhealthy on the insulin  resistant side of the spectrum, the situation  

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has changed. So a lot of people say that you can  reverse diabetes with a bunch of carbohydrate but  

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once you have broken your carbohydrate machine now  any form of glucose is likely to be very difficult  

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for your body. It's likely to really screw with  your metabolic situation with your blood sugar and  

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your insulin. So an insulin sensitive person can  handle a lot of glucose a lot of potato and rice  

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but does really well to avoid alcohol fructose  and sugar. But a diabetic person needs to avoid  

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all these categories. And this explains why  number eight is low-fat foods and I'm not  

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talking about things that are normal whole foods  that are natural little fat they are totally okay.  

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I'm talking about packaged foods processed  foods some type of food that used to have  

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fat in it but now it doesn't. So what  does that mean if it now has less fat  

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that means that it's either naturally high  in starch or that they have taken the fat out  

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and now in order to make it attractive they have  to put something else in so they give it flavor  

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through sugar or through chemicals. And some  examples of this would be non-fat fruit yogurt  

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for example. They took the fat out they put  some fruit in but now they still have to add  

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a bunch of sugar to make it tasty so oftentimes  that little itty bitty yogurt pack is like a  

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half a can of Coca-Cola. Another thing is  cereals which can be naturally low fat and  

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high starch but with cereals they also add a bunch  of sugar and with adult cereals they might be 25%  

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sugar with kid cereals they could be as much as  50% sugar on top of the starch other examples  

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are things like mayonnaise that is normally a very  high fat product and if they make something that  

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appears similar to mayonnaise but it's less  fat now they have to add a bunch of chemistry  

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to it. And the same holds true for dressings  if they remove the oil now they have to put in  

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a bunch of sugar and chemicals which brings  us to number seven which is salad dressings,  

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sauces, condiments etc. And very often products  are promoted as being "free of". So here this is  

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fat free and it is gluten free and it is no high  fructose corn syrup. So we've been conditioned for  

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so long that certain things are bad and then  they say that this product is free of that  

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bad thing and then it's promoted as a health food.  So a lot of these things we can actually find in  

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health food stores and this health section  the natural section of various stores.  

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But being free from does not indicate that there's  anything good about it. And very often these  

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dressings that are fat free and free from will  have 15 to 30 percent sugar instead. This one  

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for example has nine grams of sugar out of two  tablespoons. That's 30 sugar in this dressing.  

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But if it's a honey dijon then it has to have  some honey in it and honey is such a good thing,  

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right? It's so natural. Well sugar, like we said,  is 50% glucose 50% fructose. Turns out that honey  

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is more fructose. It's 57% fructose 43%  glucose. And then we have this abomination  

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called high fructose corn syrup that everyone is  so concerned with. It has 55% fructose and 45%  

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glucose so really what you're seeing is that  the honey is the worst out of these three but  

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in reality they're all pretty much the same thing  it's half fructose half glucose. It's all sugar.  

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And again honey is a natural substance but our  ancestors didn't have a grocery store to go  

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and buy it from every day. And if you are on  the healthy end of the spectrum and you have  

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a teaspoon or two a day you're going to be  totally fine. Then it is one of the best  

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sweeteners available. But again if you're on the  unhealthy part of the metabolic spectrum then all  

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of this is just sugar to your body. Another thing  you have to watch for is how much is a serving?  

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Here the serving size is two tablespoons but  if you go to a restaurant and you get a salad  

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they'll typically bring you a bowl or they'll  bring you these little pouches. One pouch is  

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usually one serving but I've never seen anyone  use one pouch almost everyone uses two pouches  

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which is actually six tablespoons or three  times as much as the serving on the bottle  

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which would give you 27 grams of sugar and you  thought you were being healthy eating a salad. So  

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there are good dressings and the best part is  if you make it yourself for you to stick to  

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olive oil and vinegar. And most condiments  will have a lot of sugar but one of the worst  

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is barbecue sauce they can have up to 50 percent  sugar in some of the brands. So watch for that  

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and same thing as with the dressing how  much is a serving? Well I don't think  

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a lot of people would have much trouble getting  through six tablespoons with a rack of ribs  

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so there is 45 grams of sugar for you. And now  in most health food stores and health sections  

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you'll find a whole rack a whole row there'll  be a lot of shelf space devoted to protein bars.  

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And some of them are really good some of them  have mostly nuts and and healthy things in them,  

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but a lot of them are quite sweet and some  use reasonably healthy sugar substitutes,  

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but a lot of them still use just sugar, as up  to 30 - 40 percent of calories come from sugar.  

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And these sugars aren't always called just  sugar you have to kind of watch for this so  

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another name for sugar could be agave  nectar. And if you don't know what that  

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is then you might think hey this is a good  bar. Or grape juice solids or barley malt,  

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dehydrated cane juice, moscovado, sweet sorghum  or brown rice syrup solids. So don't be fooled.  

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All of these and 60 other names just mean sugar.  Number five worst food for diabetics is cakes  

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and cookies and you probably knew this but now  you're starting to understand a little bit more  

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why because they are mostly made from sugar, white  flour and if you bake them yourself you might put  

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in some good butter but if they're store-bought  you're probably going to have mostly vegetable  

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oils that are going to be highly processed and  very high in omega-6s. And even though most people  

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look at calories and they look at fat providing  most of the calories we have to understand that  

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fat in a healthy form is okay but sugar  and fat at the same time is not okay  

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because fat is very satiating it provides  stable blood sugar and if you just eat the fat  

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and the vegetables you're going to burn through  the fat. But if you eat the sugar at the same time  

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now you're going to produce insulin  and you're going to clog up the liver  

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and you won't be able to burn through the fat  because the body is so busy burning through the  

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fat that is converted from sugar into fat.  So a high sugar diet is a high fat diet,  

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but the difference is the fat in itself doesn't  trigger insulin whereas the sugar does. Number  

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four on the list to avoid is candy and it is a  little bit worse still. If you eat dark chocolate  

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that can be all right if you manage to limit  yourself so if you go at least 70 percent cocoa  

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I would prefer 85 then that would be okay if you  have a few pieces here and there it is not going  

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to cause too much harm but if you go with milk  chocolate now there's way too much sugar in that.  

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There are also some positive introductions there's  a brand called Lily's for example that make  

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various chocolate flavors and they use erythritol  stevia and monk fruit now the thing to bear  

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in mind here is that even though most of the  sweetness comes from erythritol, they are marketed  

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as sweetened with stevia and monk fruit because  stevia and monk fruit are more politically correct  

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than sugar alcohols. But erythritol is one of the  best ones about 95% of it is absorbed very quickly  

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and it doesn't mess up your digestive tract at  all, but then there is that other five percent  

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that still goes down to your digestive tract  to your biome to your intestinal bacteria and  

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there that sugar alcohol can create some bloating  and some problems if you're sensitive especially.  

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But just about everything else that you see things  like this in the picture is going to be somewhere  

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between 50 and 100 percent sugar. And in addition  to that you're going to get a lot of chemicals  

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and artificial flavors and artificial colors. The  third worst thing for your liver and your diabetes  

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is alcohol and most people know this because  we've all heard of alcoholism and liver disease.  

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So alcohol is a burden on the liver the liver has  to do 80 percent of the metabolizing so a tiny  

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little bit once in a while is not a problem. The  dose makes the poison so if you have a lot of it  

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on a regular basis that will overwhelm the liver.  I don't recommend that you drink but if you do,  

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and a lot of people would like to have some  anyway, then your best bet is distilled liquor.  

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So things like whiskey, rye ,bourbon, vodka,  gin, cognac, rum etc . Things that are distilled  

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have only the alcohol portion with it so with that  you're getting around 16 grams of alcohol which is  

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bad enough but at least you're not getting any  fructose and you're not getting any glucose to  

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add insult to injury. Your next best option is dry  wine dry red dry, white wine still has the same  

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alcohol but it has a tiny little bit of sugar one  or two grams of sugar so we average it out roughly  

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speaking you get one gram of fructose one gram  of glucose so it's not significant. Next is beer.  

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Same amount of alcohol for a standard serving  some beers are going to have more some less  

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and you're not getting any fructose with this  because beer isn't sweet, but you're getting  

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carbohydrate and that carb turns into glucose so  a really skinny beer might have five or six grams,  

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whereas some of the most flavorful might have  13, 14, 15 grams. So on average you're probably  

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getting 10 grams of glucose out of a beer. So  it's not going to clog the liver directly but it's  

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going to produce some insulin that adds a little  bit of stress to the system. But here's what you  

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really want to understand that what most people  really like to drink especially the sugar addicts  

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are mixed drinks. So here not only are you getting  the alcohol but you're getting probably around 15  

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grams of fructose and 15 grams of glucose because  a lot of sugary drinks will have 30 or even  

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40 grams of sugar in a single drink. So the  burden on the liver here with a mixed drink  

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is more than double than if you just had distilled  liquor or dry wine. And again I don't recommend  

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that you drink. I think there are better ways  of relaxing however if you do I would suggest  

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that you keep it to two or less and if you're  a woman probably one or less because women  

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don't process alcohol as well. And then you also  give yourself several days off that you have  

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probably at least two or three days off every week  where you don't drink anything to give your body  

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a break. And the second worst food for diabetic is  going to be agave syrup and now we're getting into  

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tricky territory here because this is supposed  to be health food right we find this in health  

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food stores it's got a big earth on it it says  wholesome it has organic on it so we're made to  

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think that this is really, really healthy stuff  it says low glycemic and we've been taught to  

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look for low glycemic. But what's really going on  here is that agave is 75 to 90 percent fructose,  

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right? It's it's a hundred percent sugar but it is  essentially the ultimate high fructose corn syrup  

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and because of that it is basically a liver  poison. Again if you are extremely metabolically  

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healthy and use a teaspoon or two a day then  this is a really healthy sweetener because  

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the dose makes the poison. But if you are on  the unhealthy end of the metabolic spectrum  

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then this is some of the worst stuff you can do.  And the number one worst thing a diabetic can do  

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is to drink sugary drinks so these are things  like soda and sports drinks and energy drinks.  

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And while we all pretty much know by now that soda  is not a great thing a lot of people still think  

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that sports drinks are good for you and that  energy drinks give you energy. But what they  

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have in common is that they are full of sugar  and or high fructose corn syrup. And the biggest  

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problem is that as you probably have noticed or  you've seen with your kids that it's very easy  

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to drink one, two, three, four, five, six and that  is because of the fructose the fructose does not  

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suppress ghrelin so normally when we eat something  even starch even though it's short term it  

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suppresses ghrelin which is a hunger hormone. So  we eat something and our hunger goes away but that  

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doesn't happen with fructose, because fructose  has no signaling impact on ghrelin and therefore  

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the brain doesn't register that you have eaten  anything. So you took in a bunch of substrate  

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that places a metabolic burden on your liver but  your brain wasn't informed. The brain doesn't know  

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and this stuff tastes sweet which means  it has a drug impact, a drug mechanism,  

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so you drink more and more and more  and there is no sensation of satiety  

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and therefore you can't stop. If you enjoy this  video you're going to love that one, and if you  

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