Top 10 Worst Foods Doctors Tell You To Eat

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Hello Health Champions. I'm sure you know that  things like diabetes, obesity heart disease are  

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rampant, but with all the conflicting information  about food, how do you even know what to eat?  

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Today I want to cover the top 10 worst foods that  are most often recommended by doctors as part of  

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a supposedly healthy diet and I will show you why  they may not be so great for you after all. Coming  

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right up. Hey I'm Dr Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor  and a former olympic decathlete and if you want  

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to truly master health by understanding how the  body really works make sure you subscribe and hit  

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that notification bell so you don't miss anything.  When we talk about healthy food we have to first  

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understand what are we trying to accomplish and  what are we trying to avoid so about 95 percent of  

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all the disease that people die from is related to  something called metabolic syndrome or syndrome x  

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and this is like an umbrella for all the things  that happen when people have type 2 diabetes and  

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heart disease and hypertension and cancer and  obesity is a huge association it's not the cause  

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but it's often listed alongside these because  there's a strong association with them and  

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therefore good or bad foods are going to depend on  how the foods are affecting these variables such  

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insulin and insulin resistance if it has fructose  because fructose is a carbohydrate it's a sugar  

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that can only be processed by the liver and  it is about as bad as alcohol alcoholics get  

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fatty liver from drinking alcohol well if you  get non-alcoholic fatty liver it's because of  

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fructose so we have 10 year olds and 12 year olds  in the thousands who are getting type 2 diabetes  

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and fatty liver and they haven't had a drop of  alcohol but they had plenty of sugar and plenty  

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of high fructose corn syrup so fructose is a  key to understanding this we will also relate  

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it to glycemic index and this is how quickly your  blood glucose rises after you eat a certain food  

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so if you eat a refined food with lots of sugar  your blood glucose is going to rise faster produce  

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more insulin and this sets you up for insulin  resistance but also for blood sugar swings and  

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inconsistent energy levels and we also want to  understand how the food affects inflammation  

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and if this is a food that people are commonly  allergic or sensitive or intolerant to because if  

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there's a reaction in the body to the food that's  going to increase the inflammation as well i'll  

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cover 10 food items in no particular order and  the first one is whole grain bread or wheat bread  

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and like i said we'll talk about insulin glycemic  index fructose inflammation and allergies and also  

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we'll touch on fiber because that is a good thing  and these foods may have some of that so let's  

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see if it's actually one of the better sources so  insulin first whole grain bread or white bread or  

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any sort of bread it really doesn't matter have  a high insulin response because they have a very  

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high glycemic index and the standard scale for  glycemic index is that high is anything above  

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70 and low is anything below 55 but this is in a  world where people eat 300 grams of carbohydrate  

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and they stuff themselves with sugar and soda all  day long so if we want to be healthy or if we want  

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to reverse insulin resistance we want to look  for glycemic index numbers in the single digits  

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or maybe up to 20 or 30 and there are plenty  of foods in that range to choose from so 74  

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is astronomical that is a very high glycemic index  fructose there's two and a half percent fructose  

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in wheat bread and even though we don't think  of that as a high fructose food i mean after all  

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sugar has 50% fructose but if you think about  bread as something good and recommended that  

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you're going to eat all the time then that two  and a half percent fructose adds up pretty quickly  

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as far as inflammation bread and wheat  and gluten grains are some of the worst  

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they create a very high inflammatory response and  there's also a very high tendency to be sensitive  

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to it even people who don't have celiacs or who  don't know that they're sensitive or intolerant  

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the majority of people would do better to  avoid bread for the reason of inflammation  

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and intolerance what about fiber well it does have  some fiber it's about four percent of the bread is  

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fiber so if you have a slice of about 25 grams or  so then you get one gram of fiber in that bread  

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that's not a whole lot we're supposed to get  30 40 50 grams of fiber or more so the sources  

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that you want to look for are things like  avocado one avocado has 10 grams of fiber and  

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if you start eating salads and non-starchy  vegetables they don't have much of anything in  

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them but what they do have is actually fiber next  item is cereal that's what most people have been  

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eating for breakfast for a very very long time  and they mix it up with some skim milk which is  

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not a great idea we'll get to that insulin and  glycemic index is about the same as bread it's  

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sky high and in this case we're talking about  a slightly sweetened cereal honey nut cheerios  

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16 of the total weight of this product is  fructose and even though the inflammation  

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and allergy level is not as high as a gluten  grain it's still quite significant there's a lot  

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of people who are sensitive to oats and you will  also have most oats being processed on equipment  

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with gluten grains so unless it's certified gluten  free then oats are typically going to have gluten  

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in them what about fiber well it's often promoted  as the strongest argument for eating the bread  

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and the cereal and the grain and if you read the  fine print down there they'll talk about how it's  

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also beneficial because of the fiber and it does  have seven grams of fiber but that comes up to  

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one gram of fiber in a serving of cereal so  you're much better off eating things like avocado  

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and vegetables and seeds they are actually very  very high in fiber next item on the list is corn  

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and most people believe that is a vegetable but  in fact it is a grain and even though it's not as  

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bad in some aspects as wheat it still has a medium  to high insulin response it has a 52 for glycemic  

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index and on the standard scale that's considered  low on my scale that is high because it's too  

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high to allow you to reverse a condition of  insulin resistance when we look at fructose  

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it's quite low inflammation not so bad but  allergies it's one of the most common allergies  

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to have corn allergies corn insensitivities and  it is a gmo grain virtually all the corn grown  

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is gmo and it does have some fiber but again it's  not a tremendous contribution you're better off  

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with other things here's one i get a lot of  questions about oatmeal how can that be bad  

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well it's not the worst thing out there but if you  eat it you want to make sure it's steel cut oats  

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insulin response is medium to high the glycemic  index is 52 to 82 and that's the difference with  

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steel cut oats would end up somewhere  in the lower end right around 52 whereas  

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82 is if you have instant oats if they steamroll  them if they fluff them up if they make them very  

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very easy to cook then they're also very fast to  digest and they're going to raise your blood sugar  

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very quickly it has virtually no fructose it's not  too bad on inflammation and allergies and it does  

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have some fiber about ten percent so in a serving  of oatmeal you would get four grams of fiber but  

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if you're going to do this remember do the  steel cut oats and be very generous with the  

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butter because that's going to slow down the  insulin response i receive a lot of comments  

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from people who say that you made a lot of sense  until you started bashing fruit well here's what  

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we have to understand about fruit we've been told  for so long to eat more fruits and vegetables eat  

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more fruits and vegetables it's like a mantra but  what they're really saying is eat more vegetables  

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fruit has changed a lot our ancestors had fruit  seasonally they had locally grown fruit and the  

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fruit they had and nothing in common with the  sweet juicy improved fruit that we have today  

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their fruit had nowhere near the amount of sugar  that we do and we have access to it 365 days a  

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year so the insulin response is medium to high the  glycemic index is going to vary greatly 20 to 60.  

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fructose 4 to 8 percent the dried fruit  is much much higher so a lot of people say  

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oh i was baking but it didn't have any  sugar because i only used dates and raisins  

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well they are 75 sugar which means they're  gonna have about 35 percent pure fructose okay  

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it is natural it has a little bit of benefit but  it's still all just sugar so you can't do that  

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are there allergies not too terribly much but  there are still a lot of people who are sensitive  

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to things like citrus or pineapple or strawberry  so watch out for that does it have some fiber yeah  

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it's not insignificant but again you can't really  eat you don't want to eat enough fruit to get your  

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supply of fiber that way so they're not terrible  they're juicy they're full of vitamins and  

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minerals they're made by mother nature but you're  not supposed to have them 365 days a year so think  

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of it as a treat eat it like candy once in a while  and then it's fine now some people may ask well  

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if they recommend these foods and they're  that terrible wouldn't they notice if nobody  

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got better well here's what we have to keep  in mind that it depends on where you start  

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that if you have a horrendous diet of just  soda and donuts and m m's then anything  

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that you change is an improvement all right so  if you go from horrendous to bad and now instead  

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you have orange juice and toast now you're better  off all right it's still far from good but you're  

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better off and then if you go from bad to decent  and you change your toast for steel-cut oats  

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now you're on your way you're still not eating  anything great but at least it's not horrendous  

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so think of it as if you have a life span  someplace of 50 years and then you change some  

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things and you get it to 60 years then that's an  improvement does that mean that you're done does  

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that mean that you're eating all great foods no  of course not all right but you're better off  

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than you were so everything is relative now if you  go one more step and you go from decent to great  

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and you eat things like omelettes and avocado and  nuts and seeds and salmon salads and grass-fed  

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beef and all these natural wonderful things that  the planet produces now you're moving from okay to  

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great so most of the things i'm covering in this  video is bad and decent right they have figured  

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out what is really horrendous they don't recommend  those anymore but in moving from there they  

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haven't quite made it all the way and that's what  we're talking about how to optimize it how to have  

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the best health how to reverse health conditions  and have the best quality of life next on the list  

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is soy and it was popularized when they figured  out that japanese and asian people ate a lot  

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of soy and they had less heart disease and  they figured hey that must be a good thing  

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they forgot to check out how much sugar they ate  but it's low on insulin low on glycemic index  

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virtually no fructose so what's wrong with it then  well all the cultures that use soy they don't eat  

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the soy the way it is they process it they ferment  it they have bacteria they have cultures break it  

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down so that we can digest it easier because  it's very difficult to digest and therefore  

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it has a very high inflammatory response  and the allergies are very very common the  

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four most common allergies i see are wheat dairy  corn and soy and then to top it off they have also  

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turned it into a gmo grain along with corn so now  what they feed are animals when they do grain-fed  

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beef it's basically corn and soy that they're  feeding them we've all seen the commercials for  

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milk so that's deeply ingrained in our cultures  that dairy is healthy and that it's a good source  

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of calcium well it is not either of those two now  when you take away the fat in the dairy you're  

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removing the best part so the insulin response  becomes much higher because you're leaving all the  

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sugar and the protein and when the protein isn't  very well absorbed and utilized then that turns  

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into sugar for the most part so it has a medium  insulin response the glycemic index in skim milk  

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is 46 whereas butter is virtually zero and cream  is much much lower than that but when you add in  

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something that's very commonly used with the milk  such as corn flakes now the combination brings  

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that glycemic index to 93. so you might as well  be just sipping on hummingbird juice or something  

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inflammation is high and allergies are high  because once we process it once we pasteurize  

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and homogenize and remove all the fat we  change the food right raw cow's milk is not  

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a bad thing for most people mother's milk is the  perfect food in nature but when we mess with it  

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it's not the same thing anymore and now it becomes  very difficult for the body to handle it and here  

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is one of the biggest travesties of our time in my  opinion we have a perfectly good food called the  

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whole egg and then we take the yolk and the white  apart and we throw away the good part and we eat  

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the thing that doesn't really do much for us  which is the egg white so it is usually the egg  

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white the people are sensitive to it's much  more common for people to be intolerant  

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to the egg white than the yolk the next thing  is utilization how much of that protein are we  

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actually using meaning the protein can be used  for one of two things it can be used to build  

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tissue become building blocks or we can turn  the protein into sugar and use it for energy  

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well if we eat the whole egg we're going to use 48  percent which by the way is the highest percentage  

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of any food so that's pretty good but when  we throw away the yolk we're throwing away  

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some essential amino acids that take  that percentage down to 17 percent  

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so when we're eating the egg whites we think  we're getting all that great protein that lean  

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protein well we're hardly using any of it we're  turning 5 6 into sugar and we're using it for fuel  

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so eggs can be a fantastic food but if you eat  them find a good quality one i only eat pastured  

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eggs and make sure you eat the whole thing and  here's another example of how terribly backwards  

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we've been getting our information they've told  us that fat is bad and saturated fat is bad  

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when in fact fat is good and saturated fat  is good if it comes from a good source but  

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then they told us that the fat you do eat should  come from vegetable oils and that is one of the  

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worst fats that we can eat because they say it's  vegetable but it's actually made from soy corn  

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and canola which is a legume a grain and a seed  and these are pro pro-inflammatory they promote  

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inflammation they drive these disease processes  that they're trying to avoid because omega-6s are  

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driving that cascade in the body they are empty  calories because they're so harshly processed  

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and they have some tendency to allergies not  so much because they've stripped them of almost  

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everything but if you're really sensitive to corn  or soy then that could still be a problem and to  

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top it off all of these grains are predominantly  gmo these days and then we get to margarine and  

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margarine has all of the same problems as these  so-called vegetable oils because they're made from  

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the same stuff the soy the corn and the canola so  we have those same issues and they have partially  

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solved the biggest issue which is trans fats that  when they take the oil and they turn it into this  

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solid spackle stuff then they harden it through  a process called hydrogenation and they enforce  

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the labeling of trans fats but it's only how many  grams per serving so they can say zero grams of  

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trans fat and it has 0.49 grams per teaspoon so  you can have 10 percent of trans fats and still  

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call it trans fat free so they've come a long way  in getting rid of it but understand that if they  

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harden if they take an oil and they turn it solid  they have hydrogenated it and they might do it  

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a little better than they used to but it's not a  product that i would use so stick with real butter  

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or if you're super sensitive to dairy then you can  use ghee i hate to tell you this but red wine is  

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not a health food it seems to make it onto every  list of healthy things to do these days and there  

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are some benefits but let's take a look the first  thing it has that we want to know about is alcohol  

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and together with fructose alcohol is the worst  thing for the liver it's a huge burden for the  

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liver it causes alcoholic fatty liver disease and  if you're trying to reverse fatty liver you want  

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to keep alcohol to a minimum whether it's wine or  anything else red wine does have something called  

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resveratrol and this has been linked to various  different health benefits and it's a good thing  

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but it's very very small amounts and  you really couldn't drink enough wine  

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without killing yourself to get any substantial  amount of resveratrol so if you're trying to get  

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resveratrol just go get a supplement that  has it in it and perhaps the greatest benefit  

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of red wine though is that it is relaxing when  we relax we reduce the stress we cut down on  

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stress hormones and cortisol we allow more  beneficial processes and healing in the body  

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when we're relaxing but if you just practice  a little bit you could do a same relaxation  

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with going for a walk breathing some fresh air  listening to some music or doing a meditation or  

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having a cup of tea it's not that you should never  drink if you really enjoy having a glass of wine  

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then i think that you should have a glass  of wine now and then just don't think of it  

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as a health food if you enjoyed this video  and you want to learn more about health you  

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really need to check out that one next thanks so  much for watching i'll see you in the next video

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