Top 10 Weight Loss Foods That Will Keep You Feeling Full

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Hello Health Champions today we're going to talk  about the most satisfying foods that can help you  

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with weight loss so at the University of Sydney  they had this brilliant idea to start a study and  

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find out which foods were the most satisfying  because they had the idea that maybe not all  

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calories are the same maybe certain foods affect  the body differently and if a food can keep you  

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full longer then you're going to eat less and it's  going to help you lose weight over time and so far  

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I completely agree with that premise unfortunately  it is very very difficult to do a study like that  

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and in my opinion they didn't do a really great  job for starters they didn't have a really good  

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idea of what food is which we'll talk about in  detail but anyway they started out with white  

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bread just to assign a food like like a basic  number so they assigned white bread the number  

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100 and then all other Foods were expressed as a  percentage of that so if it had a higher number  

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it was more satiating more satisfying than white  bread so they found that popcorn for example had  

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154 so it was one and a half times as satisfying  as white bread they found that porridge also known  

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as oatmeal was twice a satisfying as white bread  they found that beef steak had 176 and a type of  

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fish known as ling fish had 225 and interestingly  the winner in this entire experiment was potatoes  

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boiled potatoes not french fries or anything else  but just boiled potatoes at 323 was more than  

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three times as satisfying as white bread and then  also in the fruit category oranges was the most  

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satisfying at 202. now here's the problem as far  as I could tell this was the only study of this  

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kind that they had performed which means there are  no other studies to confirm or contradict it but  

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this has been quoted it's been referenced people  have talked about this study hundreds of times and  

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I saw several videos where they said these are  the foods this is how satisfying the foods are  

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as if this was an absolute truth now here are some  of the big issues that I have with this study and  

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again I think it was a good initiative and it is  very difficult to perform a study like this but  

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you also have to understand what you're dealing  with so first of all the average age here was  

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22. we're talking about very young people who  for the most part haven't developed any weight  

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problems yet the average BMI of these people  was 23 and what does that mean well it means if  

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you're five foot two then you'd weigh 125 pounds  in centimeters that's 157 centimeters and 56 kilos  

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this is a thin person if you're a little taller at  5.7 you'd weigh 148 pounds that's 170 centimeters  

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and 67 kilos or if you're as tall as I am six  foot three you would weigh 185 pounds which is  

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190 centimeters or 84 kilos and this happens to  be my BMI so these are people who do not need to  

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lose weight and yet the whole purpose of this  was to study satiety to study people's eating  

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behaviors and hunger and responds to certain  foods to help people lose weight and yet you  

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study people who don't need to lose weight so  there's a huge mismatch right there the second  

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issue was that of course they have to feed these  people a fixed amount of calories they gave them  

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a thousand kilojoules which is 240 kilocalories  or in everyday speak we call it 240 calories and  

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that's not a whole lot of food that's more like a  small snack than it is a full meal and it sort of  

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assumes that if you're eating that small amount of  food then you would need to eat that type of meal  

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eight times per day so to study satiety behavior  and assume that you're going to eat that often is  

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a little bit distorted also and then this test  the way that they performed it was they gave  

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these people a certain amount of food and a glass  of water and then they said don't rush but try  

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to finish within 10 minutes and then at every 15  minutes up till two hours they had them fill out  

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a questionnaire about how they felt and if they  felt like eating something how full were they and  

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so on so they only measured up till two hours so  again we're assuming that if people are awake for  

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16 hours then they would have to eat eight meals  of that type every day now is that reasonable  

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is that how we want to study satiety and eating  Behavior well I think that is not how we should  

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eat but again a lot of people think that we should  have multiple small meals I think that encourages  

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eating the wrong type of food and overeating now  here's perhaps the biggest problem in designing  

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a study like this they gave them mostly isolated  Foods because if you want to study a particular  

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type of food then that's what you give a person to  eat and yet that is not how we normally eat things  

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and if we mix Foods then that completely changes  how it interacts with the body and it also limits  

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a lot of the foods that you can test so one of  the best foods for satiety is something like leafy  

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green vegetables but you can't test that by itself  because it would take 30 cups of leafy greens to  

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get up to 240 calories so they just said let's  not test that at all and to continue on that issue  

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these were mostly isolated foods but for some  reason they decided that cereals and porridge  

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or oatmeal was to be served with milk so who's  to say what the response is from the cereal  

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versus the milk rice pasta and bread on the other  hand was eaten plain they had nothing at all with  

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that except water now the steak when they served  this they cooked it the night before and then they  

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reheated it in a microwave and served it to these  people with nothing else with it and we'll come  

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back to this day because this was actually low fat  so you have a dry piece of meat that's reheated  

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in a microwave now that is not something that I  would ever eat that doesn't sound very satisfying  

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I would be desperate to get something to eat after  I had forced that into myself but another food in  

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the high protein category was Lent but this time  now they cooked it with a lot of other ingredients  

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so they cooked it with onion and garlic and olive  oil and tomatoes and they spiced it with salt and  

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pepper so this was much more like a complete  meal than most of the other things that they  

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served now the third issue has to do with their  choices of food and they had 38 common foods as  

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they called it but 18 of these Foods had more than  70 percent of their calories from carbohydrate now  

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this just goes to show how warped our perception  is of what food really is if we look more about  

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how our ancestors would eat like a Paleo type  diet there were basically no Foods at all that  

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would have over 70 percent of their calories from  carbohydrate because with our ancestors food you  

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have you eliminate all sugar all processed foods  all grains and there's probably no foods that  

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would get up to that level and a full 27 Foods  had more than 50 percent of their calories from  

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carbohydrate so the vast majority of them when  I talk about food I usually talk about how fat  

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needs to be high and carbohydrate needs to be  low but the combination is terrible because the  

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carbohydrates trigger insulin which is storage  hormone and now that insulin is going to store  

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both the carbohydrate and the fat that you ate  so high fat high carb is a terrible combination  

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and yet a full 33 out of 38 Foods had more than 81  percent of the calories from fat and carbohydrate  

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but what I also talk about is how the combination  of high fat and protein with very low carb is  

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perfectly fine because it doesn't trigger insulin  and it's very satisfying and yet there was exactly  

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zero foods like that in these 38. another issue I  found was in how they classify these Foods so one  

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of the groups was called a high protein group  and here's where I thought we're going to find  

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a lot of good Whole Foods this is probably where  I would find most of my meals and yet one of the  

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items here was baked beans which had 66 percent  of its calories from carbohydrate whereas meat  

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has zero calories from carbohydrate and it has  massive amounts of added sugar 16 grams in one  

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serving of only 2 240 calories it's almost like  half a can of Coca-Cola and yet they fit that with  

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the high protein group now when I talk about beef  steak I'm talking about a juicy fatty steak that  

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has 15 to 20 percent of fat where the calories  are twice as many from fat as it is from Protein  

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that's a good juicy steak like a rib eye but in  this case they had all the visible fat removed  

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so we had a dry piece of leather basically with  4.8 percent fat and again it's so distorted that  

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we get to learn that these are the foods that  we're supposed to eat next issue was in the snacks  

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and confectionary group so here we had the Mars  bar which is candy with 36.7 grams of sugar in  

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it but also in this category was it yogurt now I  don't consider this yogurt at all I do eat yogurt  

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on a regular basis I eat whole fat full fat plain  yogurt I add some berries and some Stevia but here  

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they had 37.6 grams of sugar there was more sugar  in the yogurt than in the Mars bar now in this  

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study they were smart enough to put that type of  yogurt in the snacks and confectionery group but  

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hundreds of people have quoted and passed on  this study and how many of those I wonder are  

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going to put the yogurt in with the dairy group  and now we learn that Dairy and yogurt have these  

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characteristics that they found in the study  based on the sugar bomb and we also need to be  

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aware of what are we comparing so in the snacks  they also had jelly beans they served 88 grams  

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of jelly beans and they said that these have 5.3  grams of protein this sounded really strange to  

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me because as far as I know there's nothing in  jelly beans that would have protein and when I  

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looked it up indeed there was Zero protein in  jelly beans and they said that there should be  

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44.6 grams of sugar in that amount of jelly beans  whereas everywhere I looked it was 71 grams so  

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obviously jelly beans are not food but we need  to ask ourselves what are we comparing and if  

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they have a type of food in a study and they  find a certain type of result does that in any  

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way compare to the food that you're gonna find  and buy and consume now if I was to make a list  

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of healthy satisfying foods that would help you  lose weight there would probably be zero brand  

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name products on that list and yet on this list  28 out of the 38 Foods were brand name products  

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they were processed in some way so basically  you've probably heard that if you want real  

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food you shop the perimeter of the store where the  meats and vegetables and eggs and so forth are and  

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that all the processed foods are in the aisles  in the middle well they basically are picking  

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three quarters of all their foods from the middle  aisles where the processed food is and it's just  

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one more example of how far we've strayed from  the idea of what food is so here were some general  

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things that they found in the study they found  that the higher the weight the more grams of a  

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certain food that it had within those 240 calories  that they fed you the more satisfied people were  

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so basically the volume fill them up because that  meant if it had more weight that meant it has less  

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fat less starch it had more fiber and more water  so volume does fill you up no big surprise there  

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they also found that if something was higher  in protein then it was also more satisfying  

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so again we kind of know that the protein  is more satisfying it breaks down more  

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slowly so no big surprise but then they also  found that the items that were high in fat  

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resulted in less satiety they were inversely  related and this comes as a big surprise to the  

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people in the low carb Community people who eat a  lot of fat and get very satisfied get very filled  

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so you wonder how does that fit well virtually  all of the high fat products were also high in  

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sugar these were things like cake and donuts and  cookies so it's the sugar that messes this up  

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like we talked about you can combine protein and  fat and have a very healthy meal but you can't  

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combine fat with sugar or carbs because now you  drive up the insulin and you unbalance the whole  

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system they also found that the more satisfying  The Taste the more palatable that a food was  

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the less satisfying it was right and that does not  mean that a juicy steak is not satisfying it meant  

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that in this experiment when they gave people  isolated food like just cooked rice like just  

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dry bread a dry piece of steak that was reheated  and low fat the tasty items were obviously the  

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cake and the donuts which are not going to be very  satisfying another thing that's really important  

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to understand is that all of these results are  subjective so when they do a study they ask  

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people how full are you how hungry are you how  do you feel and depending on the person you're  

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gonna get a huge range and then these results  these responses are averaged and they draw a  

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conclusion this is called statistics and the thing  we want to understand is the statistics can never  

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predict the behavior of the individual so just  because they found something doesn't mean that  

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it applies to you so for example with the potatoes  they scored 323 plus minus 51 that's an enormous  

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range it wasn't plus minus three percent plus  minus 51 percent so the scores there range from  

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158 to 487. same thing with this beef steak it was  176 plus minus 50 percent so those responses went  

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from 88 to 264. so if you look at this even though  potatoes overall were almost scored twice as high  

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as beef steak there were some people who thought  that the beefsteak was 264 which was higher than  

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some people who ate the potatoes so again the  statistics can never predict the individual  

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response and perhaps the biggest factor of all in  that regard is what have you trained your body to  

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consume are you carb adapted or carb dependent  or are you fat adapted because if you are carb  

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dependent then those foods are going to be more  satisfying now remember they only studied for  

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two hours they assumed that no one would ever go  longer than two hours before they eat again so in  

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that sense carbohydrates would work very well  and if you're not fat adapted and you eat fat  

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then it's not going to be very satisfying you're  going to be looking for those carbohydrates so  

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I hope you can see how very questionable these  results are even though it was an honest effort  

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the intentions behind it were all good I applaud  that but realize how difficult it is and yet this  

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being the only study it has been reblogged and  it's been talked about in hundreds of websites and  

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blogs and videos as the way it is and we just have  to understand it was a relatively poor selection  

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of food it is almost impossible to study food  and satiety in this way and yet that is what is  

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being repeated and stated as the truth so here are  the real most satisfying Foods in my opinion and  

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again we're not supposed to eat every two hours we  don't have to limit ourselves to 200 140 calories  

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in a food so when we eat food I believe the most  important factor for it to be satisfying is that  

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it has a low insulin index that means it is mostly  consisting of fat and protein that don't stimulate  

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insulin and if it doesn't have fat or protein then  it needs to be something like a leafy green or a  

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non-starchy vegetable that has mostly water and  fiber that also don't stimulate insulin and if you  

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select foods like that you can eat a lot of food  without raising your blood sugar more than a few  

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points they level out your blood sugar beautifully  and if you level out your blood sugar now you get  

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satisfied and you get full for a very long time  so rather than measuring satiety every 15 minutes  

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after a meal and concluding the experiment after  two hours I think that food should last you 6 to  

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12 hours we should easily be able to go through  the night and not wake up hungry in the morning  

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we should be able to have a meal and go for most  of the rest of the day without having to eat again  

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and also like I mentioned my list of healthy foods  would probably have few or no brand names because  

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if it's a brand name then for the most part it's  a processed food so I'm going to give you a list  

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of 10 examples these are not in concrete these are  not an absolute truth some of you may find these  

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very satisfying and others not so much so this  is a trial and error kind of thing avocado it's a  

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very low carb low glycemic high fat and high fiber  fantastic food leafy greens they are virtually  

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free of calories so they're not very satisfying  in themselves but they have a certain amount of  

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bulk so if you combine them with a healthy fat  like olive oil and vinegar dressing now that can  

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become very satisfying and then of course you can  add some protein or some seeds and nuts to it and  

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again we don't eat Foods in isolation for the  most part same thing holds true for non-starchy  

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vegetables things like broccoli and cauliflower  and asparagus and Brussels sprouts and so forth  

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they have slightly more calories but they're not  all that satisfying by themselves until you add  

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a little bit of fat great foods that we do eat  perhaps in isolation sometimes like a snack would  

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be nuts like pecans would be my favorite because  it's widely available it is very high fat very low  

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carb other great nuts would be like Macadamia and  walnuts I sometimes eat pecans by themselves but  

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for the most part I would put them on yogurt for  example which would be whole plain yogurt perhaps  

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with some ground up flax and chia seeds another  thing I often add to that yogurt would be pumpkin  

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seeds seeds and nuts are both high protein high  fat and low carb almost without exception some  

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more examples of good satisfying Foods would  be beef and chicken and fish and I would again  

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prefer to have those I recommend that all of these  would be relatively high in fat because protein  

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by itself dry low-fat protein is not all that  satisfying it's better than a lot of carbs but it  

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doesn't really become that balanced meal until you  have a good amount of fat with it and it doesn't  

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become a problem unless you have of carbohydrates  or sugar with it if you combine these meats with  

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some of the first items on the list the low carb  vegetables now that's a very very satisfying meal  

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and some other examples would be things like  cheese and also high fat Dairy and down there  

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we probably should include also eggs but you want  to make sure that you eat the whole egg it's the  

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Nature's perfect package the egg with the yolk and  the white when you eat the white it is much less  

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vastly less satisfying because it doesn't have  nearly the food value now if you want to dig a  

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lot deeper and start understanding the body at a  whole other level I've created a blood work course  

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and I've put some information down below if you  want to check that out there are 15 hours or more  

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of recordings by now and there are nine modules  all together for each module there's an overview  

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of a topic there is a discussion of lab ranges  versus optimal ranges there is a question answers  

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mixed in to to the material and we conclude each  module with several case studies real live cases  

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where you get to see it applied and we have to  analyze it so you can understand it and apply  

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it to your blood work if you enjoyed this video  you're going to love that one and if you truly  

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