Top 10 Ways To EXTREME ANTI-AGING & Looking Young. Ultimate Guide to Reverse Aging Naturally

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Top 10 ways to extreme anti-aging and looking younger aging is such a charged

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topic because nobody wants to die early and yet nobody wants to grow old and we

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don't believe that it's possible to live for a really long time without suffering

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because we see all these people as they age they have all these ailments and

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they're on medication and they require surgeries and they're being wheeled

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around and they spend several years in bed and that's certainly not what we

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want so in this video we're going to show you how we can have the best of

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both worlds how we can stick around for a long time and how we can enjoy it

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we're going to talk about how to prolong vitality coming right up

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hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything when I did a search on anti-aging I was shocked by what I found

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because almost every search result that showed up was about wrinkle creams and

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pills and cosmetic tips beauty tips are we really that superficial

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and I'm not saying that that stuff isn't important but I mean it's not the most

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important thing it's not what we're really all about if I gave you the

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choice between looking really young when you were 80 but having your mind gone or

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looking 80 when you're 80 and having a sharp mind which one would you choose

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and I really hope that you would choose the sharp mind but the good news is that

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you actually don't have to choose between the two because if you start

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understanding how the body works then you can slow down both I'm going to

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teach you 10 ways to supercharge your anti-aging but we're not just going to

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list them as usual we're gonna talk about the mechanisms that you truly get

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it and then as a thank you for watching all the way through I'm gonna get you a

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bonus at the end that's gonna make it even more worth it in this video I'm

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going to teach you 10 ways to supercharge your anti-aging but I know

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that you really want to learn this I'm not just going to list the things I'm

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gonna explain how everything works so that you can put it into the bigger

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picture and make sure you stay to the end because I'm gonna give you a bonus

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that's going to tie it all together for you aging is the loss of function it

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simply means that some of the things that used to work when we're younger

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they don't work so well anymore and what are those things what are the

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things that we're trying to sustain well the first thing is we want to make

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energy the healthier we are the better our ability to make

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energy dead things can't make energy life things can make energy healthy

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things make a lot of energy and some of that energy is may is used to generate

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signals because your ability to move and think and process and regulate and

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maintain balance and homeostasis all depends on how well the signals work the

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better the signals are processing the healthier you are the more the signals

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start to get pushed out of balance than more diseases and the more problems you

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start to get and the third critical thing is that we want to be able to

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maintain and repair cells and especially Wilma to be able to maintain and repair

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the DNA because as a cell wears out it can make a replica of itself but the

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quality of the new cell depends on the quality of the DNA so if the DNA can

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repair itself then the next cell will be of a good quality whereas if the DNA

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gets damaged then that next generation of cells are going to wear out and die

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and won't be able to propagate anymore and when we're talking about aging and

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anti-aging and function we're really mostly talking about the brain because

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the brain is what manages all of these signals it generates a lot of energy it

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receives signals it's processes signals it's what makes this thing work

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alright so even though all the other organs are super important and all the

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organs support and help each other function it's really the brain that

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we're mostly concerned with so what I'm gonna talk about does apply to every

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organ but primarily the brain because if you have a healthy brain it's gonna help

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keep the other organs healthy as well now there's been a lot of exciting

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research on Aging and recently for the first time there's they believe that

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they're starting to really understand what aging is what the mechanism is and

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once they figure some of these things out there

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we may be able to age slower and eventually maybe not at all and it turns

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out that they believe that aging is programmed okay that every species has a

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certain length that you could take a mouse and instead of their average -

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your lifespan you can help them live three years but you can't make it live a

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hundred years and same thing with humans right now we can do a lot of things to

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get beyond the 80 year average and we could make that a hundred and twenty

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year average but as we are programmed right now we're not going to live to a

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thousand so part of this has to do with programming but what's exciting is that

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there's a theory that relates to being on top of the food chain and now

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everyone thinks that humans are on top of the food chain which we sort of are

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but that's a very very recent thing for the vast majority and we're talking

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hundreds of thousands or even millions of years we have been somewhere in the

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middle a mouse is pretty much at the bottom of the food chain but there are

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some animals who are at the top of the food chain like predator birds and

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whales and there are some species of whales that actually live to about an

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average of 200 years so they believe that there's some reason behind the

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programming of how long we're going to live the programmed time of death and

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the purpose of life is to be able to procreate to be able to pass on your

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genome to another generation so that it can evolve through you through that next

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generation so in order for that to happen you only need to stick around

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long enough to duplicate your genome to pass on your genes and to stick around

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long enough to to raise it and make sure that it's safe so mice they can

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reproduce very very quickly and they have to because they may not

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stick around too long there may be a bird or there may be something else that

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comes to eat it so it doesn't expect to be around long and because of that

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nature has favored it to pass on its genes very quickly and that's about what

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humans have done as well and as we have conquered most of the reasons we died

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like starvation and infection and wild animals and accidents now we're in a

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different position to live longer but that's like I said it's been very recent

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but what they're thinking based on this theory is that humans in the next few

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million years will probably develop an average lifespan of 200 years or more

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but until then we have to make the best of what we have so our goal at this

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point is just to make our program our current program lasts as long as

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possible and therefore we have to understand what is it that interferes if

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aging is loss of function and health is the opposite if health is function and

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aging is the loss of function what is it that creates the loss of function well

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in my experience there's three general categories and the first is anything

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that does damage and we call these toxins or interference anything that

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disturbs the balance and the longevity and the function of a cell it does

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damage and will shorten the life span we have things like deficiencies that means

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that the cell in order to perform that function it needs to have certain things

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and if it doesn't get those then it can't perform those functions that's a

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deficiency and then we have degeneration which means that basically use it or

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lose it so let's take these one at a time

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the most common interference toxins the things that do damage today that I see

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are metal toxicity toxicity because they can interfere in

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very small dosages they get stuck in the body they get stuck in metabolic

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pathways and in synapses and they interfere with what the body is trying

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to do and then we have food sensitivities which are incredibly

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common when we are stressed when we are deficient then we lose the ability to

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completely break down food and now that food starts creating problems that

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starts creating inflammation and autoimmune reactions and leaky gut and

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so forth also electromagnetic fields are a new it's a man-made thing we haven't

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had that for very long but your body is an electromagnetic field and when you

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put it in the presence of other electromagnetic fields like wiring in

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the house and computers and cell phones and Wi-Fi routers and bluetooth

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transmitters then these artificial these man-made EMFs push on your body's energy

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field on your body's communication and even if you don't feel it it's a stress

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and for some people it can be devastating interference can also happen

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from scars so if you have a scar somewhere on your skin that skin has

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changed its properties it's gone from being very flexible and pliable and

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having a regular fiber pattern to having a stiffened and random fiber pattern and

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we have acupuncture energy we have meridians where energy is flowing in

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these meridians and wherever a scar cuts across a meridian then that flow of

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energy is going to change your body's communication ability is going to be

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challenged we have videos on a lot of these different things we'll give you

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some links at the end inflammation is from a variety of different reasons one

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is sugar another is allergens those are the

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primary ones and inflammation will interfere stress will interfere because

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your body's ability to main and repair is managed by your

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parasympathetic nervous system and when you have a stress response you are

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activating your sympathetic nervous system your fight flight system which

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will turn off which will decrease the activity of your parasympathetic nervous

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system your feed breed so anytime you're stressed you will reduce the amount of

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maintenance and repair in your cells and of course we have to include the number

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one source of toxicity today because sugar which drives insulin insulin is a

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storage hormone and in doing that we are constantly congesting when the body is

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in a storage mode it never fully pulls things out so when we're always in the

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process of packing things in part of the things we're going to be packing in our

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fat of course but also we're gonna pack in these toxins we're not going to give

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the body a chance to really clean house alright so deficiencies what are the

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things that the cell needs well it has to have first of all raw materials when

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we want to maintain and repair we need to have raw materials and the brain is

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mostly fat and the brain and its cell membranes the fat that it consists of is

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mostly something called DHA which we get in fish oil the other most common

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component of the brain is cholesterol so I'm not saying that you have to eat a

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lot of extra cholesterol you don't have to be afraid of it but your body will

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make the cholesterol that it needs if you just eat good varied food however if

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you are on statin drugs if you are artificially attempting to reduce your

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cholesterol significantly then that might be making it very difficult for

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your brain to get the necessary raw materials to maintain and

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next the cell needs fuel in order to make energy and generate signals we got

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to have some fuel and the two fuels for the brain is glucose and ketones and the

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glucose is very deceiving because it turns out that if you try to add a bunch

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of glucose then what you're doing is you're creating high and low you're

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creating alternating high and low blood sugars and the way the brain works it

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likes the fuel it likes the blood glucose to be kind of low and to stay

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stable that's the ideal situation for the brain it loves when it's somewhere

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between 75 to 85 milligrams per deciliter so when we talk about fuel and

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glucose we're not talking about adding a bunch of extra because that is going to

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make it worse that is going to create insulin resistance and it's going to

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starve the brain of glucose in the long run

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so if anything we want to start focusing more on situations that create ketones

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the glucose we don't have to worry about because we're gonna make enough no

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matter what if we eat some vegetables and we eat some meat and we even eat fat

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all those things have resources they have precursors that the body can turn

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into glucose and ketones we make by burning fat so by eating more fat by

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eating good healthy fat natural fats that haven't been processed by humans

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and destroyed and altered they are stable and they're good source of fuel

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so the body can make ketones out of them it's a common fallacy that the brain

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only runs on glucose because when we are fasting then we're in ketosis when we're

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fat adapted then the brain can actually run up to 75% on ketones so the brain

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has two fuels not one the next thing we can be deficient in is hormones because

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in order for the brain to hair itself in order for the brain to

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repair cells but also more importantly for the brain to reshape itself through

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neuroplasticity to make new synapses to maintain our ability to learn at any age

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we need to make new synapses that's how you can learn even at the age of a

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hundred you can learn new skills you can get a new computer or a new cell phone

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or a new gadget and you can learn how to use it the only way that happens is if

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you can make new synapses if you can rewire your brain but guess what that

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rewiring needs to have human growth hormone and something called BDNF

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brain-derived neurotrophic factor synapses can't happen without those but

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in the presence of a lot of those two hormones the brain can even make new

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cells and the third main cause of aging is degeneration so degeneration can be

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part of not having having interference and not having the resources but it is

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also use it or lose it so everybody understands that principle at some level

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they understand that if you do some weight lifting then you're gonna build

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bigger muscles if you break an arm and you put it in a cast then after a couple

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of months that muscle atrophies it shrinks because you're not using it use

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it or lose it and this is because the brain is really smart your body is

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really smart it wants to survive it wants to allocate the resources where

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they're used the most so if you put your arm in a cast and you work out the other

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arm now your body is going to build that muscle because you're using it it's

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going to allocate resources to maintain and repair the part you're using but why

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would it wastes resources maintaining something that you don't use so use it

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or lose it is true for muscle but it's equally true or even more true

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for the brain and when the brain has a lot of signals to process when it gets a

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lot of energy when it gets a lot of hormones to make new synapses then the

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brain thrives and it can stay young and function for a very very long time but

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first I just want to talk about how we often think about things the wrong way

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because we're brought up in a healthcare system that's really a sick care system

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and we're so used to treating the symptom that we really have to practice

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thinking another way so let's say that you have a problem let's say that you

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have fatigue now what's the cause of that fatigue if we start understanding

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what we just talked about then the cause of the fatigue is toxicity deficiency

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and degeneration that's the cause the reason you're fatigued is you can't make

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enough energy because something is missing or something's interfering or

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you have degenerated from lack of use use it or lose it

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now what would most people do if they have fatigue well fatigue is very common

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and there's a reason there's a multi-billion dollar industry of coffee

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and energy drinks and other stimulants so we take a stimulant but a stimulant

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is not the solution it's not going to reverse the cause it's not going to undo

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the toxicity and the deficiency and the degeneration the drink isn't adding

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anything that you actually need to make energy it's just like cracking a whip on

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your nervous system it is like giving you a jolt so you can go just a little

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bit longer like the Energizer Bunny but it doesn't make you any healthier it

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doesn't make you any younger it doesn't help you generate any more energy or

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signals so the solution is DRA detox replenish and activate okay we'll get to

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that just a moment now let's say you have some wrinkles what's the call

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of the wrinkles well it would be toxicity deficiency and degeneration now

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we're talking premature wrinkles because wrinkles are

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inevitable the way we're programmed they're going to happen but premature

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wrinkles are caused by toxicity deficiency and degeneration is the

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solution a cream I'm not opposed to cream we even sell some really good ones

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in our office but it's not the solution to aging all right first you address the

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cellular component and then you can help your your skin look a little better so

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again the solution is detox replenish and activate now what if you get old

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weak and frail the cause is the same toxicity deficiency degeneration but

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what's our typical solution well it's to make life easy for people and I'm not

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saying that's a bad thing but there are electric scooters everywhere every store

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has electric scooters now and I'm not making fun of people who need them I'm

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not putting them down at all I think it's wonderful that we live in a society

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that more and more makes life comfortable and convenient for people

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but when we see that as a solution oh I don't have to worry about anything or I

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don't have to learn how to reverse anything and we just rely on this then

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that's a problem when we go to our local supermarket and half of the parking lots

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are for handicapped people that's that's a courtesy but it's a sign that we're

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going the wrong way we're looking at things the wrong the wrong way

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again the solution at any age is detox replenish and activate so now we're

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gonna dive in to the ten ways that you want to learn about so hunker down and

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take notes but actually that's sort of a joke because this is a video so you

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don't have to take notes because you can watch this over and over

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free the first thing is detox how do you do that and there's a lot of

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misconceptions that people say that oh don't worry about detox it's a fallacy

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it's a myth your body has a natural detoxification system which is true you

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have a liver you have a bowel you have kidneys you have lungs you have skin

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they all get rid of toxins but they can't keep up because we have more

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toxins than ever before and in my office that's the first thing that we address

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we spend the majority of our effort for several weeks or even months just

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helping people get over the stuff that is interfering now the number one thing

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that's interfering the number one toxicity again sugar made it to the

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number one spot on the list okay there if you just change one thing take sugar

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out of your life so when we talk about detox there's different steps first you

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want to stop puttin the bad stuff in then you want to start pulling the bad

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stuff out and then you want to start putting some good stuff in I know that

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sounds simple but sometimes we we miss the forest for the trees number two on

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the list is allergens and today there's hardly anybody who isn't allergic to

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something now there's a full-blown antibody

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allergy and then there's a lesser sensitivity where there's not

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necessarily an antibody but where the body is still reacting and there's

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inflammation created there's an immune response and the top two items that

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account for ninety-five percent of the problems are grains and processed dairy

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so it's not any grain very few people react to things like rye and oats and

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barley but wheat especially modern wheat is what people react to and dairy it's

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not necessarily all dairy because a lot of people do well on raw dairy on

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raw cheese raw milk yogurt sour cream fermented foods but very very few people

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can fully tolerate pasteurized milk so if you are wanting to reduce your

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sensitivity reaction the potential of inflammation from food then start with

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wheat and pasteurized milk so we said first we stop putting the bad stuff in

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and that includes pesticides so next you want to do as much as you can to go

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organic can not everyone can afford or find everything organic don't worry

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about it do the best you can take one step at a

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time and figure out which items are the most important to get organic things

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like berries that where you eat the skin and where they spray a lot and other

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things where you peel them or where they don't use so much pesticide it's not as

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big a deal number four now we start helping the body get rid of some stuff

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so the first three are to stop putting bad stuff in now we start pulling things

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out and the liver is your primary detoxification organ and your liver

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loves green vegetables okay they they contain a lot of things that help

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cleanse that's why a lot of vegans feel so good when they first start being

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vegans because most people are toxic and if you eat a lot of green vegetables

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then you help the liver cleanse things out that doesn't mean that everyone

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should be a vegan forever but it could be a good thing to kind of

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get you going so lots of leafy greens and specifically some things like

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chlorella and cilantro we use those a lot in my office to help detox metals

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then you can use certain things like resveratrol and turmeric and the list

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goes on and on for things that are natural anti-inflammatories that help

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calm down sensitivity responses number five we're continuing to pull things out

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and one good way to do that is to sweat and part of it is that yes you do sweat

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out some stuff through the skin but even more so when you exercise or when you

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sit in the sauna you also increase your circulation especially peripheral

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circulation those little capillaries where if you're sitting still if you're

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little chilly and you're you've got cold hands then that peripheral circulation

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never gets going but if you're in a sauna or if we're exercising and if you

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exercise long enough to where you get really really warm extremities now you

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know that you got that circulation going and the part of that circulation is it's

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increasing the turnover it's kind of flushing out everything that needs to

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get flushed out so the body has a certain way of doing things but if you

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circulate twice as much it can do things twice as fast number six now we're into

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replenishing we've stopped putting bad stuff in we helped get some bad stuff

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out now we got to put the good stuff in and the number one thing that the brain

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is missing is DHA 60% of the brain is fat and 40% of that

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fat is DHA it's a very very long fatty acid it's it stands for Docosahexaenoic acid which means it's 22 carbons long it's an immense carbon

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molecule fat molecule and hexa means it's six times unsaturated so it's like

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squiggly like like a worm basically and that gives the cell membranes very

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specific properties it allows the cell membranes to be flexible it allows the

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cell membranes to be better at figuring out the difference between inside and

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outside of the cell which has to do with signaling and that's what cells do and

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that's what the brain does especially and most people don't

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nearly enough DHA because we hardly eat fish anymore and DHA is very very

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sensitive to heat so it's the little that we have in food gets destroyed by

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cooking so most people would do well to find some good fish to eat on a regular

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basis like salmon or sardines some fatty fish but if you can't find clean fish or

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if you don't like fish then you really do need to take a fish oil supplement

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and if you don't want to eat fish at all now you need to take an algae supplement

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now algae can't produce DHA but it is more expensive so if you want to sort of

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be strict with not eating fish then you're gonna spend just a little bit

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more but you're gonna still have to do that DHA is absolutely necessary number

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seven on the list is oxygen o2 and when the body makes energy when we say that

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needs fuel it needs glucose and ketones but what allows the body to actually

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turn the fuel into energy is oxygen increasing oxygen can have tremendous

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benefits like we talked about increasing circulation when the blood gets out to

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the periphery to places where it doesn't go as much when we don't sweat and

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exercise when that oxygen gets out there it can perform miracles and especially

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the same thing holds true for the brain because when you can truly fully perfuse

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the brain when you can saturate the brain with oxygen now it can really fire

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on all cylinders and there's two primary ways of getting more oxygen in one is

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exercise and the other is oxygen therapy or hyperbaric chambers so that's there

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could be pretty costly you go someplace or you buy a tank and you increase the

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oxygen saturation or you increase the pressure and now you're allowing the

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blood to get more saturated you're just really sort of squeezing oxygen into the

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blood but if you can't afford have access to that don't worry about it

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because exercising or even just doing breathing exercises where you're filling

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your lungs and emptying your lungs just a little bit extra can be very

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beneficial for that number eight on the replenishing list is catalysts catalysts

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are little tiny molecule that participate in the conversion of fuel

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and oxygen into energy those are also known as vitamins and minerals so

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primarily B vitamins b1 is the main thing that people get deficient in but

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you do want to get all the B vitamins and your best source is going to be a

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whole food supplement or something like nutritional yeast don't go and get these

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mega doses of synthetic B vitamins that might help you just a little bit for a

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short term but in the long run it's going to create more problems than it

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solves and besides vitamins the brain loves

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minerals minerals are necessary for signal transmission and it has a

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generally calming effect on the brain because they help stabilize neural

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membranes so the primary one for the brain is magnesium but there's several

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others that are very important like potassium calcium iodine etc so far we

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have improved the conditions for the cells to function better we've improved

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the environment the circumstances for the cell now we have to do something

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with the cell now we have to activate it remember that if you don't use it you

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lose it everything degenerates if you don't

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activate it on a regular basis if you don't put it to use it has no reason for

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existing so number nine exercise there is probably nothing better you can do

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for staying young and maintaining health than exercise and there's two primary

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actually there's three primary ways that it helps your body the first is high

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intensity interval training this is where you're

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challenging your body you're taking exercise to an intensity level where

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your body is fearing the future it's fearing tomorrow it's saying hey I'm

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scared if you're gonna do this to me again tomorrow I have to get better

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right and what it does then it produces if you if you scare your body if you

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challenge your body a little bit it's going to produce very large amounts of

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human growth hormone and brain derived neurotrophic factor why because those

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hormones they do help build muscles but they'd help build all tissues and

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especially brain so hit is primarily for hormones then you want to do some

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aerobic exercise and this means you're going to keep your heart rate at about

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120 to 130 or below so that you can breathe comfortably through your nose

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without huffing and puffing ok hit your gonna huff and puff you're gonna get out

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of breath your heart is going to beat through your chest aerobic you don't

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want that to happen you want to breathe comfortably you want

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to exercise comfortably and what you're doing here is you're increasing

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circulation for an extended period of time you can keep up the arrow back for

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an hour or even two and during that time you're doubling or tripling your

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circulation so it's part of the detox more than anything and then yoga the

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third way the third mechanism is yoga activates mechanoreceptors and stretch

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receptors and muscle spindle cells these are little receptors that sit in all

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your tissues that send signals to the brain and signals activate the brain the

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purpose of the brain is to receive signals if you give the brain more

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signals it's going to grow stronger and when you stretch and you activate motion

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and stretch receptors now you are activating those signals so there

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three different mechanisms it is hormones it is detox circulation and it

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is brain activation okay it will also produce a tremendous amount of brain

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activation because of how fast you're moving but Yoga because it increases

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your range of motion it gives you a flexible spine it sets you up for a more

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long-term continuous production of signals in your everyday life number ten

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start to meditate meditation is a very very powerful way of calming your body

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it's a very powerful way of undoing stress and stress interferes with the

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maintenance and repair of your cells so let's say that you're stressed most of

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the time now your body is in defense mode

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maybe 70% of the time and it's in repair mode maybe thirty percent of the time

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whereas if you start meditating you're gonna help the body get back to

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balance and do the appropriate amount of both so those are the top ten ways but

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just like I promised you there is a bonus and I'm so proud of you for

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sticking around that shows that you're really serious about taking care of

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yourself so the bonus is intermittent fasting and if there's one thing that

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you can do in addition to sugar and exercise that's just super simple it is

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intermittent fasting and intermittent fasting is when you eat fewer meals when

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you go longer between meals and why is that so powerful because even though

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high-intensity interval training is challenging the body and you can

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increase your growth hormone by seven eight hundred percent extended fasting

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can increase your growth hormone even more as much as two thousand percent so

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if you really want to supercharge almost everything that we've talked about then

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fasting will do that and you get a two-fold benefit

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it's like two trump cards all at once not only will it increase growth hormone

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the most powerful way but it's also the most powerful way to reduce insulin and

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insulin is a mitogenic hormone insulin will speed up aging it'll make cells

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divide faster sugar and insulin will create virtually every one of the

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problems that we have talked about and fasting will is the most powerful way to

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reduce insulin and at the same time you get the most of the best and the least

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of the worst if you enjoyed this video then you know that there's a lot of

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information to learn and we have a whole library for you we'll give you a list

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