Top 10 Ways The Keto Diet Will Change Your Life Beyond Weight Loss

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hello health champions whether you've done a Keto or low-carb diet for a good

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while or whether you're just beginning you probably know that it can help with

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weight loss and things like that but I want to get into and talk about some of

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the other things of how profoundly the keto diet can change your life coming

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right on hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic

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decathlete and if you want to truly master health by understanding how the

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body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so you don't miss anything keto is a form of a low carb diet and

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ketosis is when we cut the carbs so low that the body has no choice but to start

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burning fat as the predominant fuel and that's a good thing and keto has become

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a catchphrase for a movement that's about so much more than just weight loss

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but when critics look at it and they're asking does it work all they're really

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asking is can you lose weight just like they look at any diet out there because

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that's all people seem to care about is can you lose weight we've heard oh you

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have this problem because you're overweight and they always have it

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backwards but asking if it works like that is such a shallow point of view it

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doesn't look into health aspects or how the body is supposed to work

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human diets have changed more in the last 50 years than they have in the

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previous 50 thousand and as a result we have distorted we have destroyed our a

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lot of our metabolic functions and kido is about restoring that fundamental

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function in the body throughout our existence humans have relied primarily

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on fat for fuel but we've lost it and now we have to relearn that it's about

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restoring metabolic flexibility that we can get energy from fat protein and

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carbohydrate and if your body is metabolically

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flexible it doesn't matter which one we do in the short-term the body functions

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well on either one I want to go over ten ways that keto and low-carb will change

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your life that a lot of people don't think about but make sure you stay with

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me because right after that we'll talk about what you have to give up in order

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to reap this benefits but they're not going to be what you think the first way

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it can change your life is freedom from hunger you will be able to get 12 16 18

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24 hours between meals and food won't control you anymore

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instead of having hunger be a major factor of your life it'll be out of your

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life number two instead of designing your life around your weight how about

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freedom from fighting body weight always eating until you're full never worrying

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about calories eating without guilt and how about exercising for the joy of it

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how about just going out for a walk and enjoy nature instead of worrying about

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how many calories you're burning number three is freedom from food running your

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schedule most people get up in the morning and they have to have breakfast

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but they're in a hurry so they get something quick instead of something

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nutritious and satisfying they say I have to get some lunch before I crash

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I've worked a couple of hours but I won't be able to go unless I have some

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lunch I've been running errands for two three

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hours now where can I get some food or I know I'll be busy for a few hours

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I'd better eat first so I don't crash so many people schedule their life around

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food number four is stable energy that just

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keeps going and going and going so you could go for a two-hour walk and not

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worry about bringing snacks or anything to eat very often I'll get up in the

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morning on a nice day and I won't have breakfast and go out work

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in the yard and I get so caught up that I don't think about food and I realized

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that six hours later I haven't had anything but it's not a problem because

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my body has stable energy from fat number five how about only eating things

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that taste good no more of oh I know it's dry and boring I know it tastes

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like sawdust but I've heard it too good for you alright give that up you can eat

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only rich and satisfying food you can douse it in olive oil and butter you can

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learn to make rich sauces like hollandaise and Bearnaise and garlic

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butter with virtually every meal whether it's vegetables or meat just douse it in

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rich satisfying sauces benefit number six is better sleep because when you are

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fat burning your blood sugar stabilizes and unstable blood sugar is the number

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one cause for sleep disturbances you will also stabilize all your other

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hormones because insulin is the number one disrupter of all other hormones and

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on a ketogenic diet your insulin and your blood sugar is stable the seventh

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way it will change your life is through better cognition better focus and

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clarity because insulin resistance unstable blood sugar it starves the

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brain the brain can't get the fuel properly and ketones from fat burning is

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a better fuel for the brain not only is it a better brain fuel but it's stable

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it doesn't run out the way glucose does and also with ketones you have less

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shrinkage because high blood sugar shrinks the brain faster number eight is

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better immune function because you get a better gut flora you get a healthier

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bacterial flora where a lot of your immune system is because sugar fee

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the pathogens and upsets that balance so by relying more heavily on fat then

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you're not getting the blood sugar swings and you're not feeding the

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pathogens all that sugar and starch authophagy is a very powerful immune booster and

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on a low-carb lifestyle you will spend much more time in autophagy for two

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reasons first because when your blood sugar is lower to start with you'll get

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into autophagy much much quicker but also because you're relying more on fat

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and satiating foods you will eat fewer meals so you spend much longer time in

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Autophagy maybe you can even say bye-bye to colds I've been more or less low

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carbs for over ten years but since I got more strict and more consistent with a

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low carb lifestyle I haven't even had a sniffle in three to four years

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number nine is longevity you're going to live longer your mitochondria will up

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regulate your cells will burn fuel cleaner you'll have slower cell division

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your cells can only live through a fixed number of divisions and sugar and

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insulin insulin is a mitogenic hormone it increases the speed of cell division

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so by reducing insulin you're also slowing down cell division benefit

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number 10 that besides weight loss you're also gonna reduce 95% of all

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chronic disease things like diabetes and heart disease and cancer and Stroke the

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risk of getting any of those are going to be much much lower so those are ten

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of the life-changing transforming benefits that you can get from getting

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your body back to the way it's supposed to work but obviously you have to give

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something up you have to change something and there's three things in

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particular and they may not be what you think the number one thing you have to

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give up is you have to give up your old notion of food you have to forget what

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people have told you what society has can

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in you to beliebe food is there's about 50,000 items in the average stores they

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shelf about 50,000 items and in my opinion there may be hundred there are

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actual food that means there's basically nothing in

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this picture that is food you go into a store and almost everything that you see

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it's not food if the earth made it and if it's a single ingredient then chances

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are its food but virtually everything in this picture is gonna contain sugar

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white flour and war vegetable oils and scary that 60 to 70 percent of all the

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calories consumed in the United States and most countries are following close

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behind are from these three absolutely useless non foods on top of that they

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also contain chemicals and preservatives and artificial flavors and colorings and

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so forth and that's the number one thing we have to give up just because our

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culture says it's food just because most people think of it as food does not mean

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it's food get rid of it the second thing we have to give up is our fear of fats

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because there's nothing wrong with fats even though we've been told for 50 60

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years that fat causes disease and fat is evil and has too many calories there's

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nothing wrong with it except man-made fats if we process them if they're

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artificial if they're not the way nature made them then that makes them bad fat

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so the bad fats are vegetable oils because there's no such thing there is

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no oil made from a vegetable they're made from seeds and beans and grains and

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so forth trans fats are the worst abomination of fats and they occur in

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margarine so these have gone very much out of style fortunately but don't be

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fooled if something says partially hydrogenated the bottle the pack

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can say zero grams of trans fats and still have trans fats in it they're just

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talking about less than one gram per serving and rancid fats are where we get

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a lot in processed foods because these foods sit around for a long time when we

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get the fat through fresh food then if the food is fresh then the fat is fresh

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but if it sits on a shelf forever then a lot of those fats oxidize and go rancid

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and now they're quite toxic and the third thing we want to give up is the

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way we think about good or bad food we want someone to decide for us well what

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about this item which camp do we put it in is it good or bad it's more about the

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quality if it comes from nature then the quality is generally good so there are

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good fats and there are bad fats they're a good meat and there is bad meat so if

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the animals grew up like this then it's gonna be healthy meat but if the animal

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grew up in a CAFO eating grain and antibiotics then that's a bad fat that's

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a bad meat it's not about fish it's about good fish or bad fish did the fish

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live wild and it eat things innate for its species or did it live in a farm

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where it was fed all kinds of chemicals there are good veggies and there's bad

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veggies there's things that are good for you and they're things that we're the

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same thing would be really bad for someone else

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one man's food is another man's poison so first we have to look at the quality

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and then we have to start figuring out what mix of these and what specific

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things are good for us versus the things that we specifically might want to avoid

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the keto and low carb movement have gotten a very strong and devoted

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following but it's not a religion it's a physiological principle it's about

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restoring metabolic flexibility and the good news

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that once you have done this once you have undone the bad adaptation and

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you've spent a couple of years being metabolically flexible then it's very

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very stable you can't undo it overnight it takes years it takes decades to mess

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it up again so once you got there now you could eat 50 grams of carbs one

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day or maybe a hundred occasionally and you will feel the same your body knows

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what to do with that fuel it takes the carbs and it turns it into glycogen and

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into fat but you're not gonna have blood sugar that's all over the place you're

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not gonna have mood swings your body knows what to do with that so many

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people in keto they focus all on the macros they say that well you have to

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have less than 5% carbs and so much protein and the rest from fat but

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frequency in my opinion is even more important than the macros but once you

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do those macros initially then you become fat adapted and then it's easy to

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reduce the frequency so they kind of go hand in hand but it's really more about

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the frequency to allow that metabolic flexibility and then all the benefits

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that we talked about these life-changing things they are possible but they're not

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guaranteed a lot of people will notice all of them and some people will notice

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a few or maybe none it doesn't mean that this doesn't work it just means there's

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more to the picture that metabolic flexibility and fat-burning and low

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insulin is necessary but it may not be sufficient there may be other things

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that are causing your particular problems and that's why we have so many

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videos on this channel that you can keep learning and exploring and understanding

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how the body really works and get to your health goals eventually if you

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enjoyed this video and you'd like to learn more you'll probably love that one

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thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video

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