Top 10 Ways Sugar Addiction Actually Destroys Your Brain and Makes You Fat & Senile

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Top 10 ways sugar ruins your health! Everybody knows by now that sugar is bad,

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and yet we keep eating up to one third of our calories as added sugar. How can

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that be? Well, for two reasons. First, sugar is a drug, and secondly, we typically

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don't change our lifestyle until we have a health scare; until we have a symptom

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that frightens us; until we have a big enough reason. Well I'm gonna give you

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the reasons in this video. You will learn 10 mechanisms by which sugar does its

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damage so that you'll know for sure why you will want to change before it's too

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late. Coming right up!

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything I want to start out with one of my

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favorite quotes it's from Gary Taubes book the case against sugar and it says.

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"We are, beyond question, the greatest sugar consumers in the world, and many of

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our diseases may be attributed to too free a use of sweet food." When I first

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read that quote I thought that makes a lot of sense we eat tons and tons of

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sugar but then I read under the quote and it said published in the New York

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Times on May 22nd 1857 so we think that this is a

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modern problem and it's been going for a while but if they thought that it was a

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problem already in 1857 when we ate 20 pounds per year and they thought already

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it was contributing to a lot of disease then it certainly hasn't diminished by

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now because we consume about 150 pounds of added sugar per year

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so in this video we're not going to talk about every disease that you can get

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from sugar because it's virtually every disease

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there is there's thousands and thousands and thousands there's a list online that

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Nancy Appleton she's been publishing books and she's been writing about sugar

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for a while she has a hundred and forty six peer-reviewed sources of diseases

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and cancer and so forth that are caused by sugar and I'm sure that the list is

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growing but like I said it's pretty much every disease that you've ever heard of

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that has some link so today we want to understand the mechanism why is sugar so

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bad why does it do the things it does first of all reason number one sugar is

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empty calories that means that when you eat food your body expects a certain

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amount of nutrient it wants the fuel it wants the calories which comes from

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carbohydrate or protein or fat but it also expects some vitamins and some

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minerals and some essential fatty acids and some essential amino acids and some

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enzymes and so forth and sugar has none of that it has absolutely zero of all

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those things so this results in malnutrition and deficiencies and what

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is the deficiency it means that in order for your body to perform its functions

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it needs certain things if it doesn't get the things it needs it can't perform

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the function that's what deficiency is and in extreme cases we get symptoms and

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disease but long long long before that we have diminished function we have

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diminished vitality diminished quality of life reason number two it causes

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mineral depletion and this is kind of a triple whammy I think you've heard how

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important minerals are by now but it does this three different ways it messes

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with our minerals first it decreases the absorption secondly it increases the

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excretion okay so first we take up less we get rid of

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more but then the third reason comes back to the malnutrition that in order

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for you to process in order for you to metabolize those calories you need

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certain nutrients you need minerals like chromium copper zinc and magnesium and

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if they don't come in the food in the sugar but the sugar provides a the sugar

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creates a need for it then it depletes us of those minerals so it's a triple

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whammy there's three different ways so for minerals sugar is a really bad idea

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reason number three sugar decreases your immunity your immune function your

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ability to resist infection because when blood glucose goes up the activity of

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your white blood cells go down the white blood cells are the the cell based

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immunity that the cells that fight off pathogens and foreign invaders and the

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higher the glucose the less the activity of the white blood cells number four

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sugar creates unstable blood sugar your body likes blood sugar to be stable

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especially the brain the brain loves stable blood sugar when the sugar is

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high that toxic to the brain when the blood sugar is low that is toxic to the

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brain either one can result in a coma when it's really low it's called

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hypoglycemia and when you eat something like protein or fat or vegetables with

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fiber then your blood sugar stays very very stable but when you eat sugar blood

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sugar starts going up and down up and down and this results in cravings if

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blood sugar goes really high and then insulin pushes it down it will have a

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tendency to go too low into hypoglycemia and now you have hunger cravings

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irritability lack of focus because your brain doesn't have any fuel and then the

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intuitive thing seems to be to eat more sugar because that's what the brain says

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hey we're having a crisis give me some sugar and that's where you get cravings

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but that's the worst thing you can do is to eat sugar because it just perpetuates

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the pattern of that roller-coaster blood sugar so with unstable blood sugar with

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a rollercoaster of glucose you're gonna have energy and no energy energy and no

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energy and you're gonna have cravings and gonna have an overall greater hunger

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but because glucose is also a drug it's gonna start affecting your mood you're

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gonna have you're gonna feel good sugar stimulates serotonin which is a

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feel-good hormone the brain has opioid receptors drug receptors for sugar so

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when you eat some sugar you trigger more serotonin you feel good but again you're

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setting yourself up for a roller coaster and then it's gonna drop and now you

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feel terrible so your mood is gonna follow that roller coaster as well so

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all ten of these mechanisms are profound they can be devastating for your health

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but I still try to order them in the order of how profound their impact is

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one on the degree of scariness and secondly on how many people are affected

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how many people in the world are dying from this today so now we get to number

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five and now we're getting to the really scary stuff cancer cancer doesn't like

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an environment with low blood sugar so if you do something like a long-term

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fast where your blood glucose goes really low and your ketones come up to a

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level that's about equal to your glucose now cancer really doesn't like it cancer

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really likes that high blood sugar because it's growing so fast and it

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utilizes primarily glycolysis meaning its primary source of energy is to break

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down sugar into energy most of your other cells in the body

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like fat where they can use oxygen and sort of burn more slowly but cancer

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loves to go really really fast and they thrive on what's called a glycolytic

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metabolism so when you keep your sugars low and especially during along fast

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with autophagy and high ketones then you will have one of your best tools to

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inhibit cancer number six sugar causes a dysregulation of hormones and

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neurotransmitters so basically hormones determine everything about how your body

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does what it does your sex hormones your energy hormones etc and

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neurotransmitters affect your immediate behavior how you feel and how signals

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are transmitted in your body so the hormone side of things we have things

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like PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome which is linked to tremendous menstrual

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pains and infertility and it is very very strongly linked to hormones which

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are upset by sugar and insulin in men it can create things like man boobs this is

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a whole new concept moobs it hardly existed a few decades ago and

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now it's becoming almost the norm as people's endocrine system as their

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hormones are all over the place and sugar is probably at the root of that

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other problems can be things like erectile dysfunction in men and

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decreased libido in women because it dysregulates neurotransmitters we also have

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sugar strongly linked to things like depression and anxiety attention deficit

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disorder and in kids especially attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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number seven sugar causes inflammation it causes a low-grade chronic

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inflammation and what's wrong with that low-grade chronic inflammation is linked

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to every degenerative disease that we know of cardiovascular

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disease stroke Alzheimer's you name it low-grade chronic inflammation is

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involved in that disease process in that premature aging process and sugar is at

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the root of that number eight non-alcoholic fatty liver disease used

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to be almost unknown but it is increasing at an alarming rate along

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with obesity diabetes and abdominal weight gain and it used to be associated

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with people who got older who got into their 50s and 60s but today we're

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starting to see this more and more even in teens or even preteens when we have

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infant formula with high fructose corn syrup and when parents put coca-cola in

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the baby bottle we're starting to abuse the system to such an enormous degree

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right from the beginning of life that the body has no chance to withstand that

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we break down early early on and why is fructose so critical in that because

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sugar is 50% fructose 50% glucose in nature fructose and glucose occurs in

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very very small amounts but when we concentrate it when we refine it when we

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extract the sugar from wherever it was growing it's like we're refining a drug

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poppy is a plant but we can take poppy and concentrate it and turn it into

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opium or even heroin and then it becomes thousands or millions times more

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addictive and that's how it works with sugar as well so in plants if you eat

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broccoli or lettuce there's going to be some fructose and glucose and sucrose in

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there but when you refine it you break all the rules you change everything so

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if you eat a hundred grams of sugar which is less than the average person

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eats in a day you're getting 50 grams of glucose that can be metabolized by every

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cell in the body so I'm about 180 pounds so those 50 grams of glucose are spread

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out over 180 pounds of cells but the fructose can only be absorbed and

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processed and metabolized by the liver so now we have 50 grams of fructose the

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same amount that was spread out over a hundred and eighty pounds of body weight

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now has to be processed by three pounds of liver

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so we're force-feeding the liver 60 times more sugar 60 times more

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concentrated than the glucose in the rest of the body one comparison is in

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foie gras which is the French word for liver pate and gras means fat and foie

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means liver so it's basically a fatty liver that they're talking about and

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this is a delicacy but it's quite barbaric in how they produce it because

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they have to force feed the geese or the duck and normally animals in the wild

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and humans who eat real food they have hunger to regulate how much they eat but

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when you force-feed them you're overwhelm their metabolism you're

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overwhelm their organs you're stuffing that liver full and it's kind of what

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we're doing when we eat fructose is we're force feeding our liver when

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you're stuffing that liver full of way more than it can handle and it results

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in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease which is one very large step toward

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type-2 diabetes and again why is non-alcoholic fatty

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liver disease such a big deal well think about the word liver the first four

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letters in the wold liver is live all right it's kind of important so as if

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that wasn't enough reasons we now get to the really big ones

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number nine sugar feeds pathogens it feeds opportunistic pathogens it feeds

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everything that you don't want in your body loves sugar so we're talking about

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yeast bacteria fungus and parasites primarily and these guys are not

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necessarily bad we have them in our bodies at all time we couldn't live

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without them but they need to be maintained in

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balance when we have a certain percentage of beneficial that offset a

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certain number of pathogenic then we have the optimum health it's not like we

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want zero of the pathogenic everything exists in a balance but when we eat

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sugar we upset that balance we selectively feed the pathogenic ones and

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they proliferate and they start producing toxins and now we have an

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unbalanced gut flora that those toxins can lead to leaky gut and leaky gut is

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one of the steps toward autoimmunity is one of the major components of

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autoimmunity so now we're talking about hypothyroid we're talking about

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cerebellar autoimmunity pancreatic autoimmunity type 1 diabetes possibly

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and type 1.5 diabetes which is when you start off as a type 2 but then there's

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an autoimmune process that takes you to type 1 as well and then of course we

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have to throw in at the end here caries or cavities when your teeth get cavities

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or they rot that used to be like the number one overwhelming overshadowing

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reason to tell kids don't eat sweets don't eat sugar because you get cavities

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well it is a real problem but it's sort of dwarfed in the in the enormity of all

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the other things that that sugar does but sure enough cavities are result of

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bacteria that feed on sugar and that create acid that destroy your teeth so

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one more reason in number 10 not because it's the scariest because it doesn't

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scare people enough but sugar promotes insulin resistance it does it in two

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ways it does it through fructose and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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and then it does it through unstable blood sugar when we constantly put in a

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lot of glucose a lot of blood sugar we trigger insulin and insulin overtime

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high insulin over time creates insulin resistance so a combination of blood

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glucose and fatty liver will produce insulin resistance which is tied to

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virtually every degenerative condition that we know of so the obesity and the

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weight gain epidemic the reason that weight can be so stubborn is because of

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insulin resistance insulin resistance is synonymous it is the same thing as

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type-2 diabetes insulin resistance and sugar will lead to a decreased HDL and

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it will lead to an increased LDL and when we say increased LDL we're talking

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about the harmful type of LDL the small and oxidized LDL so again there's not

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really good or bad LDL there's just a good or bad balance and the balance

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you're looking for is the opposite you're looking for high HDL and lower of

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the small oxidized LDL and sugar pushes this in the wrong direction but

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cholesterol isn't even as strong an indicator of heart disease as

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triglycerides are and sugar will push triglycerides up why because when you're

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insulin resistance and you eat carbohydrates your blood sugar goes up

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your insulin goes up the insulin tries to get the sugar into the cell but the

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cell doesn't want it now the high blood sugar is still a crisis the body has to

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get it down but the cell doesn't want it so the only other thing the body can do

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is to convert the glucose into triglycerides that's what insulin does

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insulin promotes lipogenesis it takes excess sugar and turns it into fat and

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now that fat is floating around in the bloodstream as

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triglycerides and what people notice the very first thing when they go on a fast

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or an ketogenic diet is that even though they eat tons and tons and tons of fat

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the triglycerides the fat in the blood goes down because when insulin goes down

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then the body can use the fat and there is no sugar that they have to turn into

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triglycerides next we have what's called type 3 diabetes and this is a new

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concept but it is known as Alzheimer's or dementia and the reason they call it

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type 3 diabetes is that your brain also gets insulin resistant and when the

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brain gets insulin resistant then it can't access the glucose it can't get

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the fuel properly and there's such a strong link between insulin resistance

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and dementia that they now call it type 3 diabetes insulin resistance also

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promotes something called metabolic syndrome or syndrome X which is a

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combination it's like a group name of all the different things we talked about

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on this topic and the last one is the hypertension the people get high blood

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pressure when they have metabolic syndrome and again it's the insulin

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resistance that's driving it's the sugar that's driving this hypertension high

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blood pressure and hypertension has been called the silent killer but if you

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really want to find out what the silent killer is of course it is sugar it's

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what we've been talking about here because you eat sugar and it feels good

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and you think it's food and nobody tells you really how it works and in the end

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you end up with all of this sugar is the silent killer so right here at the end

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we're going to include two bonuses because so far we've talked about the

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ten mechanisms by which sugar does its damage but even then it's sometimes not

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strong enough a reason for people to change so we're going to go to the one

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thing people care about the most which is how

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they look and wrinkles all right so the first bonus this is called AGE which

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stands for advanced glycation end-products and these are proteins and

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fats that swim around with a lot of sugar in the bloodstream and they

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combine they clump together and this end product is very very damaging and it has

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been linked to all sorts of degeneration and inflammation but it also damages the

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protein collagen and elastin and these are the proteins that maintain firmness

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and elasticity of the skin so when sugar damages these two proteins through the

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process of age now we get more saggy skin and more wrinkles so as we age this

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is somewhat inevitable but by reducing the sugar you can ward it off as long as

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possible and the last item on the list is that sugar is addictive okay if you

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want to be in control of your life you don't want sugar sugar is the thing that

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gives you the cravings it gives you the mood swings it makes you eat more

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frequently it makes you eat too much sugar is one of the most addictive

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substances that we know of so not only does it create all of these different

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problems but it creates an increased need for itself it feeds itself in a

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vicious cycle that's what drugs do the more you have the more you want and

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they're even playing on this in the commercials but it is a serious problem

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sugar is a drug and people have a different tendency to get addicted and

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if you are really really strongly addicted then it's like an alcoholic you

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can't have just a little bit but if you understand that it's a drug then you can

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start doing something about and if you understand what the

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mechanisms are how profound the damage can be now you'll have some motivation

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to fuel you and make those changes I hope I've given you enough reasons to

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understand that when it comes to health sugar is the root of all evil if you

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enjoyed this video then make sure you check out that one thank you so much for

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watching and I'll see you in the next video

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