Top 10 Vitamin D Immune Boosting Foods You Must Eat

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hello health champions today I want to talk about vitamin D the best ways to

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get it into your body and the top 10 foods to get it through diets coming

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right up

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hey I'm doctor Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete

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and if you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really

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works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything ironically the first thing we have to

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know about vitamin D is that it's not a vitamin vitamin D is actually a hormone

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because we can make it ourselves and a vitamin by definition is something that

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has to be obtained through the diet like most hormones we need it in very very

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tiny amounts so its measured in micrograms or international units one

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microgram is 40 international units of vitamin D the hallmark of a deficiency

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is called rickets rickets is a softening of bone it's a malformation of bones

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when the calcium can't get deposited because we don't have enough vitamin d

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the bones get soft and crooked and miss shapen the normal way that we make

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vitamin D that we don't get it through the diet we manufacture it is from

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exposure to the Sun it's called the sunshine vitamin and we are supposed to

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make enough just from a little bit of sun exposure we can't also get it

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through the diet and when we do it comes in two forms one is called vitamin d2

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also known as Peugeot Calcifer all and the other one is d3 called

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cholecalciferol and if you notice how close this name is to cholesterol that

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gives you a hint of what the building block is we use cholesterol to

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manufacture cholecalciferol so vitamin d3 is the form that humans and animals

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make and vitamin d2 is the form that plants made in either case

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vitamin D is made from ultraviolet light so when they manufacture it

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synthetically they actually irradiate it so if they make d2 from plant source

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they irradiated and if they make it from an animal

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source they irradiated grease from lamb's wool but sunlight

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isn't all we need we also need healthy organs so first the Sun hits the skin

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the skin makes cholecalciferol or vitamin d3 but we're not done then the

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d3 has to get to the liver and be processed in two kalsa dial and we're

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still not done because the kidney has to finish the process and turn it into

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calcitriol which is the final product so if we have a fatty liver or we have some

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kidney disease then we can't complete this process and we don't get the final

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product of vitamin D that we actually use called calcitriol another thing

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that's good to know is that because vitamin D is fat soluble it can be

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stored unlike vitamin C and vitamin B which are

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water soluble they have to be replenished much more frequently vitamin D we can

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have a store for weeks and months we don't have to get it every day we can

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build up a reservoir and then we'll be fine through the winter for example so

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why is vitamin D so important what is it that it does well it's involved with

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calcium metabolism and calcium is one of the most important minerals in the body

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not just for bone but it also does a thousand different things in the body as

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signaling molecules vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium from your digestive

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tract and it also monitors how the kidneys excrete it so it helps bring it

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in and it helps manage how it's excreted it also works with calcitonin which is

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the parathyroid hormone the parathyroid hormone

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puts calcium in the bone and then it reduces and pulls calcium out of the

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bone into the bloodstream so that's a constant exchange and in the short term

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it's much more important to have the proper level of calcium in the blood

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than to have it in the bone because the bone that's important for years to come

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so we have a stable skeleton when we don't have the proper blood calcium

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levels then we can't make it through the next few minutes calcium and vitamin D

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work together and vitamin D manages and works together to produce proper muscle

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tone and it produces the proper signaling in the nervous system and it

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is an immune activator these are the basic underlying mechanisms and that's

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why vitamin D and calcium are so crucial because these mechanisms participate in

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virtually everything that happens in your body every time they do some new

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research they find more ways than vitamin D is important so they find that

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low levels of vitamin D is associated with higher levels of cancer higher

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levels of heart disease higher levels of fatigue more obesity and more depression

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and that more they look the more they find that vitamin D is crucial for that

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function so it's almost like we don't have to ask what's vitamin D involved

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with but rather is there anything that it doesn't do is there any function

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where it's not involved and they pretty much haven't really found anything so

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that's why there's so much talk recently about vitamin D and one of the most

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important that is very current is the immune issues that vitamin C and vitamin

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D are both incredibly important for the immune system to function properly so

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what about deficiencies are they common well the deficiency is classified as

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having less than 20 nanograms that's 20 billionths of a gram

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per milliliter of blood and they found that they did a study in the u.s. 42% of

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Caucasians were deficient that's fair skinned people who have an easy time to

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make vitamin D from the Sun they're the best at making it Hispanics have a

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little bit harder time of making vitamin D and they had 69% of people were

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deficient and african-americans over 80% of people were deficient because the

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darker the skin the more pigment you have the more it interferes with the

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vitamin D manufacture so while less than 20 nanograms is deficient a normal or

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sufficient level is considered 30 to 50 and some people argue that the higher

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the better and they say that maybe we should be 80 200 nanograms that that

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would enhance things further and I don't subscribe to that opinion because even

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though deficient is a bad thing that doesn't mean that more than sufficient

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is better it's not like it's supposed to do something it's just that the absence

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of it prevents the body from doing certain things that's not the same thing

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as saying that more is always better and in fact with vitamin D you can get

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toxicity effects it is possible to have toxicity you have to work at it pretty

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hard but it is possible and to get up in the 80 to 100 nanogram range is

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typically only possible through pretty heavy supplementation so here's what it

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typically looks like if you get it in supplement form and the recommended

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daily intake or daily allowance used to be 200 international units and in 1997

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they changed that and they said that we probably need about 400 IU's and I'm not

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sure why if that was just because they discovered more people were deficient or

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because people are getting less healthy and spending less time in the Sun and

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getting fresh air and so forth from 1997 400

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IU's were recommended for adults and 600 IU's were recommended for elderly

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because as you get older you use it less efficiently and you make it less

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efficiently now here's the interesting question for you because someone took

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all of the fortified foods because they can make synthetic cheap vitamins and

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sprinkle it in all the milk and all the orange juice and on all the cereals

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virtually every processed food out there is fortified with vitamin D and when

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they added all that up they found that the average person received about 2,400

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about four to six times the recommended daily allowance from synthetic vitamin D

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so how then were all these people deficient how is it possible to get all

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that synthetic vitamin D and still be deficient well in my opinion I think it

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is because the synthetic vitamin D is not the same when we irradiate yeast or

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when we irradiate Greece it can never be the same way as

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the original mechanism that your body manufactures it and most of that

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fortification is also the D to the Ergo Calcifer all because it's much cheaper

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to make and the body isn't really good at using that but it's not the only

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factor because it's all the other mechanisms it's all the other pathways

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in the body that utilize and put things together so any part that's not working

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the less healthier we get overall the less efficiently we're going to be using

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the vitamin D as well we had a patient come in a couple of years ago and her

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blood work showed that she was very deficient he was under 20 and her

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medical doctor gave her 50,000 I use of synthetic vitamin D and her levels

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hardly changed they came up maybe one or two points and then we put her on

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a program of whole food supplements real food and a very low dose of a natural

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vitamin D called cataplexy d and within a few weeks her levels were up to 58 so

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a small small amount of something that the body could actually use was much

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much more potent than tens of thousands of units of synthetic vitamin D so I

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think it's not just the number that matters but it's the quality and how

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well it fits in with a bigger picture so let's go over the best food sources to

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get real whole natural vitamin D and it's can interesting that vitamin C is

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only available in plant food and vitamin D is only available in animal food there

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is virtually no exceptions to that rule we'll have a couple in here but pretty

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much vitamin D being a hormone is a animal product so first let's talk about

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butter if we eat 100 grams or about three and a half ounces just a little

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bit less than a stick of butter the way they're sold in the u.s. then we get

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sixty international units of vitamin D but are you gonna eat a stick of butter

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well if you're on keto you might but if you have fat phobia like a lot of people

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then you're gonna eat considerably less so let's say a serving is three

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tablespoons and that might still seem a lot to some people but I eat three

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tablespoons quite often I probably go through close to a stick of butter

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most days those three tablespoons are only going to give us about 27

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international units for that serving so it's about nine I use per tablespoon so

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you're gonna have to eat to get the 400 IU's completely from butter you're gonna

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have to eat about a pound and a half about six sticks of butter

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and that would be pretty hard to pull off and it wouldn't probably be the best

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and healthiest way in the long run either even if butter is a good food if

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we eat beef short ribs it has 27 I use per hundred grams if a serving is a

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hundred and fifty grams or about six ounces that would give us 41 I use and

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to get the whole 400 I use we'd have to eat about a one and a half kilos or

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three pounds of ribs that's pretty hefty so these are not reasonable even though

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there's a good little trickle of vitamin D we're not going to be looking to

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eating these foods to getting the whole supply of vitamin D beef liver same

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thing 49 if a serving is a hundred then we'd have to eat about three pounds

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eight point eight kilos of liver if we eat eggs now we're getting into a

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reasonable range I mean it could be done hundred grams three and a half ounces

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that's about two eggs has 80 if we two eggs then if we want to get the whole

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400 we have to eat about 500 grams which is 10 X 9 or 10 eggs if we go into the

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plant kingdom mushrooms are about the only thing that in the plant kingdom

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that makes any vitamin D the richest source is called a chanterelle which is

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very tasty especially sauteed in butter but it's very expensive it's hard to

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come by it has 212 I use a serving might be 50

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grams so we get a hundred and six if we want the whole thing from mushrooms from

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chanterelles we have to eat about almost half a pound and that's a pretty big

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pile the other thing to keep in mind is that the plant source are going to have

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d2 it's going to be our goal Calcifer all which is not as efficient so in

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order to get the same amount you probably have to double up or triple up

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on the d2 and we don't know for sure or that that source is as good as the d3

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that we're making ourselves pork spareribs 30% fat so it's the fat pretty

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much because vitamin D is fat soluble it's going to be the fatty tissues that

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have most of the vitamin D eighty-eight IU's per hundred grams

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six ounce serving is a hundred and thirty-two IU's and if we eat one pound

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of pork spareribs then you would get the 400 IU's from there alone and this could

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you could definitely argue that that's possible if you go into a restaurant and

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you get a whole rack of ribs that's probably at least that much but if you

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did that every day then you might get tired of ribs before long and now we're

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going to talk about the best item so this is really some of the very few

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sources that are you can reasonably get all of your vitamin D from a food source

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and they're gonna be fish based for the most part so the lean fish not having so

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much fat like cod or flounder or sole or white fish they'll have somewhere

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between a hundred to 400 IU's and if a serving is 150 grams or six ounces now

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we're talking 150 to 600 IU's so you could get the whole daily supply from

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about a hundred to four hundred grams so moderate to a very large serving

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depending on the fish and by the time we get to the fatty fish the numbers get

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even better so things like salmon or mackerel or even eel if you can get that

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now we're getting up toward a thousand so salmon would be more in the 400 range

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eel would be more in the thousand range if a serving is 150 grams you could

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easily get your whole daily supply from one serving so you'd only have to eat

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about 40 to a hundred grams about one and a half to three and a half ounces to

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get that 400 IU's and then we get to once more mushrooms so I don't know if

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you could array chanterelles but once you shine some UV

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light on mushrooms they start making vitamin D they make the Ergo Calcifer

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all the d2 and they make a lot of it so if you put them in a saw solarium if you

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put them in on a Sun tanning bed or out in the Sun for 10 minutes or so you're

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gonna get about a thousand I use in those mushrooms per hundred grams and if

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you eat that serving you're gonna get the full thousand from one serving of

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mushrooms but you have to put them under UV light either in the Sun and a strong

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Sun or you could do it even faster if you have some UV light you'd only have

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to eat about an ounce and a half to get that 400 IU's but like we said the Ergo

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kalsa for all the d2 is not as potent as the d3 so these really are the best food

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sources to get vitamin D and even the so it might be hard to consume enough of

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these on a regular basis it's kind of tough to get vitamin D from food only

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assuming that you never get out into the Sun at all and if that's the case then I

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would suggest that the last one the first one on the list cod liver oil is

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going to be your best bet for a simple way to get all of your vitamin D on a

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daily basis three and a half ounces 100 gram gives you 10,000 IU's which is more

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than you need so a serving being a tablespoon would give you 1,500 and to

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get the 400 IU's you'd only need a little under a teaspoon so if you take

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somewhere between a teaspoon and a tablespoon of cod liver oil then you're

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gonna get your full daily supply of vitamin D and not only that but you're

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gonna get it in a form that's very absorb Bowl and you're gonna get it

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together with plenty of vitamin A and there's going to be a lot of those

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associated factors like adek in there as well so often times when we

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talk about this we're kind of assuming that

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gonna get all your vitamin D from one source from one food the food is really

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more just to supplement the best way still and always to get your vitamin D

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is from the Sun that's how humans have done it for thousands hundreds of

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thousands of years but there are some limitations if you have dark skin the

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darker the skin the harder it is for you to make vitamin D that's why

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afro-american people have more deficiencies because even though they

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tolerate the Sun much better they also have to spend more time in the Sun to

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make that vitamin D the area of exposure we don't show off much skin anymore we

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wear clothes most of the time we sit indoors we work indoors we sit driving

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our cars we drive from one garage to another garage and we rarely see

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daylight unless we make an effort to go outside and once you go outside then

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it's the area of skin that's exposed to the Sun that matters right so if you're

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only showing your face that might only be five or ten percent of your body

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surface and you're not going to make a whole lot of vitamin D the angle of the

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Sun matters so at the equator the Sun shines pretty much straight down and the

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UV radiation is pretty intense the further you get away from the equator

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the less the angle the inclination of the sun rays and by the time you get up

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to areas like where I'm from in Sweden where you have 55 60 degrees away from

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the equator the angle is so slight that it's only in the middle of summer that

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you make any significant vitamin D and then we have sunblock in recent years

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we've been made aware of the cancer producing effects of excess Sun so then

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people go overboard and now they're afraid of the Sun and they don't even

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want to spend even 30 seconds in the Sun and all the cosmetics and the skin

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lotions and everything we put on have have sunblock and that effectively

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prevents completely the production of vitamin D also now let's say that we

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venture outside and we try to make some vitamin D how much can we make how long

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does it take well on someone like me I'm Caucasian I'm fair-skinned I live in

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Atlanta that's 34 degrees north of the Equator if I go outside in June or July

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and I'm gonna make a thousand I use a vitamin D I have to spend about 20

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minutes outside in in bright Sun about three times a week and I only have to

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expose 20% of my skin so that's like hands forearms and face so if I still

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wear like a short sleeve shirt I can pull that off in about 20 minutes if I

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take my shirt off if I'm bare skin from the waist up now I have about 50% of my

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skin exposed and I only have to spend about eight minutes in the Sun to get to

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make a thousand I use if I also wear shorts so I have about 80% of my skin

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exposed I only have to spend five minutes in the middle of the summer so

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these times are gonna go up a little bit if we're talking April or September and

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depending on where you live you're gonna figure this out so I would recommend

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that you try to get most of your vitamin D from the Sun that is how humans have

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received it that's how we have made it for as long as we have been here on the

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planet so even though Sun can be in excess can be damaging if you do it in

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moderation if you don't stay out until you get sunburned if you just get

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moderate exposure then it is a healthful vitamin it's a nutrient that your body

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needs then I suggest you also eat some real food because it's not just about

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the vitamin D it's also about the other factors it's about the calcium and

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it's about the digestion it's about essential fatty acids they all work

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together to transport and produce and interact with each other

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if you eat real food and you take care of your digestion then you're gonna have

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the best chance of making and utilizing the vitamin D properly also and if you

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feel like you are at risk that you may not be getting enough Sun or you may not

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be getting enough through the food if you don't eat fish on a regular basis

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then I would my best recommendation would be a cod liver oil supplement if

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you have access to some of the things we use like a duplex D or whole food

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supplements they would also be good but cod liver oil is so easy it's

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inexpensive it's available everywhere just pop a couple of those and you'd be

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fine if you enjoyed this video make sure that you also check out that one thank

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you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video

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