Top 10 Vitamin C Foods You Must Eat

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hello health champions today I'm going to talk  about how incredibly important it is to have a  

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strong immune system if you should cross paths  with the corona virus that covid-19 and we want  

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to talk about the role of vitamin C and supporting  that immune system then we're going to talk about  

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what vitamin C actually is and what are the top  10 foods where you can get it coming right up hey  

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I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former  Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master  

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health by understanding how the body really works  make sure you subscribe and hit that notification  

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bell so you don't miss anything the corona virus  is a terrible thing it is a pandemic but the media  

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make it out to sound as if we're all gonna die  and that's simply not true so let's talk about  

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what is the difference between those people who  make it and those who don't so they're starting  

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to see some patterns with the corona virus and one  thing they're seeing is that there seems to be a  

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slow phase about one week and then after them one  week where it's kind of progressing slowly then  

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either the person gets better and they recover  or the patient rather quickly gets worse and it  

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turns into an emergency or a crisis and someone  described it as if it seems like it takes one  

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week for the body to figure out if it's gonna beat  this thing or not so if it wins you recover and if  

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it fails then you go to the hospital and become a  critical case but the difference between those two  

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scenarios is how strong is your body how strong  is your immune system let's talk about a few  

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key factors with immunity one of them is stress  because the more stress you have the more your  

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immune system shuts down probably everyone can  relate to how they're more likely to get a cold  

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or flu if they're stressed if they're in a high  time of stress and the same thing holds true for  

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the coronavirus sugar is one of the worst things  that you can eat because it wreaks havoc with  

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virtually every function in your body including  your immune system and what they're finding now  

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with the corona virus is that people with insulin  resistance that a is a hugely complicating factor  

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that the death rate of people with insulin  resistance meaning diabetes or high blood pressure  

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or cardiovascular disease the death rate as many  many times higher degeneration is another factor  

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and that's why the elderly are having such a hard  time the longer you live the more you degenerate  

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to some degree there are exceptions and that's why  the death rate is so high among the elderly and  

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then it's your overall nutritional status and it  is something that you build over time but you can  

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also have some immediate deficiencies and two of  the most important ones are vitamin D and vitamin  

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C so in this video we're gonna focus on vitamin C  and talk about what it really is and what it does  

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and where to get it so the research on vitamin  C is a bit conflicting as some people say that  

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oh it does all these wonderful things but then  there are other studies that say well we studied  

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the symptoms but we didn't find any benefit  whatsoever well we're not really interested  

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in symptoms we're interested in what are the  effects on the immune system and those are pretty  

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well documented that it is an immune activator it  initiates the activity of antibodies and also the  

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white blood cells your B lymphocytes and your T  your killer T cells and your WBC's that's your  

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white blood cells those are your immune cells  that that your body makes it that they can go  

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out and gobble up foreign invaders like virus and  bacteria vitamin C also improves the function of  

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interferon which is an incredibly powerful immune  chemical and there is an herb called echinacea  

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that only really works together with vitamin  C but then when it does it has been shown to  

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have pretty strong immune boosting benefits so  these are just some of the effects but we don't  

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want to get too much into the details we want to  talk more about what vitamin C is and where to  

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get it it's widely believed that we don't really  have vitamin C deficiencies anymore most doctors  

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will say that Oh vitamin C deficient they don't  really exist and that's because scurvy is really  

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rare and they think a vitamin C deficiency only as  scurvy if you don't have scurvy you're not vitamin  

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C deficient well scurvy is an extreme deficiency  that's when you have so little you can't keep up  

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even basic manufacture of collagen and collagen  is a structural protein if you don't make enough  

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of it then you can't create the connective  tissue in the body and one of the first places  

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to suffer are your gums so after a few months  of scurvy your teeth start falling out and you  

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start having internal bleeding and so forth it's  a terrible thing but there are different degrees  

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of vitamin C deficiency and in my opinion when  you have lesser degrees of collagen weaknesses  

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such as micro vessel disease and spider veins I  believe that those are signs of a milder form of  

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vitamin C deficiency so it's severe deficiency  leading to scurvy is defined as less than 46  

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milligrams of vitamin C or ascorbic acid per day  and we're going to talk about what the difference  

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is that they're not really the same thing even  though they're defined as the same thing a mild  

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deficiency would be somewhere between 46 and 60  milligrams because the previous recommendation for  

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vitamin C daily intake was set at 60 milligrams  recently they've raised to about 75 milligrams  

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for women and 90 milligrams for men and that is  what we today consider a sufficiency but we're  

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not really only interested in sufficiency we want  to look at what might be optimal because during  

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types of stress and during times of infection  your body requires more so let's just kind of  

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double it and say that optimal is probably  somewhere between 150 to 200 especially when  

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your body has an increased need but when they  make those recommendations of vitamin C the RDA  

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the recommended daily allowance and they say it  should be 75 to 90 milligrams what is it that  

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they're recommending it's 90 milligrams of what is  it the vitamin C or is it ascorbic acid and I know  

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that you did your research you looked it up and  the dictionary says they're the same thing well  

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we're going to take it a little bit further and  we're going to show you that they're not the same  

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thing and this is a huge part of the problem and  the confusion vitamin C does have ascorbic acid  

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but it is not just ascorbic acid vitamin C is a  complex it's a functional unit and it consists  

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of several different components it has something  called a score Bachan and bio flavonoid complexes  

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and they have multiple coordinating roles in the  overall function and coordination of the vitamin  

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c complex then we have something called tyrosinase  which is an enzyme and this is a form of organic  

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copper it has a role of trace mineral activator  and it is the thing that actually stimulates and  

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makes the white blood cells get going so that is  the the immune system portion of this then we have  

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something called p factors k factors and j factors  the p factors are also known as Rutten which is  

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portion responsible for the vessel strength and  the collagen formation the K factors are involved  

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in the clotting mechanism of the blood and the  J factors enhanced the ability of the red blood  

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cells to carry oxygen so all of these are vitally  important and they all have different roles and  

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they are what provides the ability of vitamin C to  promote and enhance and support the immune system  

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so what about ascorbic acid ascorbic acid is sort  of like the packaging it is an antioxidant and  

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antioxidants are preservatives that's why ascorbic  acid is often added to food as a safe preservative  

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it keeps things vegetables from turning brown  for example and it's the wrapper it packages it  

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protects the vitamin C complex so it's a good  thing and it needs to be there and it plays a  

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part and the overall function of the complex but  ascorbic acid is not vitamin C and ascorbic acid  

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by itself does not provide these functions that we  talked about so a vitamin complex is a functional  

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machine if you want to call it we can think of  it as a biochemical machine much like a clock  

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is a mechanical machine so if you open up an old  clock and you look in the back and you see it has  

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all these different moving parts it doesn't take  a genius to understand that all those parts work  

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together it would make absolutely no sense to open  up that clock and look and ask yourself I wonder  

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which part tells time it's not one part that  provides the function it's the pieces together  

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so just like one part can't tell time one portion  one piece of the vitamin C complex can't do all  

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the things that vitamin C is supposed to do so  they're all important including the ascorbic acid  

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but it's the biochemical machine is the complex  that does the work together so oftentimes when we  

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hear about the therapeutic benefits of vitamin  C or ascorbic acid they're talking about mega  

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doses they're talking about five or ten or twenty  thousand milligrams of ascorbic acid and what does  

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that do well it is an antioxidant so it's kind  of like a safe drug it's in large doses it's  

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potent enough to have drug like effects it can  come in like a bulldozer and shift physiology  

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it can squash some of the body's own functions  and in that sense it's a short-term drug and  

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it's safer than most drugs because it doesn't  have a lot of toxic effects short-term however  

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long-term it creates more imbalance it creates  more problems than it helps with and the reason  

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is that ascorbic acid is a synthetic isolate  it's made from corn starch or sugar primarily  

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and it doesn't have all these different pieces so  when you put a lot of the ascorbic acid in it's  

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gonna go into the body and start combining it's  going to start acting together with the amount  

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of the other components that your body already  has so what that does if you have a little bit  

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of something and then you add a ton of something  then and they go together the ton of something is  

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going to start pulling the smaller resources from  the body so in the long run you're leaching those  

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nutrients from your body and you're creating a  bigger imbalance now when you get it from food  

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that's a different story because now you're  always getting the whole complex nature always  

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packages the complex together that's the beauty  of it but we want to keep in mind that when they  

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measure it they give us the number based on how  much ascorbic acid is in that food so in reality  

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the number of vitamin C activity the amount of  vitamin C complex activity that you're getting  

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may be ten times as much as what it looks like on  paper based on how much ascorbic acid it contains  

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so I don't know the exact number but based on my  experience whole food complex vitamin C goes a  

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lot further and we probably don't even need as  much as the recommended daily allowance if you  

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get the real thing however in times of infection  and stress it never hurts to have a little extra  

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the top five sources of whole food vitamin C are  actually disqualified and why do you ask because  

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these foods the Kakadu plums acerola cherries rose  hips chili peppers and parsley they're either not  

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available in a lot of places or you're kind of  limited to how much you can eat I've never seen  

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Kody plums or acerola cherries or rose hips in  my local grocery store or farmers market and  

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you can't eat a whole lot of chili peppers I love  parsley but even if I make some tabbouleh I'll end  

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up eating on a pretty big serving I end up eating  about half an ounce about 15 20 grams of parsley  

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so it doesn't go very far it's not a bulk food  so if you have access to Kakadu plums or these  

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things then by all means eat them but we're gonna  focus on the staple foods that most people have  

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access to every day here's our top 10 list top of  the list is bell pepper red and yellow it has 128  

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milligrams of whole food vitamin C per 100 gram of  food so we're going to go through the whole list  

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but we're not just gonna talk about the top 10  we're going to talk about why I ranked them this  

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way and we're also going to talk about the sugar  content because we don't want to eat vitamin C  

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which is a good thing and then load up on a bunch  of sugar which is a bad thing and counteract the  

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benefits number 2 guava it's a tropical fruit it  is very high it's 228 milligrams of vitamin C per  

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hundred grams of fruit broccoli has 89 Brussels  sprouts 85 cauliflower has 46 kale is a hundred  

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and twenty and I'll talk about why they're not in  order in a moment cabbage has 37 strawberries have  

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59 then we have Kiwi with 93 and orange with 53  so these are absolutely awesome foods that from  

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the top you can eat basically unlimited amounts  and toward the bottom you want to limit it a  

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little bit so I know this is not a fair comparison  because this is not how we eat in real life but  

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we're going to look at how much would it take  to eat from each of these foods to get a very  

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high at 200 milligrams of vitamin C per day so if  you wanted to get your entire 200 milligrams from  

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bell pepper either red or yellow you would  have to eat a hundred and fifty six grams  

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of that food that's about five six ounces can  you do that absolutely that's about that's less  

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than one bell pepper and by the way green bell  pepper would have been number two but I didn't  

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want to make a separate item green bell pepper  has a little bit less vitamin C and a little  

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bit less sugar so just eat a little bit of both  guava you would have to eat only 88 grams about  

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three ounces broccoli you would have to eat half  a pound 224 grams Brussels sprouts another half a  

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pound cauliflower you'd have to eat almost a pound  430 grams can it be done yeah I mean it's pretty  

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easy to eat cauliflower kale 167 grams so that's  not a big number but 167 grams of kale that's a  

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big one that's like probably four or five or six  salads worth of kale cabbage 540 grams that's over  

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a pound that might be a little hard strawberries  339 grams that could be done Kiwi 216 and orange  

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376 so at the top of the list you could easily  eat get all of your 200 milligrams from one food  

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and obviously you're not just gonna eat one food  you're gonna eat several different ones so it just  

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shows you that it wouldn't be too hard to get  200 milligrams or even more but now let's look  

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at the downside because if it has a lot of sugar  then we don't want to eat too much of that food  

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first if your insulin resistant and you're trying  to reverse that but also sugar does dampen your  

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immune system and create all kinds of problems in  the body and these foods being non starchy means  

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that virtually all of the carbs are in the form  of sugar meaning not necessarily sucrose by itself  

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but it's going to be pretty much even between  glucose and fructose in the end so you can get  

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your whole daily 200 milligrams from bell peppers  and only eat 6 grams of carbs that would easily  

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fit into even a ketogenic diet with guava it's a  sweet fruit but you only eat a little bit so seven  

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point eight grams of carbs broccoli you would  get 9 grams Brussels sprouts 12.2 cauliflower  

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12.9 kale 8.7 so again the reasoning kale is not  in my opinion either third or fourth places just  

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because it's tough to eat that much kale number  seven cabbage would give you 18 grams strawberries  

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would give you sixteen point nine Kiwi 25 point  nine and if you eat about four oranges or so it  

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gives you 33 point eight grams of sugar so this  might be most of these are going to be told okay  

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even on a low-carb diet but once you get into the  fruits now that sugar is going to spite much much  

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faster because in the vegetables there's a lot of  fiber to buffer the blood sugar uptake but with  

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the fruits that sugar is going to go pretty much  in the bloodstream quickly so even though all of  

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these foods would be okay in my opinion I would  focus on the top half and try to get most of the  

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bulk from there and then get some of the snacks  and eat more sparingly on the bottom half so just  

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for fun I created a little index basically this  divided how many milligrams of vitamin C do you  

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get per gram of carbs so how much good do you  get with a bad and the bad isn't too terribly  

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bad unless your insulin resistance so if your  insulin sensitive and healthy then you don't have  

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to worry about eating a couple of fruits every  day so based on that index the top food would be  

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red or yellow bell peppers with 32 milligrams of  vitamin C per gram of carbs or sugar in that food  

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closely followed by guava at twenty five point  seven broccoli at twenty two point three brussel  

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sprouts sixteen point three cauliflower fifteen  point five and kale twenty three point one so  

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if you really really love kale if you're able to  eat half of one of those huge packages every day  

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then you can move this up to third place on your  list this is just my opinion number seven cabbage  

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11.1 strawberries eleven point eight Kiwi seven  point seven an orange five point nine so when it  

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comes to coronavirus it is a nasty critter so I'm  not trying to say that there's a quick fix that  

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you can just eat a bunch of vitamin C and you'll  be okay but it's one component that can support  

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your body right you still want to do all of the  usual things that they tell you they're super  

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super important follow all of the guidelines from  the CDC and the world health organization and the  

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authority because we have to contain this thing  and the key is to not spread it so make sure you  

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wash your hands and you make sure don't touch  your face start putting some ink on your hands  

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maybe and see where it ends up on your face do  as best you can to stay at home unless you just  

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have to go out make a habit of social distancing  avoid big crowds avoid social gatherings don't  

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meet more people than you have to so those are  all the things that are part of the general  

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recommendations and absolutely do those but then  do a few more things that no one talks about okay  

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cut the sugar that's the number one thing if you  have ever thought about cutting sugar and you sort  

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of need a reason then this is the reason do it now  and if you have some extra time on your hands pick  

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up a uplifting book find an uplifting tape or a  message or a program of some sort because worried  

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feeling bad fear diminishes your immune system  it weakens your body's ability to defend itself  

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when you have some hope when you start feeling  a little better your immune system strengthens  

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also go for a walk both to get some fresh air and  some circulation and get your mind off of things  

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just don't walk where there's a lot of crowds go  for a walk in the woods or on a trail somewhere  

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practice some relaxation do some meditation  and some yoga and some breathing exercises and  

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finally realize that the best thing that you can  do apart from not getting it and not spreading it  

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is to build your immunity over time and that's  what every video on this channel is about it's  

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about holistic health it's about understanding how  the body works it's about building immunity and  

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building stamina and building vitality and that's  what immunity is if you enjoyed this video make  

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sure you check out that one thank you so much  for watching and I'll see you in the next video

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