Top 10 Ultimate Keto Diet Hacks To Survive Parties & Holidays

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hello health champions today I want to talk to you about how to get through the

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holidays and the parties without getting out of ketosis without losing your low

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carb path we all know it can be a struggle to be around people who don't

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share our ideas of what food is they gorge themselves with cake and cookies

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and sugar and they don't understand where we're coming from so today we're

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gonna help you solve that challenge by talking about the top 10 ultimate keto

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hacks to survive the parties and the holidays coming right up am Dr. Ekberg

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I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you want to

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truly master health by understanding how the body really works make sure you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss anything so I want to

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cover 10 different ideas hacks concepts and they're in no particular order so

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make sure that you watch all the way through so that you get a big picture

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most people are going to be on a ketogenic diet because they want to lose

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weight there are many other benefits as well from fasting and low blood sugar

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and stable blood sugar but assuming that most people are doing it to lose weight

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then what you're really trying to do is to reverse insulin resistance and this

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is not a quick thing this is not an instantaneous thing so if you haven't

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gotten fat adapted if you haven't been in ketosis for a while then the party or

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the holiday is not the time to start all right then you just kind of do your

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thing and learn how to do this properly afterwards but assuming that you have

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been in ketosis you are fat adapted and you want to get through the holidays

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without messing it up too much then here are the things to think about do you

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want to fast before the party well yes and no you want to fast you want to do

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some intermittent fasting you want to get really fat adapted in the

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days leading up to the party okay you don't want to be totally fasted and go

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straight to the party without eating anything in the days or hours before

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because then you will be starving and you'll be presented with all these

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tempting things and it's just not a reasonable expectation to think that

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you're gonna get through that and not overcompensate and not indulge and lose

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control so yes you do want to be fasted but fast in the days before and then on

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the day of we're going to talk about what to do number two be fat adapted all

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right same thing kinda as the fasted you've done this for a while and when

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you're fat adapted that means that you have your cravings under control it's

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okay this is again part of the the long-term plan that if you are fat

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adapted your blood sugar is stable you're going to be less likely to fall

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for those temptations number three mental preparation all right so plan

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this out a little bit don't just go there and show up and see what happens

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have an expectation know that people might even try to make fun of you they

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might expect you they might tease you and expect you to eat the the cakes and

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the dessert or maybe even grandma has made that special treat that you like to

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eat as a kid and now it's not a good idea to deny that completely so have an

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expectation of what's gonna happen and plan accordingly even write down what

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you are about to do set up some rules for yourself how much leeway are you

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gonna give yourself how strict are you going to be because then if you clarify

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that you're much more likely to be able to stick to it

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number four eat at home before so it doesn't mean that you stuff yourself so

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that you don't have any kind of appetite but you don't want to go totally hungry

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either and if you lay the foundation of something with some protein and fat then

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you get to the party and you're not gonna need to just get all of your

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sustenance all of your food from that party you have a little bit of a

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foundation and then you'll have much much more control so have a small meal

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of something with fat and protein before you go and then once you get to the

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party there's some things that you do want to eat and you want to focus in on

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things like salad leafy greens veggies carrots tomato cauliflower broccoli

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celery whatever they have cut up these are typically going to be at most

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parties if they have a dressing then make sure that it's not the low fat high

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sugar dressings but it is something that you know like a Caesar dressing maybe or

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an oil and vinegar dressing at most parties they're going to be some things

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that you can focus and on with protein and fat like meat maybe some chicken

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wings some cold cuts some salmon a lot of parties I go to being from

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Scandinavia they're gonna have the smoked salmon and there's gonna be

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cheese at most parties so the wings obviously if you eat chicken wings make

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sure that they're not breaded or coated and a lot of sugar if you stick to those

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things then you're gonna be pretty much eating a ketogenic diet already some

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minor details might be to choose fat meat over lean meat or maybe steak over

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chicken so if you're going to a banquet or something and you have a dinner

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ticket they get you to select meat or fish beforehand a meat or fish or

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chicken then again it's a minor thing but maybe if you think that the steak

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might be more satisfying more filling or whatever you feel is the appropriate

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thing to get you the most satisfied so you're not going to want to have

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something afterwards in number six those are of course the things you want to

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avoid all right that any party there's going to be lots of sugar and bread and

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crackers so stay away from the Oh chip stay away from the corn strips

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stay away from cookies and crackers and bread and all that stuff and again do

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some mental preparation decide ahead of time that those things are not food

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they're not something that you eat anymore so it's not even an option it's

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sort of like if I see a soda if I have coca-cola or something and they're gonna

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serve it it's not even an option it's it would be ridiculous for me to even think

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about that then of course avoid potatoes fries

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anything breaded fried especially and any form of candy or desserts because

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you know they're just gonna be pretty much a hundred percent sugar in those

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candy and desserts number seven if it's a potluck dinner where you're supposed

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to bring something then of course you bring a kedo dish and you might even

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want to try to find out what some other people are bringing so you can plan and

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strategize a little bit so that you have sort of full coverage on that but even

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if it's not a potluck then it's not a bad idea just as a courtesy to bring a

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dish with you most people would probably appreciate that and then you can bring

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something that you know that you could eat if there was just nothing else at

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the party and you might even want to bring a couple of accessories some

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people don't have real butter for example they might have a margarine or a

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low-fat spread of some sort and then you can just tell them that hey you know

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this dish I brought it goes really well with with real butter so I brought some

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just in case and same thing with the dressing that if you bring a salad or

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something then say hey this dressing goes really well with the salad and you

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bring something that you know it has that the good stuff in it and then you

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want to be just a little bit sneaky and selfish because chances are if you bring

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something that's really rich and satisfying it will be the most popular

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thing on the table and then you want to make sure that you get some for yourself

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all right don't be standing back make sure that you dig in while there's

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still something there for you number eight bring your own dessert

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because at these parties there's gonna be desserts there's gonna be cookies and

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candies and things and the one thing that you can be pretty sure that there's

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not going to be is a dessert that is keto friendly all right they're gonna

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have some cheese they're gonna have some meat they're gonna have some veggies to

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dip but they will most likely not unless you just know the people you're going to

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and they think the way you do they're not going to have a keto friendly

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dessert so if you plan at all to have some form of dessert then bring it

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yourself bring Sookie dough bombs or some keto brownies or keto cookies or

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something that you know that that you'll be covered number nine what is a party

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without drinks that might be the most consistent denominator of all parties is

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that there's probably going to be some alcoholic beverages and alcohol is not a

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very healthy thing but it can be okay on keto the alcohol itself is not going to

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throw you out of ketosis the alcohol itself even though it is sort of

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metabolized like a form of sugar in the body it doesn't really raise blood sugar

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or stimulate insulin in large quantities it's metabolized sort of like fructose

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and it's a huge burden on your liver so for long term insulin resistance it's

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one of the worst things that you can do that's why they call it alcoholic fatty

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liver versus non-alcoholic fatty liver all right alcohol is not a great idea in

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the long run but at a party if you have one or a few drinks then it's not going

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to throw you out of ketosis unless you have a bunch of drinks with sugar in

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them so the key is the drinks that you do have you want to have no sugar no

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sweet mixers no liqueurs no sweet wines etc and

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and if you have a beer make sure it's not a full-bodied good tasting beer that

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is pretty much like liquid bread right there are some beers that have very very

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low carbs if you use an ultra light or a light beer then you could probably have

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one and still stay within just get like 2 or 3 grams of carbs in there but I

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would recommend in this order as far as being keto friendly that straight liquor

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gin vodka whiskey bourbon cognac etc those are distilled and if they don't

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have anything added to them they have zero sugar by themselves dry wine

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whether it's white or red is only going to have one to two grams per glass

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typically and the same thing with champagne but champagne is kind of white

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wine to start with but then they actually add sugar in almost all of them

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there's a few rare exceptions but for the most part they add some sugar so you

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want to get the one that has the least sugar added which is called Brut it has

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less than 12 grams of sugar per bottle added so you get less than 2 grams added

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for a glass and then like I mentioned the light beers make sure that you get

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something that's low carb I hope that you manage to stay away from the sugar

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because the sugar is sort of that drug that tends to flip a switch that tends

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to have you lose control and and one thing leads to another and that can have

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repercussions for for days to come for some people so do your absolute best to

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stay away from the sugar no matter what else you do with this which brings us to

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number 10 which is damage control so if you did well then there's not really any

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damage to control then you just go about your thing if you did a little bit more

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carb loading or if you just ate a lot of foods or you had a couple of drinks then

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you probably don't have to change a whole lot like if I

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ketosis for so long I've done the ketogenic diet now that I'm even without

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trying I'm pretty much in ketosis so if I go to a party I have a few things

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there then it might kick me out of ketosis but then I just don't have any

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breakfast and by lunchtime I'm in pretty much the same level of ketosis that I

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was the day before so the longer you've gone the easier it is to get back into

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it but it might still be a good idea especially if you stuff yourself then it

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just feels good mentally to have to do and intermittent fast just have some

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coffee in the morning maybe bulletproof coffee and then get right back into your

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pattern and you eat maybe in the afternoon or evening give yourself just

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a little bit extra time whatever it needs to be for you but most of all

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don't use the party as your excuse to go totally crazy because you probably will

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regret it afterwards you will set yourself back you won't feel very good

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physically or in your focus or clarity so just do the best you can and realize

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that you can do the parties and have a good time and stay in ketosis or at

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least very very close to it if you enjoyed this video make sure you look at

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that one thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video

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