Top 10 Tips To Lose Belly Fat Backed By Science

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Hello health champions today i want to talk  about the top 10 ways to lose belly fat  

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that are supposedly backed by science isn't it  frustrating when something's supposed to work  

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and they say it's backed by science and yet it  doesn't work for you that's because it doesn't  

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have to work for everybody to be called science  it just has to work for most people but once you  

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understand some of the basic mechanisms of losing  belly fat then you can still make it work for you  

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and reach your goals coming right up hey I'm  Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former  

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Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master  health by understanding how the body really works  

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification  bell and you can also join as a member so you  

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don't miss anything the first item i saw on a list  was to track your calories is that a good idea do  

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calories matter well yes and no you still have  to have a calorie deficit yes at some point you  

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have to expend more calories than you take in but  if you try to count calories and reduce calories  

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in a form of calorie deprivation then that is  not going to work because it's not sustainable  

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you have to understand the underlying mechanism  and that is a calorie is not a calorie it depends  

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on which hormones these calories trigger so you  want to reduce sugar and carbohydrates why because  

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that is the only way to reduce insulin and  insulin resistance and insulin is a fat storing  

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hormone they change behavior so when you reduce  insulin you reduce hunger that's the way to reduce  

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calories not by counting calories now consider  for a moment why do we have belly fat why does  

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it accumulate in one place why doesn't it just  spread out evenly and if it doesn't spread out  

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evenly which it doesn't then why doesn't it all  collect in the left foot or in the right leg right  

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if it was random it could just end up anywhere  so the answer is it's not random again there are  

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hormones that determine where it ends up and if  we have an imbalance in these hormones then we  

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have to fix that underlying imbalance in order to  correct the problem so we have to reduce insulin  

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we have to reduce cortisol and we have to increase  growth hormone because both of these have to do  

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with fat storing and blood sugar and this has to  do with fat burning number two on the list i saw  

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suggested we eat a high protein diet does that  work well let's look at the underlying mechanisms  

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if we eat carbohydrate it contributes a certain  amount of insulin response if we eat protein  

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it does a certain amount but it's much less it's  about 30 to 50 percent depending on the protein  

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and how it's utilized in the body but let's  just call it half as much insulin whereas fat  

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contributes just a tiny little bit of insulin  now let's say that for the standard american diet  

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that we eat a certain amount of protein a certain  amount of carb and a certain amount of fat  

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then the total insulin load would be when we add  all those contributions together so it would be  

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this much now if we want to reduce belly  fat and reduce insulin then we have to lower  

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the total insulin load can we do that on a high  protein diet well let's say that we increase the  

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protein by 50 percent then the contribution  from protein on insulin would obviously be 50  

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larger but here's the beauty and this is why a  high protein diet can work but may not work if you  

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don't understand this if you keep eating sugar and  carb then you're going to bypass any beneficial  

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effects because you're going to bypass the satiety  mechanisms but if you eat good quality food then  

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what this protein allows you to do is to eat less  carbohydrates so if you eat more protein you could  

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cut back the carbohydrate down to maybe a fourth  and still be very satiated and then you eat the  

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same amount of fat but you've still reduced your  total insulin load by maybe a third but once we  

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understand this then we say okay well a high  protein diet could work but is there something  

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else that could work even better and that is  called a low carb high fat diet so now we could  

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eat maybe a hundred percent like the same amount  of protein but let's say we eat what's recommended  

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of a moderate protein diet so eat eighty percent  of that it would still work if we had a hundred  

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but the difference now is we cut back carbs  dramatically we cut it back to about 10 percent  

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so the contribution from carbs are very very small  now we need to eat something else to get satiated  

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to get full and have energy and that's fat so  we triple the fat intake but that has hardly any  

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effect on insulin so now even though we're eating  the same calories we're having the same satiety  

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we have less than half the insulin load and as our  bodies get used to this now we can reduce calories  

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and still be full because the body is eating the  fat off the body tip number three reduce stress  

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that's a great advice for so many reasons but  the primary here is that there is a stress  

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hormone called cortisol cortisol puts you in a  fight flight response where in a fight flight  

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response the body tries to increase glucose  which will increase hunger and cravings which  

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will increase blood glucose which will increase  insulin so here you're stuck in that vicious cycle  

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of stress and cravings and insulin so if you can  reduce stress then you have a really good chance  

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of reducing all of this and kind of breaking that  vicious cycle so reducing stress is fantastic  

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advice tip number four is to get adequate sleep is  that good yes because lack of sleep equals stress  

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and as we just talked about on the previous slide  you have stress create all these problems so  

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sleep is one of the ways to avoid those problems  but here's a quick little quiz for you what is  

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wrong with this picture and i don't have a lot of  time for you to think about it but the answer is  

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do not sleep with your cell phone because  that is unnecessary electromagnetic stress  

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put it in another room or put it really far away  from you don't have it in your bed tip number five  

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aerobic exercise is that a good idea yes but  not necessarily for the reason people think most  

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people recommend exercise because they think it  burns calories that it helps put you in a deficit  

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that is not the way it works primarily and when  you do exercise you have to make sure you don't  

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do it at a high sustained intensity you do a low  intensity with maybe short bursts of short term  

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high intensity why because you do not want to  increase cortisol like we talked on the previous  

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slide it does help to use up some carbohydrate  it helps kind of clean up those carbohydrate  

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and glycogen stores but it's not the primary  mechanism even though it does help a little bit  

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what it does help is circulation it helps detox  it helps oxygenate tissues it helps on so many  

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different levels but mostly exercise helps  with brain activation and when you increase  

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your brain activity you also help reduce stress  now let's look for a moment at what does it mean  

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when something is backed by science and why it may  not work for you even if it works for a majority  

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so this is a purely hypothetical example i made up  every bit of this don't draw any conclusions that  

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one thing would work better but let's say they  did a study and they tested a number of different  

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people and they had them jog for 10 days and these  people lost or gained various amounts of weight  

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and then they did what's called a best fitting  line they take the average and they draw a  

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conclusion and say that out of all these people  on average if they jog for 10 days then they lose  

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one and a half pounds per person on  average and then they had another group  

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and again purely hypothetical and they  had them walk for 10 days and then  

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they draw the best fitting line and they come  up with the conclusion that these people lost  

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one pound so based on comparing studies in  science we would conclude that jogging is better  

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but what if you were in this study that concluded  that jogging works for weight loss but you happen  

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to be this person right here who gained about two  pounds and this is what we have to understand that  

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everyone is different there's so many different  variables we don't know what else went on here  

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there may have been a death in the family they  may have lost their job there may have been  

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some stress or some inflammation or an allergic  reaction that we can't account for in here  

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or maybe this person was just super sensitive  to stress and cortisol to any time they tried  

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to do something more then it backfired on them  that's why we have to understand the principles  

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so that we can start fitting it together into a  picture that works for us we have to understand  

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that statistics do not predict success or failure  in the individual case that would be like saying  

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let's study what the weather is in Australia  today and draw conclusions about the weather  

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in New York they're different data points and they  may or may not have anything to do with each other  

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tip number six is to lift weights is that a good  idea i think so but the typical advice is to keep  

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more muscle to build muscle because it's more  metabolically active and even though that is  

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true that's a kind of small contribution the  main reason is that weight lifting increases  

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growth hormone which is a fat burning hormone  it does have a tremendous benefit in maintaining  

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muscle mass and how does it do that well when you  exercise you're telling your body that look these  

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muscles I'm actually planning to use them for  something I'm not going to just sit in the sofa  

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because if you sit in the sofa your body  doesn't care if it burns fat or protein but if  

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you're using your muscles you're signaling you're  telling your body these muscles are really useful  

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please put some extra resources into rebuilding  and maintaining the muscles and that's the message  

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you get from growth hormone then again  there's a slight added benefit in that  

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muscles are a little bit more metabolically  active one more benefit is that when you work  

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out whether you build additional muscle or not  you're going to maintain a good muscle tone  

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which is the same as increasing signaling and  increasing brain tone tip number seven is to  

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drink some apple cider vinegar there has been  significant amount of research that shows it  

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improves insulin sensitivity all things equal it  will help does that mean that you can just do this  

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i wouldn't recommend it because yes you'll  see some benefit but it would be very slight  

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in comparison to what you can do if you do all  of these different things or most of these things  

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why would you add it because it's so simple it's  inexpensive so you might as well tip number eight  

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is to cut back on alcohol is that a good idea yes  absolutely not because it has a bunch of calories  

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which is what they usually tell you or even that  it stimulates a lot of insulin but it's the fact  

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that alcohol and fructose are the two things that  clog up the liver more than anything else and  

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when you clog up the liver you get fatty liver  disease if it's because of alcohol it's called  

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alcoholic fatty liver disease and these go hand  in hand with diabetes and insulin resistance  

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so if you're going to do it use it very  sparingly especially if you're trying to  

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reverse a condition and if you drink a little more  alcohol then realize that if the alcohol has sugar  

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and or carbs in it then it's way worse than  just the alcohol tip number nine is to reduce  

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sugar and carbs and now we're getting into the  real heavy hitters when it comes to reducing  

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belly fat high fructose corn syrup and agave are  the worst and now a lot of people are going to  

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choke on their agave sweetened coffee because  they've been told that agave is so natural  

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and so good and so low glycemic and it is low  glycemic but just like high fructose corn syrup  

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it is highest in fructose so it has the highest  liver clogging potential of any sweetener  

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almost as bad as sugar which is terrible that's  50 50 fructose and glucose and then honey  

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again a lot of people are to get a little bit  of a surprise on that because honey is about  

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40 fructose so it's not quite as bad as sugar  and it does have some natural things in it  

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but it's still a sugar and it's a lot of fructose  in there and last on the carbohydrate list  

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is starch which is still bad it's not  as terrible as the others because starch  

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is glucose only so it has a blood sugar  effect but not a liver choking effect like  

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fructose does and tip number 10 is intermittent  fasting and now we're talking about your most  

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powerful way to improve all of these things we  talked about to reduce the insulin only when you  

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eat does your body have a reason to produce  large amounts of insulin the longer you go  

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without food the longer you give your body an  opportunity to lower insulin it's also the most  

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powerful way to increase growth hormone to improve  autophagy to speed up weight loss and to reverse  

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alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver and  a quick little quiz for extra credit if you  

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know where these abbreviations come from on this  chart you can put it in the comments down below  

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everything i talked about here are tools and you  use these tools to the degree that you need them  

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so reducing carbohydrates is a tool and you cut  back on the carbs to the degree that you need to  

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you increase the fasting period until you  start seeing some results and then you balance  

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these two variables cutting carbs and increasing  fasting until you start seeing changes in insulin  

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and appetite and growth hormone carbs and fasting  is going to be the most powerful tool for most  

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people but again you may not be most people  and that's where you have additional tools  

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so sleep meditation aerobic exercise weight  lifting high intensity interval training these  

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may be for some people the thing that's going  to provide the breakthrough or just that little  

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additional edge what we want to understand is  that recovery is just as important as activation  

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exercise is activation but it's also stress and  it's breakdown so life and exercise are stressful  

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but they're good for us if it's in balance if  we can balance the activation and the recovery  

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then that's something that makes us stronger if  we don't get the recovery then it's just breaking  

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us down and if we do this right now we end up with  balance or homeostasis most people are really busy  

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so they tend to focus on maybe one or two of  these things that they can get to and then they  

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say oh well I'll deal with the other things when  my life gets in order and I understand but do your  

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absolute best to understand that these are not  optional they are necessary you cannot express  

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optimal health you cannot express your genome  optimally unless you find a good balance on  

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all or as many of these factors as possible and  realize that we are all different and that's why  

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you can't just go by what one study says or what  worked for your neighbor or the guy next door  

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we have to start understanding  more about how the body works  

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and the principles and then we can go with  trial and error we can fit it together  

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and come up with something that works for us and  that works long term if you enjoyed this video  

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i think you really should look at that one next  thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time

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