Top 10 Things You Must Do To Lose Belly Fat Fast

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Hello Health Champions. It's really  difficult to lose weight and belly fat  

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if you go about it the wrong way and most people  go about it the wrong way because they've been fed  

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misinformation for years and even decades  and that's why they have trouble creating  

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long lasting results. Now if we're going to  lose weight and burn belly fat, I think we can  

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all agree that at some level we have to take  in fewer calories than we burn but just to  

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say that you have to eat less and exercise more  doesn't solve the problem. The question is still  

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how do we do that because if that's all we  had to do then everyone would have fixed the  

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problem by now. They would have figured out how  to get it done and if you're watching this video  

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then you're probably not all the way there yet. We  have to understand that our behavior is determined  

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by hormones so you have to find a way to  eat to reduce the hormones that make you  

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hungry and then you have to find a way to  increase the hormones that burn the fat  

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and then once you've done those two things and  your body goes about to burn some fat now you have  

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to make sure that you have a machinery you have to  have a metabolic machinery with all the components  

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in place that you can actually convert some of  this fat into energy. And the absolute first  

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thing you have to do is to reduce insulin. A lot  of people have heard the word insulin and they  

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know that it's related to diabetes and they know  that it's related to blood sugar but what most  

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people don't fully understand not all the way they  don't get that insulin does so many other things.  

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So insulin stops fat burning right you have  the fat on your body if your insulin is high  

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you can't burn the fat it puts a stop on it  and therefore if you can't burn the fat you  

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have on your body you put it there in the first  place to have an energy resource available but  

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with insulin is high you can't get to it so it's  no good to you and now instead you get hungry  

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so insulin makes you hungry. Now there's three  powerful ways to lower insulin the first and most  

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powerful is to eat fewer meals. Why? Because  every time you eat you trigger some insulin  

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and if you eat six times a day or ten times a day  now you trigger insulin six or ten times a day  

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so the fewer meals you eat the better and if  you eat only once or twice a day now that's very  

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powerful because you're only triggering insulin  once or twice a day whereas you can go 16, 18, 20  

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hours or more without triggering insulin that  really allows the insulin to drop and you get  

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access to that body fat. The second thing  you can do is to stop sugar and this is like  

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a given you just have to do that sugar hurts  you in so many ways. Sugar stimulates insulin  

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because it raises blood sugar. Sugar is also empty  calories so it makes you eat more. Sugar is also a  

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drug very addictive drug so it makes you eat more,  but when it comes to insulin the worst thing about  

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sugar is that sugar is half glucose half fructose  and the fructose is as bad almost for the liver as  

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alcohol so it creates fatty liver which is very,  very strongly linked to insulin resistance.  

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If you eat fructose you get a fatty liver then  that fatty liver will make you insulin resistant  

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and now you've just destroyed the rest of your  metabolic machinery. And the third thing you want  

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to do is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates  overall because carbohydrates raise blood sugar  

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much much more than protein or fat and therefore  it triggers more insulin. Next you want to learn  

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how to eat to reduce hunger and of course this  is tied to insulin, but we want to understand it  

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in another way also. If you eat foods that  burn slower it's like putting a log on a fire  

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versus putting gasoline on a fire that if  you put the log there it's going to burn  

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slowly it's going to produce energy for hours  and hours and hours maybe days in some cases.  

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So if you eat things like protein  and fat that burns much slower than  

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carbohydrates and processed foods and if it  burns slower it's going to take much much longer  

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until you get hungry and you have to eat again.  And you also want to understand to eat foods that  

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are neutral to insulin things that stimulate  less insulin. So if we look at a graph and we  

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look at glucose that has a hundred percent insulin  response and we look at other foods relative to  

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that, then protein is going to have about 15  to 30 percent as much of an insulin response  

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and it's going to happen much much slower so  this feeds right into what we talked about that  

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they burn slower they trigger less insulin so you  stay full longer. That's the key if you want to  

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control hunger and if you eat something with fat  or pure fat, fat is the thing that you want to add  

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to your meat and your vegetables because fat is  virtually neutral virtually zero insulin response.  

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Compared to glucose it only has about three to  four percent so even while you're fasting if you  

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want to extend your fast you can do something  like a bulletproof coffee or have some pure fat  

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and you will trigger so little insulin that  it's not even noticeable but it allows you to  

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go longer without eating again. So most people  today even some of the comments I get on my  

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videos will still claim that fat makes you fat but  let's compare and understand how eating high fat  

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versus eating low fat how that works so if you eat  high fat obviously you have some fat in your body  

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and people think that oh if I eat low fat then I  don't have any fat in my body but they're wrong  

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because we can't store carbohydrate. If you eat  low fat that means you're going to eat something  

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you need more of the other categories primarily  carbohydrates and if you do that you can't store  

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it so low fat gets converted into fat so you can  eat the fat or you can make the fat you end up in  

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the same place. But then what's the difference why  does it matter because one is neutral to insulin  

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and one produces very high insulin and we said  what insulin does that if you eat the fat your  

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insulin stays low. That allows you to actually  burn the fat whereas if you eat carbohydrate  

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then your insulin is going to be high and now you  can't burn the fat because all of that insulin  

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has a tendency to store it and prevent you  from burning it. So the difference between  

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eating high fat and low fat is that yes you end  up with the same fat but one case reduces hunger  

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and the other case increases hunger. And like we  said ultimately it is about calories but you're  

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going to take in more calories if you're hungry  than if you're not hungry and this is the magic  

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that people discover when they actually  give this a try. When they go for  

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a low carb high fat diet and of course I recommend  whole foods then they find out they're not hungry  

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anymore that is how you solve the problem. So  now that we understand how to lower insulin and  

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control hunger and actually get access to some  of that stored fat now we can start burning it.  

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Now we need to take a look at the metabolic  machinery in your body and the thyroid is  

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the key to that metabolic machinery because it  is the primary metabolic regulator. Everything  

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that happens in your body in terms of metabolism  takes place in the cells and metabolism is to take  

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something and turn it into something else, an  end product using a raw material to create an  

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end product and using energy in the process. So if  the thyroid is low if the thyroid hormone is low  

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then all the cells in the body are going to  do less of that conversion of that metabolism.  

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And this is why we have to rule out hypothyroid  we have to know if we are severely hypothyroid  

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then basically nothing else is going to work.  So you can take a look at my thyroid videos  

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and understand more about that you can take some  blood work and know if that's the case. The next  

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most important thing is oxygen because if we're  going to burn fat we need to have oxygen present  

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that's why we need to rule out anemia because  anemia means you don't have enough of these red  

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blood cells to carry oxygen to the furnace. So  the metabolic machinery is just like a furnace  

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and how do you make a fire burn hotter? You blow  air on it you increase the oxygen supply so I'm  

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not saying that you're going to try to get a  fever or increase anything what I'm saying is  

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if you don't have enough then you can't carry  the oxygen and you can't supply the oxygen that  

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your body needs to burn fat so then the fire is  smoldering basically because you don't have enough  

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so make sure your red blood cell situation is  good so you have enough oxygen carrying capacity  

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so you can produce the proper energy in your cells  so that they can burn that fat that the rest of  

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the body now is signaling it to do. And now let's  talk about a few tricks along the way that can  

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make it easier and more efficient and one of those  is MCT's also known as medium chain triglycerides  

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so oftentimes when you try to change from  a carbohydrate metabolism to a fat burning  

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metabolism your body is going to protest  a little bit. It's going to take a while  

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for it to get the hang of it and this is  where MCT's come in it's a nice little trick  

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to give you quick energy because medium chain  triglycerides are much shorter than your average  

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fat molecule. The average fat is like 16 molecules  long, but medium chains are only 8 or 10 and that  

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means they bypass the very slow absorption  of fat in the body and slow absorption can  

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be a good thing because it creates long-lasting  energy but here's the beauty that the MCT's are  

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almost as fast as carbohydrates so they give you  quick energy but they are not carbohydrates so  

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there is no insulin trigger involved. And a lot of  people think that well you could do coconut oil or  

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MCT and you sort of could but not really  because the MCT's are made from coconut  

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but coconut also contains 50% of a longer fatty  acid with 12 carbons and this does not bypass this  

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is going to take a couple of hours to be absorbed  so if you're looking for the quick energy then  

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you want the shorter chains from MCT's if you're  just looking for a good healthy fat then coconut  

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oil is just fine. Another nice little trick that's  almost a no-brainer is apple cider vinegar because  

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it's been shown to increase insulin  sensitivity. It's been shown to increase satiety  

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and reduce belly fat it also has shown to reduce  metabolic syndrome, syndrome x, and all of the  

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things that are involved with metabolic syndrome  such as blood sugar levels, cholesterol balance  

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and heart disease. So this alone has been shown  to improve all of these different things but of  

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course that doesn't mean that this is all you do.  It works better in conjunction with everything  

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else so it's just one little piece that you add  to all the other things we talk about. Number  

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seven is nutrients we have to have all the  pieces to make that metabolic machinery work  

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and one piece is b vitamins they're involved with  every step of energy production in the body. But,  

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here's the fallacy the people fall into that they  think that if enough is good then more is better  

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so if 100% is enough then they think well 10  000 percent must be really really good that much  

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turbo charge and supercharge this. No, that's  not how it works you want to think about it  

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this way that if you have a screw that you're  going to put a screw into a wall and you have  

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a screwdriver then you can get the job done but  having a thousand screwdrivers is not going to  

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speed up the process you're just going to trip and  fall and stumble over all of that extra garbage  

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that's in the way. And the same thing holds true  with b vitamins and where any other nutrients that  

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whole food has a way to be balanced it contains  everything that you need so we don't want to take  

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mega doses of synthetic vitamins believing that we  can boost something, all right? We want to bring  

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things up to a sufficiency level anything  more than that is just going to unbalance  

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something else. Another nutrient is potassium  minerals that are shown to improve insulin  

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sensitivity and another mineral is chromium that  is also involved with the conversion of fuel into  

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energy. And most people don't truly understand  the importance of whole food because if you for  

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example go on a keto diet you will get results  no matter what quality food you eat if you just  

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cut out the carbohydrates and increase your fats  you will get short term results. But long term  

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you will not get healthy because whole food  has everything in it has all the components  

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for your metabolic machinery and if you eat whole  food then you keep a steady supply whereas if you  

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eat processed foods and depleted foods you get  short-term results but then over time you don't  

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have all the pieces so your metabolic machinery is  going to fall apart and you're going to get some  

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other imbalance and some other problem. So that's  how to control hunger, have access to the fat,  

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have a machinery to burn the fat. Now let's talk  about how to burn more of it and if you want to  

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make more fat burning if you want to help your fat  burning you want to increase growth hormone it's  

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one of the primary fat burning hormones in your  body and there's a few different ways you can do  

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that but high intensity interval training meaning  you do something at a maximum level for a short  

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burst like this guy right here now you're going to  massively increase your growth hormone production.  

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Another really cool way is fasting fasting works  on so many different levels it reduces insulin  

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because you're not eating you're burning fat  because you're not eating but it also increases  

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dramatically your levels of growth hormone for  even more fat burning. And one piece that a lot  

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of people miss is going to be sleep because  we have our normal circadian rhythms. Our  

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normal sleep cycles and during the phase of sleep  there are different bursts of hormone release so  

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we have a growth hormone burst a couple of  different times during sleep, but if you have very  

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disrupted sleep cycles or if you don't get enough  sleep then chances are that you're not going to  

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get those optimum bursts of growth hormone during  your sleep. Number nine is walking and if you have  

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a nice place to walk like this then obviously it's  very relaxing at the same time that's a bonus but  

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yes it is okay to use up some extra calories  but it shouldn't be the primary way that you  

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go about it because if you don't address all the  things that we talked about as far as the hormones  

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and the hunger then this is probably going to  come back to bite you if you only try to do it  

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through expending more calories because you  have to do the exercise while maintaining  

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a proper hormone balance we talked about how to  eat to help your body balance out these things  

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now you can't exercise in a way that you mess it  up again so you want to exercise in a way that  

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does not produce cortisol other than high  intensity interval training which produces  

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cortisol but for a very very short period of time  that's why that's okay because the growth hormone  

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more than offsets that. So walking produces  no cortisol so you're burning primarily fat  

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and you're maintaining balance. However if you  increase the intensity too much now you're making  

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cortisol you're going to increase the sugar that  the cortisol primary function is to raise blood  

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sugar the blood sugar is going to raise insulin  and just like all the things we talked about  

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now you're going to get hungrier so after you do a  more intense workout like cardio you are actually  

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more hungry than if you just went for a walk.  Number 10 is meditation and I'm not saying that  

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it's the primary way that you're going to lose  weight to just sit down and do nothing but you  

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want to understand the bigger picture because  it's a great add-on to the big picture. When  

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you meditate you reduce stress you get better  focus better mental control you reduce cortisol  

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you reduce cravings etc. And a lot of people are  afraid of meditation I've heard so many strange  

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comments that they say that it's against my  religion or someone has told them something  

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strange but trust me there's nothing mystical  or strange about it. All you're doing is you're  

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silencing your mind you're just sitting down and  you're focusing on something else something other  

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than your daily strife and you don't have to sit  down and look all mystical and hold your hands in  

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a certain way that might add some benefit if you  feel like it but that's not what it's about. It's  

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just about silencing your mind and creating a  mental reset. They did a study where they had  

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people imagine being angry for five minutes  not even being angry but thinking back to a  

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time where they were angry or upset. And then  they measured these people's cortisol levels and  

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their immune markers and they found that these  people just from imagining for a few minutes  

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they would have increased stress levels and  decreased immune function for the next eight  

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hours. Whereas if you did a meditation or even  just some slow breaths and a breathing exercise  

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then you imagine for five minutes you got into a  stressful state and then five minutes of breathing  

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and you were out of that stressful state.  All of your biomarkers were back to normal  

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so that's what it's about it's creating mental  resets and the more you do it, the better you  

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get at it to the point where you don't even  have to think about it that's just who you are  

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that's your level of being-ness throughout  your day and you get more stuff done  

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and you don't get stressed. If you enjoyed this  video you're going to love that one, and if you  

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truly want to master health by understanding how  the body really works, make sure you subscribe,  

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