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Hello Health Champions. This is a liver. And if  you don't take really good care of your liver  

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it can turn into a fatty liver a cirrhosed liver  and eventually liver failure. Your liver handles  

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over 500 essential functions and it's the number  one organ that will clean out your toxins it used  

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to be that all fatty liver was caused by alcohol  but chances are that if your liver is fatty today  

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then it's because of the foods that you've been  eating I hear so often that people are frustrated  

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with all of the conflicting information out  there and there's a number of YouTube videos  

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on this topic but I find them all Incorrect and  incomplete so in this video I'm going to help  

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you understand how it really works so you can  take care of your liver and stop being confused  

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first of all though we need to talk about what  not to eat and here I'm going to talk about some  

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my recommendations but also comment on some of the  myths and misconceptions so when I looked around  

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the first thing that I found in many places was  sodium they tell you to avoid salt because it has  

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sodium and sodium causes water retention now this  is true in a sense because water follows sodium  

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but it's only true that it causes water retention  if you can't regulate your sodium so if you have  

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a hormone problem if you have an endocrine tumor  or if you have kidney failure to where you can't  

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regulate sodium now that is a reason to limit  your sodium intake because your body doesn't  

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know what to do with it however for the average  person you don't need to worry about sodium and  

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it really has nothing to do with a fatty liver  so that recommendation is incorrect the next  

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one is added sugar they tell you don't eat added  sugar I couldn't agree more because added sugar  

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will increase the liver fat and we'll talk a lot  more about that so big green check mark on that  

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the next thing we see a lot is red meat and they  tell you that avoid red meat because it's high in  

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saturated fat well it is high in saturated fat but  that is not a problem and we'll talk about that in  

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just a little bit so that claim is also Incorrect  and also a lot came up about fried foods to avoid  

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them and they're saying that this is a bad thing  because they're high in fat and calories now I  

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give this a question mark because they are correct  fried foods are not a great thing for the most  

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part because they are using bad oil it's not about  calories or the amount of fat it's the quality  

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of the oils and virtually all fried foods you're  going to find are you using plant oils vegetable  

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oils and in order for those oils to tolerate heat  because they're naturally very heat sensitive they  

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have to destroy those oils they have to process  them oxidize them bleach them deodorize them so  

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that a toxic and rancid that's why you avoid fried  foods if you wanted to have some fried food on  

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occasion and you use a saturated fat like lard  or coconut oil then that would not be a problem  

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I want to address this confusion about you are  what you eat all right that's not really how it  

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works and this is why people think that if you eat  saturated fat you're going to store saturated fat  

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in the body but if we take a look at a cow and  we say that the cow the meat and the cow is the  

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source of the saturated fat then we know that the  cow has a bunch of Saturn rated fat in its body  

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and its meat and tissues but then the question is  if we are what we eat then how does the saturated  

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fat get into the cow because cows don't eat  saturated fat if the cow is allowed to eat what  

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it wants to eat then it's going to eat grass and  then somehow this grass turns into saturated fat  

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and that's called a biotransformation so if that  happens in the cow then why would it happen very  

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differently in a human meaning not that we eat  grass but that the saturated fat in our bodies  

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don't necessarily come from saturated fat so  in humans it's also about bio Transformations  

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but in humans the source of it is not grass it  is excess fuel when we eat more than then we  

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need then that excess fuel is going to be turned  into fat for storage and when that excess fuel  

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is accompanied by excess insulin because insulin  like we've said is a storage hormone and then in  

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humans that is how we end up with our saturated  fat it does not come from the saturated fat that  

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we're eating and there's so much confusion on this  because people talk about how the studies say that  

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if the liver is full of fat full of saturated fat  then that liver is insulin resistant which is true  

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but it's not the saturated fat that caused the  insulin resistance it's the other way around it's  

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the excess Fuel and the insulin that creates the  saturated fat and now when the liver is congested  

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it becomes insulin resistant now in order for  these foods to make sense we need to understand  

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and the real cause of fatty liver and the real  cause is overwhelm when we give the liver more  

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to do than it can handle then it's going to get  congested and the things congesting the liver are  

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all the substances that only the liver can process  if every cell in the body can process it it's much  

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harder to become a burden but if only the liver  can do it now it clogs up pretty quickly and the  

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first thing that everyone knows about is alcohol  and this is why it's a regulated substance it's  

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restricted they don't want us to drink a lot we  don't give it to kids and so forth but very few  

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people know about fructose they've heard kind of  about sugar they know sugar is a bad thing but the  

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real reason sugar is so bad that white sugar is  so bad is that 50 of sugar is fructose so if you  

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eat 100 grams of sugar which most people people do  in a day you're getting 50 grams of fructose which  

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is going to clog up that liver the third thing  only the liver can do is to process toxins and  

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clean those out and if the liver is already busy  with alcohol and fructose now it's kind of backed  

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up and it's not going to be able to process  those toxins very effectively and therefore  

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those toxins build up as well and the fourth  Factor we need to understand is insulin now  

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insulin is the smaller player in this insulin  doesn't necessarily cause the fatty liver but  

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when the liver is already fatty and we have a  lifestyle that maintains a high insulin level now  

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insulin aggravates it it makes it worse insulin  is a storage hormone so it's going to prevent  

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the fat burning in that liver and it's going to  perpetuate the insulin resistance in that liver  

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so we can't clean out a fat liver if we still have  high insulin levels and now that we understand the  

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real causes then it's pretty simple to know what  to avoid what really to avoid and the first thing  

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of course is alcohol because we all know that  causes liver failure but again the second thing  

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is the sugar and we want to avoid all sugar both  the added and the natural because people have this  

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hang up that added sugar is very different and  it's not it's just a quantity that's different  

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we're concentrating it so the quantity builds  up faster but even if it's a natural sugar and  

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you eat a ton of fruit if you're just Downing the  watermelon and the bananas and the mangoes and the  

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pineapple thinking that you're doing yourself a  favor in eating natural fruit then you're mistaken  

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because it can still add up and you can still  eat a hundred grams of sugar or even 200 grams of  

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sugar from fruit and then you have to realize that  the fructose is the same the liver doesn't care  

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if it comes from natural or added sugar it's still  fructose that can only go through the liver so a  

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few berries not a big deal but don't think fruit  is this Saving Grace that you're gonna eat more  

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and more the next thing to avoid is starches  because starches are made up of glucose that  

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becomes blood glucose that stimulates insulin and  like we said without any sugar ever in your life  

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you can tolerate some starches and some insulin  and some glucose but once you have a fatty liver  

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once you're heading that way now your insulin is  much too high and those starches are going to keep  

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driving it up and this is for both natural and  processed so the processed food is always worse  

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because they have taken away the fiber they  have made that starch even faster to absorb  

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but there's very little difference between white  rice and brown brown rice white flour whole wheat  

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flour it's still almost pure glucose and then  you absolutely want to avoid the foods fried  

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in plant oils if they're so-called vegetable oils  you know that is an oxidized toxic oil and that's  

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the reason to avoid it it will absolutely damage  and put strain on the liver and the final thing  

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we need to understand is so many people say that  well look at me I eat some starches I eat some  

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rice I eat some potato and I'm doing fine and  that's true and we have to understand there's  

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a big difference between reversing a condition and  maintaining health so if you're insulin sensitive  

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you can tolerate a certain amount of these Foods  even some starch but if you're trying to reverse  

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a condition and you have a fatty liver and your  insulin levels are super high then you have to  

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do much much more you have to be much stricter  than a person who's just trying to maintain their  

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insulin sensitivity number 10 whole grains is an  item that makes it onto every politically correct  

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food list regardless of the topic for that list  but is that a health food is it a superfood well  

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most of the time when they promote whole grains  all they're saying is that it's better than and  

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what is it better than it's a little better than  sugar and white bread and that's not saying a  

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whole lot is it because we all know that sugar  and white bread is about as bad as it gets so if  

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something's a little better than sugar and white  bread that does not make it a health food in fact  

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grains have a little bit of fiber and protein and  so forth but most of it is pure glucose it breaks  

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down very quickly and that glucose becomes blood  glucose and stimulates insulin and you have that  

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blood sugar roller coaster that is really not a  good idea to make things even worse grains are  

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some of the top allergens of any food out there  there's so many people the majority of people are  

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sensitive to wheat a lot of people are sensitive  to gluten some people are sensitive to rice and  

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oats and so forth but it's very very common  so because of this we're going to give this  

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food a big red X in general but especially as  far as reversing a fatty liver whole grains are  

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not going to help you so I'm going to give this  a little question mark still though because if  

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you don't have a fatty liver if you're insulin  sensitive and you tolerate grains well then  

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and you can probably have some right now don't  overdo it and don't think that modern wheat is  

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a good food for anybody but you may be able to  have some just don't think of it as something  

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that's going to reverse a fatty liver now  even though the title of this video has to  

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do with superfoods and that's a very very popular  concept people just go crazy for that idea I want  

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to clarify a few things and I have a real problem  with the very word and the concept of superfood  

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so one question is if we took a vitamin would it  be possible to undo a poison let's say that we're  

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getting some Mercury exposure and we're getting it  on a daily basis is there any vitamin that we can  

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take to get truly healthy no there isn't because  as long as we have that exposure we're going to  

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get sicker and sicker and sicker and maybe that  vitamin can help us tolerate it just a little  

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better but we're not going to get healthy until  we stop the exposure same thing if we have a lake  

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could we add something to reverse the toxicity  of that Lake if all the fish were dying and going  

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Belly Up could we add a vitamin or an antioxidant  and all of a sudden those fish would be healthy  

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again no if we keep pouring toxins into that Lake  there's nothing we can add that's going to make  

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those fish clean and healthy until we stop the  exposure so when we talk about superfood we're  

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missing the big picture because we're getting  the idea that there's this miraculous thing like  

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a medication that's just going to stop things  they're going to protect me right there is no  

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such thing now I believe that the only reason  that we even buy into the notion of a superfood  

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as a remedy is that we've been indoctrinated we've  been conditioned for decades into the thinking of  

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an allopathic model and what is that allopathic  model say it says that if we have a symptom  

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then we can take something for that symptom so  we have a symptom and then we take a remedy now  

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that's going to have an effect so because of  that remedy now we get relief and we're made  

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to believe that that's going to make everything  okay but if we understand that that symptom only  

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happened because something isn't working then we  also understand that that remedy is not actually  

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going to make anything work better because that  symptom came about because something is missing  

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or something is interfering and that remedy is not  going to provide anything that's missing and it's  

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not going to remove anything that's interfering  it's just going to stop the symptom it's going  

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to block the signals so now that we've blocked the  signal with the remedy we get relief but we also  

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have the continued dysfunction because nothing  really changed we didn't make anything work better  

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so we have dysfunction and we have some damage  because when something isn't working whatever  

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damage is being created is going to be allowed to  continue and this is why there is no such thing as  

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a superfood because whatever is going on if it's  a symptom or a fatty liver we can't just take a  

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remedy and allow the damage to continue we have  to do something different and this is where we  

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get into the holistic model and in the holistic  model instead of the symptom and the remedy we  

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do what's called handle the root cause okay when  we handle the root cause we are addressing the  

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real problem so if there's something missing we  provide it if there's something interfering we  

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help the body eliminate it and in doing that we  still get the relief we get the same result in  

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that sense but instead of continuing the damage  we have actually handled the root cause so now we  

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have improved function the thing that's supposed  to work is working again so the symptom goes away  

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not because we block the signal but because we  handled the root cause and that's why we want to  

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think of food as good food and there's bad food  there's good food that support there's bad food  

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that interfere but there's really no such thing  as a superfood number nine is unsaturated fats  

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and this is another item that shows up on almost  every list we hear it all day long that saturated  

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fat is bad but unsaturated fat is good that's not  really true all right but we need to understand  

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when it is and when it isn't so the first type  of unsaturated is called monounsaturated or MUFA  

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monounsaturated fatty acids and this we want to  think of as a macro nutrient it's something that  

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we eat enough of to give us substantial calories  right and these can be things like olive oil  

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extra virgin olive oil and we can also get it  from meat we hear all the time that meat is all  

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saturated fat when in fact it's about half of the  fat in meat is monounsaturated and about half is  

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saturated it's the same in humans that's just the  way that we store energy we're about half of our  

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fat is monounsaturated so so far they get a big  green check mark because monounsaturated fats are  

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really good for us as long as they're minimally  processed okay that's why we talk about the extra  

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virgin olive oil that's the first pressing that  is done as a cold pressing they apply minimal  

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heat minimal pressure so there's no damage to that  oil now the other type of unsaturated fatty acid  

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is called a polyunsaturated fatty acid and here's  where the confusion sets in so monounsaturated is  

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relatively stable because it it has one place  on the molecule that's kind of Bendy that is  

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unsaturated polyunsaturated means that there's  more than one place and now this molecule is  

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really really squiggly and that also makes it very  unstable so what they do with these they're very  

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unstable they're highly reactive so in order  to turn them into oil and to fry food and to  

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have salad dressings and not have them taste  terrible they have to process them very very  

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harshly and now these oils become toxic oxidized  and highly inflammatory so as long as you get your  

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unsaturated fats from things like olive oil and  meat you're good but when you fall prey to the  

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common recommendation of using more vegetable  oil instead of butter and saturated fat now  

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that's a huge mistake because now you're turning  this polyunsaturated into a macronutrient and  

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and it is highly oxidized and highly inflammatory  so for that portion we're going to give it a big  

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red X number eight is soybeans and other types  of beans and these also make it onto almost every  

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politically correct list with phrases like this  may help with such and such or It's associated  

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with and so forth and typically when they say  that you should eat beans and they say that it  

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can help with things like blood sugar and insulin  resistance now we're back to the argument that  

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they use with white bread that they're saying  that you know beans are better than so yeah I  

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agree beans are better than grain for example but  it doesn't mean that they're a good food on top of  

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that virtually all soybean in the world today is  GMO genetically modified and just like we talked  

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about before or allergens soy is one of the top  allergens it's one of the things that people have  

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the most sensitivities to if you're sensitive  to it then it causes inflammatory reactions  

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and it is very counterproductive so I'm going  to give this a question mark and an X because  

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I don't recommend soy to anybody except you get  something like organic tofu or miso or something  

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but if you are insulin sensitive and you want to  have some lentils or some other types of beans  

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and you tolerate them well then that can be okay  but if you're insulin resistant with the fatty  

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liver then beans are not going to help you number  seven is oatmeal it makes it onto a lot of lists  

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and we often hear phrases like fiber rich foods  like oatmeal so they're kind of grouping things  

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together and generalizing without really having  any idea of why it would be good if there's one  

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one piece of research that suggests that oatmeal  might help with cholesterol in the blood because  

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it's better than white bread now oatmeal becomes  a health food so it's not the worst it's one of  

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the better grains if you have to have a grain but  it is still almost pure starch and it is going to  

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break down pretty easy and turn into glucose and  a lot of people are Gluten Sensitive and if you  

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don't buy it with a certified gluten-free oats  then you're pretty much guaranteed to get some  

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traces of gluten in that package but even if you  get certified gluten free there's still something  

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called a cross reaction so a lot of those little  markers a little about the identifying markers on  

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the molecule of oat looks a lot like gluten so  once the immune system has been triggered and a  

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little confused now in a lot of people it's going  to start reacting to oats as well but like I said  

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it's not the worst food there's a lot of people  that do pretty well with it but if you're going  

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to eat oats make sure that they're still cut  oats because steel cut oats is the whole grain  

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it's going to be broken down and absorbed pretty  slowly it's going to contribute to glucose much  

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much slower than the highly processed and if  you get the instant oats they're just barely  

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better than jelly beans so overall I would give  this a red X if you're trying to reverse liver  

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disease but if you're just looking in general  and you do pretty well with it then it's not  

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the worst food they can eat number six is coffee  and there's been quite a bit of research done on  

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coffee but everywhere they report they're saying  things like it may be protective against non  

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alcoholic fatty liver disease and they're using  phrasing like associated with know where could  

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I find any indication of a mechanism right so  they're saying that we think this is good but  

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we have no idea why so in my mind though then I  always want to think what are they comparing it  

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to what did all the other people so if they study  all these people a million people who drink coffee  

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then my question is the people who didn't drink  coffee what did they drink instead so in a sense  

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coffee is just better than something else and  if people drink coffee they probably drink less  

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soda and sweet tea and other things like that so  I'm not opposed to Coffee I drink coffee myself  

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I don't think it's a bad thing I've never really  found any convincing arguments against it I think  

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if you have weak adrenals you should not drink six  cups a day but most people can probably drink two  

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cups and be totally fine just don't think about it  as some superfood that's going to help you reverse  

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fatty liver number five is walnuts and in my mind  it's a good food it is high in protein and fat it  

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is low in carbohydrate and as such it's really no  different than most other nuts especially things  

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like Macadamia and pecans which are some of my  favorites and when you have something that's  

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low carb and high fat and protein it's going  to be satisfying it's going to help you reduce  

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insulin and reverse insulin resistance so in that  sense I'm all for it just don't think of it as a  

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superfood that's going to help fix anything but  again when they put these in lists of superfood  

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and they quote different studies they're looking  for some magical molecule that's going to start  

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protecting you and reversing disease and it just  doesn't work like that so overall we give it a  

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green check mark because it's a good food just  don't think of more as better number four is  

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Omega-3s and now we're back to these  polyunsaturated fatty acids these are  

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the polyunsaturateds that we really need these  are essential but we only need them in very  

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small quantities for specific reasons one of the  best ways to get them is through fish oil through  

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a supplement or you can eat the whole fish and  there's lots and lots of documentation that show  

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the mechanisms and there's just no doubt that it  is anti-inflammatory it reverses it. It addresses  

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the root causes of a lot of the metabolic  syndrome so when we're talking about fatty  

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liver we're talking about cardiovascular disease  or metabolic syndrome, it addresses the core  

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mechanism in all of those and for that we give  it a big green check mark but we're also going  

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to start asking some questions here because a lot  of people think that Omega-3s are all the same and  

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flax oil flax seed has a lot of Omega-3s in it  but it's not the type that we need we need to  

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convert the flax into something called EPA and DHA  and the problem is that if you're super healthy  

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then you're reasonably good at converting flax  oil into EPA and DHA however if you're not so  

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healthy if you have a lot of oxidative stress  and insulin resistance the worse off you are  

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the less flax you're going to convert into the  stuff that you need so the people who really  

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need it they're not going to be converting it and  therefore flax is not a great source of Omega-3s  

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not for that reason I still eat some flaxseed  because I like it I like to grind it and put  

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it on yogurt with Chia seeds but I don't eat it  to get the Omega-3s and I don't eat more because  

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I think it's a superfood and like we said before  we want to think of these very specific Omega-3s  

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these very specific polyunsaturated fatty acids  as a micro nutrient right it's like a vitamin  

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or a mineral or something we're not supposed to  turn it into energy we're not supposed to get  

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large quantities they're for very specific reasons  they're for cell membranes they're building blocks  

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and hormone precursors and things like that and  some of the best sources like we said is fish  

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but if you eat good quality eggs you can also get  virtually all your Omega-3s the right ones from  

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eggs and if you don't have access to Quality fish  and eggs then I would suggest you get a supplement  

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number three is cruciferous greens and cruciferous  has to do with the shape of a flower that's like  

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the shape of a cross for certain plants and  these plants all have different phyto compounds  

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they have different chemicals in the plant that  actually is assist the liver in its detoxification  

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processes so these foods are things like arugula  and bok choy and Brussels sprouts and broccoli  

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for example but it also includes things like  cabbage and cauliflower kale and even rutabaga  

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and as long as you tolerate these well you can  eat pretty much as much as you like and the only  

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one I would limit a little bit is the last one  the rutabaga which is a root so it has a little  

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bit more starch but it's very slowly processed but  if you're trying to reverse something then go easy  

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on the rutabaga and eat the others but again you  can have sensitivity so it's only good for you if  

Time: 1822.68

you tolerate it number two on the list is meat and  here I might add this is what I added to the list  

Time: 1830.18

all right I think this should absolutely be on  the list and I still wouldn't call it a superfood  

Time: 1836.54

but it's probably as close as we get with these  last two items and interestingly these two last  

Time: 1843.92

items which are my top two did not show up on any  other list why because we have this misconception  

Time: 1852.68

and fear of saturated fat and cholesterol so meat  is a fantastic food it is packed with nutrients  

Time: 1861.86

it is a very rich food it's very very filling  it is a great protein source and a lot of what  

Time: 1869.9

I talk about is sensitivities okay a food can be  good but if you react to it it's not good and the  

Time: 1876.8

reason carnivore is getting so popular is people  have all these food sensitivities and meat beef  

Time: 1884.06

is arguably possibly the least allergenic food  out there so if you're looking to avoid things  

Time: 1891.5

they react to for a lot of people red meat is  it meat is also a very rich source of methane  

Time: 1899.06

main which is a sulfuric amino acid that the body  can use to make glutathione and glutathione is the  

Time: 1907.58

body's most powerful antioxidant meat also has  a lot of saturated fat and monounsaturated fat  

Time: 1914.78

both of which are very stable so if you can get  past the fear of saturated fat and you work on  

Time: 1922.58

lowering your insulin now saturated fat becomes an  excellent energy source and because it is stable  

Time: 1930.02

it is very non-inflammatory and number one on  my list is eggs and that's interesting because  

Time: 1937.88

I didn't find it on any other list out there and  again because we have this phobia and aversion to  

Time: 1944.06

saturated fat and cholesterol which is completely  misguided eggs are packed with nutrients they have  

Time: 1951.62

a lot of the same benefits that meat does but  it also has something called choline which is a  

Time: 1959.9

vitamin that is kind of a catalyst for fat burning  it's one of the things that's going to help you  

Time: 1966.26

burn through that fat in the liver eggs are also  rich in certain vitamins especially B6 B9 and b12  

Time: 1974.3

and these vitamins allow your body to convert a  harmful inflammatory substance called homocysteine  

Time: 1982.4

into a very useful substance called methionine and  then the body turns methionine into glutathione  

Time: 1990.44

which again is our most powerful antioxidants and  not only do eggs have these vitamins to help us  

Time: 1996.8

process methionine but it's also a rich source of  methionine in itself and eggs are also packed with  

Time: 2004.54

essential fatty acids the EPA and the DHA that  we talked about before and if you get the good  

Time: 2011.2

quality the pastured eggs they're going to be many  times higher in these essential fatty acids so  

Time: 2017.2

very often you can get your computer Fleet Supply  just from eggs so eggs also obviously deserve a  

Time: 2023.86

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Time: 2028.66

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Time: 2033.64

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