Top 10 Sugar Substitutes You Should NEVER Eat & Sweeteners You Can Eat

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Keto sugar substitutes which are the good ones

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everyone loves sugar we are genetically conditioned to love sugar this taste of

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sweet is very attractive but then when we get too much as in processed sugar

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then we get insulin resistance and we gain weight and we become diabetic and

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really really sick so then they come up with these sugar substitutes some of

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them can help you lose weight and they can help you stay in ketosis but are

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those the main things that we should be concerned with or are there others that

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are equally or more important when you talk about all those things so that you

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get the full picture coming right up

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I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympian if you want to truly

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master health by understanding how the body really works make sure you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything the

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majority of people in the Western world are overweight and keto and low carb and

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intermittent fasting is the biggest promise to resolve that that most people

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have seen so in the wake of that people still want to have something sweet once

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in a while or in their coffee or certain desserts so which sweeteners are okay

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and keto is one of the most powerful ways of losing weight and and reversing

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insulin resistance but at the same time keto can be a little bit oversimplified

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and it can turn into a religion as if ketosis was the only thing that mattered

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we're gonna evaluate a 16 different sweeteners sucrose or sugar table sugar

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being one of them so there's 15 other sweeteners that we're going to compare

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it to and we are going to look at keto whether it keeps you in or kicks you out

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of ketosis whether it's keto approved but we're also going to look at how it

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does as far as glucose instantly resistance and then we're going to look

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at a couple more things that most people don't

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about we're gonna talk about the biome what is that that is the sum total of

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all the bacteria good and bad that live in your gut so you have somewhere in the

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neighborhood of 40 trillion cells in your body human cells but then you have

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an equal or slightly larger number of bacterial cells of parasites of protozoa

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you have a whole jungle of life-forms and one of the most important things for

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your health is to maintain balance in that jungle a lot of wise people have

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said that you are only as healthy as your gut and the bacteria in the gut is

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what determines how healthy that is it determines your levels of

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neurotransmitters your digestion whether you're prone to bloating if you have

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constipation and hundreds of others the more they look into the biome the more

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they realize that that might be the key to health so we don't want to take that

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lightly and then the final category we're going to look at is toxicity is

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this a toxic thing so yes it's nice to lose weight it's nice to reverse insulin

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resistance but if we load up on toxins if we poison our brain if we poison the

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liver if we destroy the kidneys in the process then is that really what we were

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looking for so keep toxicity in mind as sort of a measurement that if you like

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to make it to retirement then it that would be an important factors don't want

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to be too harsh but I just want to make the point that we want to look at at

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several different factors here to determine if these things are good for

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us or not just as not just a single one so let's dig right into it here and

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let's look at aspartame sucralose saccharin and acesulfame potassium these

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are the most popular artificial sweeteners and because they are cheap

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and they are stable and the end we likes them they are in thousands and

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thousands of different foods they are non-caloric they have no impact on blood

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glucose so as far as keto then aspartame would be okay sucralose would be okay

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saccharine and acesulfame potassium would be okay

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then we look at things like xylitol erythritol maltitol there are many

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others they all end in -ol which means O L which means that they are sugar

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alcohols that means that they have a chemical group on them that prevents

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them from being digested by humans and they taste be really nice and sweet

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they're not as sweet as these guys because these can be like hundreds of

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times sweeter these are in the neighborhood of equal sweetness to sugar

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and they often taste quite good they're more natural sweetness compared to sugar

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it's more like we used to to the flavor humans can't digest them so therefore

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they have they're okay for keto they have a negligible impact now we look at

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sucrose honey agave high fructose corn syrup coconut sugar and all of them are

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sugars so they will have an impact on blood sugar they will kick you out of

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ketosis they contain calories etc so that would be a big red X for all of

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them and then we get into the alternative but more natural because

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these are made in test tubes they're made from toxic components but down here

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we have natural substances with similar properties so we have stevia and monk

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fruit and those would be definitely okay we might want to put a tiny little

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question mark on some of these because anything that tastes sweet could

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potentially create a little bit of an insulin response but as far as keeping

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you out of ketosis then none of these would probably have enough to kick you

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out so we're gonna get them a green then we have something called glycerol or

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glycerin and it is the same word root as in triglyceride so it's a natural

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substance it is something that the body uses all the time it's a backup fuel it

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has a sweet taste but it's not a carbohydrate or a fat so it has calories

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it is a fuel but it's like it's its own thing and it is an okay one when the

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body makes triglycerides and then it burns off the fat it burns off the fatty

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acid and it keeps the glycerin and it can turn that into sugar so it can

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generate blood sugar and that's where a lot of the blood sugar comes from when

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people are in ketosis another interesting one is chicory root this is

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something that is almost a hundred percent fiber it tastes sweet but it

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can't be broken down by humans and it is definitely okay it has a little bit of

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similar properties to the sugar alcohols but we're going to look at that also in

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a second so as far as ketosis then it's pretty clear-cut the ones that the the

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synthetic ones and the sugar alcohols are okay the non-caloric sweeteners are

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okay but anything with calories anything that's extracted from a food

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basically is going to change blood sugar it's going to kick you out of ketosis

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for sure but then let's look at how they differ also so glucose there is no

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glucose impact from any of these guys xylitol there is nothing here but now

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that we start looking the sucrose honey agave high fructose

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corn syrup and coconut sugar now we need to look at how are they different

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so sucrose is 50% fructose and 50% glucose the glucose raises blood sugar

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but the fructose hardly raises blood sugar at all so therefore let's put two

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Xs in that it's 2 times bad for blood sugar with sucrose honey agave has 80%

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fructose so they have a less impact on blood glucose so we're just going to put

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a single X here high fructose corn syrup varies but it generally also has more

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fructose than glucose so it also gets one X and that's why a lot of these have

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been promoted as alternatives the honey the agave the high fructose corn syrup

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because people thought that the glucose impact was the only way that they did

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damage so they say oh look here's a better sweetener because it has a lower

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glycemic index but we're going to look at that and see why that's not the whole

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story coconut sugar is very very close to

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sucrose there's been some show some studies that suggest that it has a lower

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glycemic index and others have suggested that it's exactly the same as sucrose so

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we're gonna give it two x's there as well all of these are essentially no

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impact on blood sugar so we're good there so so far it's pretty much the

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same pattern but we're starting to distinguish the differences between the

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natural the food sugars that they have different properties so now let's look

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at insulin resistance here the these are going to get a check mark the

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are gonna get checkmarks but here we're gonna start looking at this again so as

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far as insulin resistance there's two ways that you can create insulin

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resistance and one is by raising blood sugar to require an insulin response and

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that's what the glucose response does so we're still gonna get a double here

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because it has two different ways sucrose has two different ways of

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creating insulin resistance honey has the same two sugars but it has more of

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the fructose but the fructose creates insulin resistance basically by jamming

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up the liver it overloads the liver because fructose can only be processed

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in the liver so from that point of view there's not so much impact from the

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glucose aspect but there's even more in terms of insulin resistance so we're

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even going to give this a triple insulin resistance and we're going to do the

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same thing for agave and high fructose corn syrup coconut sugar again is going

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to behave very much like regular sugar so some people think oh well you know

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it's brown it's natural yes it has a few minerals it has a few vitamins it's a

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little more natural it's sort of like turbinado sugar or Demerara sugar or

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something where it still has some traces of minerals in there but whatever they

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call it a sugar is a sugar is a sugar is a sugar all right these guys down here

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as far as insulin resistance they are okay now let's look at the biome let's

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talk about which ones will feed bacteria and which will maybe feed the wrong

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kinds of bacteria so again if it has no nutrients it's not going to feed the

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biome either so we we can exclude the the artificial the synthetic ones we can

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exclude right away the xylitol however these

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sugar alcohols the bacteria some of the bacteria especially the pathogenic ones

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especially the ones that you don't want they tend to get fed by these sugar

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alcohols and some of them get fed more some of them are absorbed in different

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places but basically they still feed the bacteria so here X's for the biome and

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here we want to also understand that some people say oh well erythritol

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that's a better one it gets absorbed sooner in the digestive tract it never

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reaches the bowel but there's two places there's two regions where you

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have bacteria normally bacteria are only going to be in the bowel in the large

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intestine which is the last portion of the bowel but if you have a problem with

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your biome then the bacteria tend to move from the large intestine and back

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up into the small intestine and now you have something called SIBO small

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intestinal bacterial overgrowth and the people that have really big problems

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with bloating that gets painful and uncomfortable bloating and gassiness

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they're the ones who not only have the bacteria where they're supposed to be in

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the large intestine but who also have them in the small intestine and now it

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doesn't matter if the erythritol doesn't make it to the large intestine because

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it's still going to be around to feed the bacteria and the small intestine and

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that's where you have the issues typically if you have issues sucrose

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honey agave high fructose corn syrup these are just different combinations of

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sugar they're all going to feed the biome to feed the the pathogenic to feed

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the wrong part of the biome the stevia monk fruit glycerol glycerin they are

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going to be okay and we could put a little bit of a question mark on the

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chicory root because it is a fiber fibers tend to be can be having some

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similar effects but it's gonna be a fraction of what you're gonna find with

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the sugar alcohols the sugar alcohols will tell you on the package that this

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product will cause laxative effects it may cause diarrhea if you consume a

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significant amount of these so the significant amount is different for

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different people some people it's a couple of tablespoons or three or four

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tablespoons and for other people it might be a teaspoon or two so people a

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lot of people are sensitive to these and some people who are really sensitive

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might have a little trouble with the chicory root but it's not going to be

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anywhere near the problems with with this one now let's talk about toxicity

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do you want to live to see retirement then it's not just about losing weight

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it's not just about how you look it's what your organs look like on the inside

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and here is where these are some of the most potent neurotoxins that we know

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they're right up there with with lead and arsenic and margarine and things

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like that and I would put probably a triple X on the aspartame because it has

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so many different toxic substances it breaks down into wood alcohol it breaks

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it down into formaldehyde it's an excitotoxin it kills off your liver and

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your kidneys and your brain it's really just not a good idea the others have

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various different degrees and I wouldn't recommend them for anything in the world

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but they're probably not quite as bad as the aspartame if you want to rank them

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xylitol erythritol maltitol they are typically considered natural substances

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but all of them are industrially produced now they are produced through

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various chemical processes so let's just put a little question mark on these

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because it depends as I'll eat all for example is called birch

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because it supposedly occurs naturally in birches and that's where they started

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deriving it but that's not where they get it from anymore sucrose honey agave

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high fructose corn syrup most of these are relatively natural so

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honey obviously is a very natural product and it even has some good

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healthy benefit it has some nutrients it has some properties to it so here I

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would have to say checked depending on the how the sugar is made but a good

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organic turbinado sugar is still basically a natural product honey I

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would even put two check marks as far as natural agave is usually made from

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cactus from cactus sugar but depending on how its processed we might want to be

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careful high fructose corn syrup is a very very synthetic product and it has

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been shown to be laced with various toxins including mercury so I would

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probably put a couple of exes on that coconut sugar is generally a a healthy

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sugar so I put that up there with with a good quality sugar if there if you want

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to call it such a thing stevia monk fruit glycerine glycerine

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chicory root I would say are for the most part okay you want to be careful

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though because with stevia and monk fruit primarily it depends on how they

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process it and it depends on what they mix it with so stevia itself is a plant

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and then they extract it into a concentrated white powder and then

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because the powder is so concentrated they usually dilute it with something

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and oftentimes they dilute it with these sugar alcohols or they dilute it with

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like an inert powder like an inulin so it could be if you don't get the pure

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kind it could be a mix of these different things so I would recommend

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either liquid stevia or a concentrated powder stevia and

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you'll know because one of these tiny little bottles would have about five six

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hundred serving same thing with a monk fruit it's even a little bit more

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concentrated than the stevia so if you find a little bottle with five hundred

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servings then that would be the kind of stevia or monk fruit that you want to

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get so out of these the only one that I would recommend for health would be the

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ones at the bottom they are natural they'll keep you in ketosis they have no

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impact on blood sugar or insulin resistance they have no impact on the

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biome and they are not toxic so the synthetic ones here they look

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pretty good on paper all the way up to here but the toxicity aspect is so

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important in my mind a lot of people kind of brush over that but being a

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holistic doctor and seeing what this stuff does to people

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I can't caution it strongly enough so even though there's a bunch of green

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checkmarks that that last aspect means that it's a poison that you want to keep

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out of your body sugar is not a poison but for health purposes for all the

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things that you're trying to accomplish it is not a good idea the sugar alcohols

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they can help you and they may be okay in moderation so if you just like if you

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don't like the taste of anything else but you find that you know the xylitol

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it's not so bad in coffee for example and you just use a teaspoon or two

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teaspoons a day and you don't notice anything bad with it then I wouldn't

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worry about those I think any of the sugar alcohols would be okay then but if

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you notice any kind of bloating then that means that that's not a good thing

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for you and you want to start looking at your biome and doing the things that you

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can as much as possible so if you'd like to learn more about insulin resistance

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ketosis toxicity holistic health etc we have a whole library for you to learn

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from if you enjoyed this content make sure

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that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything see you in the next video

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