Top 10 Secrets To Reverse Insulin Resistance Naturally

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Hello Health Champions. If you're watching this  today you are probably insulin resistance because  

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that's something that affects most of the world's  population today. So we're going to talk about,  

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in simple terms, what insulin resistance really  is and if you stay with me to the end and you  

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really understand and apply these 10 secrets to  reverse insulin resistance then you won't have to  

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be one of the victims. The biggest part about  reversing insulin resistance is to understand  

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what it is and what it is not so first of all it  is the most common disease in the world and it  

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is also the disease that claims the most lives  unfortunately it is also one of the most poorly  

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diagnosed the most misunderstood and the most  mismanaged but unlike what you will hear or  

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read when you do a search into this topic they  say that it is not curable it is not reversible  

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but that is a misunderstanding and the hopeful  thing is that if you understand what we're talking  

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about today it is also one of the most easily  reversed conditions if we do a Google search  

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for insulin resistance it's going to reveal the  first problem because right away they're going to  

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talk about glucose they're going to talk about  glucose in the blood and they'll explain that  

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insulin resistance is when insulin doesn't work  or we fail to respond to insulin and therefore  

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blood glucose increases and if you notice all the  focus is on blood glucose but that's not what the  

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condition starts with that's not the first thing  that's the last thing so what they're saying on  

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this page is that insulin resistance leads to  increased blood glucose and that is absolute  

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true I'm not disputing that in any way but they  are starting with the last step they're focusing  

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all about blood glucose that's how they diagnose  it that's all they measure that's all they treat  

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they're missing the bigger picture and they get  this backwards because if you're gonna describe  

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insulin resistance in one word it would be in  my opinion it would be overload and when we  

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overload the body with carbohydrate with things  that stimulate insulin now we get a increase we  

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get a high insulin level and that's not so bad  if it happens once or twice but if this becomes  

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chronic if we do this every day or several times  a day like we're told to do we're told to eat High  

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carbohydrate meals many times a day with frequent  snacks now this leads to insulin resistance and  

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now we have a chronic condition but the blood  glucose that they measure is the last thing  

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to focus on we need to understand that insulin  resistance is a survival mechanism and it happens  

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on two different levels first of all it's at the  species level so if humans didn't have the ability  

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to develop a little bit of insulin resistance we  wouldn't be as good at storing energy so back when  

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we were hunter-gatherers when we had a lot to  eat maybe in the summer and not so much in the  

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winter it was a good thing to be a little insulin  resistant because that would allow us to overeat  

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and to store the extra energy for future use if  we were a little extra padded with fat we could  

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survive the winter better if you were super  insulin sensitive and you couldn't put on a  

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lot of fat you might have a six-pack to show off  but you may not make it through the winter but  

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that's not so much a problem anymore I think you  would agree and the insulin resistance we talked  

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about today is more about the cellular level  and that is what we need to have a look at so  

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when you eat something let's say that you have a  pile of food and you ingest that let's call that  

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400 calories and let's say that this is pure  carbohydrate just for purpose of illustration  

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so that would be a hundred grams of carbohydrate  that doesn't sound like a whole lot because most  

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people eat many times that every day but we have  to realize that this has to be absorbed into the  

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bloodstream into our vascular system and we have  miles of blood vessels and they hold a total of  

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about five liters of blood or about a gallon and  a half but that entire blood volume if we have a  

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hundred milligrams of glucose per deciliter that  amounts to a total of about three grams a little  

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bit more than half a teaspoon and if we convert  that to calories that would be 12 calories of  

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blood glucose at any given time and it is terrible  it's an emergency if we allow that to rise very  

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much if that gets up to even double then we have  very very poor glucose tolerance or system our  

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physiology is basically broken we can't handle  where carbohydrate intolerant if that even gets  

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up to 24 calories and yet we have to get these  400 calories through the bloodstream quickly and  

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some of this 400 calories will be used up in real  time but most of it we have to get into the blood  

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stream into the tissues and then store it so we  can store it in one of two ways first way is that  

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we store it as carbohydrates so we basically take  these glucose molecules and we chain them together  

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into glycogen and now we can store them in a  type of container if you will and the muscles is  

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one container and the liver is another container  but all in all we can store about 1500 calories  

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of carbohydrate in the body that's all and I mean  that sounds a lot compared to the 12 calories in  

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the bloodstream but if you realize that you use  up about 2 000 calories in a day then your total  

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carbohydrate wouldn't even last you one day so how  do we survive longer periods without food and that  

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is because most of this is going to get stored as  fat and these containers are not proportional by  

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size or anything but the fat container can hold  almost unlimited amounts of fat so if you're very  

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heavy you can have hundreds of thousands maybe  over a half a million calories of fat stored so  

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the insulin takes the blood glucose it stores  glycogen it puts the glucose into the fat cells  

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where it's converted into fat for future storage  and insulin is a wonderful thing that allows us  

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to store this extra energy but I'm sure you've  heard the expression that too much of a good  

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thing is not so good and what happens if this  container starts filling up if we eat a bunch  

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of carbohydrate and we keep storing this because  we're always in over feeding mode then pretty soon  

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this container is going to fill up and once it  starts overflowing once it's full that cell says  

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for survival purposes that I don't want anymore if  you push more stuff into me then I'm gonna burst  

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and that is literally what happens eventually but  before that happens this container starts leaking  

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it starts overflowing because we're just pushing  too much into it and it's the excess insulin that  

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does that and then the body starts to resist the  action of insulin because it says I'm too full I  

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don't want that insulin to push more stuff in me  but the body is desperate because it has to get  

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that glucose out of the bloodstream because it's  extremely toxic to the brain you can get into  

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a coma with too much blood sugar so the body  is desperate to get it out of the bloodstream  

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so it makes more and more and more insulin to  fill up this container and the container says  

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no I've had enough and this is how we develop  insulin resistance and this is where a lot of  

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people get confused because they hear that this  is primarily a fat cell that gets filled up it  

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starts leaking and it starts signaling that it's  insulin resistance and this message spreads to  

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other tissues so it sort of signals a spreading  tendency of insulin resistance in the body so  

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people erroneously think it's about the fat cell  therefore fat is the problem but again they get  

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it backwards because it didn't start with the  fat it's not the fat that filled up the fat cell  

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it's the glucose that through the influence of  insulin was converted into fat so it's the high  

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carbohydrate consumption it is the high insulin  level that stuffs that cell to full so insulin  

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resistance is not caused by fat and this may be  the biggest health problem we have today that  

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we have a fat phobia and there's so much Recent  research that says that the more saturated fat  

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you eat the lower your insulin levels the less  insulin resistance the longer you live the less  

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cardiovascular disease and the less inflammation  you have so it's exactly contrary to what we hear  

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because we have a fat phobia we have decided once  and for all the fats the bad guy and then we kind  

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of stop using our common sense and understanding  how physiology works but if it's not fat causing  

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it what is it primarily and the number one  answer is sugar because sugar is 50 glucose which  

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stimulates raises insulin so starch and bread  and rice it's all glucose but sugar is even worse  

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because 50 glucose raises insulin the other 50  percent is fructose and fructose is very similar  

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to alcohol in the sense that fructose and alcohol  can only be processed through the liver the  

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majority the vast majority has to go through the  liver and if we push all that volume that's enough  

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fuel for a whole body basically but we push it  through a three pound organ then the cells of that  

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organ are going to overflow very quickly and it  used to be that only alcoholics could get a fatty  

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liver but today it's an epidemic of fatty liver  and type 2 diabetes in kids as young as teenagers  

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or even younger than that and for the most part  I'm sure it's not because they're alcoholics it  

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is because we feed them candy and cookies and soda  so sugar and alcohol are primarily responsible for  

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causing fatty liver and insulin resistance  but there's also a lot of talk about car  

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carbohydrate and starch and why is that because  once you have started to become insulin resistant  

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and your insulin levels are high and you feed your  body starch now that starch turns into glucose  

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and you're going to perpetuate you're going to  constantly drive that insulin level higher and  

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higher and higher and to the extent that the  body was ever able or wanting to clean out and  

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burn through that fat there's no possibility of  doing that with chronically High insulin levels so  

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sugar and alcohol causes most of the problem but  starches and carbs contribute to it and perpetuate  

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it insulin resistance is also not a mystery and I  understand why the American Diabetes Association  

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would post an article like this and say that  exactly why a person fails to respond properly is  

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still a mystery but this is more of a perspective  that that they are used to science and logic they  

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want to pin it down on a single mechanism that can  Define once and for all there it is but if we step  

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back a little bit and use some common sense and  have a different perspective on the body and we  

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recognize that the body is infinitely intelligent  it is as smart as anything on the planet gets it's  

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way way way smarter than we are or will ever be  it is perfect it is incapable of making mistakes  

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the only thing the body knows is to follow the  laws of physiology to follow the laws of nature  

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so if we analyze the statement a little bit and  we look at these two words properly and mystery  

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and we understand that physiology is as perfect  as gravity it is a law of nature then it is no  

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way there is no possibility for the body to act  improperly right it only knows how to do things  

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one way and if we were to observe something that  contradicted that if we observe gravity and then  

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one day we see a balloon floating up then if  we understand that gravity is consistent and  

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can only do things one way the perfect way then  we would explain that Balloon by something else  

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we would understand that there are other forces  at play there are other influences just like we  

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would look at the body and say hmm I wonder why  this cell is behaving that way and if we know  

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that it can only behave perfectly then we have to  come up with another explanation and say maybe we  

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are doing something that the body isn't equipped  to tolerate the body only knows how to adapt if we  

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push it it's going to adapt if we leave it alone  it's going to return to balance so maybe if we  

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push it too far maybe we just have to undo what  we were doing stop creating that insult and the  

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body would return to balance and that is what we  see happening and here's what medical news today  

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says we have to know about insulin resistance and  it tries to outline what the current understanding  

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is on how insulin resistance develops and  they say first insulin loses its ability to  

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support body cells effectively so what they're  saying is insulin resistance is where it starts  

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right that's the last step is there any Wonder or  in such a mess if that's our current understanding  

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now first we induce a stress on the body then the  body adapts over a period of many many many years  

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often 10 years 15 20 years then we abuse the body  it adapts it resists and then we get to insulin  

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resistance which they think is the first step and  why do they think that because they only focus on  

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blood sugar number two they say at first the body  responds by increasing insulin well that's what it  

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does all along when we eat too many carbohydrates  and frequents meal that is when it responds with a  

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lot of insulin then number three they say that  eventually as the body becomes more resistant  

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glucose levels go up the body can't keep up when  making more insulin and that is extremely rare  

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because most people who are type 2 diabetics they  make tons and tons of insulin but it's more like  

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the body's intelligence again just throwing its  hands up and said I don't know what you're doing  

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but there's only so much I can do sure I could  release more insulin but what would be the point  

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all we're doing is we're exploding these poor fat  cells and number four they say that if we maintain  

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these high blood sugar levels then that can lead  to pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes again only  

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focusing on blood sugar as if it was the blood  sugar that led to the diabetes rather than the  

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insulin resistance and then they say this will  happen unless we can get treatment and control  

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blood sugar levels so you see the problem they're  focusing only on blood sugar as if that was some  

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completely independent variable that had nothing  to do with anything else going on or anything  

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else that we're doing but if we stop focusing on  the blood sugar and we start looking at what does  

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the body adapt to over a period of many many years  then it's not a mystery and we stop focusing on  

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the blood sugar and we start looking at the whole  system and the behavior and what they're saying  

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at the end here is basically that if a person was  able to get treatment to control blood sugar then  

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we might be able to avoid the pre-diabetes and  the diabetes and this is the biggest fallacy of  

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all because the treatment is aimed at blood  sugar not reversing insulin resistance and  

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therefore insulin resistance treatment makes  insulin resistance worse now at first it's not  

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so bad it's not my favorite solution but they give  you metformin and what this does is it helps the  

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tissues become a little more insulin sensitive  so it helps bring some of the glucose down  

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without increasing so much insulin but it doesn't  help reverse the problem in the least bit because  

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the problem is still that we were putting  more in the system than it could burn up  

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and the metformin isn't going to change that in  any way it will just buy us a little bit of time  

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so the metformin will improve somewhat temporarily  and it really won't bring the A1C down but it will  

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probably take a little bit longer before it gets  worse but eventually it kind of loses its effect  

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because we keep doing the thing that caused the  problem and then the only solution they have left  

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is to inject insulin or to give you something  to stimulate your body's own insulin production  

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and what's the problem with that well the problem  is that we were already doing something to create  

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chronically High insulin levels so if you take  fasting insulin test then a healthy level for  

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someone who's very insulin sensitive ideally  insulin sensitive is somewhere between two and  

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five and before they get to that point where they  have where they give them additional insulin their  

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insulin levels it are already at around 25 to 30.  so they're basically eight to ten times higher  

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than a healthy level these people are not short on  insulin they have too much they have way too much  

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and what happens now when we give them more we are  making the problem worse because we're giving them  

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more of the thing that created the problem in the  first place so basically what we're doing is by  

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focusing purely on treating blood sugar then we're  making the blood sugar a little bit better at the  

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expense of Health at the expense of making the  problem worse and if you seek help for insulin  

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resistance the first thing they're going to tell  you is that it would help if you lost weight and  

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that's probably true but you can't because your  insulin is too high and Insulin keeps packing that  

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fat Cell full and now when they give you insulin  when they inject insulin or give you something to  

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stimulate more insulin they are automatically and  every time making you gain weight so the treatment  

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does the opposite of what they tell you would help  to get healthy as a result you will most likely  

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die sooner because this treatment of increasing  insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome is  

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going to increase two to three fold the rate of  cardiovascular disease and stroke and Alzheimer's  

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and high blood pressure and so on. If you enjoyed  this video, you're going to love that one. And if  

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