Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods You Can Eat For Your Immune System

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Hello Health Champions. You probably know that immunity has never been more important than it is right now but I

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want you to understand how much power you have over the strength of your immune system

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When a wave of infectious disease sweeps around the world your diet and lifestyle could make

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all the difference between falling prey to it or thriving and it all starts with knowing

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what not to eat. Coming right up. Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a former

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Olympic Decathlete and if you want to truly master help by understanding how the body really

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works make sure you subscribe, hit that bell and turn on all the notifications so you never

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miss any life-saving information everyone has an immune system but for different people

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it works to different degrees but we have to understand about it is that it overall

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capacity the overall ability to defend yourself against foreign Invaders so it's not like

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one single system it every part of your body. The strength and energy and capacity of your whole body

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working together and we want to understand that all the pathogens are opportunistic a pathogen

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is something that can cause disease and opportunistic means that they take advantage of any kind

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of weakness if your armor isn't up to speed then they're going to break through and they

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going to take advantage of that and this is yeast, fungus, bacteria, parasites any sort

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of foreign Invader but also of course viruses such as Corona or flu etc it doesn't matter

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what any of these pathogens are they're all trying to find a weakness and take advantage

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of it so our job is to take care of the body and strengthen it and give it all the resources

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so first of all we want to give it support and that's things like food the nutrients

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building blocks essential nutrients we want to give it proper rest and recovery we want

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to put it in a state of peace because that's the only time that your immune system will

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work properly write and then we want to cut back on interference we want to reduce the

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things that make it harder for the body to put its energy at defending itself and here

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were talking primarily about stress which is emotional stress physical stress anything

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in life that you have to expend energy to deal with and of course toxins so food falls

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into two categories it could either be something to support you or something that interferes

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to illustrate this point I want to show you some recent fatality statistics and I just picked Spain one out

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of many countries they're all pretty similar but if we look at people over 80 they had

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a fatality rate of 15% but if we go down to the people who are 10 years younger the rate

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dropped to under 5% if we cut back 10 more years it's down under 2% and for people under 60

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the rate is close to zero so what we're seeing here is that people under 60 has a survival

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rate of 39 to 111 times better and just to put that in perspective. A lot of times they

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talk about oh, do this do this thing and increase or reduce your chances by 10 or 20% expressed

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in percent we're talkin 3900 to 11100 % and that is your immune system the difference

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is your immune system right it's the same pathogen but it's a different level of Defense

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in xb1 I understand the difference between statistic and you that when they express things

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as percentages they're always looking at a statistical population but when it comes to

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you when it comes to the individual you decide where you fit because there are lots of 80

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year old people, 90, 100 year old people who survived and their survival rate was 100% so never

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look at statistics and let it scare you but understand what you can do about it anytime

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we're dealing with something unknown and people are dying there's a lot of fear and one thing

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we certainly don't want to trivialize this but we want to get over irrational fear we

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want to understand what the real risks are what you can do to protect yourself because

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it's not about age and I come back to that in a second lots of people over a hundred

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years old as old as 113 years old have been infected and survive the coronavirus so we

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want to respect others and how you choose and how they choose to conduct their life

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but most of all you want to understand and start influencing the power that you have

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over your immune system. Age is often cited as the number one risk factor in disease whether

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it's Corona or flu the elderly die the most but what is it about age that makes you susceptible

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Well aging people are more prone to degeneration they have lived longer than I'm more time

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to degenerate but some old people are not very degenerated they have brain shrinkage

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they have nutritional deficiencies because with age with degeneration they reduce the

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production of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes so now the food they eat they're absorbing

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fewer less percentage of the nutrients from the food so they get nutritional deficiencies

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their metabolism slows down their ability to repair and recover and make immune cells

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go down but most of all the older people get the more drugs they put them on. So the average

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65 year old in the u.s. is on over half a dozen drugs and drugs interfere they suppress

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function in the body so even though they treat symptom they make you less healthy they allow

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for less homeostasis in the body. The second risk factor that's talked about the most is Syndrome X or metabolic

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syndrome that's insulin resistance diabetes high blood pressure or obesity and so on and

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what these have in common is that they are insulin resistance and what high chronic levels

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of insulin do is they cause a certain congestion there's an imbalance between what you put

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in your body and what you burn and get rid of that with insulin it is there's too much

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storage and you don't keep up with the elimination phase and now you get congestion and toxicity

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Syndrome X insulin resistance is also associated with inflammation and it is associated with

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oxidative stress so here are the risk factors the real ones are not age and metabolic syndrome

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it is degeneration brain shrinkage and all these different items that make them up and

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all of these are things that you can influence now the topic for this video is food what

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are the worst foods that you can eat for your immune system so we want to ask two questions

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about the food first question is what does it provide cuz we want to support the body

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would want to give it essential nutrients essential amino acids fatty acid vitamins and minerals

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etc. Does the food provide any of that when we eat something the purpose is

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to give us that but what is in the food does it actually have anything the body needs and

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second we want to ask this food does it have anything that interferes does it have anything

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that makes it harder that creates inflammation or insulin resistance or any of those things

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so here are the 10 foods in the 10 categories of foods or principles in reverse order number

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ten anything in excess is a burden so this could be alcohol a teaspoon of alcohol is

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not a toxin a cup of alcohol is a toxin it's more than your liver can process in a day

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it depletes you of nutrients it puts an enormous stress on the liver meat nothing wrong with

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me per se but if you have trouble digesting it if your digestive tract can only process

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so much at any given time then more than that amount is a burden but it doesn't matter what

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you eat they couldn't meet it could be vegetables if you have a hard time tolerating raw vegetables

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then that's a burden it unbalances something in you if you don't tolerate it well and so

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if you have trouble with raw vegetables cook them there's some people that do great on

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all raw vegetables that some people I can't handle them also huge meals if your digestive

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tract has a limited capacity to processed food at any given time then a huge meal could be

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a big burden this is a limitation for a lot of people trying to do one meal a day they

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like the principal they feel good but their digestive tract of can't handle that much

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so I understand that it's not about any of these things in particular but any excess

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is a burden so pay attention to what your body is telling you number 9 anything that

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you're sensitive to is a problem there's a saying that one man's food is another man's

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poison even if you can eat something it doesn't mean that it's good for me and also get over

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the notion that it's supposed to be good for you we hear this so often it but it's supposed

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to be good for you well if it's reacting with your body if your body has a sensitivity that

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causes inflammation then it's poison to you it's one of the worst things you can eat even if it's

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super healthy to someone else and some of the most common ones would be shrimp Dairy

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peanut soy and corn and of course we modern wheat especially number eight Dairy and I'm

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bringing this up as a separate item because it is so, there's very very few people that

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can tolerated well in my office it is along with wheat it's the most common sensitivity

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I see but it makes a difference what type it is and the reason people don't tolerate

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it is that it's pasteurized and homogenized that is harshly processed they changed it

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from the original food but if you're ferment it now you're bringing back some of those

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enzymes and some of those bacteria that help you digest it that actually contribute to

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your digestive tract and also high-fat is better so if you eat something like butter

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it has lot of good fats and the proteins which are the problem are only a fraction of that

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and you can go one step further if you're still sensitive and you can have clarified butter

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or ghee people usually do really well on yogurt a good quality not too sugary flavored kind

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and also on sour cream but try to avoid regular milk and skim milk they cause a whole lot

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more problems than people realize food number 7 to avoid for your immune system is plant

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oils these are the ones that have been called vegetable oils and we've been sold these for

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the last 50 years as healthy but they are the opposite they're made from seed grain

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and beans legumes and they're very inflammatory because they're high in omega-6's which

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again it's not a bad thing in itself but when we're supposed to get a one-to-one ratio and

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we get a 20 to 1 ratio then it's pro-inflammatory because of how they're processed they become toxic

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a lot of these beans and seeds and grains don't have a lot of fat in them like corn

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is not a very fatty food so you have to apply lots of pressure lots of heat and strong chemicals

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like solvents to extract the oil from the food as a result they become very toxic and

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also because of the processing they're empty calories there's nothing left in the

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food that your body needs there's no essential nutrients there's no vitamin or mineral nothing

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at all it's as bland as sugar exceptions to the rule of plant oils are coconut oil and

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extra virgin olive oil why because these foods are very high in fat to start with so it doesn't

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take much heat or pressure and it takes no chemicals or solvent you just squeeze them a little bit and

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out comes the oil furthermore the coconut oil saturated which is very stable and extra

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virgin olive oil is monounsaturated also very stable so these things will stay safe they'll

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stay stable and fresh for weeks and months even without refrigeration so that's

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why these are excellent alternatives and they actually have some good nutrients as well

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number six is margarine so now we get all of the bad stuff from plant oils plus these

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margarines are also partially hydrogenated and that means that they've taken this plant

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oil that's harshly processed that's devoid of any nutrients and the nuke it with hydrogens

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and now they change the chemical composition they turn it from a liquid to a solid but

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in the process they create a molecule that has never ever been created in nature before it is completely

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foreign and we don't have the enzymes we don't have the machinery to deal with this so

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it's a poison it's a toxin it's a terrible terrible thing and even the mainstream has

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realized this because physical trans fats and now they have to label for that so what is

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it good for it's still being sold so if you have some then get it out and build yourself

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a little castle or something be a little creative with it but be sure you don't lick your fingers

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afterwards not that you'd want to cuz it tastes terrible number five avoid chemical additives

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also known as poison. These are even added to food to make it so unattractive to living things that

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not even mold wants it not even bacteria not even fungus wants this thing and these poisons

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are usually classified under GRAS that means generally regarded as safe they have been

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approved by experts and I don't know maybe these are the same experts that told us that

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cigarettes and margarine was a good thing and what they do is they take these toxins

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one at a time and they run them through a process and they test them on rats or some

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other unsuspecting animal and they check how much will kill them and then they back off

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until they find this much won't kill you but here's my concern that they test them one

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at a time and what if you get a little bit in a thousand different ways we have to realize

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these are designed to be poison and there is no amount that is natural in the human

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body number four thing to avoid is sweetness you have the blue the pink in the yellow aspartame

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the sacrament of the sucralose and if you check the fine print you also want to avoid

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Acesulfame potassium or Acesulfame K all of these are pesticides they were in the process of

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developing neurotoxins to kill little bugs when they found out that these could taste

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sweet and then they modified them a little bit and turned them into artificial sweeteners and

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especially the aspartame breaks down into formaldehyde also known as embalming fluid

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and methanol which is wood alcohol the stuff that makes you blind so even if you don't

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die from it right away do you think your immune system likes it I would suggest you avoid

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it so what is it good for well I have heard that the aspartame is pretty good as an ant

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killer so if you put it in the corners or outside in the yard then you can get rid of

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it that way. Third thing to avoid is grain and why is that well several reasons first because

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it's a starch about 80% by weight of most grains is starch which is another form of glucose

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within minute it starts breaking down to glucose being absorbed in your bloodstream and raising

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blood glucose and insulin and driving metabolic syndrome but also grain is a very common allergen

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and the one in particular is modern wheat the ancient weeds and the rye or not so bad

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but modern wheat is the number one sensitivity that I find in my office and some of the additional

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reasons is that they raise it they grow it with glyphosate which is the pesticide and it

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is not specifically technically a GMO but it's hybridized GMO means that they changed

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the genetic code and back when they hybridized this they didn't have the sophistication to

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splice the genes but they did other things to it they irradiated it and nuked it and

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just kind of waited to see where the pieces fell so they've done things to the wheat that's

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even worse than than GMO actually. Number two thing that will wreck your immune system is

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processed food and why is this because it has preservatives also known as poison it

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has flavorings which are chemicals that stimulate your taste buds right when they process it

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they remove all of the actual flavor from the food and then they have to trick you into

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eating it by putting back addictive chemicals that trick your brain into making you think that there's

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actually some flavor here and they're pretty addictive this is a whole industry in itself

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it contains sugar very frequently which is a drug that gives you a buzz basically very

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addictive and they're depleted there is nothing left in these processed foods that your body

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needs essential amino acids essential fatty acids vitamins and minerals there's basically

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nothing there and then they add in some synthetic vitamins to make it look like they have nutrients

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but it's pretty much all garbage the biggest problem with food if we don't understand what

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food is anymore so let me give you a little illustration right every other species on

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the planet they either eat something directly from the planet something that grew on the

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planet or they eat something that ate something that grew on the planet this is the circle

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of life and this is how every species have been eating they've been eating from the earth

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and then in the last 50 years humans have changed into eating this stuff okay are you

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kidding me this is not food there's not a single item of food there's nothing here that

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provides anything that you need sure you can survive on it for months or years or decades

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but you cannot thrive and you cannot strengthen your body on that so just kind of look at

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how does this make you feel take a deep breath and just sort of sense what this is compared

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to that and I think you'll start to get the picture and the number one thing to avoid

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if you want a healthy immune system is sugar so what's the worst thing about sugar well

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it contains fructose and fructose directly interferes with your immune system interferes

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with virtually every metabolic reaction in the body but especially it clogs up the liver

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It's a liver poison it is almost as potent as alcohol but it is disguised because everyone

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knows to avoid alcohol we don't give alcohol or vodka to kids but we feed them all these

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processed foods and these sugar and these drinks so fructose will kill the liver and one of

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the worst things often talked about is high fructose corn syrup and why is that spoken

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of why is that argued that it's so much worse than sugar because it's 55% fructose vs. 50% fructose

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So they're really close yeah high fructose corn syrup it's a little more chemically processed

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and it's a little higher but they're both really bad and then we get to the sacred cow fruit

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so dried fruit has about 15 to 35% fructose which means twice as much sugar Fresh Fruit

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has about 3 to 8% fructose and a lot of people will argue that will this is a natural sugar

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it's different than packaged by nature it has fiber and water it's absorbed much slower

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and all of that is true but it doesn't matter if it's absorbed slower because it's still

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going to go through the liver at some point now if you're healthy if you have a super

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clean liver which is rare and you don't have insulin resistance then you could probably

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eat a fruit or two maybe not every day but several times a week and you would still be

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fine but if you have insulin resistance if you are obese if you have a fatty liver then you

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have most likely ruined your carbohydrate tolerance you can't deal with these things anymore and

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if you're trying to move away from a fatty liver to a clean liver if you're trying to

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reverse the process then you can't put in any amount of the stuff that caused it you

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have to be much more strict than someone who never had the problem right so if you have

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some dried fruits into by an 8 oz bag and you eat half of it now you just got the same

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fructose as drinking three or four sodas right that's not going to be very helpful so maybe

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have a few berries here and there but if you are trying to reverse it you have been very

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strict about this so you have all seen these campaigns these information campaigns on how

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to protect yourself when there's a pandemic weather is Corona or the flu and I'm not going

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to even get into that but there's so much talk about that part and there is never any

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talk I haven't heard anything from official public sources about how to change your immune

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system and here is where you can actually change your risk a hundred times you can reduce

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your risk of 100 times I believe so let's talk about that let's pay that some attention

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and make get serious about that aspect and like we talked about the way you do that is

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to cut sugar and you cut all of the foods that we talked about in this video but then

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eats real food and I've done lots of videos on this so check them out and learn what real

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food is how to not get insulin resistant then you want to exercise done lots of videos on

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that because exercise activates the body improves circulation stimulates the brain it's an excellent

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way to strengthen your immune system get enough sleep because while you're sleeping you're

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allowing your body to reset your allowing your nervous system to calm down you're putting

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your body into a healing state and without adequate sleep and recovery if you live in

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constant stress then you will not allow your immune system to do what it does and then

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let me mention meditation this is something that a lot of people know that it would be

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a good idea that maybe I should give it a try Oh but it's so hard to do it it's so

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hard to find the time well I urge you to take it seriously and learn how to meditate

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because I don't believe that there's anything that you can do that would have a greater

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impact on your quality of life on your immune system on your health on Your vitality on

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your joy this is meditation is more than just relaxing it is about rewriting your whole

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genetic expression it's about rewiring your nervous system to where it functions better

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on automatic so give it a try you will love it if you enjoy this video and you'd like

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to learn more about how to get healthy then I think you should check out that one next

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thank you so much for watching I'll see you next time

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