Top 10 Immune Boosting Foods You Must Eat For Optimum Health

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Hello Health Champions. Today I want to talk about the immune system and the top

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10 foods that can help it work better. Coming right up. Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a

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holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly

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master health by understanding how the body really works make sure you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss anything so it's a

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little misleading to talk about the immune system because there's not really

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any such thing when we talk about the immune system we're talking about your

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body's capacity to defend itself so it's not like you have an immune system you

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are an immune system everything about you participates in your ability to

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defend yourself you have 40 trillion cells and every one of them is doing

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their part they provide physical barriers to keep foreign invaders out

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the skin the inside the lining of the lungs and so forth we have cell

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membranes that determine what goes in and out the virus bacteria they have to

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get through and pass these membranes we have mucus which is secreted off a

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mucous membranes to act as a barrier and trap foreign agents we have chemical

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defenses we have free radicals we have phagocytes that that secrete toxic

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substances that poison these foreign invaders to death we have detoxification

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we have the liver and the spleen and the kidneys that are filtering out these

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foreign agents and the broken-down substances and then of course we have

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the cell based immune system the white blood cells and this is oftentimes what

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people talk about primarily when they talk about the immune system but it is

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so much more so how do we build the immune system well it starts with whole

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food and whole food has vitamins it has whole complex

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vitamins it has minerals in their natural organic absorbable form it has

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essential amino acids and it has essential fatty acids these are the

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resources that your cells need to do what they do so by eating whole food by

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eating nutritionally dense food you're continuously providing resources for

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your body and your cell to do what it's supposed to do now processed food and

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fast food it has less vitamins and less minerals and less amino acids and less

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essential fatty acids because the processing destroys them on purpose okay

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these have nutrients so they don't have shelf-life these have the nutrients

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removed so that we can get shelf-life and people often ask what do I take to

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improve my immunity but we want to think about it as a balance there's some

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things that help and there's some things that hurt immunity and we need to

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understand both sides of it so what helps immunity are things like vitamin C

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and vitamin D and vitamin A these are immune boosters they are white blood

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cell activators they participate in this cell based immune system vitamin A is

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critical for mucous membranes that act as barriers then we have zinc which is

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the key trace mineral to activate white blood cells another important mineral is

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calcium but what we're talking about is ionizable calcium something that is

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quickly and readily converted in the body into calcium bicarbonate and

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unfortunately almost all supplements sold are calcium carbonate also known as

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limestone or chalk the body doesn't know what to do with it it is very very

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difficult for the body to convert into calcium bicarbonate so a really good

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form would be calcium lactate it's only one

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step away from becoming calcium bicarbonate and then of course essential

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amino acids and essential fatty acids essential fatty acids can help modulate

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inflammation they are essential for making up healthy membranes and healthy

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barriers in the body and amino acids or proteins they are what makes up all

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these immune cells so of course the white blood cells have to be made from

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something and I'm sure you've heard of immunoglobulins those globulins are

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proteins and they require essential amino acids to be put together but we

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want to stop thinking about these things as drugs

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stop thinking about them as pills because we have this drug mentality that

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if a little bit does something then more is better or more does a lot these are

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nutrients the body just needs enough and enough is enough when you have enough

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then more isn't necessarily better more isn't gonna do more it's just going to

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be wasted at times it could unbalance something else but it's a nutrient all

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right we don't need mega doses we just need enough and then there are things

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that hurt immunity and this is really really important and people forget about

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this but there is no nutrient there is no pill that can make up for a

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continuous supply of toxins so when we eat things like sugar excess sugar

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excess alcohol when we smoke we're constantly putting poison in our body

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there is no nutrient that can compensate for that stress is detrimental and

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processed foods will deplete your body and break it down and wear it down

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gradually it has low nutrient content high sugar content high chemical content

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and just one more thing before we get to the top 10 list

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I know some people just want to jump ahead but please hear me out here

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because like I said there is no nutrient that can make up for a poison and if I

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just gave you the list it'd be like selling you an umbrella that doesn't

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protect you from the rain but that actually rains on you alright so here's

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what we want to think about that short term I believe that probably 50% of the

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impact of what you're trying to accomplish and strengthening your immune

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system it's not about what you take it's about what you avoid and then I would

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say probably 40% is due to stress in terms of interfering with your immune

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system and then the last 10% would be nutrition and the things that you can

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take now these are not exact numbers I'm just trying to give you an idea that

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probably 90% of the impact on your immune system are things that people

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don't even focus on they eat sugar and they stress to death and then they

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wonder what kind of pill what kind of food can I take long term then I can't really

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prioritize one over the other because they're all essential you have to avoid

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sugar and toxins you have to reduce stress you have to eat real food in the

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long run for your body to function optimally so just keep that in mind as

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we move into the list number one immune boosting food is garlic it has a

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tradition spanning thousands of years of helping people improve immunity it has

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an active ingredient a component called allicin which is a sulfur compound and

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we know that garlic has antibacterial properties antiviral properties anti

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yeast properties and antifungal properties as well as anti mold so it

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will actually kill off a lot of these microbes it'll help us work so in that

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sense it's not so much a nutrient but it has medicinal property

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in addition to that it has 50% of our daily allowance of vitamin C per hundred

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gram now don't go all out on garlic for that reason because it's kind of hard to

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eat a hundred grams or three and a half ounces especially since it's most potent

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if you eat it raw it would also give you ten percent of your daily zinc and 18

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percent of your calcium immune boosting food number two is ginger it's another

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medicinal food we don't eat it so much for the nutrient even though it has some

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we know it has antimicrobial properties and it has been studied specifically for

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fungus like Candida like yeast overgrowth it can help with the

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digestion so you can absorb more nutrients but also to help have a better

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gut flora and your biome your gut flora participates in your immune system so a

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healthy gut and a healthy digestion is certainly of benefit and ginger can also

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be beneficial as an inflammation modulator food number three is turmeric

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root the active component is called curcumin it is also antimicrobial it is

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an inflammation modulator but it also has the capacity to reverse effects of

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stress so they found in a study that if you stressed mice then they would have

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certain effects with their adrenal cortex would enlarge and thicken they

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would make more cortisol and their hypothalamus would reduce the amount of

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BDNF which is a very beneficial hormone that we need to make new brain tissue

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and new synapses in the brain and they found that turmeric reversed all of

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those changes so it has a profound impact on stress turmeric can have a

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beneficial effect on gut healing so if you have leaky gut it can help heal the

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lining and it can also help improve the biome

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food number four is cod liver oil and I love this picture it's from a Norwegian

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grocery store and the section on cod liver oil looks like the section on soda

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or cereal in an American store one tbsp of cod liver oil has 375 percent of your

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daily needed vitamin D it has 450 percent of the vitamin A in a tablespoon

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but it also gives you these essential fatty acids the EPA eicosapentaenoic

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acid and DHA docosahexaenoic acid over a thousand milligrams and over 2500

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milligrams so one tablespoon is plenty to give you all of those things per day

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and in addition to building healthy cell membranes these essential fatty acids

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are also modulating inflammation food number 5 is eggs and if you have three

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large eggs a day then you get 33% of your daily vitamin D 30% of vitamin A

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22% of your zinc 9% of your calcium you also get 21 grams of complete protein

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and it is insulin healthy and what does that have to do with anything well

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there's been a lot of talk recently about how people are more susceptible to

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the corona virus if they're insulin resistant if they have diabetes if they

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have cardiovascular disease well it's the insulin that's at the key of this so

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when we eat immune boosting foods it's not just what they have it's what they

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don't have so we want to focus on these foods that don't trigger insulin and

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eggs are very very insulin healthy food number six is king crab how fortunate

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can we be when a delicacy is also something that's healthy so six ounces

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or 170 grams will give us over a hundred percent of our daily zinc

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and give us 20% of the vitamin C and this was a surprise to me because there

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virtually no animal foods other than a few organ pieces that have some vitamin

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C but here's one of the very few exceptions it had eight percent of your

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daily calcium and we'll give you 31 grams of complete protein and again it

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is insulin healthy food number seven is steak so a six ounce steak a hundred and

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seventy grams will give you a hundred and forty five percent of your daily

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zinc it will give you 40 grams of complete protein and that looks pretty

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tasty to me and it is still insulin healthy food number eight is bell pepper

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so a hundred grams which is three and a half ounces will give us twice the

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vitamin C we need all the vitamin A a little bit of zinc and calcium but every

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bit counts and also they have lots of minerals and

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trace minerals and still it is very insulin healthy food number nine

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broccoli a hundred grams three and a half ounces will give us one hundred and

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forty-eight percent of our daily vitamin C twenty one percent of the vitamin A

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a little bit of zinc a little bit of calcium and again no problem for the

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insulin food number ten pumpkin seeds three ounces 85 grams will give you

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almost all of the zinc you need in a day five percent calcium and 40 percent of

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healthy fats they're not as healthy as the fish fats because the fish fats are

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already in the EPA / DHA form that we need but some of these fats can be converted

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into those end products and we get all that without messing with insulin so

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it's about getting a wide variety of whole foods I've given a few examples of

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some really good foods but keep in mind it's even more about not

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putting in things or not doing things that stress you and destroy your immune

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system I believe the vast majority of health problems come from the damage you

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do from sugar and chemicals and stress if you enjoyed this video make sure you

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also look at this one thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next

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