Top 10 Healthy Foods You Must Eat

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hello health champions today we're going to talk about the top 10 healthiest

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foods to eat coming right up hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a

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former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master health by

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understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so you don't miss anything and make sure that you watch

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all the way through the video because I'm not just gonna list various

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different foods I'm gonna talk about why these foods are good for you and then at

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the end we're gonna have a little bonus for you because we all need a little

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treat in life at first I was gonna try to list the top ten healthiest foods but

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then I thought that's kind of misleading because it leaves out so many other

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foods and it also tends to give us the wrong idea about what a food is supposed

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to do so often I see examples of superfoods people say this is the food

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that you should eat or they'll say something like what's the number-one

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healthiest food for us to eat and then people want to find out what that is and

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they want to eat nothing but that and that gives us the wrong idea of food it

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gives us the idea that the food is supposed to do something I often get the

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question so I have a headache what food am I supposed to eat I have high blood

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pressure what food am I supposed to eat you're supposed to eat a variety of food

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the foods aren't supposed to do anything in terms of treating or changing or

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altering body function they're just supposed to provide the stuff that your

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body needs all right so we want to get away from the idea of superfoods okay I

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think there's some foods that get pretty close like there's just so jam-packed of

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good stuff there's just nothing bad to say about them but we don't want to

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think about them as treating anything we want to get away from the number one

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healthiest food we want to understand that it's the variety that complements

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each other and gives the body all the different building blocks and

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all the different catalysts and vitamins and minerals that it's gonna need

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another thing I want to caution on is natural foods just because something is

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in the section called natural food doesn't mean it's necessarily a health

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food they're often made with better ingredients they don't use as many

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chemicals but very often there's still highly processed so just be aware of

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that and every time I see that section in a grocery store that's called natural

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food I can't help but laugh because I ask myself if there is a section called

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natural foods why don't they label the rest of the

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store unnatural foods just a thought so because there's so many healthy foods I

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didn't want to just talk about single items I'm going to talk about categories

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and the first category of healthy food I believe are non starchy vegetables all

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right so again I'm not listing these in any particular order because it's the

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variety that provides the nutrition so non starchy vegetables include leafy

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greens so lettuce and spinach and kale and any sort of leaf is going to be very

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very high in nutrients in minerals and vitamins in fiber and it's going to be

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very low in carbohydrates and starch and sugar so pretty much any leafy green

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just eat as much as you can then there are things like broccoli and cauliflower

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and Brussels sprouts and these aren't leafy but there's still low starch so

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those are also things that you can eat so learn as you go which vegetables have

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less than 5% carbs 5% net carbs so you take the total carbs you subtract the

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fiber because some things have like 15 grams of carbs but it's almost all fiber

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then those are still perfectly fine alright so learn which ones have less

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than 5% net ARBs and those you can eat plenty of and

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these vegetables provide enormous amounts of nutrients such as vitamins

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and minerals primarily number two berries alright there is a lot of talk

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about fruits and berries and vegetables so here's my little caveat here I think

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that you can eat some berries but I don't think that more is better and I

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think that berries are the best type of fruit to eat because most fruit has been

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altered our ancestors might have had some access to fruit but their fruit was

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small and tart and it was seasonal alright so humans have never had access

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to sweet juicy fruit large fruit 365 days a year that we do now and therefore

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that provides a lot of sugar even though it does have a lot of nutrients it does

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provide more sugar than humans should probably have in the long run so eat

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some berries eat a little bit of fruit but eat it sparingly and don't think

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that you have to have it all the time now berries are the best

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because they are the lowest in sugar they are the highest in fiber and their

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jam-packed with vitamins the best berries are strawberries raspberries

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blackberries and blueberries right they're the lowest in sugar and the

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highest in nutrients category number three are meat animal proteins all right

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they provide a full spectrum of essential amino acids they are one of

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the few food groups that humans could live on for a very long time and survive

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alright most other things that we would eat exclusively for a short time we

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would perish we would get some sort of deficiency or we just wouldn't get

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enough fuel or nutrients to survive but animal proteins especially the fat kinds

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provide enough nutrients that we could live

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for years I'm not saying that's optimal even though some carnivores are doing

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really well on that so that would include beef pork chicken lamb and any

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form of wild animals so rabbit and venison and Buffalo etc and then of

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course fish so salmon sardines mackerel the clean fatty fish that provide tons

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and tons of the good omega-3s are the best ones to choose now the thing to

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remember here is that when you eat an animal then you're only getting food

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that is as healthy as what that animal ate and if that animal ate a diet that

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was innate for that species all right so I would do my very best to avoid beef

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that has been fed to grain because that's very unnatural for a cow to eat

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grain they do that because it makes the meat more tender it makes the meat fatty

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and it makes the cow grow it's getting getting a growth spurt they're getting

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like double the meat out of the cow is to feed it grain for a few months right

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so they do that for money and for tenderness and for all the wrong reasons

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but a cow is supposed to eat grass and only grass and if it does it's a healthy

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cow the omega-3 to omega-6 ratio is going to be in a good balance if you

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feed it grain now you're messing with nature and you throw that off so if you

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think that grass-fed is too expensive then do the best you can so you start

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with one thing and then as you learn and maybe as you develop some habits that

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will save you money then you can work your way up all right but do the best

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you can and eat food that has been raised in a natural way so for fish you

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want to absolutely do wild-caught only because the farm-raised it's just like

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the cows they feed them things they're not supposed to eat and then

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they're not very healthy when we mess with nature when we try to change the

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rules it never ends up in a good way number 4 eggs so there's all sorts of

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healthy eggs if they come from healthy animals there's duck eggs and ostrich

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eggs and so forth but for practical purposes most people are going to talk

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about eggs from hens or chickens and now what you're looking for again is the

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higher quality the if the animal if the hen lived a natural healthy life then

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it's gonna make natural healthy eggs if we feed the hen garbage and hormones and

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food pellets and we keep it inside and we crowd them and we stress them then

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the eggs are going to be pale and devoid of nutrients if not toxic so what we're

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looking for is a standard called pasture raised in the United States that's a new

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standard and it means that even in in commercial production there's a way of

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making healthy eggs and it means every chicken lives basically outdoors and

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they have at least a hundred and eight square feet per animal per chicken so

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that gives them a lot of space they run around outside they eat bugs they eat

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grass they eat seeds and sometimes they supplement a little bit with various

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grains but that's not a terrible thing for a chicken but the main thing is that

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they have to run around and they have to have a choice of what to eat and they

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can't be crowded when you look at those eggs you crack them open then the yolk

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is a deep orange right the mass-produced cheap eggs from sick

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chickens is a pale yellow you can almost not tell that it's yellow that's how

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pale they are sometimes whereas the pasture race is a deep orange and what

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you can also tell oftentimes is that the yolk will be larger even in like a

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medium egg it seems like the yolk is really

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now someone brought to my attention I didn't even know this but I have looked

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and I've seen these in stores that what you want is pasture-raised not

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pasteurized all right pasteurized just means that they take

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the cheap eggs from sick chickens and they steam them right they sterilize

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them with steam or something so they they pasteurize them all right that's

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not what you're looking for category number five is fats and oils a fat has

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been demonized because they don't understand that the fat on the body does

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not come from the fat that we eat the fat on the body is stored by a hormone

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called insulin that is a result of fructose and sucrose and starches and

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processed foods but if you eat a diet that doesn't promote insulin then fat is

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perfectly fine and they rule the key for the fats and oils is that they need to

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be in a natural state in a relatively natural state so it's great if you get

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the fat in the food itself but it's totally okay to eat fats and oils like

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refined isolated fats and oils as long as they're done in the right way meaning

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minimally processed not heated so things like grass-fed butter is excellent

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organic grass-fed butter is a great food I go through a lot of that organic extra

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virgin olive oil organic coconut oil and recently you can find more and more

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frequent and affordable MCT oil medium medium chain triglycerides and then some

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other fats that people don't understand are actually pretty good are lard and

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tallow meaning pork fat and beef fat again if it comes from a healthy animal

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then they're perfectly fine so if I make some beef broth some bone broth from

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healthy grass-fed organic animals if you make a big pot you might get four

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or five pounds of tallow left over so you can skim that off you can save it

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and use for cooking and if you know where it comes from then it's a healthy

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fat and something to keep in mind about these concentrated fats is that most

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pesticides most toxins most hormones are fat soluble that means that if you

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concentrate the fat into these products you're also going to concentrate the

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toxins that's why fats it's worth spending a

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few extra dollars on getting the organic and the clean stuff because if you don't

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then you're buying a product that has concentrated the toxins along with it

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category number six are nuts and they can be an incredibly healthy

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food right you don't want to overdo it because they do contain some Omega 6s

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you don't want to make it like the main part you won't want to make it a

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foundation of your diet but mixed in as part of all the other stuff it's a very

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very healthy food and you want to focus on the nuts that meet three criteria the

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ones that taste good raw because raw maintains keeps more nutrients alive

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once you roast them or process them then they lose nutrients and you can alter

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some of the fats in there you also want something that is low in carbohydrates

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and you want something that's high in fat because the highest one in fat means

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they have the lowest amount of carbohydrate and in that order

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we have macadamia nuts and pecans and walnuts and almonds so these meet all of

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those criteria that I talked about walnuts and almonds are a little bit

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higher in carbohydrate but you're not going to eat a ton of these nuts because

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they're so dense that you're typically going to be okay even on a low carb or a

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ketogenic diet another great thing about nuts is that they're also very high in

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fiber and they're very high in protein so you're getting a lot of nutrients all

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packed into a little bit of food category number seven is seeds and

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they're often kind of lumped together with the nuts but I like to put them

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separate because they are quite different and you don't really use them

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the same way a lot of the times and especially not the ones that I emphasize

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so my favorite seeds are chia flax hemp and pumpkin and while the nuts are

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things that you can often bring in a snack bag and you just take a few and it

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you can crunch on them and it tastes good you're probably not gonna be

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munching on flax seed and chia seed they sort of just sit there in your mouth and

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you got to chew forever and they don't taste bad but it's not the way that you

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typically eat those but they're great for low heat cooking you can make sort

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of like an oatmeal with them you can bake bread with them as long as you keep

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the heat down they're great for smoothies and if you eat something like

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yogurt then instead of cereal you can just grind up some of this and put on

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the yogurt instead of cereal and what seeds have speaking for them is that

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they're usually very very inexpensive especially recently as they become more

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popular you can find in the United States you can find these at Costco and

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it's like they're just giving them away almost and they're extremely high in

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healthy fats in fiber and in protein it's like they just packed those things

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in there and there's virtually zero carbohydrate in there even though the

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total carbs can look high it's almost all fiber so the net carbs are very very

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low they're like three four percent and you don't want to rely on plant food for

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Omega threes exclusively but they can be a good foundation and Chia and flax have

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the highest level of omega-3 fatty acids in of any plant but you

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still want to get some omega-3s from fish because the Chia and flax omega-3s

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they're just the precursor and the conversion doesn't happen the way it's

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supposed to and it doesn't happen in a very large degree to a very large

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percentage some people say you can eat these omega-3s and make fish oil but it

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doesn't work like that a lot of people convert as little as 1%

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of the omega-3s implants into the actual omega-3 that we get from fish number

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eight is avocado and I think that's not necessarily a superfood because like I

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said I don't want to think of foods that way but I think it's so great in so many

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ways that I made it its own category all right

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it is great tasting it's creamy it's high in natural fats you can eat it raw

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you can just open it up and spoon it or you can cook with it you can put it in

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dishes you can make guacamole from it and it is so satisfying that it becomes

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almost a meal in itself it goes with anything like who can argue with avocado

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another thing I recently talked about the fasting mimicking diet and avocado

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would be the perfect food there because it's high in fat and it's very low in

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carbohydrate and it's very low in protein so it's like it's really the

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perfect food don't think of it as a superfood just think of it as a great

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staple that fits with everything category number nine is something called

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tubers or root vegetables they grow underground and they're usually pretty

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starchy they serve as an energy reserve for the plant and examples would be yam

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or sweet potato potatoes rutabagas turnips carrots and something called

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celery a core celery root now these are very starchy so some people want to

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avoid them if you are trying lose weight if you're on a very low carb

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diet if you're doing keto or if you're insulin-resistant then you do not want

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to eat these hardly at all but if your insulin sensitive you reach your goal

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weight or if you're doing some some carb cycling maybe you're doing keto during

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the week and then you're loading up a little bit more on carbs during the

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weekend then these are the perfect foods to get some quality food with some carbs

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without getting into grains and things that cause inflammation they are however

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very starchy so you don't want to eat too much of them but they're great you

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can use them instead of potatoes for mashed potatoes or you can use several

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of them to mix them up a little bit to get some more variety and a deeper

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flavor they're also great to chop up in little cubes if you're doing a vegetable

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soup or a beef soup or something like that category number 10 is herbs and

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spices so things like garlic and ginger and turmeric cinnamon cloves cardamom

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cilantro parsley dill rosemary all of these are highly highly nutritious all

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right they provide micronutrients you're not gonna get many macronutrients you're

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not gonna get any protein or fat or carbs to speak of but you're gonna get

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lots of minerals you're gonna get lots of vitamins and you're gonna get some

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things with medicinal properties but on a natural level so I don't want to think

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of them as medication right there are supplements you can use herbs and and

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these do have some tremendous benefits but again think of them mostly as things

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that make food taste wonderful all right but garlic ginger turmeric they do have

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antibacterial antifungal antiviral properties the turmeric is

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anti-inflammatory it helps with gut healing so and cinnamon has been shown

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to have some benefits one blood sugar so there are some tremendous

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benefits to these just don't get go crazy and start using them as drugs

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don't think of them as taking something for something just incorporate them

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frequently in a healthy diet all right here's a little bonus for you

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and it's something that isn't necessarily like a food but we have to

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have some treats in life I think that makes life a little sweeter but we want

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to understand what we're getting so chocolate is something that gets people

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really excited and a lot of people they say oh I'll give up anything but I'm not

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gonna give up chocolate but there's a big difference between milk chocolate

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and dark chocolates so when people talk about the benefits of chocolate they say

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oh well dark chocolate has all these benefits the reason is that cocoa has

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nutrients all right the cocoa bean is a plant with

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some nutrients that can be very beneficial but milk chocolate has a lot

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of sugar that ruins and more than ruins the benefits so the darker the chocolate

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is the less sugar it has and the way you can sort of get a rough idea is that if

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you're getting a 78% cocoa content in the chocolate then the rest is sugar so

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you just whatever isn't cocoa is sugar if it's got 85% cocoa it's 15% sugar

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right so chocolate is pretty high in carbohydrate but most of that

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carbohydrate is fiber so you can subtract it so I like chocolate that's

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somewhere between 78 and 85 sometimes I think that 78 is the only good one and

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other times I think oh the 78 is too sweet and I prefer the 85 but the darker

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it is the more satisfying it is the less you feel the need to overeat and with a

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piece of 78 percent chocolate so if you have something like a lint bar

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that one has eight pieces in a bar so if you have one piece that's 1/8 of a bar

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that gives you about 1.5 grams of sugar all right so if you're trying to keep

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absolute zero on the sugar then don't eat chocolate but if you have one or

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maybe two pieces you're not adding a tremendous amount and if you get up to

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85% you're getting about one gram of sugar per piece a lot of my patients

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will tell me that you know I can tolerate some dark chocolate but I can't

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get higher than 50% cocoa content everything else is just too bitter

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well don't fear you can change that all right it's gonna take a little bit of

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time but the more you cut out the sweets and the sugar out of your diet the more

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your taste buds change right most of our tastes are learned and the

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more you get away from sugar the more you're gonna find a lot of things that

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you thought were normally sweet they're disgustingly sweet and as you work your

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way up as you get more adapted to real food and you cut out the sugar

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you're gonna start appreciating the flavor of all these things you're gonna

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learn what they actually taste like and then you're not gonna have a problem

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with very dark chocolates so 75 78 85 even 90% chocolate is going to be very

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flavorful and not all that bitter and if you don't like chocolate then don't

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worry you don't have to learn it's not something that you have to have it's not

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a basic food group stick with the other ten that we talked about and you'll be

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fine if you enjoyed this video then go ahead and check out that one thank you

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so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video

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