Top 10 "Healthy" Foods That Are Killing You! (Most People Eat These Daily)

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Hello Health Champions. Today i want to talk about

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some foods that are usually promoted as the very healthy foods that we should

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eat a lot of but especially in some people they can

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actually cause health problems and they can be

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the very foods that they need to avoid if they want to at all be able to

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recover from their conditions coming right up

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hey i'm dr ekberg i'm a holistic doctor and a former olympic decathlete

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and if you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really

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works make sure you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so you don't miss anything i'm going to give you my top 10

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list of healthy foods that could actually be

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killing you but i want to let you know it's a useless list and why do i say

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that because it's useless unless you know

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exactly why the foods are on there so here's the list for those people who

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just want the list now you can take that and you can go and compare it to other

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useless lists and continue to be more and more

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confused alright no don't do that stay with me so

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that you can start understanding because then if you know why these foods do what

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they do for some people then you can also

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understand why other foods that are similar might be

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doing similar things and you can help other people understand

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this as well in talking about this i also want to dig

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a little deeper into why some people don't get

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better when some people do so a lot of people get better just by

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working on insulin resistance they lose weight

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their aches and pains their arthritis their brain fog goes away

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but then there's some people who do all the same things

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and they might even lose the weight and reverse their insulin

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but they still don't feel so good what's going on here

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so we're going to talk about how to fix the

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other 20 and i think by understanding this we might actually

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be able to reverse 90 percent of the other

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issues for the rest of the 20 % of people and most of what's going on

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when you're not getting better when it seems

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tough is that there's an allergy or a sensitivity

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or an intolerance of some kind it's your body is reacting you're having

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an immune response whenever you put something

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in your body it doesn't do well it doesn't blend well there's

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there's a reaction and now it's going to start manifesting in a gut flora

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imbalance and small intestine bacterial overgrowth

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or a leaky gut and then down the road you might even

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get some autoimmunity another thing i want to point out is that the foods

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we're talking about is not bad for everybody they're not the

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worst foods in the world they're not like beer

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and donuts and fast food all right these are

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healthy for a lot of people or at least moderately healthy for a lot of people

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but we're going to talk about why they hurt

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some people so at the core of these issues

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is inflammation and sensitivities and leaky gut and then once you have

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leaky gut now you get more sensitivities because

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particles that are supposed to be too big to get

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through the intestinal lining now they slip through

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and you have more immune responses and more inflammation so now

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all these three feed each other and if this is allowed to go on for a while

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now you also have some autoimmunity you start developing chronic

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autoimmune responses and now all four of these variables start to

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feed each other and that's why it's so difficult to get

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out of this that's why so many people they try

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for months or years to do all the right things

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but it's so frustrating because they feel really stuck

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so how do so many people get into this whole

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mess well it often starts with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs

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that are very irritating on the intestinal lining

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there's also of course a genetic predisposition

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and stress is hugely influential because when you stress you turn off your

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parasympathetic nervous system you don't digest well and you don't heal

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well and when you don't heal that includes the

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leaky gut of course we have to put sugar on this

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list as well of causes because sugar promotes

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inflammation it promotes insulin resistance

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it upsets the balance of your bacteria in the gut

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and the list goes on and on and then we're going to go into a little bit more

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detail today on something called lectins because these

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can also wreak havoc and promote all of these factors number

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10 on the list of healthy foods that might kill you is

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vegetable oil and i put quotation marks on vegetable oils because

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there is no such thing the soybean oil is actually a legume

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it's a bean corn oil is from a grain and canola oil is from a seed

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none of these are vegetable oils but what they do is they promote them

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as healthy because we've all been told so many times that eat more fruits and

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vegetables eat more fruits and vegetables so

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if something is a vegetable or from a vegetable that's got to be good for you

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right so because they're not vegetables all of

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these food types actually contain lectins now

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in this case they don't contain a whole lot because

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the oil is mostly the fat portion they only have

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trace amounts of protein in there but if you're sensitive then that can still

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be an issue the really big deal about why

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these are so bad except that they're processed and

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basically dead empty calories is that most of the fat is omega-6s

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and in the body we have omega-3s which are anti-inflammatory we have omega-6s

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which are pro-inflammatory and the closer we have that ratio

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to one to one the better things work the easier it is for the body to balance

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inflammation but with all of the foods that we have and the meat

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that we have that's grain fed we're pushing the omega-6 balance

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up so today and a lot of people we have a

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20 to 1 ratio so we're pushing things toward pro inflammation and the more of

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these oils we eat the further we push that out

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of balance in order to really understand why these

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foods are on the list and why they're ranked the

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way they are we're going to look at all the different factors of how do they

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promote insulin resistance do they promote

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inflammation how common is this food as an allergy do

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a lot of people react to it does it promote

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leaky gut and autoimmunity and is it toxic in itself it's it's is it

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such a potent toxin that it fits into a receptor or

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interfere with a metabolic pathway or a signal pathway

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so the biggest problem with vegetable oils is

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inflammation they get a big red x because they promote

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inflammation through those omega-6s then they get

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a tiny little x because they don't have a lot of lectins but just even a trace

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amount of lectins could promote allergies leaky gut and

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autoimmunity in some sensitive people it's not really

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toxic per se i wouldn't call it a poison it's

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just really bad in general then what about avocado oil and olive

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oil are they vegetable oils no

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avocado and olive are fruits and like i mentioned initially there is

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actually as far as i've been able to find there

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is no such thing as a vegetable oil number nine is a shocker

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to most people but bear with me you don't have to stop

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eating these things you just need to understand which ones to eat

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meat and fish and poultry can be bad depending

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on what we feed these guys right because if they're grain fed then

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they're going to have omega-6s in them they're going to have some

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lectins in their meat so whatever they ate you eat all right

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and lectins if we dig a little bit deeper

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lectins are known as anti-nutrients that means they

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interfere with the absorption of nutrients even if you eat

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other foods alongside that are perfectly fine

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you still can't absorb the nutrients properly from those

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lectins can fit into insulin receptors and either act as insulin or block

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insulin so it has the potential of promoting insulin resistance of

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increasing blood sugar and also of increasing weight gain and

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preventing fat loss these lectins are a form of

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sticky proteins and they stick to carbohydrates

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so on your cell surfaces for example in your gut lining and in your blood

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vessels there's a protective layer where there's some little antennas

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of carbohydrate portions sticking out and these

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lectins they attach and they make these cell surfaces deteriorate

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so now if that happens on the gut lining it very strongly promotes leaky gut

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and in the blood vessels it can promote atherosclerosis or heart disease

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and the assessment of mechanisms for this is going to be

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exactly the same as the vegetable oils because they're only getting this stuff

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because they're eating the same things that they made the

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vegetable oils from but this is a little bit worse because

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the oil is mostly the lipid portion but lectins which are proteins

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you're going to get more of them because you're eating something that contains

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a lot of protein it's not they haven't refined

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and removed the protein but here's the good news

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like i said it only is bad depending on what they feed them so you can still

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eat these as long as you eat wild caught fish

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and you eat grass-fed meat and you eat poultry and eggs that have been raised

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without eating grain and corn and soy and so forth number eight

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on the list is alcohol and alcohol is often promoted as

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healthy because it's very relaxing they have associated it with

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lower cholesterol and lower heart disease and

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red wine for example contains something called resveratrol that has been

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found to be very beneficial but there's not really enough resveratrol

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in there to make any difference unless you drink like a hundred bottles

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a day which i wouldn't recommend when we look at what alcohol

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causes it's not really a promoter of insulin resistance

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but when we go down the list here it primarily is promoting

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leaky gut it increases intestinal permeability

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and in doing that it can promote inflammation

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and allergies and autoimmunity even if you're not really allergic to

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alcohol that's very very rare but it can increase

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other allergies it can increase how prone you are to get other allergies

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and alcohol is a toxin both to the liver and the brain but it is

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sort of like sugar and fructose it's a natural molecule so it's

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dose dependent the dose makes the poison

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number seven is something called night shades

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and these are foods that for most people they don't really create a

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problem and that goes for a lot of the things

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we're talking about today that these are not bad for everybody

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they're a little bit bad for everybody but not bad enough to

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really be a big deal but for some people they're a

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deal breaker right and night shades they are the good

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veggies a lot of these are low carb they're loaded with vitamins and other

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good things but they're also loaded with lectins

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especially in the skin and in the seeds so if you peel them and de-seed them and

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cook them now you're going to reduce the lectins

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and if you pressure cook them then they're okay

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because you're going to pretty much eliminate all the lectins

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some of the very popular foods with lectins are potatoes

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tomatoes bell peppers and eggplant and these are all in a family

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called nightshades so what do these nightshades cause they

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can promote insulin resistance a little bit first of all depending on

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how much starch is in there like potatoes have a

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lot of starch but the others don't they can still

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indirectly promote insulin resistance through the lectins though because they

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can fit into the insulin receptors

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the rest of them they're pretty strong on

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inflammation allergy leaky gut and autoimmunity

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if you're sensitive right they create a little bit of a problem in everybody

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but it's like if you have a strong immune

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system if you have strong barriers then these things may never

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become an issue so that's where you kind of

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want to try it out if you're suspecting that you

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have some issues then give it a shot and see what happens

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if you're feeling a whole lot better then there's a good chance there's a

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problem number six is dried fruit very often promoted as super healthy

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who hasn't heard that oh you need to get a trail mix

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quick energy it's all super good for you and things like yogurt raisins

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right well raisins to start with is 66 sugar

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and 77% net carbs but as if that wasn't enough they

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take the raisin and now they coat it with sugar

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right that's not enough sugar let's add some more sugar

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and while we're at it let's coat it with some artificial flavor

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and some artificial color and some synthetic

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yogurt powder because if we call it yogurt

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then it's got to be a health food right right so don't fall

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for it know that this is just pure sugar so it strongly promotes insulin

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resistance because all of this sugar it's not glucose it's

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not like a potato it is sugar which means it's 50

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glucose and 50 fructose for the most part

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there's some variation in different fruits but pretty much

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and therefore it's going to promote inflammation

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allergies not a big deal there's not a whole lot of people that are allergic to

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it not so much leaky gut and autoimmunity

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is it toxic well just because of the fructose it is actually

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toxic fructose is toxic to the liver and that's why sugar is so

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devastating for the liver and why it promotes insulin resistance

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and fatty liver so much number five

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good food that kills you is agave syrup i get so many questions in the clinic

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about this everyone comes in and oh i've been told

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this is the good thing and my doctor said

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this is the one to do because it has a low glycemic index

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and it has been cleared as okay for type 2 diabetics and this is a travesty

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it's a tragedy because agave syrup is 60 to 90 percent fructose

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okay sugar is bad enough it's 50 50. high fructose corn syrup

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is like 55 fructose and 45 glucose this is 60 to 90 percent

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fructose this is high fructose corn syrup

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on steroids so even though it's a little bit

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more natural product it might have remained a little bit of a mineral or a

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vitamin in there it's not a source of nutrients but what

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it is it's high fructose corn syrup on

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steroids so the pattern is going to be the same

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as the dried fruit but just a little bit more because it's

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all about the sugar hurting the liver promoting inflammation

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and insulin resistance and i had to laugh when i looked at the

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label of this bottle it said crafted for bartenders so

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they're supposed to mix drinks with this stuff and basically

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what they're saying is if we don't get to kill your liver

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with the alcohol then let's make sure that we get

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a second shot at it with this high fructose syrup

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number four on the list is beans and legumes

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now a lot of people around the world are eating this as a staple how bad can it

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be well for some people it is devastating

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we're talking soy and peanuts are two of the most common types of

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beans and legumes they're high in starch they're very high

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in lectins and when it comes to being an allergen

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they're extremely common in my clinic we'll go through the top

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five here but soy and peanuts are number four and

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number five of the most common allergens and

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sensitivities that we find so it upsets a lot of people soybeans

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especially are very very hard to digest and when we

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look at the mechanisms do they promote

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insulin resistance yes a little bit but the starch is

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mostly glucose it doesn't really have a whole lot of sugar

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but inflammation allergy leaky gut autoimmune is pretty strong

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so all in all beans and legumes if you can handle them fine eat it in

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moderation but if you suspect something then stay away and see what happens

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item number three on the list is a lot of people's

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favorite vegetable except it's not a vegetable it is a grain

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it is very high in starch very high in sugar

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it's very high in lectins and in my office

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i would say that it's the third most common allergen there's a tremendously

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common allergy and the problem is corn is in everything

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even if you don't eat the corn on the cob you have corn starch

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and corn syrup in just about every processed food there is it

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is very difficult to digest and as if that wasn't bad enough virtually

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all the corn you can find today is genetically modified how does it fare

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over here well it promotes insulin resistance and

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inflammation it's a very very common allergen like we said

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it promotes leaky gut and autoimmunity as well food number two

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skim milk now so many commercials that "Got milk?" and we're told

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that if kids don't get the milk they are not

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going to get any calcium and all these myths are

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out there so one of the problems with skim milk that makes it a lot worse

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than whole milk is that there is no fat to buffer the sugar that skim milk has

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60 percent of the calories come from sugar from the lactose in there so it's

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basically a sugar food it's not as bad as

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sucrose because that's glucose and fructose

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lactose which is in milk doesn't have the fructose but it's still a sugar it

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still raises blood sugar pasteurization

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is a problem because it changes the properties it makes it much more

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difficult to digest a lot of the enzymes and bacteria that

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are native to the milk they help us digest

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it when we pasteurize it we destroy those

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we also denature some of the proteins in the milk with the heat they don't

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look the same to our enzymes afterwards and when we homogenize it we break down

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the fat into much much tinier particles so it

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actually irritates that gut lining as well

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it is the second most common allergen I have virtually no people coming into the

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office who are not sensitive to milk so it doesn't

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promote insulin resistance a whole lot but it is

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a strong promoter of all the others because it is such a common allergen

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allergens create inflammation it's like you're

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lighting a spark and a fire in the body when when you have it

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and as if milk isn't bad enough then let me blow

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up this picture for you and here is your recommended serving you

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serve it with sugar and sugar and the number one

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worst of the healthy foods is wheat it encompasses all of the things

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that make grains problematic and whole grains are actually worse in

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some regards because even though they contain more nutrients

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they have about the same blood sugar response and

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they contain much more of the lectins so wheat is very high in starch it is

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very high in lectins and it's the number one allergen that i

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find in my office there are so many people even though the celiacs

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disease people are the ones who sort of set on fire every time they eat it there

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are so many people that have lesser sensitivities to wheat that they

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don't really know about is it a GMO? Not technically because

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by the time around the in the 1980s when wheat was hybridized they didn't

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have the GMO technology they couldn't do

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sophisticated gene splicing but they radiated it

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and bombarded it and changed it in so many different ways that in

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a lot of ways it's worse than a gmo it is not even close to what

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wheat used to be thousands of years ago and it is also quite toxic because

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most of it is raised with something called

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glyphosate or other pesticides and how does it look over here

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well it is strongly promoting insulin resistance and inflammation like

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i said it's the number one allergy that i see it promotes leaky gut

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and autoimmunity and it's not a poison in itself but through the

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glyphosate and all the chemicals used to raise it it can be quite

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toxic as well so here's the list of food from one to ten

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but now you know why the foods are on the list

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and why they're ranked that way and they may not be ranked that way for everybody

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this is just a suggestion you can take your

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understanding and start applying it just like we have an immune system

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different people have a different ability to protect themselves

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from the lectins and from these allergens

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so it's not like these foods are terrible for everybody

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they're probably a little bit bad for everybody they put a little bit of

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stress on the body but if your defenses are strong enough

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you may not have a big issue with them however

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if you have some issues that haven't resolved

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then why not give it a try cut some of this

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out for 30 days and see what happens let me know in the comments below if you

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enjoyed this video and you'd like to learn more about

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how the body really works and how to get truly healthy

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i think that you'd really enjoy that video thank you so much for watching

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i'll see you in the next video

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