Top 10 Healthiest Foods You Must Eat!

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Hello Health Champions today we're going to talk  about the top 10 healthiest foods by the end  

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of this video you're going to have a brand new  perspective on what healthy food is plus we're  

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going to debunk one of the big nutrition myths  on the internet today food number 10 is romaine  

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lettuce and these are in no particular order so  romaine lettuce has a bunch of different minerals  

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like calcium magnesium potassium Etc it has some  zinc manganese selenium has a bunch of B vitamins  

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and it has a good bit of vitamin C and vitamin  K so when we look at the percentages we see that  

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the minerals are going to range in the one two  three percent range and the vitamins are going  

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to be between two and seven vitamin C is about  10 percent Vitamin K is about 70 percent of the  

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recommended daily allowance so you're getting  a little bit of a lot of different things and  

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there's more things than that in there but we want  to stay away from picking one food necessarily  

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and say that this is the best food or these are  the top 10 foods because then we think that if  

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it didn't make the list then it must not be so  great and here's the thing that you still have  

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to eat a lot of these different servings so if  you eat seven or eight servings of leafy greens  

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you're gonna get a substantial contribution to  the nutrients that you need but we don't want  

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to exclude everything else and that's what happens  when we play favorites so we want to keep in mind  

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that arugula and leafy greens and kale Swiss chard  spring mix all of these have similar nutrients all  

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right some might be one percent higher in this  or one percent lower in that but overall they're  

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very very similar so we don't want to really play  favorites now a lot of people love love spinach  

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and it's a part of a lot of different mixes so  this is okay for most people but a lot of people  

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are also sensitive to oxalates so I put a question  mark on spinach because it's one of those you want  

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to be a little bit careful with another thing  we want to try to get away from is to focus too  

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much on the numbers because what is the RDA the  recommended daily allowance well it's someone's  

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opinion or conclusion about how much nutrients we  need but here are some of the limitations so first  

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of all there's a difference between a deficiency  amount and the optimal amount so if they check a  

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nutrient and they say below this level you get  a deficiency symptom then what amount is the  

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optimal we don't really know the second thing  is that they don't test these on humans because  

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it's costly it's complicated and it's unethical  so most of the Studies have been done on mice  

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that they assume work the same way as humans and  then they just extrapolate the results the third  

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thing and maybe the biggest is that they always  test these on synthetic nutrients on isolated  

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synthetic nutrients and when we get the nutrients  from food it might be a completely different  

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story number four is gut Flora so everyone has a  different gut flora and how healthy yours is it's  

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going to determine how much of those nutrients you  actually absorb and how effectively you use them  

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we can also have different foods interact with  each other and affect how things are absorbed  

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we can have anti-nutrients some foods contain  chemical compounds that prevent the body from  

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absorbing and using nutrients different climates  can affect how much you need if you live in a  

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very hot climate you might sweat and lose a lot of  minerals if you live in a cold climate you might  

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need more of certain things also if you're very  Physically Active you might need more nutrients  

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or if you're emotionally stressed you might  need more nutrients requirements can change  

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dramatically if you have a chronic disease or a  metabolic problem and if you're on some kind of  

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medication that can also affect what you need  and how much you absorb so basically what I'm  

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saying is that yes it's important we don't want to  ignore the RNA but we can't look at that number as  

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a truth either we have to understand that there  are very very broad ranges and we don't know to  

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what extent they apply to us so we want to think  about it a little differently which is what we're  

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going to talk about in this video number nine  again in no particular order is extra virgin  

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olive oil and if you read up a little bit on  it they're going to tell you that it can reduce  

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inflammation that it can protect you from heart  disease cardiovascular disease they'll tell you  

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it can protect the endothelium the inside of blood  vessels you'll hear that it can reduce the bad LDL  

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the oxidized damaged LDL that it can reduce blood  clotting and that it can reduce blood pressure and  

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I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with  those claims but the question is compared to what  

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and extra virgin olive oil became super popular  when they figured out that people around the  

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Mediterranean had less heart disease than  a lot of other places so now they said that  

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well it's all the things that they eat there  the fish and the olive oil and the so forth  

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but a lot of those countries around there like  Crete for example they get 30 to 40 percent of  

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all their calories from extra virgin olive oil  which means they don't eat any seed oil at all  

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they don't eat hardly any processed foods and  that's the whole point of this extra virgin olive  

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oil is great simply because it's not bad it's good  because it's not garbage so when we're comparing  

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extra virgin olive oil to a diet like the Western  American diet where 60 to 70 percent of calories  

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come from processed sugar processed white flour  and processed seed oils things that are toxic  

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inflammatory and completely devoid of nutrition  than anything else is going to be better so I'm  

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not trying to downplay Extra Virgin Olive Oil I'm  just trying to get you to Don don't think of it as  

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some kind of Miracle just think of it as good food  if it comes from planet Earth and we don't destroy  

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it then it's a good food an extra virgin olive  oil is one of those eat it put it on everything  

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drink it as much as you want because it's a  whole good food number eight is salmon in a six  

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ounce serving of wild caught salmon you're getting  almost three times the daily allowance of vitamin  

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B12 you're getting about three quarters of the  niacin and the vitamin D and then we get to the  

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Omega-3s they don't have an exact RDA on those but  you're getting 730 milligrams of EPA and you're  

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getting 1100 milligrams of DHA so they're very  concentrated sources of those absolutely vital  

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omega-3s EPA is for inflammation control and DHA  is a building block for your brain that influences  

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how well the brain can signal and function some  of the great benefits is that it has zero carbs  

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because a lot of people are carb intolerant  they can't handle a lot of carbs and it's a  

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great source of protein you're going to get 30  grams of protein and this kind of protein just  

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like in meat it's very well absorbed and utilized  but as much as I love salmon and I like to put it  

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on a top 10 list we don't want to play favorites  because now we get the wrong idea about food now  

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we think that other foods are not as good while  there's a wide variety of great Foods so if we  

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compare it to sardines for example and we compare  these numbers we're going to see that some of them  

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are a little bit higher and some of them are a  little bit lower but overall they're very very  

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similar so just like leafy green genes are pretty  similar to each other then fatty fish are also  

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pretty similar to each other and that's how we  need to start thinking about food another example  

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of a fatty fish is mackerel which I also love  and again you can see these numbers being very  

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very similar some are a little better some are a  little bit lower but overall quite similar number  

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seven is macadamia nuts one of my favorites  if you put it in a smoothie it just turns  

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it super super creamy and yummy it is very low in  carbohydrate it's high in protein and high in fat  

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plus it has quite a bit of vitamins and minerals  and one of the main things I want to emphasize is  

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that it is very low on the allergy scale very  very few people I've never really found anyone  

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who's sensitive to macadamias whereas millions of  people are sensitive to Brazil nuts and peanuts  

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and so forth but let's compare some similar  knots so if we start with the macadamia nut  

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and we compare it to pecans and walnuts they're  quite similar and if we look at the total amount  

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of carbs we see that they all have a total carb  count of 14 grams per 100 or 14 percent but then  

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we can subtract the fiber and the Macadamia has 9  grams of fiber the pecan has 10 and walnuts have  

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seven so we can subtract the fiber and now we're  left with the net carbs the carb impact on blood  

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sugar and so forth so now we see Macadamia has  five pecans have four and walnuts have seven so  

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they're very low carb they're very concentrated  very satisfying dense foods so these carbs are  

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not going to have much of an impact regardless  we can nitpate can say that four is a lot better  

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than five but it's not a huge difference all of  these are totally okay but something we want to  

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be aware of when it comes to nuts and seeds is  something called omega-6s because Omega-3s are  

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generally anti-inflammatory but we want to get  them primarily from fish because once they're  

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in seeds they tend to get oxidized and rancid  pretty quick but nuts and seeds have a lot of  

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omega-6s which are generally pro-inflammatory and  when we look at that the Macadamia has one percent  

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one gram per hundred of the omega-6 the pecan has  20 times more and the Walnut has 38 times more  

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so again we don't want to nitpick but we want  to understand the different seeds different  

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nuts can be widely different in that aspect so  we can still eat all of these but we want to  

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get a variety of foods we don't want to think  oh this is the superfood let me just eat that  

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but we want to understand what they have in  common and start seeing some patterns and then  

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we don't have to memorize all these things and  all these lists that we're getting number six  

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is cauliflower totally awesome food and it is  low carb it has tons of vitamins and minerals  

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in it it's pretty high in vitamin C and I like  how it is inexpensive and it's available widely  

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available and it's versatile you can use it so  many different ways and it has quickly become  

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one of the absolute top favorites of the  low carb Community the keto community and  

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they're using it for everything there's riced  cauliflowers there's cauliflower pizza crust  

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but that's another thing you have to be aware  of when something becomes popular then there's  

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going to be a lot of people try to mislead you and  take advantage of you and trick you so now because  

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somebody figured out how to make a cauliflower  pizza crust and I never really succeeded because  

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they get kind of soggy and watery but now they're  selling all these different Pizza crusts with  

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cauliflower but if you look at the label the first  ingredient is not cauliflower it's wheat flour and  

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if you check the total carb content you'll  find that it's exactly as high as a regular  

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pizza crust so they're basically making a regular  pizza crust they are sprinkling some cauliflower  

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on it and calling it a cauliflower pizza crust  just because it's trendy right now so don't fall  

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for those things understand what good food and  Whole Food is and stay away from those scammers  

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and as much as I love cauliflower I'm also very  fond of things like broccoli asparagus brussels  

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sprouts bell pepper and eggplants they're all  very similar they're all non-starchy vegetables  

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they're full of nutrition and fiber so don't pick  one don't raise one to a superfood status at the  

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expense of others which is what so many people  tend to do number five is sauerkraut and I love  

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sauerkraut but I had to clarify something here so  they say that cabbage on its own has a good amount  

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of vitamin C about 30 milligrams per cup but then  they say that something miraculous happen that the  

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amount of vitamin C Skyrocket when you ferment  it and turn it into sauerkraut now it increases  

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almost 20 fold that we get enormous amounts of  vitamin C and antioxidants and then they claim  

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to refer to an article and they say that levels of  antioxidants and vitamin C could reach as high as  

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695 milligrams with raw fermented cabbage having  the highest levels of vitamin C hitting almost  

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700 milligrams per cup and I'm always looking for  mechanisms I'm curious how does that happen how do  

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you make vitamin C by fermenting something and  they gave gave you the reference so they refer  

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to this article here and said that this is where  they found the information so I went and looked  

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at that article and I'm not too surprised  unfortunately to find that this article had  

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nothing to do with what they were talking about  the article was not talking about vitamin C it  

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was talking about antioxidant properties expressed  as an equivalent of vitamin C so they assume that  

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vitamin C has a certain antioxidant capacity  and then they examine all the other compounds  

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in cabbage that has antioxidant capacity and then  they express those as Vitamin C equivalents which  

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is something completely different and then if you  read the heading here it doesn't say fermented and  

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it doesn't say sauerkraut it says processed so  what they did was something different but sure  

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enough they mentioned the the 695 milligram but  they're very specific to say that it was vitamin  

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C equivalents not the vitamin C and then they say  that it wasn't the fermented but the processing  

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they're talking about is actually pickled cabbage  which means you typically add vinegar and salt and  

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then they say there's a good linear relationship  between the phenolics and the antioxidant capacity  

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meaning basically the antioxidant capacity came  from phenolics and then they translated that into  

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how much vitamin C or ascorbic acid would it take  to get that antioxidant effect and then at the  

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end they say that the relationship between the  vitamin C or ascorbic acid and the antioxidant  

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was very low so it had basically nothing to do  with the vitamin C one more thing we want to  

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understand is that when they measure these things  they're not talking about the vitamin C complex  

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that you get in real food and that's what the  body needs they're talking about the antioxidant  

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ascorbic acid which is basically a preservative  and it's there to protect the plant not to protect  

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you because when it comes to antioxidants you  have your own intracellular production called  

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glutathione but there's so many different myths  there and here in this example they managed to get  

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every single one of them wrong unfortunately as a  result of their misinterpretation or their willful  

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neglect we now have a new truth so now there's  all these different articles we have in fact 1790  

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results if we do a search and we put the 695 in  quotation marks so only results show up that has  

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that exact phrase we have thousands of results  and they're saying things like sauerkraut and  

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fermented and this much 695 milligrams of vitamin  C and the next article says the exact same so this  

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thousands of these and even a Channel of video  YouTube channel with a name very similar to my  

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own managed to find this information and quote  it as a truth and now thousands of articles are  

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published with a new truth that a lot of people  believe when the article that it came from didn't  

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even mention fermented or sauerkraut instead they  were talking about antioxidants and fresh and  

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pickled cabbage so this is what happens when we  try to sensationalize when we don't understand the  

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bigger picture about food that the biggest part is  if it came from planet Earth and we don't process  

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it if we don't destroy it then it's going to be a  good good food but now we nitpick and we find out  

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these little molecules and the more we dig into  the molecules the more we lose the big picture  

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and we get confused and they publish list after  list after list and they're comparing numbers and  

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nothing makes sense anymore so just try to focus  on the big picture and understand what food is but  

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don't get me wrong sauerkraut is still one of my  favorites just for different reasons it's still  

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low carb it has vitamins minerals it provides  really good probiotics which are bacteria that  

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can populate and keep your gut healthy but it's  not the only thing that can do that either you can  

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ferment lots of different vegetables and you'll  still get those probiotics it is very inexpensive  

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it's widely available it's very versatile just  like cauliflower it has a good amount of vitamin  

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C it does not have the 700 milligrams that they're  talking about but even 30 milligrams is a pretty  

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good source so if you eat a couple of 300 grams  of sauerkraut you're getting most of the vitamin C  

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that you need and now it's going to be the complex  vitamin C your body is looking for number four is  

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hamburger and interestingly the hamburger has no  ham in it but on the other hand hot dogs also have  

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no dogs in it for which I'm very grateful what  we're talking about instead is ground beef and  

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we're not talking about the fast food hamburgers  with all their chemicals and their sugary buns  

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and their synthetic additives and dressings we're  just talking about the ground beef and while most  

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ground beef is going to be better than a lot of  other food if you really kind of want a healthy  

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meal you want to look for the grass fed because  if the animal lived the way it was supposed to  

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live and ate the things they're supposed to eat  then the animal was healthy and the meat from it  

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is also healthy and if you eat that healthy the  grass-fed and ideally organic meat even though  

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I think grass-fed is even more important than  organic then you want to actually eat high fat  

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because the fat is not a problem and this is a  little shocking to some people because we heard  

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so much about eating lean meat lean chicken lean  ground beef and they're even labeling the ground  

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beef they don't say 10 fat they say 90 percent  lean which is just crazy to me and it's again  

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backwards but what we need to understand is  fat is okay it's a great fuel source and yes  

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we do need protein but excess protein turns  into glucose protein can only do two things  

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it can be incorporated into tissue and hormones  and molecules into structural things or it can  

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and the excess will be burned for fuel it will be  converted into glucose raise blood sugar and be  

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burned for fuel so yes protein is super important  but more isn't necessarily better so if you eat a  

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good amount of meat which I recommend because it's  very satisfying not at the expense of everything  

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else but I think meat is a good foundation  then look for the high fat meat and here is  

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if you compare the calories from fat and protein  respectively in different types of meat so we'll  

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just stick to ground beef for right now if you buy  the seven percent fat then the fat percentage the  

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calories from fat is actually 43 percent whereas  the protein is 57. so a little more protein but  

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close to to 50 50. but already when we get to 15  percent fat 85 percent lean meat now 64 percent  

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is from fat and 36 from protein so it's almost  a two to one ratio now the other way if we get  

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up to 20 percent now we have 73 from fat and  27 so almost a three to one ratio and once we  

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get up to 30 percent fat which you can't find  now with the wagyu and high fat products now  

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83 percent of the calories come from fat and only  17 from protein so with this you can eat a lot of  

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meat a lot of ground beef without getting excess  protein and again you don't have to be terribly  

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afraid of protein but typically the fattier cuts  the fattier grinds actually taste better they're  

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more satisfying they're more juicy and a lot of  people have avoided them because they heard that  

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the lean is better but that's not really the case  now one thing that you're going to find is that  

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if you do the 7 or the 15 and you grind it up like  I often just grind it up in in pieces in a frying  

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pan and I spice it a little bit and I put it on  a salad then with a 7 or 15 you're not really  

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going to let get any left over fat but when you  get up to 20 25 30 now there's going to be quite  

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a bit of melted fat in the bottom of the pan  especially with 30 you're going to have a huge  

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amount of fat in the bottom of the pan and  don't think of that as something bad because  

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we've been taught to throw that away that is top  quality Tallow this is great fat you can save it  

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for later you could just kind of strain it off or  filter it and save it for later you can use it for  

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cooking it's very heat stable it's great source  of energy it doesn't go rancid or bad for a long  

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long time or what I do is if I put this on a salad  then I'm going to use part of this as a dressing  

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I'll pour this over this they're leftover fat over  the salad and then I'll put a little bit of extra  

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olive oil and some vinegar and that's part of the  dressing and while this example is about ground  

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beef we don't want to exclude other kinds of meat  so other meat like steak and bison and lamb and  

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poultry as long as they're raised under quality  conditions then they're going to be very very  

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similar nutritionally number three is cod liver  and this is an interesting one the one I find and  

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you can get this online because it's hard to find  in stores is cod liver in its own cod liver oil so  

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it's the same stuff that you buy as an expensive  supplement as cod liver oil liquid this actually  

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packed the cod liver in this in the can so can is  about four ounces 115 grams and with this you're  

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getting some very very packed nutrition now a lot  of people they're going to hear the word liver and  

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they're going to be hugely turned off and then  I'm going to or cod liver and they're going to  

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associate it with something rancid that they  might be forced to take when they were kids but  

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understand that if you buy the right kind and just  look at some of the reviews online this is almost  

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completely neutral in flavor you can't really  taste any fishiness at all and it's going to be  

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super packed with nutrients so when we're talking  about these epas the Omega-3s the EPA and the DHA  

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we're not there's so much in there that we don't  even measure it in milligrams we measure grams now  

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so 5.8 grams of EPA and 9.2 grams of DHA these are  enormous amounts and you're going to get several  

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days worth in one can and the same thing holds  true for vitamin A and vitamin D you're getting 73  

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000 IUS and 8400 IUS this is basically a week's  worth of vitamin A and vitamin D and therefore you  

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want to be a little careful with this because you  can eat too much you don't want to eat this every  

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day another thing to keep in mind is that one can  of only 115 grams is going to have 84 grams of fat  

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in it which again it's not a bad thing because  of the fat because it's super nutritious however  

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if you have trouble digesting fat if you have a  weak gallbladder then that might be a little too  

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much in one sitting so it is delicate and flavor  neutral enough that you can eat it straight out of  

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the can but what I would recommend is put it on a  salad and use the oil as a dressing and then just  

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spice it up you salt pepper vinegar whatever  you like and it's going to be just like salad  

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dressing basically you probably won't even notice  the cod liver on there but you're going to get a  

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massive amount of Omega-3s and vitamin A and D  but because there's so much vitamin A and D you  

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probably just want to eat one of these cans a week  if you ate more than one a week you could develop  

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a toxicity in vitamin A and D it takes a while to  get there so it wouldn't happen if you just ate  

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it a few weeks in a row but if you kept eating it  month after month more than one a week then that'd  

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be something to be concerned with another thing  to keep in mind is that unless you just really  

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love that fishy smell you don't want to save this  once you open the can then you eat it the same day  

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or maybe the next because already two days later  even if you keep it in the fridge it's going to  

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be very fishy and the reason for that is that it  is so high it's so super concentrated in these EPA  

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and DHA and those are extremely highly reactive  they oxidize they go rancid so easy and that is  

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why they're so beneficial they have so certain  properties where they're very reactive they're  

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very highly unsaturated so that's good for your  nervous system and brain but they can't be stored  

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number two is eggs and while I said that we don't  want to count percentages and get too focused in  

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on it this is one example where one single food  item so this is for a single egg if you ate three  

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four five eggs you're gonna get a significant  amount or all of these nutrients that you're going  

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to need in a day and that's very very rare to get  that wider variety so it's a very complete food  

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and if you use this as a base for your food then  you're going to get a lot of nutrients in just one  

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food product but again you need a variety so don't  think that you're just going to eat one thing and  

Time: 1844.04

that's the best but if you eat eggs then realize  that quality matters it matters with everything  

Time: 1852.8

that you get but especially eggs because some  chicken some hens are mistreated and misfed  

Time: 1859.58

so badly they're fed hormones they're kept in  terrible conditions and a healthy chicken is going  

Time: 1867.32

to lay a healthy eggs they're going to have much  higher nutrients plus of course you don't want to  

Time: 1873.08

contribute to the mistreatment of chicken so what  you're looking for my preference is pasture raised  

Time: 1882.8

that means the chickens actually had a certain  area per chicken and they actually went outside  

Time: 1889.82

to find some natural things to eat like bugs and  grass and things the chicken would look for on its  

Time: 1897.8

own so most of the other classifications like  cage-free they don't really mean anything they  

Time: 1905.36

don't mean that the chicken ever really saw the  outside and also realize that pasture raised is  

Time: 1912.38

not the same thing as pasteurized pasteurized  simply means they immerse them in a hot water  

Time: 1918.92

bath very quickly to kill off some bacteria but  if you get the healthy eggs from pasture raised  

Time: 1926.06

chicken then that is not really going to be an  issue number one is avocado it's a huge favorite  

Time: 1933.32

with so many people it doesn't matter if you're  omnivore or vegan or vegetarian or low carb they  

Time: 1941.24

tend to all love avocado it's rich and creamy and  satisfying it is however pretty low in protein  

Time: 1949.58

only two grams per 100 so if you're vegan you need  to look for your protein elsewhere but like I said  

Time: 1958.22

low carb people love it because the net carbs  are only two grams per hundred even though it  

Time: 1965.66

does have some total carbs the fiber is subtracted  and the fiber is substantial seven grams per 100  

Time: 1974.66

and only two grams of net carbs so the fiber can  also help to feed the gut bacteria and contribute  

Time: 1982.7

to to a healthy flora and the high fat is one of  the reasons it's so popular at 15 grams of fat per  

Time: 1990.2

hundred quite unusual for a plant if you enjoyed  this video you're going to love that one and if  

Time: 1997.1

you truly want to master Health by understanding  how the body really works make sure you subscribe  

Time: 2002.68

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