Top 10 Fruits You Should Be EATING If You Are Diabetic

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Hello Health Champions today we're going to  talk about the best fruits to eat if you're a  

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diabetic did you know that over 37 million people  in the United States are diabetics today and that  

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represents 11 of the population worldwide there's  over half a billion people with diabetes today and  

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even though 11 is the highest percentage of any  country the greatest increases are now seen in  

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India and China and they're very quickly catching  up with that percentage in addition to that there  

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are 290 million people who have some degree of  insulin resistance that's the vast majority or  

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88 of the population so even if you don't have  diabetes that's a very good chance that this  

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still concerns you very often we hear fruits and  vegetables mentioned in the same sentence as in  

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you should eat more fruits and vegetables as if  they were the same thing and we need to understand  

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how they are different and the absolute best  fruits to eat would be called Avocado now most  

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people think of that as a vegetable because  it doesn't taste sweet but technically it is  

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a fruit and it has a very low glycemic index and  we'll talk more about that but that just means  

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how quickly something that you eat raises your  blood sugar it also has a very very low amount  

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of net carbs so net carbs are the amount of carbs  that you can absorb to become blood sugar the next  

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best would be olives and again people don't really  think of that as a fruit but it happens to be same  

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glycemic index and three grams of net carbs and  the next fruit is called tomato also 15 and three  

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so these three would be the absolute best fruits  to eat but they don't really fit the criteria for  

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fruit in most people's mind because when people  think of fruit they're looking for that sweet  

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taste they're talking about nature's candy they're  looking for a sweet treat but they don't want to  

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eat something artificial or Laden with added sugar  so we're going to talk about some of those sweet  

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fruits also but first we need to understand  a few things and dispel a few myths because  

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otherwise it doesn't make sense to talk about  them most of the time we hear about something  

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called glycemic index in terms of carbohydrates  and fruit and when they measure that they give  

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people a certain amount of food enough to contain  50 grams of net carbs so 50 grams of carbohydrates  

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that can be absorbed into the bloodstream so  fiber is subtracted because fiber does not get  

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into the bloodstream and then they compare that  food to glucose which is given the number 100 as  

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a reference or index and then they create a scale  where low glycemic index is anything less than 55  

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compared to glucose at 100 medium would be 55  to 70 and high glycemic index would be anything  

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over 70. but there's a few problems that we need  to understand the first problem is if we look at  

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something like bread it has 50 percent of the  weight being net carbs so if you eat a hundred  

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grams of bread which is basically two large slices  of toast you're gonna get 50 grams of carbs that's  

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pretty typical someone could do that in a sitting  and bread being basically pure starch has a very  

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high glycemic index of 75. but if we compare  that to something like avocado avocado has two  

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grams of net carbs so how do you eat 50 grams of  net carbs from avocado you basically have to eat  

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2 500 grams or five pounds of avocado to do that  which is way over a dozen avocados so I don't know  

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exactly how they come about with the number  15 which often is a sign I don't think that  

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they feed people five pounds of avocado so they  probably have some other measurement which means  

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that they're not really consistent in measuring  this but what it also means is that virtually all  

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the foods that you ever see on a list of glycemic  indices are going to be starch and sweet fruits  

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and then they tell you to select foods with a  low glycemic index and now you think that you're  

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limited to the foods that are on the list test  of glycemic index but all the good foods don't  

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really make it on there but let's talk about  a food that often makes it onto the list and  

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that's dates and even though this is pure sugar  medical news today says that according to various  

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research the typical glycemic index turns up at  42 which classifies it as low glycemic index food  

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and therefore safe and suitable for diabetics so  if you watch some of my videos and you understand  

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what sugar is that's totally absurd notion and  that has a lot to do with problem number two  

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so when we look at these numbers these ranges of  low under 55 High over 70. that is all relative to  

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something what are they comparing it to and it's  all based on the belief that we should eat three  

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to four hundred grams of carbohydrate per day  mostly from starches because that's the primary  

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way that you can get up to those numbers so the  ranges the numbers of glycemic index are going  

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to be based on foods that are basically pure  starch and some of these numbers might work  

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for people if you are relatively young if you're  very metabolically healthy or insulin sensitive  

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and you're quite active but we just realized that  88 of the population has some degree of metabolic  

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impairment some degree of insulin resistance  and then these numbers don't apply at all so  

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instead if you have some metabolic impairment  if you have some weight to lose if you have  

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some blood sugars that you like to drop I would  suggest the following ranges that low would be  

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things under 20. and medium would be 20 to 40  and high would be over 40. so I'm not claiming  

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that these are any exact numbers I just want to  get you into the idea that if you're trying to  

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change something about your metabolic Health then  you want to adopt a completely different range  

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than the ones they usually tell you so in that  note we need to realize that metabolic health  

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and insulin resistance is a Continuum it's not  black or white it's not like you have diabetes  

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or you don't on the red end that's the 10 percent  that have type 2 diabetes on the green end of the  

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spectrum that's another 10 percent roughly that  are very metabolically healthy and then in between  

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we have about 80 percent of the population who  are relatively insulin resistant so if you're  

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very insulin sensitive then you can be less strict  with these ranges and with the amount of carbs but  

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if you are closer to the type 2 diabetes then  you need to be much more strict and if you want  

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to figure out more about where you are on the  Spectrum I've developed a the blood work course  

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where you learn everything that you need to know  about understanding your metabolic health and then  

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some so I'll put some information down below if  you're interested but a lot of people realize that  

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the glycemic index method has some limitations so  a lot of people now are talking about a glycemic  

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load which is just another way of looking at it  because now they take into account how much you  

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eat of that food so they take the glycemic  index of the food times the amount of carbs  

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in grams and they divide by a hundred so now for  each meal for each snack they recommend that low  

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should be less than 10 units of glycemic load  medium should be 10 to 20 and high is over 20.  

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and based on that idea now medical news today  says that therefore two dry dates which weigh  

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48 grams contain 36 grams of carbs which again  is virtually pure sugar and then you multiply  

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that by the glycemic index and you end up with  17 so that would put it in the medium range but  

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remember these are supposed to be meals and two  dates hardly constitutes a meal and yet you're  

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kind of in the high end of medium and still they  call that a good idea for diabetics but remember  

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these ranges are based on the idea that we should  eat three to four hundred grams of carbs per day  

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and also that people typically can't reverse  insulin resistance they're not talking about  

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reversing a condition they're just talking about  maintaining it with medication and not having it  

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get worse so we need to put that in perspective  and compare it to a few things so if we take rice  

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for example we eat a hundred grams of rice that's  31 grams of carbohydrates of net carbs that has a  

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glycemic index of 98 so we multiply that divide  by 100 so we get a glycemic load of a hundred so  

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that would be a meal that puts us in the high  range but then if we compare that now to dates  

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we eat 48 grams which I think is very questionable  if that would be a meal and we have certain amount  

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of carbs and glycemic index we end up with 17. so  now people say oh dates are great because they're  

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better than rice but why would we compare it to  the worst food just because something is a little  

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bit better doesn't make it good so let's compare  it to a good food which would be avocado so now  

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we eat a hundred grams of avocado we get two grams  of net carbs multiplied by 15 divide by a hundred  

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and now we have a glycemic load of 0.3 so now we  see that even though dates are slightly better in  

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the rice it's not really a good food compared to  avocado the glycemic load is astronomical but when  

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it comes to fruit there is a third problem that we  really need to address and that's the question of  

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what is a carbohydrate because they're not all the  same even though a lot of people treat them the  

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same way so virtually all the carbohydrates we eat  are going to come from glucose and fructose and if  

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we eat something like bread that's going to be 100  percent glucose and no fructose and these glucose  

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molecules they're strung together like pearls on  a string and there's hundreds or thousands of them  

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and that's called starch but as soon as we start  chewing we have something called salivary amylase  

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that starts chopping these off the glucose gets in  the bloodstream very quickly and that's why bread  

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has a high glycemic index of 75 but bread has  no fructose but almost everyone today recognizes  

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that sugar sugar is different than bread even if  they don't understand exactly why and the reason  

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is that sugar is different it's 50 percent glucose  and 50 fructose so when we eat table sugar we have  

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these two molecules linked together side by side  in a disaccharide meaning two different molecules  

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and now we're getting the glucose that can raise  blood sugar but we're also getting fructose that  

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can only be processed by the liver so it's kind  of like alcohol in that if we have a significant  

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amount then it can only be processed by the liver  and it very quickly overwhelms the liver it turns  

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into fat and it starts infiltrating the liver so  it used to be only alcoholics got a fatty liver  

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but now the vast majority of fatty liver is due  to fructose but here's the next huge disconnect  

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that all these people who say that sugar is  bad and bread is good there's still going to  

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promote fruit because they say it's natural it's  completely different than the added sugar and yet  

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fruit has 50 glucose and 50 fructose just like the  table sugar does and in many cases it's going to  

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fluctuate a little bit and it's usually going to  be in the direction of having more fructose it'll  

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be even more devastating for the liver so here's  what really matters the first thing to understand  

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is that the total amount of carb relates to  the total amount of insulin and this is why  

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virtually all type 1 diabetes doctors will tell  you that you just count the carbs and you take a  

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corresponding amount of insulin to handle those  carbs I don't agree with that statement because  

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I still think that you need to limit the carbs  so that you don't have to take so much insulin  

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but that relationship still holds the second most  important factor is the amount of fructose like we  

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said fructose act sort of like alcohol it is the  strongest factor in developing fatty liver and  

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insulin resistance and then the third factor is  the glycemic index so if you have a high glycemic  

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index that creates more blood sugar swing larger  blood sugar swing so that's just kind of adding  

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insult to injury it's not the primary thing but  it's worth keeping in mind and a fourth Factor  

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that's often mentioned is fiber because fiber  is not absorbed and it will tend to slow down  

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the digestion and absorption so let's do a little  example here if we take a normal blood sugar range  

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and let's say that that's here and let's call the  middle of that 90. and then we eat something and  

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we bring the blood sugar up to about a hundred  and fifty what does that actually mean in terms  

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of how much blood sugar we have so 90 milligrams  per deciliter if we multiply that out by how much  

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blood is in the average person that means that you  have about three grams about half a teaspoon it's  

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like that much blood sugar in your bloodstream  at any given time and if you eat something and  

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it gets up to 150 then that represents five grams  of blood sugar so now let's say that you eat 100  

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grams you have a meal of 100 grams of carbohydrate  that's equivalent to 400 calories and your blood  

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sugar is going to go like this because your  body controls it and it brings it down with  

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insulin every time it rises so it always goes  fluctuating between three and five grams and  

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yet you just ate 100 grams of carbohydrate it's  in your digestive tract it has to be absorbed  

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into the bloodstream in the next hour or two and  then get out of the bloodstream very quickly so  

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it doesn't get above 150 so at any given time  we don't have more than five grams of sugar so  

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that means most of this 100 grams is going to go  very very quickly through the bloodstream and it  

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requires a certain amount of insulin to do that  and this is why the most important factor is the  

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total amount of carbs because that's going to  determine the total amount of insulin required  

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and as a diabetic your insulin is too high so  you can't keep eating foods that have a hundred  

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grams of carbohydrate or significant amounts of  carbohydrate because that's going to trigger large  

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amounts of insulin and perpetuate and aggravate  your insulin resistance we need to go way way down  

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on the carbohydrates to allow that insulin to drop  so that we can become more insulin sensitive so  

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why does glycemic index matter well it matters  a tiny little bit because in the next hour  

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you're going to be using approximately we'll just  pick some nice round numbers about 100 calories  

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per hour and we never burn pure glucose we burn  some glucose and some fat so let's just keep it  

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simple and keep it 50 50. that means you're  going to burn in the next hour you're going  

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to burn 50 calories from carbohydrate but you just  ate 400 and that means this insulin has now stored  

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350 of those calories so basically the higher the  glycemic index the quicker the blood sugar swings  

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the greater the stress the greater the shock on  the system because it has to produce way more  

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insulin quicker but in the end of the day it's  not going to matter all that much if you need to  

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store 340 maybe or 360. it's a little bit better  if they're slower but it's not a huge difference  

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it's the key factor is going to be the total  amount of carbohydrates because that's going to  

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affect your insulin levels short term in the next  few hours and the second most important factor  

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is the fructose because that's going to determine  your metabolic Health long term based on the liver  

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and then the glycemic index and the fiber are the  little nuances that just make it a little worse or  

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a little better so what we need to understand  is that carbohydrates are more of a metabolic  

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challenge to the body than fat or protein because  with fat and protein the body has several hours it  

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doesn't affect blood sugar it's never an emergency  but with carbohydrates we need to get a hundred  

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grams through the bloodstream but we can't have  more than five grams at any given time so we need  

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to process that that through very very quickly  and that's why it's kind of an emergency that's  

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why it's a metabolic challenge now this doesn't  affect everyone the same so if you're an athlete  

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if you're metabolically healthy then this is not  going to be a problem not for many many years at  

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least but you also want to understand how this  works so that you never move in that direction  

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so let's clear up some more very widespread  misinformation and this is an example from a  

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video with 5 million views that promoted a bunch  of fruits that no diabetic should eat a bunch of  

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and one example was Apples they say apples are  great for diabetics because even though they may  

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have 12.4 grams of sugar which incidentally is  mostly fructose as much as 75 percent they say  

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that it has a lot of fiber and the fiber will  slow down the release now it turns out honey  

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crisp apples which I'm going to show you some  numbers has 1.7 grams of fiber per 100 grams of  

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Apple which is not a whole lot actually and then  they go on to say that because of this apples  

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actually help diabetics regulate blood glucose  and I saw this in print in many many different  

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places but again they're falling into the Trap  apples don't help diabetics regulate apples are  

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less dysregulating than jelly beans or white toast  and jam or sugary breakfast cereal with skim milk  

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but it doesn't help regulate anything so let's  illustrate with a few examples here honeycrisp  

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apples has about 15 grams of total carbs per 100  grams of Apple but almost all of that is sugar  

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and most of that is fructose the vast majority  of that is fructose so it tastes very sweet it  

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has a slightly lower glycemic index because of the  fructose because fructose is absorbed slowly but  

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again it is very stressful for the liver and then  the rest of the carbohydrates are made up of fiber  

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which is not absorbed and then other carbohydrates  but now let's compare that to raspberries and if  

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we just look at the total carbs it doesn't seem  that different but if we look at the sugar we see  

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that there's a huge difference there's like five  times more sugar in apples than in raspberries and  

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that's because there is so much fiber most of the  carbs in the raspberry is actually fiber so if you  

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compare the small amount of fiber in apples to the  large amount in raspberries then apples don't seem  

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so impressive anymore and then to really get some  contrast here let's also look at avocado which on  

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the surface seem to have a large amount of carbs  total carbs but the sugar is that tiny little  

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sliver down at the bottom there and almost all the  carbs in the avocado is fiber so the net carbs is  

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just this little white thing but it's not sugar so  again it's absorbed very very slowly so we can't  

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just look at the total carbs because it's the  net carbs that determine the insulin and it's the  

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fructose that determines the stress on the liver  so now that we understand all those mechanisms  

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let's look at the top sweet fruits and remember  that the sugar in these are 50 fructose fifty  

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percent glucose more or less so that's why we  still want to keep the numbers quite low and the  

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first example is cherries we're going to look at  Sugar fiber glycemic index and glycemic load like  

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we said the sugar the carbs is the most important  factor and cherries have 13 sugar 2 grams of fiber  

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a low glycemic index so the glycemic load is  three and again compare that to Rice which was  

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30 or dates which were 17. so now we're getting  into low single digits and that's where you want  

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to keep it even so as a diabetic you probably  want to limit cherries quite a bit because of  

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the sugar content there'll be some better ones  here soon blueberries have a little bit less sugar  

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a little bit more fiber a much higher glycemic  index so the glycemic load is a little bit higher  

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but again we said that the sugar is more important  it's a heavier Factor next one is apricot and we  

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have nine grams of sugar little fiber low glycemic  index so it's about the same in terms of glycemic  

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load as cherries but I would recommend apricot  because the total carbs are less the sugar is  

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less grapefruit comes in next at seven two grams  of fiber low glycemic index and a quite low  

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glycemic load and remember though that this is  per 100 grams so if you'd get a huge grapefruit  

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and you eat the whole thing then you probably need  to Triple these numbers and now we're getting into  

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the really good stuff that even a diabetic can  eat frequently even if not in unlimited amounts  

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but you could have handfuls of these on a regular  basis if you're on a ketogenic diet these are low  

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enough that you can have a handful here and there  and stay in ketosis for most people so raspberries  

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are going to have 4 grams of sugar seven grams of  fiber again that fiber is more than the sugar so  

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it's going to really slow this down which is why  we have a low glycemic index and now we're getting  

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in under two on the glycemic load blackberries  very similar numbers even a little bit lower on  

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the glycemic index and the glycemic load and just  for comparison so you understand that you can use  

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lemon freely even if it's not something that  you use for a sweet treat but you could use it  

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in cooking you can use it in water you can use it  very freely and lemon and lime are very similar  

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so they're pretty interchangeable you have very  very low numbers and the glycemic load would be  

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a 1.2 but that's per 100 grams of edible lemon so  you're obviously not going to eat that much on a  

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regular basis you're going to have a fraction  of that and if you're at your ideal weight if  

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you're insulin sensitive the then you could have  these pretty freely and you could even have some  

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fruits maybe with higher numbers than this but  if you are a diabetic which this video is about  

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then you want to stick primarily to the ones in  green here and use the other ones occasionally  

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and sparingly if you enjoyed this video you're  going to love that one and if you truly want  

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to master Health by understanding how the body  really works make sure you subscribe hit that  

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