Top 10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again!

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hello health champions today I want to share with you the top 10 foods to avoid

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if you want to live a long and healthy life coming right up

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hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything very often we hear that you shouldn't eat this or you shouldn't eat

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that and we read these long long lists but we may not understand why these

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foods are good or bad so today we're going to talk about we're gonna give you

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the list but we're also gonna explain each item so make sure that you really

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pay attention to each one so that you understand why it is a good idea to

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avoid it also I'm never gonna tell you that you shouldn't eat this or that but

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if you understand the consequence then you will want to avoid those foods in

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order to have the best possible health and if you notice on the board

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I have foods in quotation marks that's because some people think that just

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because it's customary to put something in the mouth and swallow that that's

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called food that we have all these habits of eating things we think are

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food but they're not really food so let's first talk about what food is and

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food is something that provides fuel and nutrients something that has building

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blocks that you can use to build new tissue and something that contains

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catalysts like vitamins and minerals and enzymes to help your body turn the fuel

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into energy and to help turn the building blocks into tissue that's what

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whole food is whole food has all those different things but when we process

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food a lot of times we destroy it we make it non-food all right so health is

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the ability to turn the fuel in the building blocks and the catalysts into

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energy and tissue and to use this energy to

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coordinate the function in the body with signals so the brain receives about a

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billion bits of information every second it comes from the body from your

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intestines from your tissues from your joints from your muscles and it comes

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from the environment the temperature the air pressure gravity all those things

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generate signals that your body has to use energy to process and regulate and

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that is what health is the ability to manage to produce and manage signals the

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better that works the healthier you are the sooner you can return to homeostasis

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or balance the healthier you are a poison is something that interferes with

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the regulation of signals either with the production of energy war with the

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transport and regulation of signals if the body is trying to send a signal

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someplace and there's a poison then that signal is either blocked or distorted or

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somehow interfered with alright so we're going to keep these in mind as we talk

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about these foods and so-called foods so that we understand what it does and if

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it's something that we want to eat or not so we'll take this list in reverse

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order and we're going to start with number 10 the 10th worst I'm going to

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work our way down to the absolute worst so the first thing that I want to avoid

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or the 10th thing would be any nonfat product anything labeled nonfat low-fat

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reduced fat whether it's yogurt or milk or some other sour cream non-fat sour

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cream minutes it's a contradiction in terms

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mayonnaise salad dressings peanut butter all these things that naturally have

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some fat in them if they're labeled as low-fat or nonfat

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Joost fat that means they've taken something out they'd taken the food was

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complete the food was hold but they took stuff out because they're afraid of fat

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and the fat provided flavor and texture it had that the mouthfeel the richness

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the the satisfying properties and when they take those out then we lose that

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satiating property of the food and they typically have to put in sugar and

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artificial flavors and artificial stabilizers and all these different

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chemicals to try to give it the same texture and flavor and feel that the

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product originally had so it's usually a destroyed food and the fat was there for

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a reason in the beginning if nature put the fat there then it was a good fat

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so unprocessed foods have good quality fats and when we take those out like

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healthy oils in the salad dressings or in mayonnaise those fats are good but

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when we remove them and put something else in it becomes just a chemical

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concoction so these would be something that I would never eat if I had the

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choice number 9 on the list is deli meats and this is one of those things

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that could be good or it could be bad so you have to understand why it would or

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wouldn't so if they take a good healthy meat and they don't add a bunch of

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chemicals and they don't use a bunch of nitrites especially if the animal was

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organically raised and raised on natural food if it was sustainably and and

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raised in good conscience then that can be an excellent product but if they add

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a bunch of sugar and nitrites and artificial flavors and things that give

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it a certain texture and preservatives now it's not a good food anymore now

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they've added as much poison and foreign stuff as they've had meat in there and

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especially things like hot dogs now who knows what are in those things and

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sometimes there is so little meat in there that there's more other stuff

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so I was talking to a friend recently and and he said that you know hot dogs

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sometimes have like 1020 percent meat in them and back where I come from they

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call that bread so we want to know that there are good ones and bad ones so

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avoid the bad ones like the plague but the good ones can actually be excellent

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snacks number eight on the list is GMOs genetically modified organisms and

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modified plants so the primary wants to avoid our corn and soy and sugar beets

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there are others and you want to sort of pay attention and find things that are

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non-gmo that are labeled non-gmo and if there are certain vegetables that you

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eat on a regular basis like maybe eggplant and squash you want to try to

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learn which ones would be genetically modified and you want to get organic

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whenever you can out of those things that could be genetically modified

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because technically the organic is supposed to be guaranteed not to be

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genetically modified I don't know if you can trust that 100% but your going to be

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a whole lot safer that way and genetically modified organisms those are

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where we're sort of playing genetic roulette that these things can combine

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with other DNA that can combine with bacterial strains in your gut flora and

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create whole new species they can produce things they can produce

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pesticides and alcohol and different things that you really don't want in

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your body these are organisms these are species that we never had on the planet

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so you really don't want to put them in your body the seventh thing or the

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seventh category to avoid are commercial oils vegetable oils and anything

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deep-fried so vegetable oils those are things that aren't really vegetable

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oyster seed oils and bean oils like canola and safflower and corn oil etc

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soybean oil and these are very sensitive they're

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polyunsaturated and monounsaturated mostly polyunsaturated that means

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they're very sensitive to heat and light and oxygen so they oxidize they go

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rancid very quickly so in order to make them shelf stable they process them very

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very harshly so these are chemically enhanced chemically produced concoctions

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they're so far from food that you don't ever want to touch them the other thing

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they have is they're very high in omega sixes and these Omega 6s are

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pro-inflammatory so when they deep fry things then they can't have something

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that's very sensitive to heat and oxygen and light because then it would go

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rancid and toxic even faster so a lot of these frying oils are saturated or

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hydrogenated partially hydrogenated which makes them trans fats so a lot of

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these commercial oils if you go out to eat you really want to avoid deep fried

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food period okay if you ever eat anything deep fried it should be made at

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home in butter or coconut oil because those are those are stable and you would

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only use them sparingly and you'd only use them one time and so forth so

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anytime you go to a restaurant you have something deep-fried that's been used

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over and over and over and over so it's it's toxic it's more toxic because of

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the heat and the repetition but it was toxic to start with because of the

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hydrogenation and the fact that it was so harshly processed in the first place

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so oils are not necessarily bad fats are not bad in general but bad fats are

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really bad so you want to stick with the natural fats like extra-virgin olive oil

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coconut oil butter ghee those things that are easy to to process if you take

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an olive and you squeeze it you get oil you don't have to use a lot of heat

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there are a lot of chemicals to get it out those are the oils that are good

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number six on the list is white flour modern wheat and anything made from

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those things so white flour is any whole grain flour that has been processed that

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has been refined and basically what happens when they make white flour is

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they often use chemicals so it's sort of tainted but they basically remove all

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the nutrients because the nutrients make it less shelf-stable the nutrients react

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with oxygen and heat and light so in order to keep it on the Shelf they

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remove all the nutrients and they just save this starchy portion which makes it

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white flour so now it can sit there much longer but it doesn't have any nutrients

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the other problem with that is that the vast majority of all the white flour is

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made from modern wheat and modern wheat is nothing like the wheat that we had on

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the planet thousands of years ago so even if you could sort of argue that yes

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humans had grain ten thousand years ago and the Egyptians and agriculture and

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all those reasons then those grains those species of grain were totally

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different from the modern wheat ten thousand years ago they had two grains

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they had Emmer and einkorn and then along the way we got the de spelt and

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the kamut and so forth but they were very very few and then we had rye but in

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the last 50 years or so they've experimented and hybridized and

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manipulated and they've gone through tens of thousands of different wheats to

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try to find something that had a high yield that was resistant to to weather

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and so forth and their objective in making the modern wheat was not health

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it was not to make it healthy it was to increase the yield so they could feed a

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lot of people and that was a noble intention but along the way they kind of

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lost what wheat used to be so it's totally totally different and if you

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want a lot of information if really want to solidify your

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understanding of why to avoid that I recommend reading the book Wheat Belly

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because it's a whole book that just talks about what they did to modern

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wheat and what it does to you so then you want to avoid any kind of product

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made from those okay I don't eat anything with that in it anymore

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so any kind of breakfast cereal and it's kind of scary if you think about how

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many yards in the average store is just full of cereal and every one of them has

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modern wheat in it and this is waffles and crackers and and toast and and all

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those different things and then if it's kid cereals do you love your kids well

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don't give them that because it's the modern wheat it's white flour it's corn

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GMO corn and then they add sugar and artificial colors and artificial flavors

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and then they sprinkle some synthetic vitamins on top and there's nothing in

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there that is food it isn't food anymore so I would avoid everything that has to

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do with white flour modern wheats and anything made from those products number

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five on the list is MSG monosodium glutamate and now we're getting in to

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the category so most of these so far they're only either there a lack of food

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because we have removed nutrients by processing some of them can turn a

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little bit poisonous with the interference with the chemicals and and

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however they were they were processed but now we're getting into the stuff

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that is actually poison these are chemicals these things have no food

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value they don't provide any fuel or building blocks or catalysts there's

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nothing in there that your body needs and MSG monosodium glutamate it's a

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flavor enhancer and how does it do that well it mimics so monosodium glutamate

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glutamate is a neurotransmitter it's something that your body uses to send

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signals to and Smit messages to excite activity in

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the body but when we add it from the outside

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now we trick the body so when you put it on the taste bud it tricks the taste

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buds into more activity and it tricks the brain into thinking things taste

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better than they are it's like a dream come true for the processed food

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manufacturers because they can trick your brain into thinking it tastes

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better than it does and into thinking that you should eat more than you want

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to and you can't stop because it's it's a drug effect so these are called

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excitotoxins and what they do the reason is called also the the Chinese

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restaurant syndrome is you stimulate your brain you over excite your brain

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and what happens with the brain then it's when you work out a muscle then

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that muscle gets lactic acid and it starts burning and you get tired you can

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feel it in the brain you can't feel it you just excite that brain cell until

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it's overworked and then it shuts down and either it just wiped out for a while

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or you actually killed off that brain cell so that's why they're called

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excitotoxins and that's in the Chinese restaurant syndrome you feel good you

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feel good you feel good and then you crash right that's the reason so you

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want to avoid these and this is basically 99.9% of all canned soup of

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most flavored potato chips or corn chips or any snack product that has like a

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barbecue flavor or jalapeno flavor anything except your basic salt flavor

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is going to have MSG in it canned soup we said and then also salad dressings

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there is it's basically the thing that gives flavor to ranch dressing ranch

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dressing doesn't taste the way it does without msg it's extremely difficult to

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make a ranch dressing that tastes like ranch dressing unless you use msg so

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just be be aware of that know what it does

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and avoid those number four on the list is sugar and the only reason sugar isn't

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number one on the list is that sugar is one of those things that it's not poison

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all right it doesn't fit in the poison category it's just a refined and highly

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processed food it does provide fuel it doesn't provide any building block or

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catalysts it can be converted into energy even though it depletes the body

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because it doesn't have any nutrients come with it but the dose makes the

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poison alright so sugar is the most natural

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molecule on the planet everything that is plant-based is sugar it is glucose

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it's just different forms trees are glucose grass is glucose fruits and

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vegetables or glucose so it's not an absolute it depends on the form it comes

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in all right so it's not a poison it's the quantity that makes it a poison and

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the way that it becomes a poison is when we have things like refined white sugar

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and high fructose corn syrup and we put it in drinks because now it's way too

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easy to get too much you have a sweet drink you have a soda you have a sweet

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tea it's you're in the American South and it's a hot day and you start sipping

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on sweet iced tea and you can drink gallons of the stuff and there's as much

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sugar as in soda so it's a it's a bottomless pit it's it's a trap anything

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nectar often times they call it nectar instead made with real fruit well it's a

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little bit of fruit and then they added synthetic chemicals and sugar energy

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drinks don't give you energy there's stimulants there's sugar drinks with

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some caffeine and with some other stimulants in there the very popular

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coffee drinks now I like Starbucks I get black coffee I get espresso I get a

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cappuccino sometimes but I stay far far away from all those

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pure drinks the Frappuccino and all the flavors stuff because it's pure sugar

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and chemicals their drugs and they're addictive so when you have these drinks

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it's so easy to drink hundreds of grams of sugar every day and

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now sugar is a poison okay sugar is the root of all evil for these reasons

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because it's such a big part of our culture and our habits everywhere we

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look there's sugar so the drinks are the worst but then of course anything that

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contains sugar like candy or snacks or muffins or waffles or pancakes and syrup

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and so forth stay away from sugar I would suggest that you count the sugar

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just to kind of learn how much you're consuming and I would suggest you keep

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the added sugars at between five and ten or zero to ten grams a day anything

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above that I think is too much because now it very easily becomes that the drug

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with that addictive effect and it starts putting a burden on your liver because

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your liver has to metabolize all that fructose that is in that sugar number

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three on the list is margarine margarine is a synthetic man-made food it is a

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toxic chemical right everyone pretty much agrees now even the mainstream

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government guidelines they say to limit trans fats they finally made it

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mandatory to put trans fat on the food labels because they are the only thing

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on that food label that is a true poison margarine is a manually saturated fat

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they start off with a synthetic with a highly processed plant oil

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it's harshly processed using high heat high pressure lots of chemicals so they

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get a very toxic product high in omega-6 s then they make it worse then they

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shoot at high speed and high pressure and high temperature they bombard this

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with hydrogen's with protons and now they so

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Lidda fie they turned that polyunsaturated oil into a partially

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saturated so they solidify it and in doing that they create a molecule that

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doesn't exist in nature and when you eat this

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it is very poorly broken down by the bodies very poorly metabolized and you

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use fats in the body for fuel but you also use them for cell membranes and the

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structure of these fatty acids determine the properties of your cell membranes

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and your cell membranes those are the barriers that decide the inside and

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outside of the cell that is they determine what is supposed to come in

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and what's supposed to be stopped so they make decisions the cells the

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membrane is the true brain of the body okay that's where decisions are made

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it's like a transistor it's a semiconductor and if you have margarine

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in your body that's not broken down and the body is deficient in these proper

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essential fatty acids it's going to start substituting whatever fat it has

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and it's gonna start putting margarine it's gonna start putting trans fats into

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the cell membrane and you disrupt and you destroy and you alter the signaling

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properties of that membrane and this has been implicated in every kind of disease

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including cancer right you distort the body's normal responses in so many

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different ways so margarine is way way way up there with of toxins and sadly

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when they did most of the studies on heart disease and they found out they

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decided that heart disease was caused by fat then that was at a time when

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everybody was eating almost exclusively margarine all right that's the biggest

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reason that fat got a bad rap was that that's what people were eating at the

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time and they saw that these people they're eating so much fat well sure

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they ate some animal fats but they didn't eat butter they ate margarine and

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that's why they got sick the second worst food in my opinion is the category

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of donuts cake and frosting right because these combine most of the worst

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of the properties of all of these so-called foods non foods above here so

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donuts are deep-fried they use terrible oil they have trans fats partially

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hydrogenated fats they have sugar modern wheats of combining all these different

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things and if they're really really bad now they're gonna have all these other

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chemicals and flavors and colors and dough conditioners with it as well so I

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don't think you could possibly design a worse food with less nutrients and more

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bad effects on your physiology than donuts and now cake the only difference

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is cake isn't deep-fried but it's still modern wheat and it's still the oldest

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sugar and typically cake has some frosting with it and the frosting is

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made with shortening which is a partially hydrogenated vegetable fat so

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it's really like just another Verge version of margarine but it's worse

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so cake and frosting and donuts they sort of combine all the worst of the the

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really bad stuff of any of these above so if you have a party if there's a

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celebration somewhere and you just feel hey I gotta have some cake then look up

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some recipes online look for some keto cake look for some paleo cakes all right

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you can make very very tasty desserts on natural foods without using any of the

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bad fats without using any processed sugar and you can make it healthy it

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it's not something that you still want to eat don't turn it into a staple don't

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make it another food group but if you have it for the

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occasional celebration you can have it and not feel bad about it and the number

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one thing that you want to avoid if you want to stay healthy is artificial

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sweetener it made number one worst on my list because it is not a food it is not

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a nutrient it is a poison it's a neuro toxin all of them are some of them are a

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little bit worse than others so I would say that aspartame is by far the worst

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and then we have sucralose ii known as Splenda

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so aspartame is NutraSweet sucralose is Splenda saccharin is sweet and low and

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asked to sell fame potassium or acesulfame k is usually not sold by

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itself but it's put in combination with other things so virtually every time

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that you see aspartame or sucralose you're gonna see this kind of as an

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add-on and what's so bad about these things well they are neurotoxins they're

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chemicals they're mad made they have no function no position no place in the

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human body and the reason aspartame is so terrible is it breaks down and the

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breakdown products the resulting products are formaldehyde also known as

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embalming fluid it breaks down into methanol wood alcohol the stuff that you

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go blind and it also breaks down into an excitotoxin a neurotransmitter just like

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the MSG so it has a triple effect of super super toxic poisonous effects in

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the body and there's a high number of liver toxicities and kidney failures and

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all sorts of autoimmune conditions that are in my opinion in my experience

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caused by aspartame there were more complaints to the FDA more formal

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complaints to the FDA about a sport in the ten years following its release

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then the FDA had received on formal complaints in the history of the FDA so

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this is a poison the others are not much better they're still man-made they're

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still very poisonous chemicals sucralose is a chloro carbon it is chemically

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related to DDT and to family of pesticide most have which have been

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banned in the entire world for being carcinogenic so stay away from

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artificial sweeteners and anything that contains them so you have to be very

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careful the obvious giveaway is diet sodas so Diet Coke dye Pepsi Diet this

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and that but also low-calorie yogurts they will have artificial sweeteners in

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them chewing gum it used to be that you had regular and you had unsweetened well

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and the regular had sugar and the other one had artificial sweeteners well now

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guess what both regular and sugar-free have artificial sweeteners because it

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prolongs the flavor so they put sugar and this stuff in it so you have to look

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very very carefully there are some chewing gums on the market that don't

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have these there are sweetened with sugar alcohols like xylitol etc and

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those would be much better in moderation but the flavor you can tell because the

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flavour only lasts of a few seconds and of course that's why they put this

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synthetic stuff in there but don't use it because it's poison as far as drinks

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the one that I the only drink the only soda that I drink is a diet soda so to

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speak but it's called zi BIA and I'm not getting paid for this but it is has

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nothing strange in there it's no artificial colors no artificial flavors

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it is sweetened with stevia only so that would be the alternative if you're

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trying to get off Diet Coke then that's what I would suggest

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so the reason you want to avoid all these items all these categories of food

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is that they are not food the only thing would be a deli meat if

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it is a high quality if you research a little bit how its produced and you read

Time: 1885.32

the ingredients and there's nothing strange in then it can be a good snack

Time: 1889.549

if not then avoid it like the plague it will make you sick it will poison

Time: 1894.379

your body it will shorten your life if you enjoyed this video then you can

Time: 1898.009

learn a whole lot more from that one thank you so much for watching and I'll

Time: 1902.36

see you in the next video

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