Top 10 Foods You Must Eat To Lower Blood Sugar

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Hello Health Champions. Did you know that  most people in the world have a problem with  

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high blood sugar so today i'm going to give you  the top 10 foods to help you lower blood sugar  

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but more importantly we need to understand what  normal blood sugar is and if and when it ever gets  

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too low. Also despite all the attention  given to blood sugar it may not be the first  

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marker you want to be concerned with. I'm  going to list these foods in categories so we  

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can talk about them and understand them a little  better. First category is low carb protein and fat  

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so if we look at a graph it's kind of flat there's  not much of anything there the next category is  

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low carb high fat but still low protein so  here we increase the fat and what does that  

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do it gives us more fuel it gives us replacement  calories but with very little impact on glucose  

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or insulin and the next category is low carb high  fat and high protein because high protein can  

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increase insulin a little bit but not so much  it's a good trade-off because it's also the  

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most satiating it's the most nutritious if we can  only eat a few types of food this one is the most  

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satisfying and the most likely to keep us alive  long-term so what we're trying to do as you notice  

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is the red the carbohydrates that's the only one  that we keep low in all these categories and why  

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is that because carbohydrates is another form of  glucose and glucose turns into blood sugar that's  

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where we get those fast blood sugar spikes and  if we eat a lot of carbohydrates frequently we're  

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going to keep triggering insulin and maintain  high insulin levels get insulin resistance  

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and then that insulin resistance promotes  higher blood sugar and now we're kind of stuck  

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in that loop and make sure you stick around to the  end because after the 10 foods i'll have a little  

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bonus for you number 10 on the list is berries  and these are things like blackberries raspberries  

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strawberries and and this thing here is pretty  common in sweden it is called a red currant and  

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all of these are things you can have some  it's about five percent net carbs in them  

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and what you have to remember it's not a bulk food  so the reason this is 10 out of 10 is it's not  

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something you want to eat a lot of it's something  that you can eat as a treat if you want something  

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sweet you want something to kind of round off the  day or the meal then this is a good thing to eat  

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instead of candy instead of other fruits number  nine is leafy greens and this is something that  

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you can pretty much eat as much as you like and  the reason is they're very low carbs one to three  

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percent net carbs but also because they're mostly  water and fiber it takes you a long long time  

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to chew through a substantial amount it's very  difficult to eat half a pound of leafy greens so  

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the carbs will never really amount to anything  the drawback of course is that because there's  

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so little carbohydrate and so little calories  in it you can't really live off it but it's  

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very nice to have as a foundation to make salads  and also that's why there's more than one item  

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on the list we want to vary things and change them  up a bit number eight is non-starchy vegetables  

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and we're still in the category where these  things have very little of anything in them  

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broccoli cauliflower celery brussels sprouts  they're around two to five percent net carbs but  

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these are things you can eat a little bit more of  you can easily eat a half a pound or even a pound  

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or more of these non-starchy vegetables and if you  add some butter or some olive oil then they become  

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quite satisfying as well even though there's so  much focus on blood glucose because so many people  

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have problems with it i think it's just part  of the picture and what we have to understand  

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is that it's a controlled variable the body tries  very hard to keep it within a range of about 65 to  

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99 and those are the outer ends of that range most  of people are going to find themselves in a much  

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more narrow range than that even and i think  there's too much focus on glucose because  

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it only really changes it only really ever gets  outside of this range under extreme conditions  

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or when the body is failing to control it  so instead we want to look at insulin so  

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if we compare glucose and insulin here we see the  yellow would be glucose and year after year after  

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year it stays pretty much the same on average  after we become moderately insulin resistant  

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it starts slipping a few points but it doesn't  really get out of hand until we're full blown  

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type 2 diabetics whereas if we measure insulin  insulin is what the body is using to control  

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it so the harder the body has to work to  control glucose the higher our insulin goes  

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so while glucose stays about the same we can  see insulin increasing almost linear over the  

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years so if we were to measure it we can see the  progression much much earlier some other things i  

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like to keep an eye on are triglycerides and VLDL  because when the cells become insulin resistant  

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they're resisting glucose but also triglycerides  because glucose turns into triglycerides and  

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VLDL's is a vehicle that delivers triglycerides  so as insulin and triglycerides and VLDL goes up  

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we can see how the problem is progressing  but we can also monitor these to see how  

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the problem is reversing but i also get a lot  of questions from people who are told that type  

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2 diabetics can't do low carb and they can't fast  because their blood sugar gets too low so what is  

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too low let's start understanding that here's an  article i found in helio endocrinology diabetes  

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and they're saying despite benefits intermittent  fasting increases risk for hypoglycemia in  

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type 2 diabetes so people start fasting they start  doing low carb and then they see something like  

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this and they stop for all the wrong reasons so  what are the benefits they're talking about? Well,  

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they're focused on blood glucose but what's really  happening the benefits from lowering carbohydrate  

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and lowering frequency of meals doing fasting is  you're allowing the body to return to homeostasis  

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the problem is you have overloaded the  body you've sent it the wrong messages  

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with the wrong kind of food triggering too much  insulin too frequently so your body is congested  

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and when you eat less carbs less frequently  you're allowing that congestion to reverse  

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and that does so much more than just glucose  it starts affecting everything in your body  

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so everything related to metabolic syndrome and  inflammation starts getting better so the benefit  

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is your body is now returning to normal but then  people read articles like this and they read  

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intermittent fasting increased hypoglycemia among  patients with type 2 diabetes and that's kind of  

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where their understanding stops and we really have  to understand the next sentence here which says  

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who were treated with hypoglycemic medications  right hypoglycemia and hypoglycemic medications  

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let's figure out those words the body has the  ability to regulate things it can turn things  

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up it can turn things down medications can't  do that medications block their mechanism is  

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to go in and interfere and if they're designed to  turn things up then they will do that if they're  

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designed to turn things down they will do that  but they can't do one or the other they will do  

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one that they are designed for so the  body can be very precise in its regulation  

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a drug a medication can only go in with  the precision of a sledgehammer and sort of  

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flatten things so if we have a situation of really  really high blood sugar like in a type 2 diabetic  

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then we're taking medication and this medication  forces a balance so it forces it down into a more  

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normal range however when you reverse the process  when you allow your body to return to normal  

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now that same medication is still going to keep  doing the same thing and it's going to force  

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an imbalance after you have already started to  create a balance it's the same thing with blood  

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pressure medication it can only force blood  pressure down and if your blood pressure is  

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too high that can be a good thing but after you  normalize your blood pressure now that medication  

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will push it too low so when you are starting  to make changes to return your body to normal  

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that can actually look like a short-term problem  like hypoglycemia but it is the long-term solution  

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and the solution is to fix the actual problem and  talk to your doctor about changing your medication  

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not to keep doing the wrong thing so that your  medication stays the same and here's actually  

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a true story a patient came to me we were working  in my clinic on reversing their metabolic syndrome  

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we gave them some good nutrients we had them  reduce carbohydrates we had them on a diet plan  

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and then one day they came back and said that my  medical doctor is concerned i went for my annual  

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checkup and he told me i had to add  more carbohydrate back in my diet  

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because he didn't want to change my medication  it was too complicated and the problem here  

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is that the medical doctors are smart people  they're intelligent they're well trained  

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but they can be stuck in what's convenient and in  their model it's all about treating the symptom  

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they don't expect anything to ever reverse or  return to balance because that doesn't happen  

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in their model in their model there's a symptom  and you treat it with the medication and nothing  

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ever gets better on its own but if you understand  the mechanisms you can start turning these around  

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and bring balance back next category is low carb  high fat but still low protein so the first source  

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here is going to be healthy fats and you can  certainly eat the fats that are in the food  

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itself like avocados and meat and so forth but if  you add fat you want it to be things like butter  

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ghee extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil these  are fats that are produced with very little heat  

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very little pressure and no chemicals so they're  naturally made and they're shelf stable and ghee  

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is a version of butter because some people are so  sensitive to dairy that even the trace amounts of  

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protein in butter can cause a sensitivity reaction  but if you clean it up you remove those proteins  

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now you get ghee and a lot more people can  tolerate that i was talking to someone about  

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ghee and they suggest i use this meme to help  explain it a little bit better so they say "This  

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butter is delicious. Actually it's ghee."  and she says "Ah, thanks for clarifying"

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I don't get it. And when we eat these  healthy fats we're getting calories they  

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increase satiety if we put them on salads  or non-starchy vegetables they're quite  

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filling but they're insulin neutral they're  so close to zero that we can consider them  

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neutral as far as insulin goes but then a lot  of people will add in that i thought the healthy  

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fats were the omega-3s things like flax oil  and fish oil and there's a lot of confusion  

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here so here's what we want to understand that  if we're replacing calories if we're replacing  

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carbohydrate calories we want to replace  it with a fat that is suitable for fuel  

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and that's a saturated or a monounsaturated  fat these other fats are very specialized  

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they're very high omega-3 fats and they're not  intended for fuel they don't do very well they  

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oxidize very easily they're very sensitive we  need them in very small amounts because they're  

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signaling molecules and they're precursors  for building materials in cell membranes  

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right we're not supposed to burn them we need a  few grams every day for specific reasons but if  

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we want to get calories from fat which we do then  we want the saturated and the monounsaturated fats  

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and just like we can make oil out of it we can of  course eat the olives straight up i love olives  

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and they have three percent net carbs eleven  percent fat and one percent protein and  

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it's not something that you would eat as a whole  meal obviously at least i wouldn't but i think  

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it's great as a snack or a condiment or putting  some in a salad number five is avocado maybe in my  

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opinion the most satisfying plant food that there  is it is 15% fat so rich and creamy and only 2%  

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net carbs and if ever somebody wants to argue  about the value of avocado all you have to say is  

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well you can turn it into guacamole what else  do you need to know but i want to share a couple  

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more studies with you to help you understand  blood glucose even better and to understand  

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how incredibly capable the body is so you don't  get scared out of something for the wrong reasons  

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in this study they had a guy who fasted water  fast for 382 days there are other people  

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have gone 6 months and 9 and 12 months  but this is apparently the world record  

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it was medically supervised and it was published  in postgraduate medical journal in march 1973.  

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so during these 382 days he went from 456 to  180 pounds a lot of people will tell you that  

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fasting doesn't work long term this lifestyle has  temporary results but the beauty of this is this  

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guy five years later he is still maintaining  his ideal weight now here's some numbers that  

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will turn most people upside down blood glucose  levels remained around 30 milligrams per deciliter  

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from the fourth month and on that's about one  third of what they would consider normal and it's  

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less than half of what they would consider  hypoglycemic and this he kept on for about nine  

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months a few months into it it was stable and then  it just kept going then they even went to say that  

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values below 20 milligrams were occasionally  seen and then you might think well maybe he  

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had hypoglycemia occasionally that he was feeling  bad but what they said is despite the hypoglycemia  

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patient remained symptom-free felt well and walked  about normally had a normal life during this time  

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and here's the takeaway first of all do not try  this at home this was very closely supervised they  

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measured his minerals they measured all of his  markers and at a few times they supplemented a few  

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minerals or a few vitamins but not very much at  all however don't do this on your own next we want  

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to understand how incredibly adaptable the body  is that we look at these numbers that seem like  

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he would be half dead typically anything under  40 starts having neurological symptoms and coma  

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and he was having a normal life with a blood sugar  that sometimes dipped into the 20s or under 20.  

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and the other thing is when we're  being told to eat three square meals  

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with snacks so that you keep your blood  sugar up so you keep your focus and energy up  

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that obviously has nothing to do with reality why  would we need to top off our blood sugar every two  

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hours if he could go 13 months without doing it  the body has ways of stabilizing and maintaining  

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that blood sugar it does not have to come from the  outside and the other thing we want to realize is  

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that normal is going to change someone who  eats 300 grams of carbs even if they haven't  

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developed any metabolic issue yet their blood  sugar is probably going to be close to a hundred  

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whereas if you're insulin sensitive and you reduce  your carbs you'll probably be somewhere around  

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80 85 but if you're fasting or going  keto then lower is going to be normal  

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for you next category is low carb high fat but  also high protein so now we're getting into more  

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nutrient dense more calorically dense food nuts  macadamia nuts pecans and walnuts are my favorites  

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because they're high fat and protein but  they're also low carbohydrates some other nuts  

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will have moderate carbohydrates and you can still  have some of those but you need to know which ones  

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they are especially if you're trying to be on a  strict low carb diet and even though nuts is not  

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like a whole meal in itself they're still very  satisfying so you could have a handful of nuts  

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as a snack and they could keep you for hours and  they maintain your glucose levels pretty stable  

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as opposed to many of the sugary snacks and very  similar to nuts or seeds and my favorites are flax  

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chia hemp and pumpkin these are typically higher  in protein than nuts because nuts are usually  

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more than 50 fat and then these are also lower  in fat and carbohydrates this next study i want  

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to share because there's so much confusion about  the brain and glucose we hear all the time that  

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the brain can only run on glucose 100% of the fuel  for the brain is glucose and that's not true when  

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people get a little bit educated on keto and fat  adaptation they understand that some of the fuel  

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can come from ketones but i want to show you just  how incredible the body is at adapting so in this  

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study in the first paragraph they're stating the  purpose they wanted to find out if they could use  

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keto adaptation and avoid brain dysfunction in  these people even if they went to the extreme of  

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inducing acute hypoglycemia by giving people  insulin who didn't need it so as a baseline  

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on day one they injected these people and they  found that nine obese subjects manifested frank  

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hypoglycemic reactions and frank just means  they were direct or substantial or blatant  

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and these were symptoms like sweating anxiety  tachycardia chest pain rising blood pressure and  

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mental confusion so these are signs of extreme  stress and they also measured some hormones and  

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they found that their stress hormones were through  the roof the catecholamines those are adrenaline  

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basically and if you're secreting adrenaline you  know that also your cortisol levels are going to  

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be quite high but then they had these people go  on a fast for two months and then they did the  

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experiment again and they administered identical  per kilogram doses of insulin and they measured  

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the blood and they were identical concentrations  but this time there was no insulin reaction  

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there were no significant rise in the stress  hormones and here's the mind-blowing thing  

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glucose concentrations were measured as low as  0.5 millimoles per liter equal to 9 milligrams  

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per deciliter so normal blood sugar is like 90  or in the 80s and here they were at 9. typically  

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people lose consciousness around 30. now here's  just my little theory that if normal blood sugar  

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is around 90 and his glucose was nine his glucose  levels were 10% of a normal so-called normal  

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and he was feeling fine then to me that  means that he was probably getting 90%  

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of his brain fuel from ketones that's just my  way of looking at that i can't guarantee that  

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number but it does show you how amazing the  body is that at nine milligrams you can feel  

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normal so when would you want to stop a fast  when would you want to change something well  

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your body has these nice little clues  called symptoms that if you're feeling great  

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you're probably doing fine but if you're having  any of these symptoms if you have anxiety  

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tachycardia chest pain mental confusion then it's  probably time to eat a little more carbohydrates  

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if you're on a keto diet or if you're fasting then  probably break your fast and have something just  

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use common sense and number two on the list would  be eggs and dairy and my recommendation is that  

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if you have the dairy then don't do the low fat  normally they tell you that you can't have dairy  

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except low fat because they're mostly concerned  with the saturated fat my only concern really is  

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if you have a sensitivity to any of the proteins  so you reduce the likelihood of that sensitivity  

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by eating the things that are high in fat then  the percentage of protein goes way way down  

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and in a low carb high fat diet it's the saturated  fat the fuel that you're looking for for satiety  

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and calorie replacement my go-to's here would  be heavy cream sour cream creme fraiche which  

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is basically sour cream made from heavy cream  normal sour cream is around 15 fat creme fresh  

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is more like 35 and also different forms of cheese  typically run around 30 fat and very often eggs  

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are referred to as the most complete food that we  have and there's a lot of good arguments for that  

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as long as you don't throw away the yolk the yolk  is part of the package with if you throw away the  

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yolk you're losing 90% of the nutrition in the egg  so make sure you eat the whole egg unless and this  

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is my only reservation for any of this is if you  have a known sensitivity dairy sensitivities and  

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egg sensitivities are rather common but if you  do well with these then they're probably some of  

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the best foods you can have and number one on my  list would be meat fish poultry organ meats etc  

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and why is that because it's the most satiating  these are the most complete foods a big part of  

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lowering your blood glucose and reversing your  metabolic syndrome is to eat less carbohydrates  

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and fewer meals and the best way to do that is to  eat things that satisfy you because then you will  

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eat less and you go longer between meals so if  i was to only eat one food if i could only eat  

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one thing for six months it certainly would not  be lettuce i mean i love lettuce i love nuts and  

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seeds but if i could pick one thing to eat i would  eat red meat and it would be really boring i think  

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it'd be great to be able to vary it up  but what i'm trying to say is the food  

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value the completeness of that food is why this  is on number one and in recent years the carnivore  

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diet has been very very popular and this is where  people eat not necessarily a single food but they  

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eat this single category they only eat animal  products and they probably include some eggs as  

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well but the reason is if they are sensitive  to all the other stuff then this would be  

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the ideal the ultimate elimination diet and if  they stop having allergic reactions they're going  

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to get healthier so for some people that is a  good idea at least for a few months but most of us  

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are not that sensitive and we're not forced to  stick with a single product we don't have that  

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ultimatum of living on a single food so  the best thing to do is i think to eat  

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some of this every day you could have meat most  days or every day but then you mix it up with  

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all of the other foods that we talked about for a  good variety and if you're trying to lower blood  

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glucose it's a little bonus for you that acetic  acid which we have in vinegar in apple cider  

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vinegar in pickled vegetables if we use vinegar  to pickle them or anything sour pretty much  

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like sauerkraut it has a number of different  acids in it it has primarily lactic acid but  

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there's also some acetic acid in there and this  acid has a signaling property to lower insulin  

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resistance to lower blood sugar to lower a1c  and triglycerides and all those different things  

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and it's not a solution in itself but if you're  doing all the other things you're supposed to  

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lowering carbs getting some exercise relaxing etc  then this can be a very very nice addition to that  

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program and also keep it simple if you like apple  cider vinegar and you want to make it part of your  

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daily regimen do that but also keep it simple it  doesn't have to be complicated if you have a salad  

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and you put some vinegar on it that still counts  if you like pickled vegetables or you just like to  

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add it to a sauce or a food or something then all  of that acetic acid is still going to contribute  

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some of those benefits if you enjoyed this video  you're going to love that one and if you truly  

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want to master health by understanding how the  body really works make sure you subscribe hit  

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