Top 10 Foods You MUST EAT To Lose Weight FOREVER

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Hello Health Champions. Today I want to talk about the top foods to eat if you

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want to not just lose weight but you want to lose the weight forever and keep

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it off. Coming right up. Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a

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former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master health by

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understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so you don't miss anything what is the best way to lose

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weight? Wouldn't that just be to eat nothing or to eat things that are the lowest in

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calories like lettuce and rice cakes sure that would get you some initial

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results but how long can you keep it up and would the body start adapting to

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gain it back you might keep it up for 3 days or 2 weeks or if you're really

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strong-willed then you might keep it up for three months and suffer all the way

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through but how many people could keep it up for 5 years or 10 years or the

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rest of your life no one can do that so if you get on a diet that you can't

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keep up forever then you will eventually gain the weight back

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so what we're really looking for is a lifestyle we're not looking for a diet

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we're looking for a way of life that we can maintain let me ask you in another

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way how many of you are overweight and you want to be skinny next month but

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then be fat again next year all right I didn't think so because nobody wants to

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lose the weight just to gain it back but then why do we diet why do we do these

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things over and over and why do we follow the recommendations of dieting

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eating less moving more restricting calories going hungry when we know it

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won't work what about calories do they matter in a

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physic sense yes they do you still have to burn more calories

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more fuel than you take in but in the physical body in the human body there

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are other factors so do you want to count calories

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no don't do it in the body there are things like metabolism and hunger and

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satiety that are regulated that are managed by hormones and these hormones

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tell your metabolism what to do they tell your body how many calories to burn

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and how many to take in so you can't affect the equation from here you have

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to affect it from here and these hormones are insulin leptin and growth

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hormone in particular so the food that will ultimately help you lose weight

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forever is the food that will affect all of these variables in a positive

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direction let's take a look these foods must reduce insulin because long-term

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high insulin produces insulin resistance and in the presence of high insulin

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levels there is virtually no fat-burning taking place so as insulin resistance

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goes down fat burning goes up another factor that depends on that is leptin

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resistance when we're left and resistant then the brain doesn't hear the message

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that were full the fat cells are getting fat they're making leptin saying we've

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had enough but the brain isn't listening so leptin has to go down in order to

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reduce the appetite and to lower the body's setpoint so what is the setpoint

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every time that you yo-yo diet you lose the weight and you gain it back plus 2

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pounds you lose the weight you gain it back plus 2 pounds every time the

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setpoint goes up by a couple of pounds and the body thinks that's the normal

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weight and that has primarily with leptin resistance to do however that in

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turn depends on insulin the second thing that must happen is that your food has

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to make you full it has to increase satiety so that once you're really full

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you can go longer before the next meal you can have longer fasts if you go

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longer between meals that means in the end you're eating less

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and it also increases hormones the longer you fast the longer you go

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without food and you're in fat-burning the more the body will increase human

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growth hormone which again is a fat burning hormone the problem with this

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recommended food pyramid is that it is the opposite of all of these criteria

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and that is why this is a perfect recipe to gain weight let's jump right in

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number 10 is coconut cream it is a staple in many Asian cuisines it's great

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for smoothies and rich sauces it's very low carb very low protein high in fat

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very low insulin response it's quite filling and it's inexpensive another

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plus is that very few people have any kind of sensitivity to it so it's safe

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for most people number nine cheese sour cream creme fraiche they're low in carb

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moderate to high in protein so they're higher than coconut cream for example

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and therefore they have more of an insulin response than coconut cream

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would but on the other hand it is also more filling one potential problem with

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dairy is allergies a lot of people are sensitive to it and if you are it can

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help to eat the cheese rather than the milk and it can help to use the

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fermented products the sour cream and the creme fraiche instead of just the

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regular milk number eight sardines in olive oil and this is other fatty fish

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as well so you could use mackerel or salmon any fatty fish just don't get it

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in canola oil or soy oil all right if it's packed in tomato sauce or something

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that's that's fine too it has zero carbs it is moderate to high

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in protein so therefore it is moderate insulin response but it's very filling

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and as a bonus it gets you a ton of omega-3s the anti-inflammatory essential

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fatty acids numbers seven butter olive oil and coconut oil

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they have zero carbs zero to trace protein they're very high in fat and

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therefore it's almost zero insulin response it is quite filling but it's

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not really a meal in itself so obviously wouldn't take a bottle of olive oil and

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you start chugging it but you can pour it plenty on vegetables and other foods

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number six macadamia nuts they are my favorite because they just

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edge out the pecans in terms of the numbers but they're very close together

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so these are the two best nuts in terms of being low carb low protein very high

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fat and they're also high fiber so they're filling in the sense that they

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just create some bulk they're very low insulin response they're quite filling

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the only thing to watch for is that they're so tasty that it's possible to

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overeat number five is leafy greens and non starchy vegetables so even though

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this is basically pure carbohydrate it is not a carbohydrate that will raise a

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lot of insulin it's very low carb in the sense that what the carbs you're

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absorbing is very low it is low protein very low fat and high in fiber so again

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it provides some bulk and it provides some substrate for your microbiome it's

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high in minerals and that might be the number one reason to eat and to include

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a lot of leafy vegetables and non starchy vegetables in your diets because

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there's so little fuel that you actually absorb then it has a low insulin

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response and it is quite filling especially if you combine it with some

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fat so put some good olive oil dressing rich sauces or anything together with

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these vegetables number four avocado nature's perfect food very low

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carb very low protein moderate fat high fiber

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again it is plenty full of minerals and it's

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very low in the insulin response and because of the high fat content

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it is quite filling even though it doesn't have a lot of protein in it

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number three is eggs and especially the yolk it's very very satisfying the egg

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white has the protein the egg yolk has all the other nutrients it is very low

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carb it is moderate to high in protein it has low to moderate insulin response

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it's very filling it's a complete food you can certainly make a whole meal out

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of just eggs again some people might have some sensitivities so watch out for

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that if they do it is usually more against the egg white that they're

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reacting number two is chicken wings it has zero carbs high protein high fat

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moderate insulin response it is very filling and it is certainly a complete

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food you can easily make a whole meal out of it serve some vegetables on the

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side the only thing to watch for is to try to get the best quality chicken get

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it's organic and pastured if at all possible because all of these meats and

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foods are only as healthy as whatever they have been fed and number one on my

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list is grass-fed beef for several reasons it has zero carbs moderate to

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high fat a lot of people don't realize they think when they eat a steak or when

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they eat some ground beef that they're eating mostly protein and they do have a

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lot of protein but something that has 10 percent fat let's say you're eating

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ground beef with 10 percent fat that is actually 51 percent of the

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calories from fat even though beef has about 20 percent protein

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the fat is more dense in terms of fuel so very quickly even in something lean

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like 10 percent ground beef you're actually getting more than half of the

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calories from fat if you eat 20 percent fat in the ground beef now 70% of the

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calories are from fat and only 30% from protein even though you've got the

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impression that you're eating just protein and meat it is high in protein

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it's moderate insulin response it's very filling as a matter of fact I don't know

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what any food that is more filling if you just want to get really full for a

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long time then I think steak and meat would be the way to go and a lot of

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carnivores are finding this out if they combine carnivore with one meal a day

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then there is no problem at all to kind of maintain that one meal

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because it's so filling it is a complete food and it is virtually unheard of to

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be sensitive to it some people may have a little bit of trouble digesting it if

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they don't have enough hydrochloric acid but you basically cannot be sensitive or

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have allergies I mean you could but it's very rare so it's one of the safest

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foods to eat and in addition it is becoming more and more available it's

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relatively easy to find good quality grass fed beef these days you can find

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it in Publix and Kroger and Walmart and so on so remember that it's not about

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losing weight it's about losing weight and keeping it off it's about allowing

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your body to return to balance to reduce insulin resistance reducing leptin

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resistance and allowing the setpoint to go down because otherwise you'll be

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fighting with weight for the rest of your life this is the recipe to find

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balance you can stop fighting and start enjoying life and finding a balance

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between you and the food you eat if you enjoyed this video and you'd like to

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learn more about how the body works and how to get truly healthy I think that

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you really love that video thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the

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next one

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