Top 10 Foods To Detox Your Liver

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Hello Health Champions.

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A lot of people know that the liver can get congested by fat. A so-called fatty liver

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and that's the condition that actually affect 30% of the population today but then along

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with the fat congestion the liver can also get clogged up and get toxic in many other ways

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so today I want to talk a little bit about how the liver works because when you understand

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that then you will very clearly see how to support the liver and why the top 10 foods

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in this video can actually help reverse a toxic liver and a fatty liver. Coming right

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up. Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you

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want to truly Master Health by understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe

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hit that Bell and turn on all the notifications so you never miss life-saving video. Now this whole

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idea of being able to detox the liver is a bit controversial I did a video on the signs

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of a toxic liver and I got the following very interesting comment I thought. It started off

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saying there are 10 signs that your advice is bunk and I was thinking well this is interesting

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why is that for example you can't detox the liver really I thought why would that be because

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the liver's job is to detox and then he finished off this comment saying I'm glad I didn't

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go to med school with you and I want to assure him that that feeling is entirely mutual I

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don't know where this kind of thinking comes from but I've seen it in other places and

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apparently there's a group of people in the medical field who don't believe that the liver

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can be detoxed so basically they're saying that if that function is assigned to the liver

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then it can't fail it's not possible for the liver to get overwhelmed for example and that's

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also kind of like saying well you know constipation doesn't exist you can't get constipated

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because the function of the bowel that assigned function, its purpose is to move things

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through and therefore if that's its job then obviously can't stop doing that what they're

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forgetting I think is that the body is living tissue they kind of think of it as different

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separate systems and separate parts sort of like an organizational chart that if you just

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assign a function to something then it's supposed to do that but they're forgetting that living

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tissue needs resources and if you don't provide those resources then the job won't get done. So in

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this video we will talk about what those resources are and a little bit more about how that liver

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works and other things a lot of people don't think about is that the body is not the same

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from moment-to-moment it's constantly changing so some cells in your body like intestinal

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lining those cells change every few days 5 to 7 days you have all of the cells are replaced

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and rebuilt the liver is basically rebuilt every 6 weeks and why is that because the

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liver is kind of in the firing line in the process of doing what the liver does it basically

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takes a lot of bullets it sacrifices tissue in order to do what it does because in the

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process it creates some very abrasive by products and substances that has a lot of wear and

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tear there for the liver is fantastic at regenerating itself The liver handles an incredible amount

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of functions and one is metabolism but it's not just a metabolism for itself it manages

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the metabolism for the rest of the body in many ways it is intimately involved in digestion

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most of the things that you eat and absorb goes through the liver first so the liver

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get to repackage basically everything that you eat it is involved with energy storage

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So it stores glycogen which is a carbohydrate glucose reserve primarily for the brain it

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produces hormones to manage part of this metabolism and what we're going to talk about today is the

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detoxification aspect of that liver how do we get a fatty liver Well there is a supposed

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delicacy Fois Gras which is French which literally translated means fatty liver and it's a goose

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liver that they overload they force feed these geese they overload their digestive tract

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and their liver so the liver get backed up and it's a terrible terrible method I don't

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defend it or condone it in any way but I'm using it as an example to show that what happens

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to the fatty liver or the liver when you overload it and what are they feeding these

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geese you would think maybe they feed them a lot of fat to get the liver fast know they

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feed them corn because corn and carbohydrates is what makes the liver fatty and in humans

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it's primarily fructose sugar fructose and excess carbohydrates that create that and when the

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liver in humans and in geese turn from a healthy liver to a fatty liver or foie gras as it

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gets congested it also loads up on toxins and most of these toxins are fat soluble and this

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is why we have to understand that a fatty liver is usually a toxic liver also Now let's look real

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quick and how these things move through the body so when you eat food and you breathe

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air and you drink water you take in food but you also take in some toxins THese go into

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your digestive tract and the digestive tract absorbs the nutrients it absorbs the precious

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things the resources and then they get passed into the blood and delivered to the cells

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now the cells can use these resources and do metabolism they can transform the fuel

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into energy and they can transform the amino acids in the fatty acids into building blocks and

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tissue and then when it's done with that there's some metabolic waste just like a fire produces

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smoke and ashes the fire inside yourself produces metabolic waste and this has to get out of

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the body somehow along with the toxins that kind of trailed along now the cells will excrete

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this waste It will just kind of dump it into the bloodstream and the lymph system and now

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eventually it makes it into the liver and the liver does something called biotransformation

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people think of the kidney and the liver as a filter which it is but it does so much more

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than that because these substances are toxic they have to be changed they have to be transformed

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so they don't destroy all the tissue on their way out and of course when we talkin about

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the cells getting resources we have to realize that the liver is just sells like the rest

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of the body and these resources that go to the sell these are resources for the liver

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as well and now if the liver is successful in it's biotransformation now we can start eliminating these toxins

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and waste products through the sweat through lungs through kidney and through the bowel so the bowel

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has two jobs it supposed to reabsorb the excess liquid and then move out the waist but what

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happens if the bowel isn't moving then the waste just sits there and the bowel keeps

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absorbing fluids, liquid from the waste product the waste product gets harder and harder and

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denser and denser and they sit there longer and longer and now we start reabsorbing these

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toxins back in the GI tract they never leave the body so it's it's a form of autotoxicity

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so therefore constipation is one of the first things that we have to handle that kind of

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has to work first a lot of programs that you see where you buy little box that says liver

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cleanse it really doesn't do much more than get the bowel moving and that's a good thing

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but it's just one aspect of this it's like the last step and if you hadn't done any of

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this first then you're not really detoxing much at all I'm going to get to the list of

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foods and just a moment the trust me without this basic understanding the list of foods

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is a huge waste of time so just bear with me I'll keep it as simple as I can the whole

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process of the liver is called biotransformation and what the body is trying to do what the

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liver's trying to do is just turn something fat-soluble into something water-soluble because

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the fat-soluble that's the toxins and the body can't get rid of it until it turns it water soluble

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so it kind of blends with the blood and with the other fluids in the body so to do this

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it goes to two phases in Phase 1 there is an enzyme system called the cytochrome p450

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system and don't worry about the name but I'm showing you that there's two steps because

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that's important after this step there's an intermediate metabolite so a lot of people

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can do this side but they can't do the next so now if this intermediate starts building

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up now we get a lot of reactive oxygen species also known as free radicals and if they build

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up and you can't get rid of them if you can't complete the second half now you basically

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start rusting on the inside So phase two is different so we're going fat soluble to

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water soluble and halfway through it's sort of halfway water-soluble but in phase two they're

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using something called conjugation pathways in conjugation just means you add something

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to it and now it's water-soluble now these fat soluble toxins they're also known as non-polar

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that means that the electrical charge is evenly spread throughout the molecule that's different

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than water because water is polar and we have to make this polar in order for it to become

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water-soluble so this enzyme system uses things like oxidation and reduction to modify these

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toxins and here is where the food comes in that we need B vitamins we need something

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called glutathione which I'll come back to we need amino acids and there are certain play

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compounds cold flavonoids and a very important thing called choline choline is an interesting

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nutrient it's a vitamin that was only 1998 which is classified as an essential nutrient

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it helps maintain cell membranes in your body so when you talk about that phospholipid cell

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membrane this is a component of that it's involved in DNA synthesis it is part of the

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choline portion of acetylcholine which is one of our dominant neurotransmitters for sending

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messages in your nervous system but most importantly for what we're talking about today is it's

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involved in fat metabolism so if we have enough of that we can help burn through that

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fat in the liver and without it then that fat is pretty much stuck in the liver now

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phase two has some of the same nutrients but also a lot of additional ones and here were

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talking about conjugation this means that the body can't modify these molecules anymore

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they're too dangerous they're too stubborn so what the body does it conjugates it adds something

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to it it's like you take a guy and you hang a backpack on him and now you've changed his

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balance a little bit and make it water soluble

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we talked about glutathione previously and this one comes back here this is the number one antioxidant

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in the body antioxidants are very very important in the body but it doesn't mean we should

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buy a bunch of pills I'm not a fan of that of taking antioxidants in a pill form the

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one you need is glutathione it does occur in some foods but you can't really absorb

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it because your digestion breaks it down so what you're looking for are the components

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of glutathione and these are three amino acids so if you get enough of these amino acids

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that your body can make as much glutathione as you need now Glycine and glutamine are

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usually plentiful the problem is Cysteine because that's a sulfur amino acid and we don't get

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so much of it so that's typically the bottleneck it's the one that's in short supply that keeps

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us from making as much of this as we want the other amino acid we're interested in is methionine

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Now this is also a sulfur containing amino acid and even though it's not included

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in glutathione methionine can become cysteine so it indirectly fuels the production of glutathione

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as well so when you hear people talking about sulfur rich foods being healthy and reducing

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inflammation and healing people this is why because these two amino acids contain sulfur

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and they're components of glutathione some of the processes the body uses in this conjugation

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is sulfation it can hang on some sulfate switch again it can get from these amino acids it

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can hang on the glutathione they can conjugate the whole glutathione it can add on some methyl

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groups called methylation so there's some nutrient supplement called trimethylglycine

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then if you take that now you get 3 methyl groups but you also get some glycine and there's

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some other nutrients like wheat germ oil is one of the richest sources of natural Whole

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Food vitamin E which also supports this phase 2 and there's some other nutrients milk thistle

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is a very popular liver support nutrient when people talk about detoxing the liver very

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often they just talkin about maybe drinking celery juice or wheat grass or taking some

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herbs or something and they can be beneficial but the whole picture is so much bigger and

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this is not a quick-fix even if the liver regenerates every 6 weeks we're not replacing

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and getting rid of all the toxins all at the same time it's it's cycles of regeneration

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so this is going to take many many years and we need to be consistent in doing a number

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of different things so first of all you want to stop adding the burden you want to stop

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putting in the things that created the problem and that means stop alcohol stop fructose

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And don't put more than you have to of these pesticides and glyphosate and the herbicides

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and the chemicals that they spray on your food then once you've done all that now you have

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to give the body a fighting chance you have to give the body a break so just like you

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can force feed a goose you can give him a bunch of corn and he gets a fatty liver we

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have to stop force-feeding carbohydrate so low carb and intermittent fasting is the window

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it's the opening that allows the liver to start burning some of the fat in the liver

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instead of just putting more stuff in there and then when you've done all that now you

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go to the more specific things and this is support the phase 1 with B vitamins with

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glutathione with choline and then you support Phase 2 with sulfur and methyl group for conjugation

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and things like milk thistle and wheat germ oil and so on so I'm sure after this video

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people will ask what what about such and such so there are hundreds or thousands of different

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things that are beneficial and the idea here is not to give you every single one of those

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it's to help you see the principles then you can go look for things that have Sulphur

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you can look for things that have choline so the first category of foods are things

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like beef and fish and poultry and eggs and these are things people typically think of as

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oh no those are heavy Foods those are full of fat those are full of congesting things

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but no they're full of the things your body has to have the support those phase 1 phase 2

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processes so they're full of sulfur, choline vitamin E and vitamin B and again I'm not

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claiming that this is a complete list of important nutrients they're just examples of some of the

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foods that contain some of the most important things next we have nuts and seeds peanuts

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legumes and again they contain a good amount of all these different support nutrients we

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have organ meats and roe which is basically fish eggs and I put these little further down

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on the list not because they're not as good they're probably even better but they're not

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as readily available people are typically on average not going to find or eat as much

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brain and kidney and liver and fish eggs as they would the other food but things are also

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excellent excellent sources Then we get into the foods that are high in sulfur garlic

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onion leeks and scallions they're called allium plants and they contain a lot of sulfur especially

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per calorie so you can eat a fair amount of these they don't have much of the others but

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like we said the sulfur groups people eat sulfur rich foods can typically reverse

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a lot of disease so it is a very important aspect to look for next we have an important

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group of plants the cruciferous the broccoli the cauliflower cabbage and also leafy greens

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like kale and lettuce arugula etc these are pretty high in Sulfur and choline they're

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not as dense as the animal products but you can eat a good amount of these and you're

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not going to load up on carbs plus these also have a lot of fiber that will help keep bowels

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moving fiber and water and they're also have a lot of different phyto factors a lot of different

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plants factors that don't fit into these categories that are very beneficial for liver in terms

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of cleansing so just in general the plants are cleansing but the animal products are

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rebuilding that's how you want to think about that then we have some items that make it

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on every list for liver detox because they have other properties they don't contain any

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of the things we're talking about so they don't support Phase 1 and Phase 2 but there

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other chemicals other things in there so these are things like coffee tea beats and basically

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any low carb plant any non-starchy plant can help you detox and help cleanse the liver

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and then I want to look at some supplements and the first one is N-acetyl cysteine so this

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is a very inexpensive form of this amino acid it's a sulfur-rich amino acid that supplies

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the body with glutathione building materials and this one is so powerful that it is the

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first line of defense in the emergency room with someone comes in with acute liver failure

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so very very inexpensive it's a great thing to take if you just want to make sure that

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you're getting enough or if you feel like you want a little jump start on it next one

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is choline you can also get it from a supplement these Foods the rich animal foods have lots

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of choline but if you want a little extra it's not a bad idea they're relatively inexpensive

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wheat germ oil is a great source of natural vitamin E is not like synthetic tocopherol

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that you buy this is the real thing it works at a whole different level than the supplements

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you buy and for B vitamins nutritional yeast again not synthetic B vitamins not isolated

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nutrients but the whole food complex the way that our body really needs it. Again I'm not

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trying to be exhaustive. I'm not trying to cover every combination but I want you to start

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thinking of what is actually going on what is the liver need to not just the traditional

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cleansing plants but it is more of the dense nutrients that supply things to support these

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liver pathways important thing to keep in mind if the liver is successful in its process

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of conjugating and biotransforming these things it's going to dump it in two places either

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the gallbladder or the blood and via the gallbladder it's going to go to the bowel

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from the blood it's going to go into the kidney and then the bowel can eliminate it as feces

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the kidney can filter it out as urine but what if you buy into this idea of a low-fat diet

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that you think well vegetables green leafy things is all I need again they're good you

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want them but what if you think that that's the primary thing that you want to go low

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fat and just eat a bunch of plants then this low fat is not going to stimulate the gallbladder

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because it's fat specially saturated fat that need the bile to break down the fat so if

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you eat a high-fat diet you're going to empty you're going to have this gall bladder empty

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out its content into the bowel a low-fat diet is not going to do that enough plus a low fat diet

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is probably going to have a lot more carbohydrates that drive up blood sugar and Insulin which

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can create micro vessel disease and ruin the kidney so now the kidney can't filter things

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out either so all I'm saying is you got to keep the big picture in mind it's not as simple

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as just going vegan or carnivore or this or that just look at the big picture and understand

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what each component does and when one extreme might be a good idea if you enjoy the great

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one for you next thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time

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