Top 10 Foods That Have Almost 0 Calories

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Hello Health Champions Today we're going to talk  about the top 10 foods with almost zero calories,  

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or rather the foods that are worth eating  despite the fact that they have almost no  

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calories. One such food is shirataki noodles and  it's very popular because people love pasta. And  

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here they can get one with zero calories. And  if you read up a little bit on it you can read  

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things like it causes weight loss it lowers  cholesterol, but it can also be associated  

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with bloating and diarrhea. So when I read things  like that I'm not focusing primarily on the zero  

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calories some people think oh that must be  a dream food I want to know does it really  

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cause weight loss and if so how does it do that  does it do it by restoring some sort of balance  

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in the body or does it do it by shutting  something down and interfering and cause  

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damage and same thing with lowers cholesterol  what's the mechanism bloating and diarrhea what's  

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the mechanism what's going on does this help the  body or does it hurt the body so we're going to  

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talk about a few things to understand that aspect  better what we're looking for in low calorie foods  

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and then we're going to come back and answer the  question if this is something you want to eat zero  

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calories doesn't mean that you should or shouldn't  eat the food per se but it's the very last reason  

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that you should use to decide if it's good for  you and we have to get over this Obsession this  

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delusion that a food is good because of what's not  in it so we have this marketing frenzy now where  

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we hear that things are gluten free and sodium  free and cholesterol free and low fat and fat  

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free and even though it's very important to know  if you're Gluten Sensitive you need to be able to  

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buy foods that doesn't have gluten but now we have  the opposite we're turning we go to the extreme  

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and we say that if it's missing if it's free of  all these different things then we pronounce it  

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a superfood simply because of what it doesn't  have and it doesn't work like that by comparison  

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you know we have things like cardboard and sawdust  and gravel and they are also gluten free and zero  

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calories but it doesn't mean that we should start  cooking with them we want to focus more on what  

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food does have we want to remember that there's a  purpose for eating in the first place that food is  

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supposed to give us certain resources we can't  survive without calories and energy and then  

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we're also looking for some other nutrients some  micronutrients vitamins and minerals and enzymes  

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to help us turn this into energy and building  blocks so before we look at the calories we need  

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to ask ourselves does this have anything that the  body needs imagine if animals were as crazy as we  

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were and you had two cows out in the pasture and  one says to the other that man you should check  

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out this new kind of grass I found over in the  corner here you can eat twice as much grass and  

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not gain any weight and the other cow says that  just sounds really dumb because I have a hard  

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enough time getting enough grass in my body enough  resources in my body and all I do is eat grass  

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right or if you had two lions and they're  munching away and one says to the other that  

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dude I found this new kind of gazelle and  it's completely indigestible it doesn't  

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matter how many of them you eat you can hunt  and eat all day and you never gain any weight  

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and the other one says well you know I kind of  like it the way I have I just have to hunt once  

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and eat once a day and it gives me everything I  need why would I want to change that and that's  

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how nature works it has checks and Bounds they  have mechanisms that we have hunger because the  

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body tells us it wants some resources we have  satiety because the body says we've had enough  

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for a while so animals are way too smart to mess  with the system but humans that's another story  

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we don't eat only to get resources we also eat for  emotional reasons to change how we feel and that's  

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not all a bad thing we have social reasons  we have social Gatherings there are there's  

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a culture around eating and that's all fine as  long as we eat real food then we can still make  

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maintain this balance of hunger and satiety and  getting what the body needs the problems start  

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when we start compensating when we're feeling  bad and we learn to eat to change how we feel  

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and then there is a trillion dollar industry of  processed foods that feed into this that learn to  

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push all our buttons with sugar and chemicals and  flavor enhancers that change how we feel and now  

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these so-called Foods become drugs and they become  addictions and now we have this industry to keep  

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pushing it and we don't know how to get out of  it and this is why humans have become so foolish  

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as to start counting calories and we're the only  species on the planet that does and here's how we  

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want to think about it to understand a little bit  about why it got this way so if humans have been  

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around for a really really long time time it's  something like ten thousand generations and for  

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thousands and thousands of generations our DNA has  stayed the same our genetic material that codes  

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for our enzymes and our ability to break down food  has remained pretty much the same like 99.99 it's  

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the same and all of these changes with processed  foods that we're talking about has happened in the  

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last five generations it's such a short time that  on this scale it wouldn't even be visible if if I  

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didn't draw that line a little bit thicker  and for all this time if we were to measure  

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from a hundred percent to zero percent processed  foods all this time humans have had zero zero zero  

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zero zero percent processed foods and processed  sugar and abundance of sugar and then in five  

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generations it shut up to like seventy percent and  all of that happened in the blink of an eye and  

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again humans are the only species that are eating  anything more than zero percent processed foods so  

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people often ask me when if I if I heal my body  if I reverse my diabetes and I get healthy when  

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can I go back to eating normal food and that's  the whole problem that we've been conditioned  

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in this short period of five generations to  think that what we're eating now is normal food  

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where in actuality normal food is what they ate  for these 10 000 generations and normal food is  

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what you want to eat most of maybe some people can  get back to eating 80 percent what our ancestors  

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ate and twenty percent modern but that number is  going to vary by the different person and there's  

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going to be some trial and error but the more real  food that's the normal food that your DNA is meant  

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to eat that we've had for thousands of generations  the more of that you eat the better off you're  

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going to be so food don't have a lot of calories  we want to focus still on what they do have what  

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are the benefits that they provide and these are  things like vitamins and minerals they have some  

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Fiber they have phytonutrients like flavonoids and  phenolics and these can help with cleansing they  

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have a cleansing effect on liver River and gut  and we want to understand that even if something  

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doesn't have a ton of nutrients for the human  cells they might still have some benefit for  

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the organisms living inside of us so they can act  as prebiotics meaning food for all of the bacteria  

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inside us and a lot of people don't realize what  that gut biome does but we have a certain amount  

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of genetic material in our human cells but the  total amount of genetic material in the bacteria  

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in our gut is about 100 to 150 times greater than  our human DNA and that's the DNA that processes  

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all the food that you eat it's like the first  responder it's the first layer of interaction  

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with everything that you put in your body and part  of it gets digested part of it gets repackaged but  

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it's enormously important so we're not only eating  for our human cells we're also eating for those  

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bacteria and leafy greens are a great example of  what we just talked about so things like Romaine  

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green leaf lettuce arugula and kale they're leafy  greens and while there's some variation some might  

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have a little higher in a vitamin or a little  bit more in a mineral they all kind of make up in  

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one aspect for what another one might have and I  want to talk about them a little differently just  

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introduce an idea and I'm not saying that this is  like a scientific measurement but it's just a way  

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of thinking about it that sugar is something that  gets into the bloodstream very very quickly and  

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leafy greens have basically sugar water and fiber  they have very little else and the sugar gets up  

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very quickly but if it's packaged in with a lot  of water and a good amount of fiber then that  

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sugar is released so slowly and it's such a small  amount and goes out so slowly that you don't have  

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to worry about it at all that you can eat as much  as you like of these and here's the reason when we  

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divide the Sugar by the fiber we get 0.6 0.60706  so very very low numbers and then a good amount  

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of fiber to buffer and then there's this idea  called a zero-sum calorie that if it costs more  

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to digest it and break it down then the energy  we can derive for it then it's basically a zero  

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sum calorie or me in some cases even negative  they claim so this is an interesting concept and  

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there's definitely some truth to it it does work  like that however it's never been proven and it's  

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never been Quantified so we don't really know any  numbers or how much to what degree it works like  

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that but I prefer still not to pay any attention  to it because it's irrelevant again it brings back  

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the focus to what's not in the food if we focus  all on zero calories we're placing a value we're  

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assigning a value to what's not there and it's  the wrong way to think about food and what about  

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fruits we hear all the time eat more fruits  and vegetables fruits and vegetables and I'm  

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not saying that they're not good but I'm saying  we should not group them together we should not  

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lump them together as if it was the same thing  and because of that more isn't always better so  

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let's look at these numbers based on what we just  heard that the idea that if we spend more than we  

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get then we can have all kinds of different foods  with zero calories and they've included things  

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like apples and apricots and watermelon in this  but here's how it's very different from other  

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types of vegetables other types of plants if we  divide the Sugar by the fiber we get 4.3 4.6 and a  

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whopping 15.5 and a lot of people put watermelon  on every list you see is no sugar no calories  

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no this or that but it has a ton of sugar and it  really has nothing else it has virtually no fiber  

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it has a lot of water but it requires no chewing  you can put watermelon in your mouth and swallow  

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straight away pretty much and that's why you can  eat a lot of it even if one little Cube doesn't  

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have much sugar or calories by the time you you  finish you've eaten a lot and there was no fiber  

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to slow it down what about non-starchy vegetables  how do they compare let's look at celery cabbage  

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asparagus cauliflower and broccoli if we do the  same division we find celery has a 1.1 cabbage 1.3  

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asparagus 0.6 pretty much like the leafy greens  cauliflower 1.2 and broccoli again kind of like  

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the leafy greens it has a little bit more carbs  but it's balanced out by more fiber and that's  

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how you want to think about it that these are  very different from fruits so again you can have  

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almost as much of the leafy greens and non-starchy  vegetables as you want and you're not gonna really  

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make your blood sugar fluctuate but fruits it's  a different story it doesn't mean you can never  

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eat it but get away from the idea that more is  better and then berries very interesting because  

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that's always lumped together with the fruit  and how do they compare raspberries Blackberry  

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strawberries and blueberries now if we do that  division we find that raspberries are 0.4 less  

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than a tenth of the other fruits that we looked  at and still they're usually grouped together  

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Blackberry 0.7 strawberries 1.6 and blueberries  2.1 so we can see that raspberries and  

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blackberries in this regard I'm not saying that  they're the same thing but in this regard they're  

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more like the non-starchy vegetables and the leafy  greens whereas strawberries and blueberries have  

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less fiber a little more sugar in the blueberry  so that ratio creeps up a little bit but remember  

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you can't live on nothing so don't try to eat  only low calorie foods that's not going to work  

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and I often tell people to not count calories  and with that I mean don't count the calories  

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as an absolute number and just try to reduce  it to deprive yourself because that's going to  

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backfire if you feel deprived you can suffer for  a few weeks but then it's going to backfire the  

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only way you're going to have long-term success is  to eat Quality Foods of the right balance to get  

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entirety so counting calories is okay but only  in the sense of comparing foods and understanding  

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the nature and the characteristic of a food so  you understand how to compare them and how they  

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relate but don't count calories to try to just cut  back that's not going to work what you want to do  

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then is to find the best balance and that is the  best balance for you not what someone else says  

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you understand the mechanisms and then you start  playing around with them and even though they're  

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good low calorie foods you don't want to think  of it as giving up dense foods you still want  

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the dense foods with the proteins and the fats  because they provide the building blocks and the  

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long-term satiety that's going to keep you from  overeating and then you add in the foods with the  

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lower calorie density and in those you're still  looking for some thing you're looking for high  

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nutrients high fiber and high bulk and here's  how you can play around with that so let's say  

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that you've been eating this much food and that  you had a certain proportion of it that was dense  

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food with fat and protein and another percentage  of low calorie foods low density calorie foods  

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now you have two ways to play with this either you  eat high quality foods and because you do that you  

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can reduce the quantity and still be satisfied  but you're still eating the same proportion and  

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your body gets what it needs another way would  be to eat the same volume quantity or even a  

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larger volume but now you cut back on the amount  of high density the fat and protein and instead  

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you increase the bulk of low density foods that  still has the fiber and the good quality nutrients  

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and now you're all wondering what about those  shirataki noodles where do they fit into what  

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we've talked about well they do have zero calories  but the reason is that they are fiber only  

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so they don't have much of anything else but  that's not a totally bad thing because we do need  

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some Fiber and it's not an artificial food the  fiber comes from a root and the fiber is called  

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glucomannan it's been used in Asian cooking  for centuries so it's not like a synthetic or  

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man-made product it's still a natural thing just  remember that it's fiber supplement essentially  

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it doesn't have any flavor doesn't have any  nutrients but you can add things on top of it  

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that have nutrients and does it cause weight loss  no it can assist the body with weight loss if you  

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eat it as part of your diet and you eat other  good healthy foods with it that help stabilize  

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blood sugar then it can assist in weight loss  and what about the bloating and the diarrhea  

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well the fiber that you eat goes down and it's  digested by your gut bacteria so the result is  

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going to depend on the quantity and the type and  the balance of gut bacteria that you have and also  

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how much of this stuff you eat at a time so with  any fiber it's a good idea to add it gradually to  

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let your gut bacteria develop and change around  a little bit until they get used to it so you're  

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going to regulate you're gonna build up more  of certain kinds and and reduce other kinds  

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depending on the food you eat and this food is  no different your gut bacteria always adapt to  

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the type of foods you eat so just realize it's not  a superfood it's basically a fiber supplement that  

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you can have in conjunction with other food if you  eat sensibly overall and like with all other Foods  

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don't turn it into to a food group on its own  variety is always best but now here's the thing  

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one of the best ways to find that perfect  balance for you is to know your Baseline  

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and if you didn't see last week's video that's  where I was talking about how you can do blood  

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work and if you understand what those markers  mean you can catch imbalances much much sooner  

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and you can get a truer picture of where you  are for example if you're more or less insulin  

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resistant you can also find out some markers that  most people don't test for most doctors never test  

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for things like homocysteine or ferritin and if  homocysteine and ferritin are high then you can  

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actually aggravate insulin resistance you can  promote insulin resistance simply by those two  

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markers being elevated and because most people  have no idea and unfortunately most doctors have  

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no idea I'm about to launch a a blood work  course where I'm going to teach over eight  

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weeks and help you understand your blood work so  that you can truly take charge of your own health  

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get some blood work and understand what it means  so you can get a baseline make some changes and  

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then monitor the results and understand it better  than you ever have before so if you check out the  

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links down below they'll take you to where you  can find out and learn more about that course  

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but also don't forget about the giveaway that we  launched on Black Friday and realize that it runs  

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all the way through December 7th we'll announce  the winners on December 9th and on the 11th we'll  

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start the course there will be three lucky winners  for a total value of forty two hundred dollars  

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and while I don't have the time unfortunately to  do consultations with people on a regular basis  

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I've made an exception for this giveaway so I'm  doing three private consultations for about an  

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hour or however long it takes to get through with  your case and we're going to discuss your blood  

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work so part of that giveaway part of the grand  price is also including a full panel of blood  

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work that we're going to talk about and here's  what you need to realize about the three winners  

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the first one will be chosen at random but the  second one you can earn so the person who refers  

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the most people will be the lucky winner number  two and number three you have some influence over  

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because winner number three will be the person  who referred the random one and if you refer  

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enough people then that means you really up your  chances is for that price if you follow the link  

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below that will take you to the giveaway where  you can enter and I will also tell you exactly  

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how that referral contest works if you enjoyed  this video you're going to love that one and if  

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you truly want to master Health by understanding  how the body really works make sure you subscribe  

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