Top 10 Foods That DESTROY Your BRAIN

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Hello Health Champions today we're going to talk  about the top 10 foods that destroy your brain and  

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I think everyone watching would know the value  of keeping your brain for as long as possible  

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and there's three mechanisms of damage when it  comes to brain and one would be something that  

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has a direct toxicity for the brain cells two  would be something that affects the gut brain  

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axis and we're going to talk about all these in  in detail and show you which ones do what and  

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the third would be insulin resistance so these are  the three mechanisms and we're going to use these  

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little color symbols over on the side here to sort  of point out which foods do what food number 10 is  

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MSG monosodium glutamate and this is a substance  that can work as an excitotoxin because there is  

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a compound in the body called glutamate just like  monosodium glutamate that's a neurotransmitter  

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it's an excitatory neurotransmitter which means  it increases the activity of brain cells and when  

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it happens in the body naturally or with small and  natural amounts of MSG occurring in food then the  

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body has no problem managing and bowel balancing  and regulating this but when we introduce enormous  

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amounts of MSG as they often do in various  processed foods now we throw this delicate balance  

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totally out of whack and we overwhelm the body we  overwhelm these neurons and now this MSG becomes  

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an excitotoxin meaning it excites that nerve cell  too far too much so that it just keeps firing and  

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keeps firing until it burns itself out and in some  cases dies so MSG can be a direct Toxin and this  

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affects people very differently so some people are  super super sensitive they just totally get wiped  

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out at the smallest amount of MSG whereas others  can go and eat all this processed foods with tons  

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of MSG and not really ever notice anything so we  have to understand the individual variability here  

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and why do they add MSG to the food what does it  do well it adds savoriness to food basically it  

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adds deliciousness so it exaggerates it enhances  whatever flavor the food already has and the way  

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that it does that is taste is twofold whenever you  eat something there is an olfactory or there's a  

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smell component to it so the olfactory bulb which  is cranial nerve number one up here gets affected  

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it gets stimulated and also the gustatory The  Taste receptors which we have taste buds on the  

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tongue get stimulated so the taste perception is  twofold as you probably know if you have a cold or  

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if your nose is totally stuffy then food doesn't  taste as good so by introducing this excitotoxin  

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we trick these nerve cells into thinking that  the food tastes much more and much better than it  

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actually does and of course then people are going  to eat more and that's the reason that they add  

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this to all sorts of different foods because  it helps sell junk food especially food that  

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they've processed so hard that it doesn't really  have much flavor flavor in itself anymore if you  

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add some MSG to it now all of a sudden the brain  thinks this is really delicious so what can you  

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do about it well for starters you want to read  labels you want to make sure that it doesn't  

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have any MSG in it unfortunately that's not  enough because the manufacturers cheat and they  

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rename this compound over and over and over so as  people get more Savvy and they start avoiding it  

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the manufacturers will try to trick you and  change it so it has more than 50 different  

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names basically anything that says hydrolyzed  or autoized extract or something that has yeast  

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extract in it is just a cover for something  that's MSG so MSG is an example of something  

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that is directly toxic it has direct toxicity  and other reasons other things that could have  

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a direct toxicity would be anything that decreases  or interferes with cell function with brain cell  

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function it could be something like MSG that  over stimulates but it could also be something  

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that decreases energy production that interferes  with energy production because that's the most key  

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aspect of brain cell function is to have enough  energy available it could also be something that  

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decreases the cell Integrity if the membrane  or some other component of that brain cell  

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becomes less stable and more vulnerable that can  also be a toxin and if these are severe enough  

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then that can lead to cell death or apoptosis  number nine is fish and this is really tragic  

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because fish has things in it that the brain  really needs such as omega-3 fatty acids and  

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protein both of those things are excellent the  brain needs those for building blocks and the  

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omega-3 we're looking for is called DHA  it's a component of the cell membrane  

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but unfortunately there is also something else in  fish called Mercury because of pollution we have  

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saturated or we have heavily polluted the oceans  with Mercury and all the things that live in the  

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ocean are going to absorb that so Mercury is a  direct toxin for the brain whenever the brain  

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tries to do things and learn things and heal  itself it creates new synapses and Mercury  

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directly interferes with the production and the  manufacture of these synapses so some fish are  

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more prone to accumulating Mercury than others and  some of these would include tile fish swordfish  

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king mackerel tuna and orange roughy and there  are others but these would be the main ones and  

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the big thing that these have in common for the  most part is that they are large predatory fish  

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that live a long long time so if they live for  a long long time they have time to accumulate  

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more Mercury and if they eat other fish then they  accumulate the Mercury that those fish have eaten  

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and so forth so the first four are relatively  large the last one is kind of interesting it's  

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called orange roughy it looks kind of prehistoric  but this is a relatively small fish so when I tell  

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people to avoid the large predatory fish very  often people miss this one because when you buy  

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it in the store and it's delicious by the way it  it's flat and it's white and those are typically  

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the fish like soul that would be safe for you but  this one it's about the size of your palm when you  

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buy it in the store and the reason it's so toxic  is that it grows extremely slowly these fish can  

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live for 150 years years and still not get much  bigger than a serving or a couple of servings of  

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fish so this would be one to watch out for it is  super delicious so when it comes to these fish it  

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doesn't mean that you should never ever ever eat  them but maybe once or twice a year or something  

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like that number eight on the list is alcohol and  as delicious as it might be it is a neurotoxin  

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and it also has the potential of creating leaky  gut it can be irritable on membranes so therefore  

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it also has the potential of affecting your gut  brain axis which we'll talk about in just a little  

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bit and it also has the potential of increasing  fatty liver I talk a lot about sugar and alcohol  

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being two substances that only the liver can  process and therefore it creates a fatty liver  

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so if you have insulin resistance if you have type  2 diabetes you probably also have a fatty liver  

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and then drinking alcohol is going to add insult  to injury and make it much harder to reverse that  

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so with alcohol there's actually three all three  deck mechanisms direct toxicity gut brain access  

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and insulin resistance would be the case for  alcohol and what they have observed in people  

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who are long-term consumers of large large amounts  of alcohol is that they have smaller brains so it  

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does cause brain shrinkage but also we need to  remember that the damage is dose dependent so  

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what they have found is that people who are light  drinkers meaning one or at the most two drinks per  

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day they do not have this shrinkage relative  to non-drinkers but the more you drink the  

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more pronounced that brain shrinkage is so let's  talk about this gut brain axis and why this is so  

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important for your brain health there's a lot of  talk about leaky gut and the reason is that when  

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we put things into our mouths it's not really  inside the body yet we put things into a tube  

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and then the waste comes out the other end and on  the way we're supposed to only absorb very very  

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selectively the things that the body wants but if  we have a leaky gut then a lot of stuff that's a  

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supposed to be in the tube leaks out and gets into  the bloodstream and here's why that matters to the  

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brain so if we have a person and this is really  going to challenge my artistic skills here and  

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we have a body and a head and of course we  have legs and arms as well then this tube  

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is where we put food in and if we have a leaky gut  like we said then things are going to get out into  

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the bloodstream that are not supposed to be in  the bloodstream but here's the thing we talk a  

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lot about leaky guts but we don't talk a lot about  leaky brain and the two go together so if you have  

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a leaky gut then you probably have a leaky brain  as well because a lot of the same mechanisms a lot  

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of the tight junctions that that seal things and  hold things together it's the same stuff in the  

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gut as it is in the brain and the same mechanisms  that disturb them and make them leaky happen in  

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the gut as they do in the brain so if we have  a leaky gut then these things will get into the  

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blood circulation they will get into the brain and  now we're going to leak into the brain and there  

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are lots of things that can do this one of the  most common would be anything that unbalances your  

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microbiome a healthy balanced strong microbiome  will keep a mucous layer and it will keep these  

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tight junctions sealed up but when we unbalance  the biome now that gut becomes vulnerable and  

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now we're going to allow different things into the  bloodstream and some of these are biotoxins so if  

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we have pathogenic bacteria in the gut so we have  path we have good bacteria and bad bacteria but  

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we're supposed to seal these things into the gut  when we get a leaky gut some of these things from

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number seven on the list is artificial sweeteners  and the main one here that there's been discussion  

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about is aspartame also known as NutraSweet  introduced in the 80s and there's been a lot  

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of documentation that it is a direct neurotoxin  but then there's also this new one that they try  

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to put out as an alternative claiming that it was  safe and that sucralose also known as Splenda and  

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people for the longest time said that yeah you  want to avoid aspartame and use sucralose instead  

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and as a result now sucralose is in thousands  if not tens of thousands of different products  

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but very recently they found out that sucralose  is not so safe it contains things that breaks  

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up DNA it breaks DNA apart and now of course it  can create all sorts of damage so it is a direct  

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toxin as well and one more thing that they found  about sucralose is that it can also create leaky  

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gut so in addition to being a direct toxin now we  also have that gut brain axis to worry about but  

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here's an interesting part that they introduce  these artificial sweeteners as an alternative  

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to Sugar because they figured out sugar is bad it  makes people diabetic it makes people gain weight  

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so they let them have low calorie or non-calorie  Alternatives as artificial sweeteners but what  

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they find is that when people eat something  sweet that has no caloric value now that actually  

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increases the cravings and if they have more  Cravings they're going to more and they're going  

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to increase insulin resistance so even though the  idea behind these artificial sweeteners was to  

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get away from sugar in the end it's not working  people are gaining weight and they're becoming  

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diabetic just as much or even more than before  they had these artificial sweeteners so we also  

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have a component of insulin resistance which we'll  talk about in a second what that does to the brain  

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but on this note of artificial sweeteners I also  have to mention Stevia and monk fruit because I  

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can't tell you how often I see these mentioned  in the same sentence they talk about artificial  

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sweeteners like aspartame and Stevia as if they  were the same thing they are absolutely not  

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the aspartame and the sucralose are man-made 100  synthetic out of labs whereas Stevia and monk  

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fruit are plant products so people confuse these  because Stevia and monk fruit are non-caloric  

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but they are not artificial they are natural  sweeteners and yes they process them to a point  

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but that doesn't make them bad and Stevia and  monk fruit are perfectly fine for people unless  

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it increases their Cravings so this is something  that you have to figure out for yourself if that  

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sweet taste kind of keeps you keeps you hooked on  sugar then that's not such a great thing but other  

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than that Stevia and monk fruit are totally fine  now what is insulin resistance have to do with  

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the brain well the connection is so clear even  though they don't know the mechanism exactly the  

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connection is so strong that the men is often  called type 3 diabetes just to illustrate how  

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strong the association is but if we want to  talk about some possible mechanisms that we  

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often hear that glucose is the only fuel for the  brain and that is not correct they're missing  

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one part of that glucose is the only fuel for  the brain in a high carb state so if you eat a  

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lot of carbohydrates then glucose is the only  fuel right however if you have a low carb diet  

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and or if you're doing fasting now the body  starts making something called ketones which  

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is an alternative fuel to the glucose you're still  going to be using both but the longer you fast the  

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more your body switches to Ketone to where ketones  can be more than 75 percent of the energy for the  

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brain now here's where it becomes a real problem  if that high carb diet leads to insulin resistance  

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which it does eventually for most people like  80 85 percent of people are more or less insulin  

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resistant then we create a situation because it's  high carb where the brain only has fuel through  

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glucose but because of the insulin resistance that  glucose can't get into the brain in sufficient  

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amounts so now we've created a situation where the  brain can only use glucose but we're starving it  

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for glucose so now like we said the number  one resource for the brain because it's so  

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metabolically active is energy and now that energy  can't get in there the the raw material for the  

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energy can't get in there so the solution would  be to do more low carb and fasting so we make some  

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ketones so we can bypass the dependence on glucose  dementia is a form of neurodegeneration that the  

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brain cells aren't able to do aren't able to work  to the degree that they're supposed to the number  

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one thing like we said is a lack of resources the  second thing would be that something's interfering  

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the first lack of resource would be energy just  like we said glucose and ketones and when we're  

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insulin resistant that's the number one reason we  don't get those resources that energy but there  

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are other things the brain needs as well so if we  eat a diet that don't have enough essential fatty  

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acids from fish or fish oil like we talked about  if the fish is too toxic to eat then we got to  

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take some fish oil that has been cleaned up and  the Brain also needs cofactors when it makes all  

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this energy it needs minerals and electrolytes  for all that signaling and the number one form  

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of interference would be some form of toxin like  we said with the gut we can get it from biotoxins  

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but there's also heavy metals and chemicals Etc  from pollution and inflammation in general into  

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fears with the proper functioning of the brain so  neural inflammation or anything that creates more  

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inflammation and of course insulin resistance is  one of the main things that does that so lack of  

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resources is mostly due to insulin resistance and  interference is mostly due to gut brain issues and  

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direct toxicity number six is grain and Grains  contain something called wheat germ agglutinen  

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wga which is most pronounced in wheat hence the  name but this is something called a lectin which  

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is something that binds to little antennas on  the intestinal membrane and by binding to it it  

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creates damage but these lectins are also found  in many other things such as Rye barley and rice  

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and when they create this damage then they  can promote a leaky gut which we talked a  

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lot about and of course that gut brain access  get compromised it can also promote insulin  

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resistance of course because it is pure starch  and starches get converted into glucose and race  

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insulin number five is white bread which is of  course a grain so everything we just talked about  

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is exactly the same except white bread is the  worst kind of grain is wheat and once we refine  

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it and bleach it now it does all the same things  but worse number four is nightshades and this is  

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kind of tricky because this is very unfortunate  that some really good things contain lectins as  

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well so nightshades are in a family of plants  called eggplant bell pepper tomato and potato  

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primarily and most of these lectins are in the  skin and the seeds so if you remove the skin and  

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the seeds then you you've done away with most of  it and when you cook it then and it also breaks  

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down some of these lectins so of course this  can affect the gut brain axis even though these  

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are mostly Good Foods they are low carb they're  non-starchy and they can be fantastic for people  

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on a low carb diet we have to understand that it  can be a big problem for some people especially  

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if you already have a compromised gut if you have  a leaky gut if you have autoimmunity then it can  

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make a big difference for some people if you avoid  these things but it doesn't necessarily mean that  

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they are bad for everybody or that most people  should try to avoid them number three is trans  

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fats which affect so many different things in the  body in a destructive way but one of the things  

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the effect is your mitochondria and mitochondria  are super super important they're little things  

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inside your cells that make almost all the energy  that that you use and your brain and your heart  

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and your liver and your kidneys use the most  energy so they also have the most mitochondria  

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and they're the most vulnerable for damage to  the mitochondria and the way we make energy is  

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through oxidation just just like you put oxygen on  the fire you can't have a fire without oxygen the  

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more oxygen you blow on it the hotter that fire  burns and the same thing happens in the cells that  

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we have to have oxygen we have to oxidize the  food the fuel and in doing that an unavoidable  

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byproduct is called reactive oxygen species Ros  so there's always this balance between making  

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energy and making smoke so to speak but with these  trans fats they alter one of the Pathways in the  

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mitochondria to where we dramatically increase  the amount of reactive oxygen species so it's  

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like the fire doesn't burn as clean it makes way  way more smoke and it makes way more damage than  

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it ever did before and it does that to a point  where it increases dramatically increases what's  

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called apoptosis or cell death so trans fats are  definitely a direct toxin to mitochondria and to  

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cells but also these trans fats they are altered  fatty acids and our cell membranes are made up of  

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fatty acids and they're supposed to have certain  properties but trans fats are artificial man-made  

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fats that sometimes get incorporated into these  cell membranes and now these cell membranes don't  

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work as well as they're supposed supposed to  and everything about your function in your brain  

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is about cell membranes that is how your brain  signals with a bunch of trans fats it doesn't work  

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the way it's supposed to and because some of these  cell membranes are in the gut then these trans  

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fats can also affect leaky gut and that gut brain  axis and we also have trans fats will affect your  

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metabolism so they will decrease your fatty acid  your utilization of lipids and fatty acids and it  

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will increase inflammation and type 2 diabetes so  trans fats will have all three of these mechanisms  

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in play number two type food that destroy your  brain is fried foods and there's so many things  

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wrong with that they start off with really  bad oils these harshly processed vegetable oil  

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so-called vegetable oils and because they're very  high in omega-6s and they're very inflammatory  

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they promote insulin resistance some people  believe that they promote insulin resistance even  

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more than sugar I think there may be a toss-up  there and fried foods often use trans fats which  

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we just talked about on the previous slide which  again has all three mechanisms in place so we have  

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direct toxicity and gut brain access compromise at  the same time then of course for economy because  

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they use this for cheap food is they reuse the oil  over and over and over all day long it just sits  

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there bubbling and as it does that and they cook  over and over they increase the degree of toxicity  

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the longer they go and as if that isn't bad enough  then of course most fried foods are going to use  

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a coating called breading which is made up of  wheat in most cases which of course adds more  

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insult to injury through insulin resistance and  more compromise of the gut brain axis and again  

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it's not the fact necessarily that we're frying  the food it is how we're frying the food the you  

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the oil we use the quality of food we use so if  you started out with really good quality foods and  

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you didn't use the breading and you used something  like coconut oil or lard something that is very  

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stable at high temperatures and not processed  and oxidized then it wouldn't be a bad thing I  

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wouldn't recommend it all the time but you could  do it once in a while and the number one food that  

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will destroy your brain is sugar and the reason  is that sugar is the number one cause of insulin  

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resistance and insulin resistance is the number  one cause of dementia and you've probably heard  

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me say this if you've seen my videos before but  sugar is different than other carbohydrates in  

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that all carbohydrates have glucose but sugar also  has 50 percent fructose which is almost as bad as  

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alcohol for the liver and it creates a fatty liver  and once you have a fatty liver that is where you  

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really blow the roof off insulin resistance and  diabetes and that's why countries like China and  

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India could eat rice for centuries and not develop  metabolic problems until in the last few decades  

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when they added sugar to the equation so glucose  or starch by itself isn't great necessarily but it  

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doesn't become a huge problem it doesn't become  a metabolic epidemic until you add sugar on top  

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furthermore sugar is extremely addictive which  further contributes to overeating and more insulin  

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resistance and sugar will also selectively feed  the pathogenic bacteria will upset the balance  

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of your biome it will contribute to Leaky guts so  now we have that gut brain axis as well and what  

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we need to understand about sugar is that if you  notice there is no green circle it's not a direct  

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toxin sugar in itself is Perfectly Natural it's  in almost everything the reason it becomes the  

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worst thing we have ever seen on the planet is  the dose the dose makes the poison and we went  

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from eating a few granules a few grams here and  there in Honey and in naturally occurring fruit  

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to having it become a staple and now it becomes  a true poison and one of the main reasons we are  

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as sick as we are today if you enjoyed this video  You're Gonna Love that one and if you truly want  

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