Top 10 Foods That Cause Dementia

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Hello Health Champions today we're going

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to talk about the top 10 foods that

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cause dementia we also need to

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understand some of the mechanisms that

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drive the progression of dementia so

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that we can understand what the foods

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have to do with it and dementia

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progresses very very rapidly with age so

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that between 60 and 65 years of age we

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have about

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1.33% dementia between 65 and 70 we have

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about 2.2%

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between 70 and 75 it rises to 3.8%

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between 75 and 80 it goes up to

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6.5% 5 years later it's up to

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11.6 and by the time we're 90 over 20%

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of the population have dementia and then

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after 90 more than 40% of the population

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have dementia so as you can see it

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progresses very very rapidly and we need

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to understand what the causes are and

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the foods are influencing that so we can

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slow down this progression so there are

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some things that the brain needs that

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helps the brain stay functional and the

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first thing is energy because the brain

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is only 2% of your body weight but it

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uses over 20% of all your energy so on

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average it's 10% more metabolically

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active more needing energy than your

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body sells on average and the way the

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brain makes energy energ of course is

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from fuel which is carbohydrates and

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ketones and in order to oxidize that

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fuel it needs oxygen and most of this

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energy is created inside your cells in

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little inclusions little things called

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mitochondria they make the vast majority

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of all your energy and one more thing

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that the brain needs that is absolutely

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essential that virtually no one ever

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talks about because they just talk

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talking about how it makes energy but it

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also needs stimulation because without

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stimulation it's use it or lose it just

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like a muscle if you put your muscle in

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a cast if you break your arm put a cast

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then after two weeks you have lost 50%

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of that muscle that's the halflife of

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protein and the brain is the same way so

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when we're not stimulating when we're

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not driving signals to the brain on a

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regular basis then the brain starts

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degenerating and deteriorating and

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that's one of the mechanisms

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contributing to dementia and then there

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are the factors that damage that hurt

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your brain that speed up the progression

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degeneration and one of course is poor

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genetics but we need to understand what

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that means because most people think

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that the DNA is is set it's fixed which

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in one sense it is and another one It

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Isn't So when we talk about your genome

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that's your setup your makeup of DNA

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that's half the chromosomes from your

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mom and half the chromosomes from your

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dad they combine and they become your

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genome there's nothing you can do about

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that that is what you're born with

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however what most people don't realize

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is that is just like the foundation that

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really is not all that important

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important because there's also

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epigenetics which means on top of

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genetics and that is how you express it

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so you can have genes that are never

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turned on you can have bad genes that

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are latent that are never activated you

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can have good genes that you express

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well or that you express poorly and like

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I mentioned disuse is very very harmful

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we need to understand that exercise is

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not about losing weight or staying fit

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or looking good it's about stimulating

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your brain and then we come to the

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inflammation part of it which is the

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biggest biochemical driver of

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degeneration which is chronic lowgrade

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inflammation and there's several

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components to that one is oxidative

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stress which we have to have some

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oxidative stress because that's how we

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make energy when those

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mitochondria make energy they use oxygen

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we create oxidative stress but the

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cleaner things burn the more balanced

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things are and if we get a lot of junk

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in the body then those mitochondria they

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tend to rust a little bit they they

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don't burn as clean it's like a little

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engine that starts smoking and now we

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get excess oxidative stress and we get

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less energy out of it and there are also

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in enironmental toxins and those are

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both the pollution as well as all the

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things that we add to food like

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preservatives and artificial colors Etc

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then there is food allergies because if

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you have a sensitivity to a food if it

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causes a reaction that's an inflammatory

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reaction so that contributes more to

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that inflammation and then there is

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disbiosis that we're only recently

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starting to understand how important

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that is is because if you have an

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imbalance of bacteria in your gut if you

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don't have enough of the good ones or

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you have too many of the pathogenic ones

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now you start getting a little war zone

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you start getting chaos down in your gut

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and that creates inflammation but it

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also creates damage to the lining and to

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the mucus layer so now we get leaky gut

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and we increase the amount of food

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allergies so you can see see how all of

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these things are kind of tied together

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that they depend on each other and when

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one thing isn't working it makes the

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whole worse food number one and these

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are in no particular order is excess

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alcohol drinking too much too frequently

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will cause premature dementia because

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alcohol is a neurotoxin it directly

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damages brain cells in excess but it

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also causes leaky guts now it

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contributes to food allergies and to

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inflammation one more way it also

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contributes to fatty liver and once you

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have a fatty liver that tends to

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increase your degree of insulin

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resistance which is another driver of

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inflammation and over time because of

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all these factors it can cause brain

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shrinkage and we also have to remember

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that it's dose dependent that it's not

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alcohol per se it's excess alcohol so if

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you have a glass of wine or maybe two a

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few times a week then that has been

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shown to have some positive effects but

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if you have four five six drinks most

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days then that is probably going to

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speed up that brain degeneration food

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number two is refined carbs and we

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really need to understand what those are

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because they usually only make a big

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deal out of added sugar and we all know

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to look at the label and if it has added

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sugar we stay away from it but added

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sugar that's the white sugar the

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crystals but it also in any other form

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like honey or glucose syrup or agave or

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high fructose corn syrup or any of those

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and what they're adding is

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basically a sugar that consists of a

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glucose molecule that is tied to a

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molecule and these are both they're mono

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saccharides meaning single and we we put

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them together like in white table sugar

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then it becomes a

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disaccharide and this is what we're

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talking about with added sugar and why

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is this so bad because the glucose

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portion of it will raise blood sugar and

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because these carbs are processed then

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they're going to break aart very quickly

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and the glucose will raise blood sugar

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the fructose will take a different path

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it's not called blood sugar because it's

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not blood glucose this is fructose and

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that has to go through the liver to get

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processed and in the in doing that it

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causes fatty liver it is almost on par

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with alcohol and how bad and how quickly

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it causes a fatty liver and of course

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alcohol is bad because it causes

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intoxication but at the same time that

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sort of sets a limit for how much

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alcohol people consume sugar doesn't do

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that so there's no limit in how much

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people eat and therefore we also give it

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to kids and kids now can get fatty liver

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at a very very early age so we all know

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to stay away from that however there is

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also something called natural sugar so

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when that occurs in Fruit it's okay to

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have some berries it's okay to have

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fruit occasionally if you're not insulin

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resistant or you don't have type 2

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diabetes but when they dry the fruit

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then sometimes they add chemicals to it

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sometimes they even add sugar to it and

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now it becomes a very concentrated form

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of sugar like raisins is about

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70% pure sugar just like that the other

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form is when we make juice out of it

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because now we

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remove the pulp we remove the fiber we

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remove all the cell walls the bulk of

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that fruit and now it just becomes a

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liquid with sugar floating around in it

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and that natural sugar is no different

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it's exactly the same as the added sugar

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so even if they don't list it on the

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label we need to understand the

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difference that there really is no

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difference we need to understand that

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sugar is sugar and then there's one more

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kind of carbohydrate called starch and

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if we get a little bit here and there in

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a sweet potato or some tubers that's not

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a big deal but when we get it in grain

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we're getting way too much and we're

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we're getting it in processed grains now

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we removed a lot of the fiber everything

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that slows it down so now that starch

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raises blood glucose even faster than

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the sugar does and starch is nothing

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more nothing less than these little

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sugar molecules and then when we link

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them together two three and dozens and

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hundreds and thousands now that's called

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a starch but it's still only one type of

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molecule and then we go when we eat

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these we have something called Amala in

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the mouth and that starts chopping off

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these little glucose molecules the

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moment we get them in our mouth so

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within minutes we see a rise in in

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glucose in blood glucose from eating

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starch and like I said this is faster

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even than sugar and the reason that we

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want to understand this so well and

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avoid excess carbohydrate whatever level

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that is for you and your lifestyle and

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your genetic makeup is that there's such

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a strong connection between glucose and

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insulin resistance and dementia that

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it's sometimes called type 3 diabetes

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and that doesn't mean that it is a

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separate type of diabetes it just means

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they're trying to focus and help us

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understand how strong that link is and

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to understand the link and that

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mechanism we need to understand the two

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types of fuel that the brain can use and

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very often they talk about only glucose

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if you do a Google search on fuels for

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the brain the first million hits are

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going to be for glucose alone and if you

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talk to 99% of doctors they're going to

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tell you that the brain can only use

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glucose but ketones have been critical

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in human survival and it's critical in

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babies babies are born into ketosis and

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that helps drive that huge brain so when

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we eat a lot of sugar and we eat a lot

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of starch now we raise blood glucose we

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get excess blood glucose on a regular

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basis and if we get excess glucose we

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get excess insulin if we do that all the

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time we become insulin resistant and

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here's something that was not discovered

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until very recently really like 50 years

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ago they had no idea because we thought

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back then that the brain was so

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dependent on glucose that it could just

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suck it up out of the bloodstream that

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you didn't need insulin to get the

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glucose into the brain well that proved

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to be wrong because the brain does

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depend on insulin so if your cells are

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insulin resistant if your muscles are

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insulin resistant then your whole body

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also becomes insulin resistant to some

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degree and your brain cells are insulin

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resistant so for a given level of blood

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sugar that means if your brain is

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insulin resistant it gets less glucose

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it can't properly get into those brain

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cells so here is that

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Paradox that is responsible for dementia

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in people with insulin resistance and

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that is that if you have too high a

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blood glucose then that results in less

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glucose in the brain so so the more

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sugar you eat the more your brain

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starves and some people would look at

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that and say oh well the body is pretty

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stupid sometimes that seems like a

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defective design and I would beg to

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differ I would say that it's a defective

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LIF style that we have introduced

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something in the last 50 years 50 to 100

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years that humans have never ever seen

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before we have never had the abundance

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of sugar and starch specially processed

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starch that we've had in the last few

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decades food number three is sugar and

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just like we talked about sugar is the

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number one cause of insulin resistance

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which keeps that glucose out of the

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brain and if we keep eating sugar now

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there's never going to be any ketones to

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fuel the brain but if we cut back enough

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on the carbohydrates now even if we're

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insulin resistant we're going to make

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some ketone that can fuel the brain and

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start reversing that process and the

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reason that Sugar this disaccharide is

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even worse than the starch is that it's

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50% fructose which causes a fatty liver

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and also that it's very highly addictive

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and another problem is that it

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contributes to disbiosis it messes up

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your biome and thereby it causes leaky

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guts and more food allergies and so

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forth but we still have to remember that

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it is a very natural molecule that this

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molecule the glucose and to some degree

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the sugar is part of all foods but the

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dose makes the poison so when we

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concentrate it when we refine it when we

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eat too much of something then that's

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when it becomes very damaging it's not

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carbohydrates per se because leafy

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greens and non-starchy vegetables still

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have some sugar but there's so little

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and there's so much water and so much

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fiber that those Foods behave nothing

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like this food number four is fish and

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this is a little confusing because on

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the one hand if you get clean wild

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caught fish then it can be incredibly

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beneficial for the brain because it has

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Omega-3s it has EPA and DHA and DHA is

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the main building block for brain tissue

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so we absolutely have to have that it

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also provides really good source of

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protein but while cfish can also have

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mercury it's a heavy metal it's a

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neurotoxin and it's incredibly

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destructive it will literally chew away

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and dissolve brain tissue in excess so

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we want to make sure that we get the

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fish that has very very low amounts of

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mercury so the high amounts of mercury

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is in the fish that are predatory that

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eat other fish because all fish absorb a

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little bit from the water but then the

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large fish that eat the smaller fish

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they concentrate that and when they're

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predatory they're usually larger and

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they live longer and the longer they

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live the more they accumulate of this

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Mercury this toxin so the safe fishes to

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eat are typically very small fish like

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sardine and Herring and to some degree

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mackerel as long as you don't eat the

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king mackerel that get huge also the

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small flat fish like soul and Flounder

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and cod are very safe and the ones you

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want to avoid are sword fish and tuna

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and any other large predatory fish or

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any fish that lives for a very long time

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and then there's farmed fish and in some

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cases that could be okay if they f it

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responsibly if they gave it good quality

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nutrients like natural food for that

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species and they keep it in good

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conditions with clean water and no

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parasites or mole or all the things that

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can occur but for the most part they're

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just trying to save a buck and the

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conditions are usually very deplorable

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so they feed the fish the lowquality

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foods the cheapest thing that will keep

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them alive and very often they also feed

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them hormones and

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antibiotics and chemicals and artificial

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colors number five is what I call the

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dirty dozen and those are the types of

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plants that are most often using a lot

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of chemicals a lot of pesticides to

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produce them and pesticides are toxic to

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the body and toxic to the brain and on

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this year's list we have strawberries

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nectarines and blueberries apples grapes

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and peaches cherries pears and plums and

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you want to check for what's going on in

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your region because it's going to differ

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between different countries between

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different continents as there's

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different farming practices and also

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they change over time these items can

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vary from year to year and among the

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vegetables we have bell pepper hot

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peppers and green beans Tomatoes

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potatoes carrots spinach kale and celery

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so these are the foods that you want to

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pay extra attention to and either you

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get them organic or you pass by all

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together and eat something else now very

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often they're going to say they're still

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better than none so eating sprayed toxic

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plants are still better than not eating

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them at all because plants are so good

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for you now that's just one of those

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things that we've heard and they've been

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repeated so often that nobody really

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thinks about that and for some people

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that's going to be true if they have a

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good tolerance against toxins if they

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have a strong gastrointestinal tract if

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they have a strong liver they can

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probably break down those pesticides

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pretty well but if you have a genetic

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weakness if you have various genetic

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variants where you don't tolerate where

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you don't break down toxins so well then

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that's probably not going to be true for

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you then it's probably better to avoid

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them all together and if you have a weak

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microbiome if there's imbalance or

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dysfunction now you're going to be more

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prone to food intolerance you're not

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going to have that protective mucus

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layer and you'll also be more sensitive

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to various forms of toxins and the other

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thing to understand is that all of these

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pesticides all this spraying all these

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chemicals it's a very modern thing it's

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all happened basically in the last 50

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years in the previous 50,000 or a

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million years there were no pesticides

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so our genetic makeup our genome has

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never seen pesticides and even if one

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isn't going to do all that much damage

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today we have hundreds and thousands of

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them and that body burden start piling

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on top of each other so it's something

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that we really need to pay attention to

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and start really understanding what food

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is and it always cracks me up when I go

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into a store and I see a little sign and

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a little section that says natural food

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like they have a department for natural

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food and I always ask myself if that's

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the natural food then what's the rest of

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the store number six is artificial sweet

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sweeteners and I'm going to mention a

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couple that are more common than the

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others the first is aspartame that goes

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under the brand name of neutr suite and

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this is a well-established neurotoxin

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and then when people did poorly on that

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one and started complaining now they

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brought out another one called sucralose

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which goes under the brand name of

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Splenda so now we have sucros in 5 to

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10,000 different products and for sever

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years they said well Splenda is the new

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thing it's the clean thing it's made

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from natural things it's not going to

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harm you but of course it's artificial

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so it will do damage and very recently

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they found that it starts breaking apart

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DNA and both of these will disrupt your

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gut bacteria and in doing that they

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contribute to leaky gut and more

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inflammation and allergies Etc and the

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biggest reason that they've brought

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these to the market is that people start

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understanding how bad sugar is but we

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still have that sweet tooth and that

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addiction so now they're marketing this

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as a no calorie alternative and now

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people see it as a good thing and they

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start overc consuming it and the whole

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idea was that if you drink or consume

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these artificial ones now you lose

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weight the sugar puts on the weight if

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you stop the sugar you lose the weight

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but unfortunately it doesn't work like

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that but because it also tends to

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increase Cravings you eat something

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sweet but you're not getting anything of

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substance now your body starts looking

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for more and more and more and also

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people confuse these artificial

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sweeteners with Splenda and monk fruit

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because they're all non-caloric

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sweeteners but they're not all

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artificial so the monk fruit and Splenda

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they are natural they're plant extracts

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now in moderation I would say that

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they're okay if you start overc

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consuming if you think it's a good thing

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that you can eat it unlimited then there

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some evidence that it may actually start

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to disrupt your microbiome as well

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number seven is bad fats and it's not

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what you usually hear that saturated fat

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is bad fat because saturated fat is very

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stable and it is safe to consume it's a

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very stable source of energy and it

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doesn't cause any inflammation in the

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body the bad fats are damaged fats and

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these are trans fats primarily that they

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realized how bad they are so now they're

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moving away from trans fats but instead

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they tell us to start consuming

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vegetable oils and these are not

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vegetable oils at all they're seed oils

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they grain oils and their legume oils

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and the problem with these is that they

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have too much Omega 6 a little bit of

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Omega 6 is okay but today we're getting

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like 20 times more Omega sixes than we

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should have and most of that is coming

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from these so-called vegetable oils now

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the problem even bigger problem is that

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they're processed so harshly they have

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to use high temperature high pressure

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and chemicals to get the fat the oil out

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of these sources and in doing that they

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damage the oils and they oxidize it so

Time: 1563

now we have another source of excess

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oxidation and free radicals and another

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source of bad fats is fried foods when

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you use vegetable oils because these are

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already damaged they're already high in

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Omega sixes and now when you fry things

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and you reuse that oil over and over

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you're just increasing the damage and

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that oxidation

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over and over number eight is anything

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that increases food sensitivities and

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one thing that can do that is called

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lectins and they're usually associated

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with a group of plants called

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nightshades and nightshades are things

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like eggplant bell pepper tomato and

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potato there's many more but these are

Time: 1612.279

probably the ones that people consume

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the most however it's not just these

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night shades but grain like Rye barley

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and rice also have lectins and the

Time: 1622.799

biggest grain to stay away from is

Time: 1625.159

modern wheat because it is processed it

Time: 1628.52

is hybridized in so many different ways

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it's not really a food anymore and it is

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also the richest source of gluten and

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the type of gluten that people tend to

Time: 1640.48

react to and then there's something

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called the gut brain axis so if we

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disrupt the gut bacteria and we Dam

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damage that mucus protection we get

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leaky gut now all sorts of things start

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leaking through getting into the

Time: 1655.919

bloodstream and anything that gets into

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the bloodstream anything that causes a

Time: 1661

leaky gut will tend to create a leaky

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brain and now the things that get out

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into the bloodstream are going to

Time: 1668.519

circulate and start creating brain

Time: 1671

inflammation which can be very damaging

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and really progress the development of

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dementia but again this does not mean

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that these are bad foods it's going to

Time: 1682.72

be important for some people to avoid

Time: 1685.799

this but if you start restoring your

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microbiome if you start getting a

Time: 1691.799

healthy gut again you can probably get

Time: 1694.24

to the point where these things do not

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become a problem number nine is excess

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caffeine so here's one more thing that

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can actually have some benefit in low

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doses it tends to improve improve focus

Time: 1709.48

and give you a little bit of energy

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however if you start having high doses

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if you start depending on it to stay

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awake and get things done if you're not

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limiting yourself to two cups but you're

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having six seven eight 10 cups a day now

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it becomes a stressor now it will drive

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your endocrine system and your stress

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hormones and anything driving the stress

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hormones will also shut off melatonin

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which is your sleep hormone that

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regulates your sleep your circadian

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rhythm number 10 is food additives so

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these are things that we add to make

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things look a certain way or feel a

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certain way so we have artificial colors

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we have artificial flavors and then

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there's tons and tons of other additives

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that are texturizers and keep things

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from separating and so forth and then

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there is preservatives and that sounds

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like such a positive thing right we add

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preservatives we preserve the food now

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if you do canning and things like that

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that's okay that's a totally different

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thing but when they add chemicals

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basically what they're doing is they're

Time: 1781.44

making the food so

Time: 1784.64

unattractive that no other living things

Time: 1787.799

want it and you have to ask yourself is

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that what your body is looking for is

Time: 1793.24

that what you want to feed yourself if

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it's so unattractive that not even even

Time: 1798.32

the mold wants it if you enjoyed this

Time: 1800.84

video you're going to love that one and

Time: 1802.559

if you truly want to master Health by

Time: 1805.08

understanding how the body really works

Time: 1806.96

make sure you subscribe hit that Bell

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and turn on all the notifications so you

Time: 1811.919

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