Top 10 Foods That Can't Be Called HEALTHY ANYMORE!

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Hello Health Champions!. Today we're going to talk  about 10 foods that used to be able to be called  

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healthy that now may not have that privilege  anymore. So the healthy have turned unhealthy  

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and one of those Foods would be something like  fruit Pebbles where they have way too much sugar  

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a bunch of artificial colors a bunch of processed  grains and this is no big surprise to most people  

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and neither is Lucky Charms exact same scenario  or Froot Loops so a lot of these foods are going  

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to be cereals but we'll talk about them and there  is a whole bunch more Foods so most people are not  

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surprised we know that this is absolute garbage  and it's a tragedy that we're putting this stuff  

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in kids so most people are going to say well it's  about time but it's not that simple because we are  

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basically in for a food fight and what's happened  now is that the FDA is proposing some changes to  

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the rules about how manufacturers are allowed to  label food products so a lot of things that have  

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been able to be called healthy there that's going  to change if the FDA gets their ideas through now  

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let me preface this by saying that in general I am  not a fan of what the FDA or the USDA recommends I  

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do grant them that the guidelines they put out  are slightly better than the standard American  

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diet because the standard American diet is ultra  processed it has tons of bad fats and tons of  

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processed sugars and added sugar so the guidelines  are slightly better in that they recommend a  

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little bit less sugar a little bit less fat and  more whole Foods whole grain in this case which I  

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don't agree with because I don't think that people  should eat grains as a staple it should not be a  

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foundation of any diet especially not the modern  wheat but these guidelines are still slightly  

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better than what people are eating however in the  way that they recommend low-fat and high grain  

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with high glycemic indexes that drive blood sugar  up and they still allow a significant amount of  

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sugar when people try to cut back on fats they  generally eat more of something else and that  

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other thing would be carbohydrates and now we're  promoting insulin resistance and degenerative  

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disease so again I'm not a fan the guidelines are  slightly better than what people are eating but I  

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still think that they contribute or even cause  disease in susceptible people even so I'm going  

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to give the FDA some credit now that they finally  they do something and this is super super exciting  

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to me it's a step in the right direction it's a  sign of some kind of Awakening that they can't  

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just put unlimited amounts of sugar in products  and get away with calling them healthy so as part  

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of this new proposal they are saying that in order  for a food to be be able to be called healthy it  

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has to provide certain nutrients certain base  groups and one of the base groups is fruits and  

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vegetables another one is that it has to have more  than a certain amount of grains especially whole  

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grains it has to have more than a certain amount  of protein and it has to have more than a certain  

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amount of dairy so again I don't agree with with  these but this is what they're putting out that in  

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order to be cold healthy they have to have more of  one of these basic food groups that they consider  

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a foundation and of course the dairy they're  recommending is low fat but on the other hand  

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in order to be able to be called healthy it also  has to have less than a certain amount of sodium  

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and less than a certain amount of saturated fat  and also added sugar so again I don't agree with  

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most of these because fruits and vegetables are  not the same thing non-starchy vegetables leafy  

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greens you can eat almost unlimited amounts as  long as you're not sensitive to that particular  

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food but fruits should not be grouped together  with vegetables fruits is more like candy you  

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eat it once in a while you eat it sparingly  you eat it seasonally it's not more is better  

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vegetables I agree if you tolerate them well more  is typically better but we can't group fruits and  

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vegetables together like that also grains I don't  think should be part of our diet hardly at all  

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I think there's some Ancient Grains that some  people can tolerate in moderation but it should  

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not be a staple of our diet especially not the  modern wheat and the modern strains of grains  

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that they're promoting I agree that protein is  something that's a good foundation especially if  

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it's from a healthy animal and dairy I don't agree  with the way they're promoting it because they're  

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saying that the milk and the low-fat milk are  the things that you should promote and increase  

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whereas I think you should increase the high fat  the butter and the cheese and the fermented foods  

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like yogurt and sour cream because those are the  ones that have much less sensitivity and they  

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have a much better food value I think that the  sodium recommendations are completely misguided  

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and I'm not going to get into depth because I've  done several videos on that but sodium does not  

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cause disease it can make a disease worse if you  already have it in a small percent of people who  

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don't have functioning kidneys but if if you are  a healthy person then sodium does not create any  

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kind of problem there's probably more people  who are deficient in sodium as a result of the  

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guidelines also saturated fat is not a problem  unless maybe I would say it's a slight problem  

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if you eat it together with a bunch of processed  foods so if you eat sugar and donuts and beer  

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Etc. then you can't really burn through that  saturated fat and the saturated fat would  

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contribute to your metabolic disease but it's not  the saturated fat that's doing it it's the insulin  

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that is causing the body to hold on to things  and finally about the sugar I completely agree  

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that you should cut way way back and nothing  with sugar in it should be able to be called  

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healthy however I think that the guidelines are  not nearly strict enough I think you should eat  

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way less probably less than half or even less than  a quarter than what the guidelines recommend about  

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added sugar and the other huge problem about  the added sugar is that it's a separate item  

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on the food label so if something like orange  juice has tons and tons of sugar where the sugar  

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molecules are identical to the added sugar than  if it's naturally occurring in the orange before  

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you squeeze it then you don't have to label  it as added sugar so it's very deceptive it  

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gives people the idea that the sugar in orange  juice is somehow very different from the sugar  

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in table sugar which it is not but as a result  of these new guidelines or proposed guidelines  

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things like frozen pizza cannot be called healthy  anymore it has too much sodium according to the  

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guidelines it has too much saturated fat and it  probably also doesn't have enough whole grain  

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because it needs to provide something from one  of those basic food groups and if it's just all  

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white flour it doesn't count anymore same thing  with TV dinners a lot of frozen food a huge huge  

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industry has typically more sugar more sodium  and not enough whole grain again if you make the  

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noodles from white flour then it doesn't count  but on the flip side of this very interestingly  

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there's now some foods that used to be called  unhealthy that we can now call Healthy so this  

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is a wonderful step in the right direction so we  have salmon avocado olive oil canola and water  

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according to the previous guidelines from 30 years  ago we could not call these things healthy but now  

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we can so salmon obviously especially if it's wild  caught is a fantastic food lots of Omega-3s lots  

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of good protein avocado I don't think there's  many question marks about anymore there's still  

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some people of course with fat phobia that don't  recognize what an awesome food it is but if you  

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watch this Channel and if you're low carb or keto  you know how fantastic avocado is I typically buy  

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these two or three bags at a time because we  go through them so quickly olive oil can now  

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be called healthy and canola can and of course I  am going to point out here the difference between  

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the two that if you were able to find cold pressed  unfiltered canola it would not be the worst thing  

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in the world it wouldn't be the best either  wouldn't even touch olive oil or in my opinion  

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butter but it wouldn't be the worst however  99.99 of all the canola oil that you're going  

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to buy and that you're going to find as a result  of the recommendations that this is something good  

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is going to be very very harshly processed it's  a seed oil so the omega-6 omega-3 balance isn't  

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terrible to start with but whenever they process  it with chemicals with high heat they filter it  

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they deodorize it they degum it just like all  other mass-produced oils they ruin it they make  

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it rancid they take away any sort of benefit that  it might have and it becomes a very very Bland and  

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processed and bad food so I would stay away from  canola if you really really like it and you can  

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find it cold pressed and unfiltered then sure go  for it but I would just suggest get the olive oil  

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and finally water can now be called healthy before  it didn't have enough nutrients you couldn't make  

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any sort of Claim about it but now at least  because it's not harmful if it's clean water  

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whether it's still water or carbonated you can now  call that healthy but as much as I'm in favor of  

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anything that can help people eat more real food  and less garbage the proposed changes may not  

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even pass because it would mean that a whole bunch  of foods or packaged Foods so-called Foods could  

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no longer be called healthy and there's a lot of  companies that depend on that for their financial  

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gain so as soon as the FDA announced these changes  very powerful interests started drafting letters  

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of protests and the consumer brand Association  which represents over 1700 Major Brands they wrote  

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a 54-page paper to the FDA where they're saying  that these proposed changes are overly restrictive  

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and here's the kicker because if they go through  then that would automatically disqualified the  

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vast majority of all packaged Foods so to me  that's like an admission they know that all the  

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stuff that they're producing is garbage because  as soon as you put any kind of restriction on  

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these things then they can't label it the way they  want it so what are we talking we're talking 230  

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000 different products and I found an article  where they tested that number of products and  

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they defined 71 of them as Ultra processed and  there's probably more than 70 percent of them  

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that would not pass the new guidelines and just  to give you kind of an idea these products sell  

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over a trillion dollars a year so there could be  a substantial loss of money for these companies  

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if the guidelines went through and those were not  the only complaints the consumer brand Association  

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would just mention but in addition to that  Kellogg's post and General Mills which are the  

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three biggest cereal producers and they don't just  own cereals they own hundreds of different other  

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products and brand names of packaged processed  foods that would all stand to suffer and lose  

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from this and another one that's been published  is called the Washington Legal Foundation and this  

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was really really cute because this turns out they  State very clearly that hey guys we don't have any  

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vested interest we are a non-profit we're just  doing this from the goodness of our hearts so  

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this is really a bunch of lawyers with spare time  that have nothing better to do than in their free  

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time out of the goodness of their heart they just  want to help the food industry but also it's very  

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clear that their donors where they get their money  to this non-profit it's not disclosed anywhere and  

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it is also well known that this Washington Legal  Foundation has represented the high fructose corn  

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syrup industry previously so it's basically a  front for a lobbying organization and what it  

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all comes down to is that they're claiming that  in the end their argument is that it violates  

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the First Amendment which is the right to free  speech so basically what they're saying is that  

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if they can't call it healthy just because it  is actually unhealthy then that violates free  

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speech so basically they should have the right  to be deceptive and even lie when it's clearly  

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known and there's strong strong evidence that  their ingredients are harmful they should still  

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in their opinion be able to call it healthy and  they're not going to lay down willingly because  

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there's so much at stake I think that it's going  to be quite a fight and we have not seen the last  

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of this because these powerful companies have  pretty much promised lawsuits if the FDA tries  

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to push this through so the sugary cereals that's  pretty obvious most people get that but like I  

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said it's going to affect hundreds of thousands of  different foods and some additional ones would be  

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things like Campbell's tomato soup or most other  tomato soup out there I'm not just singling out  

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them but they're just a big brand they have way  too much sugar and and way too much salt for those  

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guidelines another one would be Raisin Bran that  has way too much sugar it does have some whole  

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grain so it would qualify from that standpoint but  here's another example of where the guidelines are  

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kind of missing the point because they fail by  the added sugar but the sugar in the raisins that  

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are naturally occurring is just as bad because  raisins are just dried up grapes and it's just  

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a concentrated form of sugar and that sugar is  no different in chemical composition than the  

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added sugar and then even some things that people  don't think of as having any sugar has actually  

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too much so Corn Flakes has too much added sugar  and too much sodium same thing with Special K too  

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much sugar too much sodium and one more example  would be yogurt fruit yogurt like Yoplait which  

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of course they have promoted as very very healthy  people have thought about this as a health food  

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because it has some bacteria in it and of course  they've been doing it low fat but they add so much  

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sugar that it has as much sugar per unit volume as  Coca-Cola and that amount of sugar would more than  

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outweigh and wipe out any sort of benefit that  that smidgen of beneficial bacteria would have  

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so what's next in store here well I think it's a  giant leap forward for the FDA because at least  

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they're taking steps they're they're taking some  initiative to move forward but it's still a small  

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step forward for mankind so I would not hold  your breath that this is going to dramatically  

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transform the way we look at food in general so  first of all we may be facing lawsuits there may  

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not be any changes at all and if it does become  some changes then it may take a long long time  

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but most of all I would point out that the  existing guidelines the USDA and the FDA  

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guidelines I would say that they kind of get  10 percent of it right they do get that sugar  

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is bad they do get that vegetables are for the  most part okay or good for you but the rest of  

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it they're they're really missing the point so if  you really want to get healthy then don't wait for  

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these changes but instead I would suggest that  you take some steps to become a health champion  

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and that's what this channel is all about is to  teaching people how the Body Works how to take  

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charge and rather than ever needing to read  food labels if you watch a few hundred videos  

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this channel has over 500 videos then you'll start  learning how the Body Works what the body actually  

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needs and you don't have to read food labels you  could read it once just to get an idea but then  

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you know way way more than the food label would  ever tell you and if you want to take even further  

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steps toward Health I've created a blood work  course and I'll put some information down below  

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if you want to check that out. If you enjoyed this  video, you're going to love that one, and if you  

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truly want to master health by understanding how  the body really works, make sure you subscribe,  

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