Top 10 Amazing No Carb Foods With No Sugar

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Hello Health Champions today we're going to talk  about the top 10 foods with no sugar and no carbs  

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that matter and the reason I say matter is going  to become apparent very soon we're going to do  

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a countdown in no particular order so this is not  a ranking and we're going to start with number 10  

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which is meat and that includes things like beef  fish chicken wild game meat Etc and when we look  

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at the amount of carbohydrates in this food it is  zero for all of them but like I said at first we  

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don't really care so much about a food having  zero as having zero carbs that matter so why  

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do we care whether it has zero or whatever it has  so what it really comes down to is that different  

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foods affect blood sugar differently so the more  carbohydrate and the more processed the food is  

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the quicker your blood sugar is going to rise  and then what's going to happen is we're going  

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to release insulin to bring that blood sugar down  so when we have high blood sugars and fluctuating  

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blood sugars blood sugar roller coasters that is  associated with all kinds of health problems with  

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mood swings with energy swings Etc so what we care  about food is how does it affect blood sugar and  

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how does it affect insulin because that affects  our metabolism and our energy Supply and so forth  

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but here's what a lot of people don't understand  a lot of people think that carbohydrates are evil  

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that we should only eat food with zero carbs  and that is not what I'm saying if we compare  

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carbohydrates to protein to Fat then carbohydrates  contain glucose they're different types of sugar  

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but primarily carbohydrates contain glucose  that can very very quickly become blood sugar  

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and this happens very very fast so if we look  at the insulin response in terms of of an arrow  

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the size of this arrow is huge because it's a  combination of a large amount of glucose that  

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gets into the bloodstream very fast those two  factors influence how much glucose how much  

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insulin we're going to release now if we look at  protein then we have to understand that there is  

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no such thing really as a zero carbohydrate food  because all foods including protein can turn into  

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glucose protein contains something called amino  acids that primarily they're supposed to become  

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body tissue and hormones but the excess the things  that we can't fit together and utilize as tissue  

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to make body parts the excess amino acids all  of them get turned into glucose and the thing  

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to understand though is this happens very very  slowly much slower than with carbohydrates it's a  

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smaller amounts and there is a delay so the amount  of insulin response is much much smaller and then  

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when we look at fat fat is kind of interesting  because people think that well fat is just fat and  

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fat per se cannot get turned into glucose however  there is something called glycerol and if we look  

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at a fat molecule we store them and we eat them  in a form called triglycerides that means that  

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there's three fatty acids try but then there is a  backbone of glycerol and this glycerol has three  

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carbons that we can reattach and make glucose  from and therefore even fat actually produces  

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glucose not fat per se but the way we store fat as  a triglyceride so this glycerol turns into glucose  

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but just like with protein there's a delay and  it's a much much smaller amount so if we compare  

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again the carbohydrates has a huge response the  protein has a moderate and the fat has an almost  

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negligible impact on blood glucose and Insulin  but this is why we can fast for days and even  

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weeks without eating any carbohydrate because  there's enough glucose indirectly available  

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through this glycerin backbone glycerol backbone  so if we understand this then there is truly no  

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food that is really zero carbs because because all  food with a caloric value can be partially turned  

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into glucose the only truly zero carb foods are  water tea and coffee things with no caloric value  

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so what we need to focus on is not the zero  carb foods as much as low carb foods and slow  

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carb foods another thing that there's a lot of  confusion about is net carbs and why that matters  

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so when I talk about net carbs with different  Foods I'm talking about the available amount of  

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carbohydrate that we can turn into energy per 100  gram of food so total carbs when we subtract the  

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fiber then we get net carbs and why do we subtract  the fiber because it is not available to humans to  

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digest and turn into energy we can't metabolize it  so a lot of people on low carb diet they hear that  

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well don't worry about net carbs just look at the  total carbs and if you're looking to go low carb  

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or even ketogenic that should probably be around  50 grams of total carbs but some of that is fiber  

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so if we subtract the fiber then we would end up  with 30 grams of net carb so a lot of people they  

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say well to get to a ketogenic State then you  need to be around 30 G of net carbs again these  

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are not absolute numbers those are rough numbers  that work for a lot of people but not everybody  

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but here's the thing we want to understand about  this is that if you only look at total carbs then  

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you may not understand what the food is doing  to you so one food for example a mystery food  

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that we're going to reveal in a moment would have  8.6 grams of total carbs however 6.8 grams out of  

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those carbs are fiber meaning you cannot turn  that into energy does not affect glucose so the  

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net carbs here are only 1.8 and the problem  now is that if you only look at total carbs  

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you might look at this food and say hey I'm not  going to eat that because it adds up the carbs  

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too quickly I can't eat very much of that before  I hit my 50 g whereas if you look at the net carbs  

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now you see that hey this is a very low net carb  food I can actually eat quite a bit of that and  

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there's some controversy about fiber historically  I think humans have eaten quite a bit of fiber now  

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in the carnivore camp they're disputing whether  fiber is really necessary at all I believe that  

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for long-term Optimal Health I do think that fiber  plays a role because fiber feeds our gut bacteria  

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and our gut bacteria is tremendously important  for our overall health we need a large number  

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and a large variety of gut bacteria so fiber has  no calories it has no impact on blood glucose  

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because we do not have the enzymes as humans to  break it down it does not impact blood sugar and  

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therefore it does also not impact insulin at all  and as we talk through today we also want to look  

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at the bigger picture the balance how does the  combination of different things affect each other  

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so fiber is something that will actually slow down  absorption the worst kind of carbohydrate would be  

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glucose or sugar suspended in water dissolved  in water like a juice or a soft drink because  

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there is nothing slowing that glucose down but if  you had a little bit of fiber or if you had some  

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protein or if you had some fat then that sugar is  not as readily available so that's going to slow  

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down the absorption a little bit and that would  be a good thing so when we have a certain amount  

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a small amount of carbohydrate with fiber and with  protein and with fat then it doesn't have the same  

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impact food number nine is non-sweet fruit and  the reason I call it that is these are things  

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that a lot of people think about as vegetables  but technically in the pure classification scheme  

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of things avocado is a fruit and these are the  numbers we saw on a previous slide so this is  

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indeed the mystery food that I talked about it has  8.6 grams of total carbs it has 6.8 gram of fiber  

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for only 1.8 net grams which is amazing so you can  eat a ton of this food it has plenty of healthy  

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fats tons of good fiber and most of this fiber is  the soluble kind that will feed your gut bacteria  

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another great non-sweet fruit is olives which has  3.1 grams of net carbs per 100 and also tomato is  

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also a fruit now depending on the Tomato some of  those could taste sort of sweet but it's still a  

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very low amount of sugar and net carbohydrates  2.7 grams food number eight is leafy greens and  

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it does have a tiny amount of carbohydrate but  not to the degree that it matters so lettuce has  

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1.2 grams of net carbs it has tons of fiber lots  of water and this carbohydrate is packaged inside  

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fibrous cells so it takes a long long long time  to release that glucose and there is virtually  

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no way to just eat lettuce and spite your blood  sugar significantly arugula very low 2.1 spinach  

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1.4 Swiss chard 2.1 cabbage some people would  probably put this in its own category but I  

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had room here so I just lumped it together with  the leafy greens cabbage 3.3 and kale would be  

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5.2 now some of these that we want to watch  out for is a lot of people are sensitive to  

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oxalates and then they might want to stay away  from spinach and kale even though it's sort of  

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classified in every list as this superfood that  everyone should eat as much as possible there are  

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a lot of people who don't tolerate kale all that  well so just because someone calls it a superfood  

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doesn't mean that your body is going to love it  so just keep that in mind when other people tell  

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you what foods are good for you number seven is  non starchy vegetables so here we have one of my  

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favorites is broccoli very low four gram of net  carbs we have cauliflower at 3.0 and these are  

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tremendous good sources of potassium and various  different minerals asparagus at 1.9 we have bell  

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pepper depending on the color it could be like  with green bell pepper probably around three and  

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the red and yellow varieties would be a little  bit higher probably around four also eggplant  

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is very low 2.9 green beans depending on some of  the very slender ones uh the French style would  

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be maybe two grams and some of the sugar snaps  could be as high as five but all of these foods  

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are low starch non-starchy very low carb food  so it'd be very difficult to spike your blood  

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sugar significantly so again we want to focus  on the carbs that matter in terms of insulin  

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and glucose because like I said they're very  few true zero carb foods number six is berries  

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one of my favorites is raspberries at five net  grams per 100 and a few berries go a long way so  

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this is five grams per 100 so if you have maybe  10 raspberries that's probably like 35 40 gram  

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of total berries so you would get less than two  grams in in 10 berries if you have black berries  

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it's about the same if you have strawberries  also about the same and blueberries come in  

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a little bit higher it doesn't necessarily taste  sweeter to to the tongue but it has almost twice  

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as high in sugar at nine now what makes berries so  unique and so attractive is not just that they are  

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very very low in sugar compared to other fruits  but also that they're much higher in fiber and  

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like we said the fiber further slows down this  small amount of carbohydrate so raspberries have  

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seven grams of fiber blackberries have about five  strawberries about six and blueberries about four  

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so compared to other fruits this is very unusual  that they have more fiber than they have sugar in  

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them other fruits are kind of the other way around  they probably have four five six times more sugar  

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than they do fiber so it's not just the amount  of sugar it is also how quickly it's absorbed  

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number five is nuts and here my favorite would be  Macadamia followed by pecans followed by walnuts  

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and then a lot of people in the low carb Community  also love almonds and peanuts so my macadamia nuts  

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have 5.2 gram of net carbs pecans have 4.3 walnuts  7.0 so those are very low especially when we look  

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at how much protein fat and fiber is in there as  well so this small amount of sugar is absorbed  

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very very slowly now almonds at 9.1 and peanuts  at 13 and a half so the amount of carbs doesn't  

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necessarily turn these into bad foods but a lot of  people as they start eating more and more almonds  

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they start getting reactions because almonds  actually has something called lectins that is  

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a way that plants defend themselves from getting  eaten it's type of mild poison if you will and  

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some people are very sensitive and other people  probably not so much but it is something to keep  

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in mind that if the more you eat of something  the greater the probability that your body will  

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develop a sensitivity to it and peanuts same thing  they also have lectins but further more peanuts of  

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course is not really a nut it's a legume it's  more like a bean like a kidney bean or black  

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bean it just has more protein and fat so people  sensitive to legumes and people sensitive to  

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lectins can start reacting to peanuts number four  is seeds and they're sort of similar to nuts in  

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their nutritional makeup nuts are probably more  of a snackable food whereas seeds would be more  

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something that you would add to a food they're  maybe not as tasty to some people at least not  

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all of them but flax Chia hemp and pumpkin seeds  are my favorite that I eat on a regular basis I  

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sprinkle them on on yogurt for example flax  has only 1.6 grams of net carbs Chia has 4.4  

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hemp has 3.4 and pumpkin 4.7 so these are very  small amounts and again just like nuts there is  

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a tremendous amount of protein fat and fiber  in these so these small amounts of carbs are  

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going to be absorbed extremely slowly so it  really doesn't matter we're not looking for a  

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zero number as much as we're looking for whether  it matters or not number three is fats and oils  

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so these are things you can cook with but also  things that you can supplement your calories if  

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you're really looking to be strict on a low carb  or ketogenic diet then you want to keep the carbs  

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very very low you want to keep your protein  moderate and then the rest becomes fat so you  

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kind of fill up on fat after that so extra virgin  olive oil would probably be my overall favorite  

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uh butter coconut oil MCT oil lard and Tallow  are other good versions and these are all good  

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because they require minimal processing they come  from a food source that is naturally very high in  

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fats we don't need to expose these foods to high  temperature high pressure and chemicals to get the  

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fat out of it and of course being pure fat these  would have all have zero grams of carbs zero fiber  

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Etc and one thing I want to point out there's a  lot of confusion about fat when we go on a low  

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carb high fat diet that it's okay to eat fat you  don't have to be afraid of fat but that does not  

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mean that more fat is always better you eat very  low carb you eat moderate protein and then you eat  

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fat to satiety but that does not mean that more  fat is better if you are fine with a black coffee  

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in the morning and that carries you to lunch or  dinner then adding butter to that coffee is not  

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an advantage it is only to help you transition so  if you go from a high carb or a moderate carb diet  

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to low carb then it's good to add a little extra  fat to help you transition to help you become fat  

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adapted especially the MCT oil you can have just  like a teaspoon of MCT oil to help you make some  

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ketones some quick energy but the goal is to  burn the fat off your body not to burn the fat  

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that you're eating so the more fat you're adding  in the diet the less the incentive is to burn it  

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off the body food number two is eggs and eggs  we can eat them whole but of course humans like  

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to mess with things so we often break them apart  into the white and into the Yoke and depending on  

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your belief system you might eat more or less of  one or the other but then when we look at the net  

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carbs they're all very very low in carbohydrates  so a whole egg has about 1.7% carbohydrate most  

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of that is in the Yol percentage wise so the white  has about7 and the yolk has about 3.6 but where a  

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lot of people get into trouble like bodybuilders  they hear that you the white egg white is where  

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you have the protein so they just separate out  the Yoke and other people hear that the Yol  

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has all the cholesterol so they cut it out so we  have all these people eating white omelettes and  

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drinking egg white out of the bar Bo and so forth  but the key here is to understand that nature  

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doesn't pack things together accidentally nature  created possibly the most perfect balanced food  

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available to us and it put the White and the Yoke  together and the difference here is that there are  

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different amino acids there different percentages  and ratios of amino acids in the Yol and in the  

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white so when we eat them separately we're  not getting as good a balance and when we eat  

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the whole egg we can utilize 49% of all the amino  acids can turn into body tissues they are so close  

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in the combinations of amino acids to what our  body needs to put together to make tissue that we  

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can use 49% which is the highest of any food that  we can eat eat other than Mother's Milk if we only  

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eat the white this drops tremendously but because  a lot of these combinations of amino acids we need  

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are in the Yol so they complement each other and  we only utilize 177% of the protein in the egg  

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white and what happens to the rest if we can't  make tissue the rest of it turns into glucose  

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stimulates blood sugar and in insulin so again not  nearly to the degree that a carbohydrate would but  

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it's still a whole lot more and it's probably  not what you're looking for when you're eating  

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egg whites and number one is dairy and it's again  in no particular order so I'm not ranking these  

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but Dairy just illustrates a lot of these points  so well that the combination matters so much so  

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we're going to look at skim milk whole milk half  and half heavy cream and cheese and we're going to  

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look at them in terms of net carbs and in terms  of fat and then also in terms of percentage of  

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calories from carbohydrate but we'll start with  these two and in terms of grams of carbohydrate  

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per 100 gram of food or fat per 100 gram of food  if we look at milk the the skim the hole Etc all  

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of these are B basically low carb foods and they  they're at five grams or less as we look at the  

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fat we see that skin milk obviously has virtually  no fat whole milk has more half and half has more  

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heavy cream has three times and cheese is close to  heavy cream in terms of fat content so as the fat  

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content increases and in cheese there's also more  protein the percentage of carbohydrate decreases  

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but still it's not a tremendous change the red  bar is still kind of similar but where it really  

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becomes a makes a difference is when we look at  the percentage of calories from carbohydrates  

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we're going to look at that over here and in skim  milk we think of milk as sort of a a protein food  

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Etc but in skim milk almost 70% of the calories  come from carbohydrate from lactose so it's  

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basically an almost all sugar food when we look at  skim milk when we add back or when we didn't take  

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away some of the fat in the whole milk now we drop  tremendously so that already gets down to almost  

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half of the calorie percentages when we look  at half and half or cream the percentages drop  

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further and further so we go from skin milk which  is a high carbohydrate food to cream which is a  

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very low carbohydrate food and then cheese would  be the lowest because there is a lot of protein  

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in there as well but the key Point here is like  we've talked about all throughout this video is  

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that it's not about the carbohydrates necessarily  it's about the carbohydrates that matter so in  

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skin milk it matters tremend tremendously because  the carbohydrates are most of the calories and  

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even though the carbohydrates change they don't  change dramatically they're roughly the same for  

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most dairy products however when we look at  the percentage of calories we go from a high  

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carbohydrate food to a almost a zero carbohydrate  food and that's what we're after the protein and  

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the fat is going to slow it down another way to  look at it of course is that with milk skin milk  

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or whole milk you could easily drink a cup or even  two and two cups of milk is going to have about 25  

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grams of sugar of milk sugar lactose whereas I'd  be hardpressed to think that you could drink two  

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cups of heavy cream or eat a pound of cheese in  one C so the more concentrated food is also going  

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to satisfy you more so that you end up eating  less so there's so many different factors you  

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end up eating less the fat slows it down and  the percentages drop down as well if you enjoy  

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these graphics and these tables and would like  to have your own copy I put them together in a  

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