This Is Why Fans Are So Energizing - Dr Ekberg
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Hello this is Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life
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again on the topic of fans so i
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turn my head a little bit and we noticed
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that there was another fan that was
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going a little faster that didn't feel
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relaxing at all so I don't know exactly
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how fast that one is spinning but i'm
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guessing it's going probably three times
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faster which would put the frequency
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into beta and if you look at that fan
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it does feel sort of stressful it's much
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harder to sort of relax and doze off to
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that fan it feels intense whereas we go
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back to the slower fan it lulls you into
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a sleep almost so here we have theta
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frequency and here we have beta
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frequency one is about stress and
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activity and getting stuff done and the
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slower one is about relaxing