This Is What Happens To Your Brain When You Smoke
I just wanted to mention a few things about smoking because a lot of people
think that smoking is just about lung cancer and emphysema and things like
that. But even if you don't have a disease what what smoking does is two
things primarily the first is that the smoke contains carbon monoxide that
locks the hemoglobin uptake of oxygen so as soon as you've smoked you're
basically reducing your oxygen delivery by twenty percent or so and that's a
tremendous deficit for any cell in the body but especially the brain because
the brain is so sensitive to fuel delivery and fuel of course is is oxygen
and glucose but if you're not delivering the oxygen then your brain can't work
like it's suppose to. The other part is that virtually every degenerative disease
from diabetes to heart disease stroke to Alzheimer's it's today associated with
inflammation caused by free radicals and reactive oxygen species and as soon as
you're smoking you're inhaling all those free radicals and you're starting a
powerful oxidative process which is pro-inflammatory and for those two
reasons alone even if you don't notice anything even if you don't have symptoms
you really set yourself back several steps from healing and and setting
yourself on a path to to any and all of those those diseases so and something
just to keep in mind and there's lots of good techniques to stop smoking EFT is a
great one we can show you in here you can look it up online so thank you