THIS Is MUCH EASIER Than Fasting With Amazing Results

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And just like fasting, it can provide weight  loss, but it's not so much the weight you lose  

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during the fast as it is the cleansing. You  start reversing, and it's a metabolic reset  

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that helps you lose weight in the future.  It also provides a great cleanse. If you eat  

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this specific way for five days, you can get  the same benefits as a three-day water fast.

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Hello, Health Champions! Today, I want to talk  about something that's a lot easier than fasting  

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but can still give you the same benefits as  an extended water fast. These benefits include  

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reversing or reducing insulin resistance, which  is very powerful for losing weight. You can also  

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create autophagy, a form of the cleansing process  in the body. You can start reversing degenerative  

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diseases associated with chronic low-grade  inflammation, such as cardiovascular disease,  

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type 2 diabetes, cancer, and dementia. Fasting  can act as a metabolic reset and a cleanse,  

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where you start reversing all of these conditions.  Typically, fasting means that you only drink water  

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and don't eat anything else, but we're going  to talk about how you can fast and eat at the  

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same time by eating in a very specific way. You  can mimic fasting and get the same benefits. If  

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you eat this specific way for five days, you can  get the same benefits as a three-day water fast.

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This means you can still get the insulin drop,  which means you're starting to reverse insulin  

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resistance. You can also initiate autophagy,  which means that when protein is scarce,  

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the body gets really good at upregulating the  recycling processes. It starts going into every  

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little corner, every nook and cranny, to find  residues of protein, which could be bacteria,  

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viruses, damaged cells, misfolded proteins, or  any sort of junk. When you stop eating protein  

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and your protein intake is very low, the  body has to go out and find these things,  

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so it acts like a very powerful cleanup. Just like  fasting, it can provide weight loss, but it's not  

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so much the weight you lose during the fast as it  is the cleansing. You start reversing, and it's a  

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metabolic reset that helps you lose weight in  the future. It also provides a great cleanse.

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Let me comment on strict fasting.  I'm not opposed to it in any way;  

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I just want you to keep your options open. If  you have trouble with extended water fasting,  

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this would really be something to look into.  Water fasting works for a lot of people. If  

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you're one of those who can do it without much  discomfort or even enjoy it, then by all means,  

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keep doing it. But still, keep your options  open to try things out and get some variety.

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The biggest reason to look into this mimicking  diet is that many people have trouble fasting  

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with just water because we're all different. It  can be due to genetic differences or differences  

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in our gut flora, as the bacteria in our gut  provide a lot of signaling about inflammation,  

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hunger, and insulin resistance. We're not all  the same. Some people don't do very well when  

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they try a water fast. They might be okay for 16  hours, but beyond that, they start feeling weak,  

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very hungry to the point where they don't function  well, or they might get light-headed, dizzy,  

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or nauseous. In other words, they're  just not doing well on a water fast.

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If you want to eat in a specific way to still  get fasting benefits, the rules are very simple.  

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The first rule is that you eat less than 50%  of your normal calories. The second rule is  

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equally important: keep your protein between  15 and 20 grams per day. Fifteen grams would  

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be for a smaller person, and 20 grams would be  for a slightly bigger person. The only other  

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rule is that I believe low-carb will work  better. Many people do this without going  

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specifically low-carb, and it still works, but  it's easier and works better if you do low-carb.

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Let me give you an example of what I did for one  day out of these five days. I started with a soup  

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and salad. There was 50 grams of lettuce,  zero grams of fat, 50 grams of tomatoes,  

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25 grams of cucumber, 50 grams of bell pepper,  and 25 grams of onion. So far, there are basically  

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just trace amounts of fat in here, but then you  want some good fat, like extra virgin olive oil on  

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that salad. I had two tablespoons of that. I also  had some soup. You can make your own, and I did  

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for some of the days, but this particular day, I  just bought a vegetable soup from a store that had  

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2.3 grams of fat in it. When we add that all up,  it's about 30 grams of fat for that first meal.

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Then we look at the protein. Again, I picked  foods that are very low in protein. So far,  

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we basically just have trace amounts of protein,  which is the whole point of this diet. The soup  

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had a little bit more at 4.5 grams, so all in all,  it was 6.12 grams of protein in this first meal.  

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The carbs are all very low, with half a gram  or one gram each, until we get to the soup,  

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which had some carrots and a few other vegetables  in it. That had a little bit of carbohydrate,  

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but it's not that critical to keep the  carbohydrates super low. All in all,  

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there were 20 grams of carbs in that meal,  and the calories were very low until we get  

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to the olive oil and a little bit more from the  soup. That entire meal had about 380 calories.

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Then I made a little stir-fry, and you can  spice these up any way you like. For this one,  

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I had salt, pepper, and some curry, and I cooked  it in olive oil as well. I used leek, onion,  

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cauliflower, asparagus, avocado, and some sweet  potato on the side. If you're really trying to go  

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low-carb, you can cut out the sweet potato and do  something else, like more asparagus or avocado. I  

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cooked this in extra virgin olive oil again. When  it comes to fat, all of these vegetables have very  

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close to zero fat until we get to avocado, which  has 6.9 grams, and the extra virgin olive oil,  

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which is pure fat at 28 grams. Just like the first  meal, if we add that all up, it's 36 grams of fat.

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The protein is again very low, which we  are choosing on purpose. The cauliflower  

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is a little higher because there's a lot  of it, 200 grams, and that's the foundation  

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for that stir-fry. The rest have less than 1  gram of protein each. When we add it all up,  

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we get 8.4 grams of protein. The carbs  are going to be a little higher here,  

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with a few grams in each vegetable.  All in all, it ends up at 32.3 grams.

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When we add this all up, we see that the  leek has 15 calories, the onion has 29,  

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the cauliflower has 45, the asparagus has 7,  the avocado has 70, the sweet potato has 69,  

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and the olive oil has 256 calories, for a  total of 486 calories. When we add this all up,  

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taking the soup and salad that I just mentioned  and the stir-fry and vegetables, the totals are  

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66 grams of fat, 15 grams of protein, 52  grams of carbs, and 867 calories in total.

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Now let's look at the macros: how many percent  of the calories come from fat, protein, and  

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carbohydrates. We see that 69% of calories come  from fat, so compared to general guidelines or  

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how people eat for the most part, this is still a  high-fat diet. The protein is extremely low, which  

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is where we want to keep it. Ten percent would be  the absolute top, but seven percent is better if  

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you can get there because that's the main thing  that drives autophagy. The carbohydrates, at 24%,  

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are a little higher than I would typically  recommend because on a ketogenic diet,  

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you want to be around 5%, and on a low-carb  diet, you want to be around 10-15%. This is a  

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little higher, but it's not a problem because  the calories are so much lower overall. Since  

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you're eating much less food, you're still  going to get autophagy and be in ketosis.

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The main challenge in selecting food for this  fasting mimicking diet is finding foods that  

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are low enough in protein. A lot of the things  you normally eat will be too high in protein,  

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so you can't just eat less of the  stuff you usually eat. Normally,  

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protein is very important, and we want to  eat a significant amount of high-quality  

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protein every day to rebuild our bodies. But  the point of this is to mimic fasting. If we  

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keep the protein super low for a  few days, it won't do any harm.

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The things you can't eat are all animal products  because while they are nutritious, they are too  

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high in protein for this diet, including  bone broth. Many people love to have broth  

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when they're fasting, but a single serving of bone  broth could have 8-10 grams of protein, which is  

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over half of your protein allowance in a single  cup. You can use vegetable broth, chicken broth,  

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or beef broth for your soups, but not bone  broth. You also want to stay away from legumes,  

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such as beans, lentils, and peas, because they're  too high in protein. Avoid eggs, dairy, nuts,  

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and seeds as well, as all of these foods will  make it difficult to keep your protein low enough.

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Here's what you can eat: leafy  greens, almost unlimited amounts;  

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lots of non-starchy vegetables, though  not unlimited, but you can have a lot;  

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some tubers, which are great for your  soups, such as sweet potato, rutabaga,  

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celery root, parsnip, etc. You can have some,  but don't overdo it because they do have some  

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starch and calories. I recommend extra virgin  olive oil for most of your fat and calories,  

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but still limit it to four to five tablespoons  a day to stay under 50% of your normal calories.

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There are lots of resources to  find different recipes online,  

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and hopefully, you've watched enough of my  videos to know what real and good food is,  

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so you know what to avoid if these recipes  contain something you don't want to have.

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There is one more way to do this: buy a  prepackaged fasting mimicking diet kit.  

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It's extremely convenient and costs about $200,  which is a lot of money for what you're getting.  

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However, you won't spend money on any other food  for five days. I would not recommend getting this  

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kit unless you absolutely have to. If you know  anything about cooking and have time to figure  

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this out yourself, you'll be better off. This  kit has no vegetables other than a few dried  

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pieces in the soup mixes. There is a lot of  starch in these soup mixes for thickener,  

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and it mostly consists of soup mixes and  various forms of crackers and food bars,  

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many of which are sweetened with chicory root.  If you have a little bit of dysbiosis or small  

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intestine bacterial overgrowth, you're going  to get very bloated from eating this way.

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The big question is, does it work? Yes,  absolutely. They have spent a lot of time  

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formulating it and getting all of the  numbers, grams, and macros together,  

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so it's very convenient. You don't have to  measure or cook, and you minimize the risk of  

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straying outside the guidelines. It will get you  into ketosis and autophagy, even though it has a  

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lot more carbohydrates than what I was showing  you. Comparing my macros (69% fat, 7% protein,  

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and 24% carbohydrate) to their kit, you're going  to get only 37% fat and 10% protein. It will  

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vary a little day by day, but it will be between  7-10% protein. The carbohydrates will be over 50%,  

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mostly from various forms of starch and  soup thickeners. It will work precisely  

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and pre-planned, but I believe that if you can  cook and have patience, you'll be better off. By  

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eating a lot of salads and getting a lot of  fiber, you can drop that carbohydrate component,  

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get some good fat, and have tons  more fiber and bulk to keep you full.

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If you do great on a three-day water fast,  there may not be any reason to try this. But  

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if you have trouble going longer than one day on  a water fast, then this could definitely help.  

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You can do this about once a quarter if you're  just maintaining, trying to prevent diseases,  

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get some good autophagy, and build in some  prevention. If you're reversing a condition  

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like type 2 diabetes or any condition associated  with insulin resistance, you can probably do more,  

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maybe as often as once a month. Even if you  just do this once a quarter or twice a year,  

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it's pretty easy once you get the hang of  it to throw in one or two days here and  

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there. Instead of eating your usual  stuff, just back off a little bit,  

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maybe one day a week or two days every month,  whatever suits your needs and makes you feel good.

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