THIS Is More Deadly Than Cancer And It's Preventable!

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Hello Health Champions. What if I told you that  there was a condition that was more deadly and  

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more prevalent than cancer and yet you had  almost complete control and choice over how  

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it affected you. Well the thing is that humans are  driven by fear humans will do more to avoid fear  

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than virtually anything else it's a very strong  emotion. The problem here is that we are usually  

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afraid of the wrong thing so as an example here we  have 900,000 black bears in the United States and  

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a lot of people are afraid of bears if they were  to run into one of these they'd be terrified and  

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up in the mountains near to where I live there's  this culture of they try to scare you they put  

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signs up in restaurants and so forth so it's  part of the culture to be afraid of bears and yet  

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there's less than one death per year in the United  States the ENT entire country less than one death  

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per year and virtually all those cases it was  the bear who was provoked by the human the human  

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initiated it another example is bees hornets and  wasps and I would bet that more people would be  

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afraid of a bear than a wasp if they came across  one and yet bees and wasps cost 700 death per year  

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in the United States another thing another example  is flying a lot of people are terrified of flying  

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and the reason people are scared of flying is  that if there is a disaster even though that  

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no matter how small the risk is if there is a  disaster it is so definite it is so sudden the  

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person in the accident has no control over the  matter anymore and that is very very scary but  

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let's make some comparisons now a plane can hold  hundreds of people but on average a commercial  

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flight holds about 100 people per flight and by  the way the vast majority of airplane accidents  

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and deaths are on private small aircraft not on  commercial airliners and I'm going to give you  

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some numbers and data and if you'd like to have  the slides to follow along and to review later  

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uh there's a link down below where you can get  those now here's a question for you what if we  

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had an airliner that went down we had a terrible  accident and there were no survivors do you think  

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that would get some attention I would bet that it  would the media would be all over it there would  

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be investigations Brewing now what if a few hours  later the same day the second plane went down no  

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survivors that would really get the attention and  what if we had a third and a fourth plane go down  

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on the same day no survivors what do do you think  would happen I would bet that virtually all air  

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travel would be suspended until they had figured  this out because it would be so disaster be such  

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a big deal that no one would be allowed to fly  because of that potential risk there would be  

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investigations and they would change regulations  and policies and security protocols etc. until  

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they had figured it out and they could make  sure that didn't happen again but now let's  

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say that there's this condition that can cause  an equivalent amount of death and suffering and  

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now we're not just talking about one plane we're  actually talking about 57 flights going down and  

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there are no survivors but we're not even talking  about every day we're talking every hour of every  

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day year round this condition would kill enough  people to be equivalent of 1380 flights per day  

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54,000 flights per year and what if I told  you that it gets even worse because this is  

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completely preventable 98 99% preventable and 98  99% reversible and not only that but this is well  

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known it's published in papers it's part of policy  and for anyone interested they can just research  

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it and find out now is it just me or do you think  that we should do something about this well I  

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certainly think that we should now the thing we're  talking about is chronic metabolic disease and  

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it's very well known it's published over and over  and over that lifestyle choices are the number  

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one cause of chronic degenerative disease and some  aspects of this are things like obesity metabolic  

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disease chronic low-grade inflammation and insulin  resistance and when we talk about this we really  

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need to focus in on the insulin resistance because  that is really the commonality of all these other  

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things and even though we usually call these  diseases or conditions what we have to understand  

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is that they are metabolic adaptations the body  adapts to something that we do to it if we stop  

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doing that thing the body will start reversing  that adaptation in most cases now let's talk a  

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little bit about insulin resistance because that's  the key to all of this and the thing we need to  

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understand is that blood glucose is necessary  we burn mostly fat that's a prefer fuel but a  

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little bit of glucose is necessary however very  high or very low levels of glucose is extremely  

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toxic high or low levels at the extreme will put  us into a coma and we can die from that if there's  

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no one around to assist us and it's an emergency  basically whenever we have a very high glucose  

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so insulin is what regulates this blood glucose  and here's how that works that there is a certain  

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range that that we like to keep our glucose in  and let's just call it 80s so somewhere in the  

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80s that's are good fasting blood glucose and when  we eat it's not supposed to go much higher than  

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that so when you eat your blood sugar starts  rising and then there is this hormone that we  

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talked about called insulin that comes in and it  rises slightly after there's a little bit of lag  

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but the insulin follows close the blood glucose  and insulin is like a guide or a key that opens  

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a door and lets the glucose into the cell where  it can start doing the work and then as insulin  

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does the work glucose goes down and we store the  excess we can use a little bit in this moment but  

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whatever we have extra gets stored and then we  can pull from that glucose and the body knows how  

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to regulate and balance this GL glucose so we have  energy from glucose and fat until we have a chance  

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to eat the next time and then as the glucose  comes down and levels off so does the insulin  

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and that's how it works in an ideal situation  but if we start eating a lot of sugar and a lot  

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of snacks a frequent meals and we eat all the time  and we eat too much now what happens is over time  

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our glucose will rise much higher and much faster  because glucose gets in the bloodstream faster but  

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also because insulin isn't working the cells start  resisting that frequent push of insulin anything  

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that happens a lot frequently the cells will tend  to resist so here not only is the glucose going  

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high but it's not balanced to the glucose because  we need more when the cells are resistant so now  

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we get extremely high levels of insulin and it  takes much much longer for the glucose to start  

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coming down so we have hypoglycemia high blood  glucose for long periods of time before it ever  

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comes down and usually it doesn't come down as  low as in an ideal situation but it might come  

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down to 100 110 120 which is getting close to  diabetic and also there is a delay now with with  

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the insulin so we have much higher levels for  a much longer period of time and this is what  

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insulin resistance is when the cell is resisting  insulin the levels will go much much higher to  

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have any chance at all to bring that blood glucose  down again and here's where this comes in to the  

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metabolic disease because we're creating a vicious  cycle with this because insulin is a storage  

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hormone and that's a good thing because it can  store a little bit of food for us during a feast  

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so that we can have something to live off stored  energy when there is a famine but when we eat all  

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the time and Insulin gets really really high now  the fact that it's a storage hormone creates all  

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kinds of problems because high levels of insulin  promotes lipogenesis meaning the formation of fat  

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your body takes this extra glucose and turns  it into fat because that's one of the ways it  

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can get rid of that glucose the other thing it  does is it prevents lipolysis the high levels  

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of insulin keeps the body from breaking down fat  so even if you're healthy then you store a little  

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bit but insulin is low so now you can pull that  fat that energy out of the stores and use it for  

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the next meal and you're fine you're balanced  when insulin is high and you make more fat and  

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you break down less fat now instead of seeing you  can't use that fat from the store so you have no  

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energy even though you have massive amounts of  energy stored as fat you can't get it back you  

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can't pull it out for energy and instead you get  hungry and this is the Vicious Cycle that creates  

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diabetes and metabolic syndrome and congestion  and it makes it very hard to lose weight and it  

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makes you more hungry so there's all these factors  working against you what used to be a beautiful  

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balanced system gets completely blown out of  proportion when we eat too frequently and we eat  

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sugar and processed foods frequently and here's  what we need to understand further about insulin  

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resistance that the simplest way of explaining it  is that since insulin regulates blood sugar and  

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carbohydrates turn into blood sugar this is really  nothing more than a carbohydrate in tolerance and  

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then we have all these people that tell us that  you should eat tons of cough carbs the carbs  

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are good for you but we have to understand the  context that if you are carbohydrate intolerant  

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then there's basically like this system there's  like this machine in your body that can process  

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and work through and tolerate carbohydrates but  if you're intolerant you broke that system you  

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broke that machine it's not working anymore  and now carbs are not good for you so if you  

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can tolerate if your machine is still working  then yes a certain amount of carbohydrates can  

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be totally fine you don't need them they're not  vital or essential but you can certainly tolerate  

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a fair amount of carbohydrate so let's take an  example when they say that peanuts are good for  

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you they're full of protein and fats and they do  some people a lot of good but if you're allergic  

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if you have an anaphylactic reaction then they'll  kill you so yeah they're good for you unless they  

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kill you and if we take another example that a  glass of wine it's so great it's been shown that  

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you take a glass of wine and you live longer you  have less heart disease less inflammation lost  

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less atherosclerosis unless you're an alcoholic  now that doesn't work anymore so if you are  

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intolerant then they're not good for you that  that's the perspective we have to understand and  

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the things that raise blood sugar and that cause  these problems the most are things like sugar but  

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when we say sugar a lot of people just think of  these white crystals that you add with a spoon  

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and then they think well hey you know I don't  really do that very much so I'm probably okay  

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but all carbohydrates turn to sugar at some point  so the sucrose is worse because it's 50% glucose  

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50% fructose fructose the glucose raises blood  sugar like we talked about the fructose clogs up  

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the liver causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease  which is the one of the worst strongest components  

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of insulin resistance so sugar is the worst and  it's not just what you add it's anything that's  

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sweetened but especially candy and cookies and  cakes and ice cream and so forth and then people  

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think well I don't eat any of those but I have  cereal those are good for you that's part of a  

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healthy breakfast they've been told and it's not  just kids cereals but most cereals are loaded with  

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sugar and then of course the thing a lot of people  don't think about is things like soda and lemonade  

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and sweet tea and things that you drink with food  that are just loaded with sugar so while people  

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are afraid of bears and bees and flying these  are the things you should be very very afraid  

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of people are afraid of accidents and yes there  are accidents I think you should be cautious but  

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if someone has an accident and loses a leg that  does happen it's very tragic but did you know  

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that diabetes causes 154,000 amputations per year  only in the United States and out of the diabetics  

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in this country 1.5 million have severe diabetic  retinopathy that means the back of the eye where  

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you create the the image the the vision sensors  it's getting destroyed to the point where you're  

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about to lose your vision not all of these will go  completely blind but a lot of them will here's a  

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list of the things that cause the most suffering  and premature deaths number one is heart disease  

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19.6 6 million people per year around the world  cancer is 10 million hypertension high blood  

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pressure is 7.6 million we have diabetes at 6.7  and we have strokes at 6.5 and if we add all this  

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up that's 50.4 million people around the world  and this is where I got the 504,000 airplane  

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accidents that would be equivalent and when we  look at it this way it's a wakeup call for a lot  

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of people 504,000 crashes but this is something  that we actually have a lot of control over but  

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then other people will quickly think of something  to get out of making changes and taking personal  

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responsibility so they say well you have to  die from something after all right which is  

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absolutely true so let's put this in perspective  and talk about what's really really important so  

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out of those 50 million deaths premature causing  a lot of suffering there's not all of them it's  

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not 100% there's probably only 80% because there  are other causes so that would put us at about 40  

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million people which is still a lot every year  and it doesn't postpone death in definitely it  

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only delays it probably about 10 years I would say  you can make a good case for living an extra 10  

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years if you take good care of yourself that these  diseases these conditions probably shorten it by  

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10 years but that's not really what it's about  anyway but then some people say well you know I  

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don't care about the 10 years I'd rather be dead  than black and you can fill in whatever you like  

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I'd rather be dead than giving up my ice cream  my hamburgers my Donuts my waffles it's etc etc  

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because sugar is a very powerful drug it's a very  addictive substance but this is what I want you  

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to really think about it's not about the number  of years that you have it's about the quality of  

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life that you have while you're living so it's not  about just adding Years to Life it's about adding  

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life to the years and if we think about 80% that's  not just 80% per year it's 80% of all the people  

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on the planet that could dramatically improve  their quality of life so there's 8 billion people  

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or so so six and a half could easily transform  and have a much more beautiful greater quality  

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of your life for up to 40 years extra that they  would enjoy at a different level so were a lot of  

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people today with a lot of stress and junk food  and toxins etc. when they're born they're still  

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sort of clean but then as they live a few decades  they get into a a place where their body starts  

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to ache they need some medication their blood  pressure goes up they digestion doesn't work quite  

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right they don't sleep the way they're supposed to  so maybe half of their life is where they have a  

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a good high quality of life whereas I'm arguing  that if you make some changes if you learn how  

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the body works if you get some blood work if you  understand your body and make some changes you  

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could extend that period where you have quality of  life probably double and that's where the value of  

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these changes are so just how strict you have to  be to get some of these lifestyle this quality  

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of life change changes well carbohydrates which  we're talking mostly about here is not the only  

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thing you need to change you need to learn about  how the body works and take care of all aspects  

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of Health but in terms of carbohydrates to reverse  metabolic disease you need to be very strict and  

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what does that mean well it means different things  for different people you need to be strict enough  

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so if we're talking about maintaining Health  then it's all about finding a balance for that  

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individual so give some examples if we're talking  about sugar then I would suggest to reverse  

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disease you probably want to be at zero I think  you should cut out sugar Al together and eat zero  

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grams of added sugar and absolute minimum amounts  of Fruit and Berry sugar if you are maintaining  

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Health if you found your metabolic balance  if you're at your ideal weight and your body  

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is working I think that you could probably get up  to somewhere around 20 grams of sugar per day and  

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still maintain Health if that's what you wanted  to do some people once they cut it out and they  

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learn how good real food is then they don't really  have much of an attraction for that sugar but you  

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also if you have a very very strong addiction to  Sugar like an alcoholic to alcohol if you have  

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just a tiny little bit and it sets you off again  then you should probably plan to be at zero sugar  

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zero added sugar forever because it just doesn't  work for you and in terms of carbohydrates I think  

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for some people once they're at maintenance they  can get up to probably somewhere around 70 80 gram  

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on average per day net carbs whereas if you're  trying to reverse disease you should probably  

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try to get down toward 20 for some people it's  enough to be below 50 some people need to get all  

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the way down to zero so again it's different for  different people but we need to understand where  

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we are we need to use trial and error to learn  how our bodies work and then find that balance  

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for us and one of the biggest mist mistakes people  make is they have this temporary mentality this  

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intervention mentality where they think they  can do something bad for 20 years and then do  

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something good for a limited time and then go back  to doing the bad and everything will be well well  

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it doesn't work like that if you go back to doing  the bad stuff you did to get in trouble in the  

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first place you will get in trouble again it's as  simple as that another reason we don't understand  

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the devastating impacts of metabolic disease and  chronic degenerative disease is that it doesn't  

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kill us fast enough bullets and planes and car  accidents and accidents they kill us instantly  

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so we get the message however degenerative  disease doesn't act fast enough because it  

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doesn't threaten the survival of the species we  can still make babies and procreate While We're  

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Young and then these diseases happen later on it  has no effect no impact on our ability to keep  

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the species going also it doesn't really have  much of an urgency if something could happen  

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or will probably happen 20 30 40 50 years from  now it doesn't have much of an urgency for most  

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people some people they just want the best out of  life they want to optimize their health they're  

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planning for a long healthy high quality life  and to them it is urgent but for most people not  

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really and also degenerative disease doesn't get  much Spotlight when people die from diabetes or  

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heart disease they usually die one at a time at  home or in a hospital there is not much fanfare  

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there's not much excitement it's a tragedy and  there is no Spotlight on it imagine on the other  

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hand if degenerate disease took us out differently  like a plane crash if you were in a football  

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stadium and there's 50,000 people around you and  they're having a good time and all of a sudden 500  

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people drop dead as if on Q and something dramatic  something incredibly Dynamic and disastrous happen  

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in they start losing body parts all over the  place and then they just go out with Fanfare  

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then we would have a completely different picture  but the problem is with Degen disease it doesn't  

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create any urgency or Spotlight it doesn't get  any attention and that is why it is so important  

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that you make it urgent if you want to avoid that  disease process if you want to extend your quality  

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of life then you need to understand what it does  what our lifestyle does to us and then make it  

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urgent for you so you make those changes so that  means if you're watching this and you don't have  

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any problems and your 20s 30s and 40s don't wait  you can count on these things happening if you  

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don't change and the good news is if you're in  your 50s 60s 70s 80s then make the changes now  

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and understand that it's never too late that  most of these things it's always better to do  

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it sooner obviously but it's never too late  and all of these things are adaptations the  

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body adapts to an unhealthy lifestyle and if you  change that lifestyle then the body will reverse  

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the adaptation another reason we don't change is  that we think change is hard we have resistance to  

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changes but in fact if we just educate ourselves  and make it a big deal then change is super easy  

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or at the very least change is a lot easier than  suffering change is a lot easier than getting  

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cancer it's a lot easier than a heart attack it's  a lot easier than a stroke and it's a lot easier  

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than ending up in a wheelchair now I sympathize so  much with with people have accidents and end up in  

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wheelchairs for one reason or another but imagine  putting yourself in the wheelchair how devastating  

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would that be to know that you had the choice  early on and all you had to do was make some  

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simple changes and what you will probably find  also is that change is delicious once you get  

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off that sugar and that processed garbage and all  those chemicals now your taste buds will wake up  

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again they'll come back to life and you'll start  appreciating the real flavors of food and you will  

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experience flavors like you never have before or  at least not in a long time and the other thing  

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is that change feels good if you read some of  the tens of thousands of comments that people  

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leave on these videos they'll talk about how they  lost the weight and they talk about how they got  

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off medication how their blood pressure came down  down but most of all they talk about how good they  

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feel how they can do things they haven't done in  30 years how they love hiking and playing sports  

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and playing with their grandkids and that they  feel better than they did 30 years ago that's  

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what we're talking about. If you enjoyed this  video you're going to love that one and if you  

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truly want to master Health by understanding how  the body really works make sure you subscribe hit  

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