This Is How Social Media Destroys Your Brain

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Hello Health Champions. What would happen if you  skipped social media for 30 days? A lot of people  

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think that social media is mostly about wasting  time but while it does use up a lot of time  

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there's a whole lot more to it that we're going  to talk about. In North America they use a little  

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bit more than two hours a day on social media  south America is almost three and a half hours  

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Africa is over three hours Europe's an  hour 15 and Asia is a little over two hours  

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on average in the world we spend two hours 25  minutes per day on social media which is about  

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one hour more than eight years ago in recent years  they've found that the more social media people  

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use the more they have problems with stress they  have anxiety depression suicidal thoughts they  

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have loss of self-esteem because a lot of social  media is all about validating yourself through  

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comparison and posting the right  pictures and getting thumbs up and likes  

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and even though people are going on  to feel valued and pursue friends  

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they end up actually feeling more lonely and more  isolated and maybe the biggest problem that we're  

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going to talk about is a loss of focus the driving  force on social media is the magic of maybe  

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so it's kind of like a slot machine which is one  of those gambling devices called one armed bandit  

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and it is the probability of a win that  you don't get it every time and it's not  

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a regular interval it's intermittent and  sort of unexpected and then when you get it  

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when you look that maybe there is a new text maybe  there is a new like maybe there is a new heart  

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maybe there is something interesting or  fun then once we hit that positive note  

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there's a 400 percent rise in dopamine which  is our pleasure our habit-forming pleasure  

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neurotransmitter and that 400 percent rise isn't  quite the same as cocaine but it's pretty close  

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but whatever we might think about the internet and  phones and social media they started out with good  

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intentions it was about communication information  and making it all more convenient but then as it  

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grew they figured out that there was money to be  made and now they started competing for your time  

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they started developing algorithms to make you  spend more time on their platform because if they  

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could get you to spend more time they could sell  more ads and they could increase their profits and  

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now these companies developed and hired attention  engineers and these were people who specialized in  

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developing maximum addiction on purpose so they  studied addiction they studied neurology they  

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studied endocrinology they studied the gambling  behaviors and they try to incorporate as many  

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of those factors of those addictive factors as  possible on purpose to get people to spend more  

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time and actually get addicted to these social  platforms so what we have to understand though is  

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that there's still something good underneath all  this it's not all bad but you can use the internet  

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and use the social media as a tool or if you  don't pay attention if you're not careful then  

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you become the tool a big foundation in my  channel is talking about how the world is changing  

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faster than our physiology so we have to start  understanding how that world is affecting our  

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physiology and our bodies the world has changed  more in the last 50 years than it has in the  

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previous 50 000 we have foods we never ate before  we have processed foods we have sugar we have  

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depleted food we have GMO's we have pollution and  pesticides that the body never encountered before  

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we have a level of stress and a pace and a hectic  life we never had before and technology is kind  

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of a double-edged sword it helps us in many ways  become more productive and become very convenient  

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but at the same time it sort of adds to the  burden as well because there's more to keep up of  

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and we have to adapt to this high pace and what  we have to keep in mind with these fast changes is  

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your DNA can't keep up your DNA your genome your  genetic material changes at the rate of tens of  

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thousands of years to make significant changes so  what's happened in the last 50 years your body has  

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no chance to keep up with that the other thing  we have to keep in mind that whatever your  

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experience is whatever food produces hormones  whatever pollution does to you whatever stress  

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and technology does to you it is your brain that  processes all of it so there's a big discussion  

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going on about social media and how people are  feeling different and they're kind of looking just  

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at human behavior in the short term but the bigger  question that we have to ask is if we understand  

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that the brain processes all of this and social  media changes our health and our behavior then  

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how is social media creating those brain changes  when they talk about addiction they usually make a  

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differentiation between behavioral addictions and  substance addictions so everything on the table  

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here would be substance addictions like alcohol  and cigarettes and morphine and so forth but  

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behavioral that's more like sexual addiction and  gambling and now social media it's a behavioral  

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change however what we have to realize is that in  the brain the changes are very similar behavior  

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or the substance they act very much the same way  in the long run and what they have found is that  

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it produces a degeneration in certain areas in  the brain and those are the ones responsible  

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for attention and focus when you have your  attention you have your focus on certain things  

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it's because you have the ability to filter other  things and we'll come back and talk about that  

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and these centers these brain areas also are  controlling emotion and decision making so  

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we'll come back to this and a lot of this is about  the frontal lobe the executive center of the brain  

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and why is it so critical why do we want to go  that extra step and talk about mechanisms because  

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this addictive behavior these are things that we  know we should change another thing that people  

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try to change is their weight and their  eating behavior everyone says that should eat  

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less well how is that working because if all  you try to do is eat less you will ultimately  

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fail and that's what we're seeing over and over  because first we have to understand that different  

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foods produce different hormonal responses and  these hormones determine behavior and over time  

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this behavior and this food will create disease  but if we don't understand the mechanism and  

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we know the consequence then we're not going to  get motivated enough to make changes but once we  

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understand now we can change the foods make other  hormones and now we have some power the exact same  

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thing is going on with social media it's just that  we're consuming video we're consuming bits of data  

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instead of food so if you're addicted but you  say oh I'm going to try to spend less time  

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that is probably not going to be very effective  because social media are creating these  

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brain changes that lead to addiction that lead  to these mental and physical health problems  

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but because of these brain changes just like  with the hormones you are not in complete control  

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you have to step back and get some motivation  and some distance to this so you understand  

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the consequences and the mechanism and then  you have a chance to do something about it  

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now to really understand how these social media  devices how these electronic devices affect the  

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brain we have to understand a little bit more  about the brain and the purpose of the brain  

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how the brain works how the brain gets programmed  so the purpose of the brain is to interact with  

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our environment and to do that we have to be  adaptable and we have to be flexible humans  

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can exist in the largest number of environments of  any species we are so incredibly adaptive because  

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we have the most flexible the most complex  brain of any living thing and most of that  

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interaction with our environment also relates to  movement and with movement of course we can move  

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about in our environment and create habitats and  find food now awareness is the ability to perceive  

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things to interpret to respond to your environment  and interact with it to be aware of it first  

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and this is a unicellular this is a single  cell and it does have some awareness it does  

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have some ability to interpret and process and  interact with its environment but it's very very  

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limited because its sensory apparatus is very  primitive and it has a very small surface area  

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now if we just multiply that a few times we get a  multi-cellular life form it's still very primitive  

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but assuming that these cells can communicate that  they have the ability to interact with each other  

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and also to cooperate to move toward a common  goal toward a higher purpose now this life  

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form with four cells can start to express a more  complex a slightly more complex behavior than the  

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single cell and in doing that it has expanded its  awareness it can do more stuff and that of course  

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leads us to the human brain which is arguably  the most complex structure in the known universe  

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and the brain is housed inside the skull and  the extension of the brain is the spinal cord  

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and together they form the central nervous  system and that contains about a hundred billion  

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neurons in your body total you have about  40 trillion cells and they all communicate  

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indirectly but the brain and central  nervous system is what ties together  

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all that communication without that communication  you would just be a bunch of cells but with that  

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coordinating action you are a community that  can work toward a common goal and each of  

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these hundred billion neurons they just don't link  together in a loop they make an incredibly complex  

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network they each make about five to ten thousand  connections or synapses on average and there's  

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some cells in the small brain in the cerebellum  that make about 200 000 connections per cell and  

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all of these connections add up to your neural  networks now if we can increase and maintain  

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that complexity all those connections if we can  maintain that inter-connectedness that strong  

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connection then we're also going to increase the  metabolic threshold the ability of these cells  

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to perform work and that's going to create  stability and robustness and what does that do  

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it is the very properties the strength that lets  you be resilient and withstand stress and anxiety  

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and trauma and so forth so then of course the  question is how do we improve and maintain all  

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of these five factors to build ourselves a strong  brain and the answer is we want to create multiple  

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inputs for the brain so if you're out like this  guy hiking then there is a principle called  

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Hebb's law that says that cells that fire together  wire together so this guy is involved in something  

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called spatial summation and what that means  is he's getting input from many many different  

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directions and that provides some context for what  he's doing he has gravity as muscle tone he has  

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movement he has temperature he has hearing  and all of these different inputs provide  

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a context that gets wired together in a very  complex network so we have the visual input the  

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movement gravity stretch sound it all gets wired  in and now we get this very complex wiring that  

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gets strengthened the more we use it into this  robust and resilient brain and the more of these  

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cells and the more of these connections we have we  also have an increased and expanded awareness and  

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increased ability to take in the environment and  process that information and the opposite of that  

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would be spatial subtraction now that's not a real  thing spatial summation is a real neurological  

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term but i made this one up to illustrate the  difference between that complex hiking behavior  

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and what happens when you're sitting down with  an electronic device so things like games and  

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cell phones and social media and basically all  electronic devices with a very narrow focus  

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does this so what happens now is you have a  very fast changing very interesting very intense  

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visual input so you're activating certain areas in  your brain related to visual input but there's no  

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change in the environment the environment doesn't  match what's going on with the visual input so you  

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don't get that complex wiring instead you  get a very incomplete wiring of the brain  

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and as a result the more limited your wiring the  more you focus on one aspect without getting that  

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matching input the more you get a shrinking  perception and consciousness you are less  

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able to experience life because you're  conditioning and programming your brain to  

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function primarily on electronic devices so I grew  up with Mario brothers and Nintendo and I quickly  

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became pretty addicted I love those games but I  stopped because after I had sat down for a few  

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hours and I got that tunnel vision and I stood  up and I was all dazed and confused I got scared  

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I realized that this is very very dangerous to  the brain this was long before I had any training  

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in in this specific brain stuff but I understood  that this can't be good and if something is that  

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addictive and it makes me feel that way and I  have the tendency to become that addicted then  

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I just can't do that at all but now you might  ask what about 20 minutes would that be okay  

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if you do this 20 minutes once in a while and  here's the thing to understand that it's all about  

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balance that which do you do more of if you move  more in a three-dimensional world and getting that  

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complex input and you're getting five or ten times  more of that then you do the limited electronic  

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device input then the complex input is going to  override the narrow input but the way we're doing  

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it today with most people and the addictive  nature we are getting way way more electronic  

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time than we are time out in the real world now we  have an absolute epidemic of poor attention span  

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and when we have poor attention span short  attention span then the people are trying to  

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get our attention have to go to new lengths so  they know how to increase the stimuli that's why  

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movies and tv and advertising looks so  different than it did 20 30 40 years ago  

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now you have to create sounds you have to  change the angles you have to zoom in and out  

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you have to edit things with two second clips you  have to keep things moving because if something  

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stays the same for five seconds people have lost  their attention already but then when they keep  

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stimulating you more when they're using all their  tricks then your attention span gets even worse  

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because they can't get your attention it's like  you get worse and worse and worse they have to get  

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more and more inventive they have to come  up with stronger stimuli so this becomes  

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a vicious cycle that the better they become at  getting your attention the worse your attention  

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gets and then eventually you can't create  attention on your own if your life depended on  

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it and i think this is a bigger problem than most  people realize that we no longer have the ability  

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to sit still we get restless we get nervous we get  bored we feel really bad if we just have to sit  

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for even a minute if there's peace and quiet if  there's none of these stimuli interrupting us  

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we get anxious we don't know what to do we don't  know how to create focus and we lose that ability  

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to focus and we even lose the ability to think  whenever we're left to our own thoughts we look  

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for something to interrupt it we don't know how  to maintain a stream of thought of constructive  

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thought and evolve that thought we're just looking  for something to stimulate us to interrupt that  

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quiet moment and one way this shows up in my  world of course is there's so many people who want  

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short videos they want quick sound bites they just  want the bullet list tell me what it is i don't  

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want to understand it just tell me what to do but  that doesn't leave them any wiser that doesn't  

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leave them any better off because they get the  list and then they compare it to another list that  

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says something else and now they're more confused  than ever another thing that they do is of course  

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they watch it on higher speed they speed it up  to one and a half times or two times the speed  

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because they feel that if they can just listen  and catch the words then they've watched the video  

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here's the problem though it doesn't make an  impact on your brain it doesn't create a complex  

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network it doesn't integrate in your nervous  system unless you can process and think about  

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the information and you can do that while you're  watching but of course you can't do that if you  

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speed it up to 2x but if it is a good paste  and you can keep up and sort of process that  

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information while you're watching then it has a  lasting impact because you have integrated it into  

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your nervous system it's the same way that's  the difference between watching a quick video  

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or reading a book reading a book forces you to  use your brain in a different way to engage more  

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areas of your brain you have to follow the lines  in a very precise manner you have to visualize you  

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have to create images in your brain it's much  much more activating to read a book than just  

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watch a movie or something like that when they  were talking about brain areas that degenerated  

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and resulted in less focus less ability to  regulate emotions and make good decisions  

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they were talking about the frontal lobe because  the frontal lobe is also known as the executive  

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center it's the center for executive function  everything that makes us human and the way  

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humans are different from other species is about  frontal lobe and this helps us set better goals  

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make better decisions it helps us plan and  sustain focus and how does it do that it does  

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it by turning off things that are not important  ninety percent of what the frontal lobe does  

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is to turn things off it turns off distraction  it turns off stress it turns off anxiety and  

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that's why people with a strong brain with a  high metabolic threshold with endurance that's  

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why they tolerate distractions and stress and  anxiety much better it rarely affects them and  

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social media does the exact opposite of everything  we talked about social media fragments attention  

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it's designed to keep you unfocused so that you'll  click on the next thing they flash on your screen  

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and if you do that long enough it has the ability  to permanently damage the ability to focus  

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so if you got to age 25 before you ever saw a cell  phone you're much better off because your brain  

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was hopefully built to a certain strength at that  point but what if you get cell phones at this age  

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as a two three four year old then you may never  even develop that healthy brain with the good  

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integration and the complex networks alcohol  tobacco cocaine addictive substances they are  

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restricted because we understand the consequences  but social media may be just as destructive in a  

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slightly different way especially if we keep it  up because people understand to stay away from  

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alcohol tobacco and addictive substances so they  might use them once in a while or not at all  

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but we don't understand that about social  media and electronic devices yet so we use  

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electronic devices as pacifiers as babysitters we  use them as digital companions instead of friends  

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for the first time in history we have artificial  digital companions and of course if the average  

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is two and a half hours per day there are  some that hardly use it at all and others  

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that spend most of their day on these devices and  again most of the discussion is about how is this  

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affecting the quality of life short term how is  it affecting how people feel but i really want to  

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emphasize we want to take it to the next level and  we want to ask what is this doing if we have an  

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incomplete brain if we're either breaking down the  brain or if we're not building it properly in the  

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first place what is that going to do 30 40 years  down the road and i really really hope I'm wrong  

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but I think what we're seeing isn't even the tip  of the iceberg now if you quit social media and  

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electronic devices for 30 days what will happen  you probably see improved mood improved attention  

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you might even see improved thinking skills if you  spend some time with yourself and you force your  

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brain to do things that it hasn't done in a while  like thinking you'll probably see some improved  

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productivity as a result of improved focus and  attention and better thinking skills and you might  

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even see some improved self-esteem depending on  how you've been using the social media in the past  

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and you might appreciate your life more your  quality of life when you find you have extra  

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time for things that really matter there's been a  lot of research and there's been books written on  

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this topic and as a result thousands of people  have taken the challenge of putting away their  

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phones and their social media and they noticed a  dramatic improvement in the quality of life about  

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half of them have noticed dramatic improvements  so does that mean i think you should quit social  

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media that they're a bad thing that cell phones  are bad no i don't think that at all i think it's  

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a fantastic tool but you have to understand you  have to learn to use it as a tool or you become  

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the tool you become someone else's tool so if  you decide to quit for a period that's fine  

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but if you don't I want you to be aware and  mindful really be honest and examine step  

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back and before you pick it up don't just  mindlessly start clicking things examine  

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what's your purpose why am I doing this is  this really adding value to me in any way  

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and I have a bunch of different social media  accounts I've never used them I use YouTube to get  

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information and to provide information I have  the other accounts I've hardly ever been on them  

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but it's great to get information on YouTube and  if you use it for that then it builds you up it's  

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very productive it can also be for professional  contacts there's some platforms that can help you  

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further your career if you use it for that and  nothing else I also use it for business texting  

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it's very efficient if I'm not in the office  and they have questions we can quickly exchange  

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information I love to travel with my cell phone it  gets me directions it tells me where the traffic  

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jams are it saves me time if I'm traveling I have  flight reservations hotel reservations car rental  

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reservations it's all in one place it's very  convenient right and you can also use it for  

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many many different things like every time I go to  the bathroom I have five minutes I do a language  

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lesson so right now I'm learning Spanish German  and French and there's lots and lots of things  

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that your phone can do as long as you don't let  yourself mindlessly fall into that endless pit  

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of social media. If you enjoyed this video,  you'll love that one. And if you truly want  

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