The Shocking TRUTH About Fats

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Hello Health Champions. Today I want to reveal the shocking truth about fat but

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in order to understand the issue completely we have to understand what

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fat is where does fat come from and we have to understand the mechanisms of

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what happens in the body when we eat fat or when we don't. Coming right up.

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Hey I'm doctor Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete

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and if you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really

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works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything in this video I will share ten principles with you about how fat works

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in the body and it's critical that you understand all ten of them otherwise you

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won't have the whole picture and you need the whole picture to know when fat

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is good for you and when fat might be bad for you and if you stick around to

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the end I'm gonna give you a bonus that's gonna tie it all together for you

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so it's gonna be clearer than it's ever been before let's just real quick talk

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about what fat is and what carbohydrates are so on planet Earth if

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you're a human or if you're any other life form on the planet you are carbon

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based carbon like in carbohydrate all life forms on the planet are carbon

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based so if you're talking about a carbohydrate carbon and hydration. That

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means carbon plus water so water is H2O so carbohydrate has carbon and hydrogen

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and oxygen which incidentally is exactly what fat has it's just a different form

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alright it's still carbon and hydrogen and oxygen and that means they're

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somewhat interchangeable that carbohydrate can be turned into fat it's

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a better storage form which we're going to talk about in detail we can't turn

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fat back into carbohydrate but the fat is linked together

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in triglycerides and we can use the glycerol from the backbone and we can

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turn that back into glucose so we always have a tiny little bit of carbohydrate

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that we can make from fat even when we're not eating any carbohydrate at all

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and protein is also a carbohydrate in the sense it contains carbon and

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hydrogen and oxygen but you just sprinkle in a little bit of nitrogen and

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now you have amino acids that can become protein but fundamentally they share a

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lot of building blocks so that means they're somewhat interchangeable they

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have different purposes at different times but we're going to focus on on fat

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today and just understand where that comes from number one thing to

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understand is that your body is smart it's not just smart it's a miracle

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of intelligence it's so perfect so fine-tuned so meticulous everything fits

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together it knows exactly why it's doing what it's doing when I hear people and

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especially doctors saying that we don't know why that happens those things just

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happen sometimes I cringe nothing ever just happens sometimes the body does

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everything for a reason and the number one reason it does anything is for

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survival if we look back at human history and if we look at any wild

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animal today then we have an irregular food supply okay there is not

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refrigerators for all the animals on the planet they don't have three square

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meals plus snacks and neither did humans until very very recently and because the

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food supply was irregular then we had to set up a system where we could take

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advantage of when there was plenty so that we could survive when there wasn't

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so much and we call that feast and famine so during the feast we had to

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have a way of putting some extra energy some fuel in storage for the

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so that when we hit a period where there wasn't so much food then we had

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something to fuel the energy otherwise we would be a very short-lived species

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so storage is necessary for survival so the next question then is how do we

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store energy and we can do it in two forms primarily even though protein also

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contains energy the body saves it for last because we need the muscle for

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propulsion we need to be able to walk and work and fight and the muscles

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perform that work so we don't want to burn off the muscles too early and

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that's why the body always saves it for last and the two ways that it can store

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energy the other two ways is in the form of glycogen or fat the glycogen is

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extremely limited I know you hear people talking about glycogen storage all the

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time but we have to put it in perspective and realize the body is very

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very poor at storing glycogen the most you can store is about 1500 calories

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worth that's less than one day's energy supply of glycogen if you depended

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entirely on glycogen you would never live an entire day the species would die

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out within 24 hours unless we could constantly find food every day so the

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first day the species was without food we'd be wiped out and when we look at

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that 1,500 we have to realize about three-quarters of that is in the muscles

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and that glycogen is earmarked for the muscles so even though your brain and

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your tissues and your red blood cells need some glycogen they can never get it

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from the muscle the glycogen goes in the muscle and stays there so if we want to

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retrieve some glucose for the rest of the body for the brain and organs then

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we have to go to the liver and then we're limited to 400 calories a day

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right that's very very little glycogen we wouldn't last very far if

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that's all we depended on so the best fuel for survival and necessity for

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survival is to be able to store fat so if a somewhat overweight person weighs

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about 200 pounds this is not like morbidly obese this is

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just like high average today 200 pounds body weight 40 percent body fat that's

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280,000 calories worth of fat that's a fortune that's stored away as energy we

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could live six months off of that energy without adding anything except water and

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some vitamins and minerals basically so compare six months to one day and you

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start understanding why fat is so critical for survival we would never

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make it unless we could put some fat into storage and unless we had a way of

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using that fat for energy and during a fast we have to have be able to live off

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of fat only and the third principle is to understand then why did the body pick

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fat why do all animals store energy excess as fat and the reason is because

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it's most efficient one gram of carbohydrates stored as glycogen also

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binds 3 grams of water it's like a sponge it's sucks water it holds water

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to it so one gram of glycogen actually weighs 4 grams and it gives us 4

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calories so if we were to store energy in the form of glycogen we would have

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one calorie per gram stored whereas with fat we have one gram equal

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nine calories so fat is nine times more efficient for our survival and if we

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were to store let's say that a thin person like myself I have about a

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hundred thousand calories worth of fat stored on my body and I think it's

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reasonable to think that that's about what a lean person not an emaciated but

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a lean person would need to survive the winter okay you go a few months with

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less food so you need to be able to burn a little bit of extra fat every day for

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the the winter months so somewhere around a hundred thousand just

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hypothetically if that was stored as fat we would need about thirty pounds if it

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was stored as glycogen we would need to store 270 pounds worth of glycogen if we

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include the water that it binds so if you're gonna carry around on your body

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you're gonna carry around your energy reserves you want a backpack that weighs

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30 pounds or you want a backpack that weighs 270 all right that's pretty

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evident so the only way that we could survive the only way that we could store

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enough energy to make it would be in the form of fat that is why we don't store

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carbohydrate we store a tiny little bit and the rest of it gets very quickly

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converted into fat principle number four to understand is how does the body

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create fat and store fat and the answer is insulin insulin is our storage

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hormone the purpose of insulin is to increase when we eat something our blood

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sugar goes up and the purpose of insulin is to take the body from a catabolic or

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breakdown state into an anabolic or build up or storage state that's what

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insulin does and if we eat carbohydrates we have a large insulin response if we

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eat protein we have a medium insulin response and if we eat fat we have a

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virtually zero insulin response it's a negligible insulin response to fat and

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why is that because carbohydrates gets absorbed in the bloodstream

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the fastest and when blood sugar goes up that's a good thing to a point but

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really high blood sugar or really low blood sugar is very toxic to the brain

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diabetics can go into a coma from either high or low blood sugar so when we get

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high blood sugar from high carbohydrate consumption that's an unstable situation

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that's an emergency the body has to bring that down quickly and that's why

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the insulin response to carbohydrates is so much higher than to protein or fat

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another way of saying that is that carbohydrates because they have to get

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out of the bloodstream faster they get in the bloodstream faster they get have

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to get out of the bloodstream faster they get processed quicker which means

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we are ready to eat again sooner and that's a good thing if we're

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trying to put on fat for the winter it's a bad thing because we're get hungry all

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the time and that's the advantage of protein and

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fat because they're absorbed slower they stay in the bloodstream longer and there

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is no urgency to get them out of there we get full longer

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we get very satiated so we don't have to eat so often so insulin is a fat storing

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hormone it's a fat creating hormone and it also is a hormone that prevents fat

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burning principle number five and this is something that very often gets lost

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in the arguments we hear vegans and low carb and carnivores and high carb and we

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have all these different people and all these different arguments and what they

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miss is that any excess will be stored any excess will trigger extra insulin

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because any excess has to be stored that's the purpose of it okay anything

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that is extra that we're not using in this moment has to be stored if we fill

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up our glycogen stores the excess has to be converted to fat we don't have

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a choice that's just the way it works so it doesn't matter if you eat more protein

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or more fat or more carbohydrates if it's in a combination that extra and it

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triggers insulin which it will if it's extra it will get stored as fat number

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six so if this is how it works then is fat storage a good thing or a bad thing

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well I know what you're thinking because if you're like most people then you have

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a little bit of extra and you don't like it so you think well fat storage is

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obviously a bad thing however from an evolutionary perspective if we think

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back a hundred thousand years then fat storage again was a means to survival if

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we lived in a world of feast and famine then fat storage allowed us to store

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some extra fuel which then allowed us to use it and survive but that's the key

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that there's a balance between storage and uses storage and usage and when we

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live in a world of abundance and especially in the world of high carb

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abundance now we're only getting the storage component of that equation we've

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completely lost the time where we empty the vault because there's never a famine

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and now we end up with something called chronic congestion that we eat something

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insulin puts it away and before we get a chance to use it we eat again and we put

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it away we eat again and we put it away we end up with chronic congestion we're

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stuffing we're over filling every cell of the body and that is what leads to

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the metabolic syndrome that causes most degenerative disease number seven is a

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big question and there's a lot of arguments around this there's a low fat

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camp and there's a high fat camp and the low fat camp claims that fat dietary fat

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causes insulin resistance and they've got the research papers to prove it and

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what they're basing that on is a bunch of observational research that says that

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when they observe a cell that is packed with fat that cell is also insulin

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resistant it's an insulin resistant cell and they can even show that the fat in

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that cell is signaling to block the action of insulin so they are right

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a fatty cell is insulin resistant and it is signaling further insulin resistance

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but what they're not asking is how did that cell become insulin resistant

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they're assuming that because there is fat in the cell and the cell is insulin

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resistant the fat must be the cause rather than a co-conspirator rather than

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just something that happens at the same time so we have to understand that the

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insulin is what puts the fat in the cell that makes the cell insulin resistant

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and the insulin resistance is a result of the cell being overstuffed it's over

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congested and it didn't matter if we eat carbohydrate or protein or fat if we ate

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too much of something then the excess would be stored as fat and that cell

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becomes insulin resistant because it says I've got enough you've stuffed me

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plenty leave me alone I don't want that insulin to give me anymore of what I

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don't what I already have so dietary fat does not cause insulin resistance

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cellular fat is associated with insulin resistance and dietary fat in itself

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does not trigger insulin and so it can't cause insulin resistance we're going to

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talk about some other cases on combinations where it is still not a

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good thing but we'll explain that principle number eight what is the

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primary fuel of the body if you look online if you look at the USDA you look

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at Mayo Clinic you'll see over and over and over that they say that carbohydrate

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is the primary fuel of the body that the brain can only run on glucose and so

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forth and all of that is wrong the body will run primarily on glucose when

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glucose is in abundance and is being continuously supplied that does not mean

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it's the primary fuel it means it's the fuel that needs to be disposed of first

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because high blood sugar is toxic the brain does not only run on glucose when

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we have a famine when we have a fast when we go for a longer period of time

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without food the body makes ketones and during a fast when carbs are in low

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supply the brain uses as much as 75% ketones for fuel carbohydrate is not the

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primary fuel it turns out that fat is the primary fuel and if we if you

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understand anything about how the body stores fat for survival you have to

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understand that fat is the primary fuel because during a famine you're gonna run

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on 95% fat you're gonna spare the protein for the most part you'll lose a

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percent here and there but there are no carbs added so the carbohydrates are

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going to come from that glycerol backbone and the other 95 percent of

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your energy is gonna come from fat so if you're on a keto diet or if you're on a

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fast then you're gonna burn about 95 percent fat and 5% carbohydrates and

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here's an interesting parallel that a lot of people like the extreme low fat

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people they say you need to eat less than 10% fat in your diet your body

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can't run on 10% fat there is absolutely no way because most of the organs at

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rest work best on fat so if you eat 10% fat

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your body will turn carbohydrates into fat because you can't use all those

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carbohydrates in the moment and your heart and your liver and your kidneys

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they actually prefer fat so if you eat virtually no fat your body will convert

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carbs into fat so yeah you're using about 50% carbs and 50% fat anyway there

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is no way to make the body run on 10% fat because it will convert carbs into

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fat to bring that ratio up to around 50 50 I don't know the exact number it

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could be 40 60 but a lot of the carbs get converted because the organs prefer

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fat the only thing the carbohydrate or glucose is necessary for is the brain

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during a fast it still needs about 25% of its energy from glucose the red blood

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cells run only on glucose they don't have any mitochondria they can only get

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energy from glycolysis but that's a very small percentage of your body weight so

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they don't use an enormous amount plus they don't do any work they just float

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around and the only other thing that you absolutely have to have carbohydrates

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for is emergencies but you never run completely out your muscles always store

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some glycogen and if you have to make a run for it and you make lactic acid then

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that lactic acid came from carbohydrate that lactic acid is a byproduct of

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glycolysis of breaking glucose in half so during an emergency when you have to

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make a sprint when you have to create lactic acid and huff and puff then

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glucose is required but you don't need a ton of it because that period of time is

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not going to be very long and the muscles are always going to store some

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principle number 9 does eating fat make you fat

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even though I promote low carb and high fat and lots of people do high fat and

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they lose weight it's not completely as simple as that because if you're on a

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high carb diet then eating fat makes you fat because remember it's the insulin

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that stores fat it's the insulin that puts the food away and makes you hungry

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so if you eat high carb and high fat you will get fat and this is a problem with

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a lot of studies that they do they call it a low carb high fat diet and they

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think 60% carbs is normal when they set out to do these studies so they drop

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that down to 40% and they think that's low carb but 40% is still an enormous

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amount of carbohydrate compared to when you're fasting or you're eating a

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ketogenic diet so 40% carbohydrate is still going to keep your insulin

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sky-high and when insulin is sky-high then you're gonna store fat and you

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can't burn fat so remember that you can't eat high fat unless you go very

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low carb it's not a good idea if you eat low carb meaning less than

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10% carbohydrate or in ketosis as low as 5% then high fat does not make you fat

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it makes you satiated it allows you to go longer between meals so in the

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end you end up eating less food and burning more fat principle number 10 so

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we've pretty much agreed that fat overall is a good thing but there's

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still fats that heal and there's still fats that kill and the good fats are the

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ones that nature produced for us saturated fats in animal fats natural

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fats in fish and meat and nuts and avocados all the natural fats are good

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especially if we eat them in the food that they came from

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we eat the whole food then that food protects the fats and keep them stable

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and all their nutrients available we can also make oils if we process them

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lightly so butter coconut oil extra virgin olive oil avocado oil if they're

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lightly processed then they're still good they're still very very close to

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the way that nature made them and saturated fats are great because they're

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stable you can leave butter out on the counter it gets soft but it doesn't go

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rancid it doesn't get ruined in immediately the bad fats are man-made

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fats it's fats that we alter we take a bean

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or a seed where we take corn something that doesn't have a lot of fat in it to

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start with and now we have to extract the fat with petroleum solvents and with

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extremely high pressure and extremely high heat and chemicals and then we

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deodorize it and clean it and so forth these are so destroyed they're so

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altered that they are oxidized and rancid and that harsh processing turns

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them basically poisonous on top of that they're very high in omega sixes which

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are inflammatory so there are good fats and bad fats and even though the bad

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fats will still help you reduce insulin resistance it will still accomplish most

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of the things we saw here that's in the short term in the long term you need to

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eat whole food you need to eat the things that nature produced because they

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will provide the nutrients and they're not going to be toxic so you can be

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healthy for the long run so now that you understand the ten principles now that

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you have them down cold then we can tie it all together

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and we want to think about all of this that we've talked about as momentum and

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you can have momentum toward storage or you can have momentum toward usage you

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can have momentum towards congestion clogging or you can have momentum

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toward cleaning and of course the storage is associated with insulin

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resistance and having excess the usage is associated with insulin sensitivity

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and it is the opposite is when you're you're cleaning it's when you're using

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more than you're putting in so if fat is good or not depends on the

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quality of the fat of course but it depends on where you are where is your

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momentum so it doesn't mean that you have completely resolved your insulin

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resistance but you have to be moving away from insulin resistance if you're

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still eating in a way that you're becoming more insulin resistant and more

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clogged then fat is not good is not necessarily worse than anything else you

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eat but you're still your momentum is still toward congestion and fat isn't

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going to help you if you are moving if you cut the carbs enough if you cut the

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the carbs and the the frequency of meals enough that you're using more than

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you're storing you've shifted the momentum toward clean up toward

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de-congestion and now fat is good because fat now helps you further reduce insulin

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resistance it makes you satiated it helps you eat less even though fat

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dietary fat has the highest calorie density it is very satisfying and it

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doesn't trigger insulin so eating more fat allows you to eat fewer calories

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overall and it allows you to move away from congestion and now fat is a good thing

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For some of you that truth may not have been so shocking but what's

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shocking to me is the number of people out there who still have no idea

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that fat is okay and when you look around in the grocery stores you see

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thousands of low-fat and nonfat products promoted as guilt-free and heart-healthy

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that is shocking so I hope you found this useful and that you share this

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information with anyone that you know who is still stuck with the idea of fat

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phobia because it is hurting them if you enjoyed this video make sure that you

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check out that one as well thank you so much for watching I'll see

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you in the next video

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