These Simple Lab Tests Can Save Your Life

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Hello Health Champions. Today we're going to  talk about how getting some blood work done  

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and understanding how to read it correctly  could actually save your life and blood work  

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can be life-saving but let me start off with an  analogy regarding automobiles because I know a lot  

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of people have a car and a lot of people like  to service their cars so here's the question.  

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Is it better to fix your car before it breaks or  after it breaks? And when I ask this in my clinic  

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I always get a giggle and they say of course  it's better to take care of the problem before  

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it breaks because then it may just be a $50 oil  change rather than a $5,000 transmission or engine  

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overhaul and this is how we think about cars and  expensive property but unfortunately we haven't  

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learned to think about our own vehicle the most  important vehicle our bodies in quite the same  

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way we typically just wait until it breaks and  then we do something about it and when it comes  

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to the body it's also not only about the money yes  disease care can get very very expensive but it's  

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more about the suffering and the lack of quality  of life that if we take care of ourselves we  

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could extend our health span our joyous portion  our quality life probably by 20 30 years imagine  

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you get a phone call from somebody you pick it  up and it's a totally random phone call and the  

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first thing they say is should I turn left or  right I'm out driving and the first thing you  

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want to know obviously is where are you assuming  that you even talk to this person but you need  

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to know where they are and where they are going  otherwise you can't help them and this is like  

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a lot of questions I get on my Channel people ask  should I do this or that but I don't know anything  

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about them and that's what blood work can do for  us is it can provide a baseline but as great as  

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baselines and blood work can be it is also useless  if we don't know what we're looking for if we  

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don't understand what it's telling us now this is  a big topic and in this video video I'm only going  

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to have time to give you a few nuggets we're going  to touch on a few of the most important markers  

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but to really do it justice it would probably be  an 8 to 10 hour video and it's hard enough to get  

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people's attention for 10 minutes if you know  what I mean but if you want to know more than  

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what I can give you in this video I'm going to  let you know later in the video how you can get  

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your hands on a more comprehensive Deep dive it's  something that I've been wanting to do for years  

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for my fellow Health Champions anemia is one of  the most important things that we can evaluate  

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not because it is the most common thing out there  but because it is so fundamental anemia means lack  

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of blood and what they're talking about there is  the oxygen carrying capacity if you're anemic you  

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don't have the capacity to deliver that oxygen and  if you don't understand how important it is then  

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just hold your breath for a couple of minutes and  I think the answer will come to you and now think  

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about this that is how important oxygen is but if  you're anemic then it is not getting delivered to  

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the degree that your body needs it so everything  can be affected when you have anemia hemoglobin is  

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by far the most important marker to evaluate when  it comes to anemia because the hemoglobin is what  

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carries the oxygen and an adult male should have  somewhere between 14 and 16 gram per deciliter  

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optimally of hemoglobin women have a little bit  less blood volume per body the weight and size  

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so they can get away with a point or two lower but  then you have all these other different markers on  

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your tests you have your red blood cell count you  have the hematocrit you have the MCV which is mean  

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corpuscular volume it's the size of the red blood  cell now these by themselves are not all that  

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important but if your hemoglobin is high or low  now you use these other markers to start playing  

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detective and figure out why it's low is it low  because you don't have iron is it low because  

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you're missing some other things some other things  you want to look at is total iron binding capacity  

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that's a marker for a protein that goes to grab  iron so if total iron binding capacity TIBC is  

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high that means the body is looking for iron so  if you have a low hemoglobin you would expect  

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TIBC to be high but what if it isn't then your  hemoglobin is low for some other reason so this  

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is how you can start using this to to figure it  out and the best marker to figure out your iron  

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status is called ferritin that represents your  iron reserves and unfortunately is hardly ever  

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measured and the reason you want ferritin on every  blood test is that it's very inexpensive and it  

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gives you a lot of information so let's say that  your hemoglobin is normal but your ferritin your  

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iron reserves are very low that means so far your  body has been able to keep up making hemoglobin  

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and red blood cells but if ferritin is low then  it tells you you're running out so especially for  

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menstruating women we want to check that ferritin  because if it's trending low then you might just  

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be a few weeks away from becoming anemic like on  the other hand in men and post-menopausal women  

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now you want to watch ferritin to see if it gets  too high because that's called iron overload or  

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hemochromatosis and just like Iron Will rust on  your car it can also kind of make your body rust  

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inside your liver and your pancreas are the  first to get damaged from excess iron and it  

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will aggravate and promote insulin resistance  and metabolic syndrome but it's also possible  

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to have a high ferritin and a low hemoglobin so  traditionally anytime we are anemic we assume that  

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we're lacking iron but what if it's something else  we're lacking and we already have too much iron if  

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these people are now given iron when they have too  much that just makes the damage worse and they're  

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not solving the problem in order to make red blood  cells we also need some B vitamins we need B6  

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folate which is also B9 and B12 . so interestingly  we can look now at the MCV the size of the red  

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blood cell and if it's very small it is usually  iron deficiency but if it's very large then it  

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is usually a B vitamin deficiency and if we're  anemic but we have plenty of iron it could also  

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be that we're low in copper and zinc because they  are also necessary to make red blood cells there  

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are 7 billion blood tests performed in the U.S  alone that's like 20 per person and sometimes they  

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just look for one specific marker in a hospital  setting but a lot of times it's large panels  

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and there's six big problems that we're going to  go through why a lot of these panels are wasted  

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first reason is that it is not about health  they're not looking to keep you healthy  

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they're looking for disease they're looking  for after it's already gone wrong most of the  

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ranges that you see on blood tests are based  on a bell curve they're based on averages and  

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they're based on a 95 percent interval so if  we draw this then we can see the bell curve  

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like this and what they do then this is a normal  statistical distribution and then they take 95 so  

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they start at two and a half percent and they  cut off the bottom two and a half percent and  

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they cut off the top two and a half percent  and if you're in the middle if you're in the  

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95 in the middle then you're considered normal  but as I'm sure you can see now all it's really  

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saying is that you're not in the worst two and  a half percent on either side let's take another  

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car example imagine you take your car into the  garage and they do their checkups and you ask  

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think my tires are a little flat and they say no  we check them you have more air than the worst two  

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and a half percent and you're saying yeah but my  manufacturer recommends 35 PSI I want to be here  

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in the Middle where my car drives the best I don't  want to be down here at the worst two percent or  

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the highest two percent that might be 10 or 60  and they say oh don't worry you're not down in  

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the last in the lowest two and a half percent  yet and then they say let's just do this again  

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next year and see what it looks like then let's  wait till your next car service and then if you  

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get the blood work next year and you're actually  in the lowest two and a half percent now you get  

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what's called a flag and another problem with this  bell curve distribution is that it changes over  

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time it's different with different populations a  different in different states and as people get  

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sicker then the norm changes but it doesn't mean  that normal is optimal the second big problem is  

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that most practitioners the vast majority of  doctors who order blood work only look at the  

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flag so they get a report back something like  this and their eyes just focus in on wherever  

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it says flag and wherever it's marked high or low  and the rest of the test gets no attention at all  

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so everything here where there's a question mark  what does that mean well all it really means all  

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you really know is that you're not in the worst  five percent and to me that is not very comforting  

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so I think it's great that they're running all  this blood work because it's very inexpensive  

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relatively speaking but the way they're reading it  they're only using one percent of the information  

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it could give us they're throwing 99 of it away  because they don't understand enough to get the  

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big picture it's the equivalent of waiting until  the car breaks down in my opinion and then if  

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you say what does this mean am I healthy then the  chances are that most doctors are simply going to  

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answer you don't have a disease yet and this ties  into the third big problem and that's that a lot  

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of these ranges are way way way too broad as the  population gets sicker the range is widen to fit  

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the population the 95 percent and one marker  in particular is insulin that I talk a lot  

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about but that rarely gets measured so insulin  reference range goes from about 2 to 25 and 2  

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is a healthy level 25 is typically a full-blown  diabetic so again they wait it's normal to wait  

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it until you have that full-blown disease but  imagine instead that this is a dipstick for your  

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car for your oil check and it's supposed to be  up here that's where they say that's where the  

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oil gets the the best lubrication for the engine  and you take your car in for a check and they put  

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the dipstick they check the dipstick and they  get a tiny little bit of oil down here at the  

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bottom and you're asking well shouldn't we fill  it up and they say now we'll wait we'll wait till  

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next time you come in for service because you're  still better off than two and a half percent of  

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the population so if they were to measure it then  they would allow this entire range to be called  

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normal but even worse is that there's hardly ever  gets checked and I tell my patients to ask for it  

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if we don't do the test and they have have to  fight with their doctors most of them come back  

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saying that they refuse to run the test it's not  standard but here is why you absolutely have to  

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understand what this does and why it could save  your life so if you have the normal measurement  

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of glucose that would be this high and then you  have the insulin measurement that would be that  

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high they should balance they're different units  but that would be like a normal balance level so  

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if this is in year one and then we wait 10 years  and now we measure again the thing they measure  

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is glucose that's a standard test and it's a  controlled variable the body is working very  

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very hard at keeping that variable in control that  glucose level but the way it's working hard to do  

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it is to produce more insulin so if it takes this  much insulin now to keep the glucose down we have  

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just quadrupled our insulin resistance but it's  still considered normal because it's within this  

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range and if we wait another 10 years then we  might have still the same glucose or maybe it's  

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gone up a few points but now it takes 10 times and  we're basically just a few months or it's just a  

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matter of time before we have that full-blown  diagnosis of diabetes and if we measure for  

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health and we understand the physiology instead of  just looking for disease and pathology then we can  

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catch it 10 years earlier we can catch it in its  infancy and that's what prevention is all about  

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problem number four is that sometimes they're just  using the wrong range altogether and this could  

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be because of old data old misconceptions that  just take a long long time to get cleared up or  

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it could be where there are Financial interests at  stake and there are certain interest groups that  

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push for these changes and here they are often  willing then after some pushing to make exceptions  

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to these 95 percent bell curve ranges and the  classic example of course is cholesterol where I  

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did a video recently and pointed out that there is  massive data suggesting that the best ranges are  

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between 200 and 250 total cholesterol and if you  control for other factors others like insulin and  

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blood sugar and triglycerides all of the other  components of metabolic syndrome now you can  

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probably have 200 to 400 and do perfectly fine and  still the range is published go from 100 to 199  

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even though we know that low cholesterol is many  times more dangerous than a higher cholesterol  

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problem number five is a lack of Common Sense  they don't question where these ranges come from  

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or what they mean so one example here is where  triglycerides and LDL cholesterol the range says  

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zero to 149 and 0 to 99 as if it was okay or even  possible to live with a zero level triglycerides  

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is the most important fuel in the body we have two  fuels glucose and triglycerides and triglycerides  

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make up most of the fuel in the body so how would  it be possible to have zero it has never happened  

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you would be long dead before you ever got to zero  triglycerides or zero LDL and yet the range goes  

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to zero and then there are more inconsistencies  because we looked at cholesterol just a second  

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ago and total cholesterol should be between 100  and 199. so apparently you're allowed to have  

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some total cholesterol but then we look at the  ratios and this is kind of an important ratio  

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total cholesterol to HDL it's a good thing to look  at and here they say the range is 0 to 5 which  

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the only way that can happen is if your total  cholesterol is zero so in this ratio now it's  

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okay for total cholesterol to be zero and it is a  good marker because if your total cholesterol to  

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HDL is five then you're at average risk of heart  disease and obviously you want to do better than  

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average risk of heart disease so I tell people  that typically I want to be about three and a  

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half and down but not too low either because an  excessively High HDL can indicate other problems  

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and then based on this number they estimate your  risk for heart disease so if your risk of heart  

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disease is one then you have the normal risk of  heart disease a hundred percent of normal but  

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apparently the lower the number the better off you  are all the way down to zero so the lowest risk of  

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heart disease according to this is when you have  zero cholesterol in your body which of course  

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means you're already dead but I guess they do have  a point here that you can't develop heart disease  

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if you're already dead so we want to question the  ranges if they don't make sense and if something  

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is essential for life and the range goes all the  way down to zero then obviously these ranges are  

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not really thought through problem number six is  that that even though they do measure a lot of  

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different markers and they run all these blood  tests they often don't measure the stuff that  

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really matters so here are these markers they're  not the only ones you need to measure they're the  

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ones in addition to the ones usually measured  and you want to measure your LDL particle count  

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and you want to measure your small LDL particle  count so that you can see the ratio which is an  

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indication of how much damage is taking place  in your body the third marker related to that  

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is the LDL size so that you can confirm what  you're finding we talked about ferritin and if  

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it's very low then you're either anemic or you're  close to becoming anemic there's a high risk of  

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it if ferritin is very high you have iron overload  and it's really tragic that this is not a standard  

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routine marker it's becoming more common but  it's still kind of prayer I find this in a lot of  

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people I send a couple of people every week to go  donate blood and unload some iron hemoglobin A1c  

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is another marker that's becoming more common but  it's still not totally standard glucose is usually  

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always measured but it's the instantaneous glucose  which fluctuates the A1C represents a three-month  

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average so we can see the long-term Trend it  gives us a whole lot more information for just  

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a few dollars and thyroid is so critical to our  metabolism and healing and overall function and  

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yet it is very poorly evaluated typically if they  measure anything it's always only TSH like 98 of  

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the time if they measure it's only TSH which is a  pituitary hormone the pituitary tells the thyroid  

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TSH stimulates the thyroid to make thyroid hormone  which is T4 so we don't want to just see what the  

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pituitary is saying we want to see what is the  thyroid actually putting out but then we also  

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want to measure T3 because that's the active  form of T4 so it's possible to have a normal  

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TSH and a normal T4 but still a low T3 so we want  to understand where in the range we are not only  

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if it's normal or out of normal so if this is T4  and here is the total Reference Lab range and here  

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might be optimal let's say that we find ourselves  right in the middle we have a normal TSH normal  

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T4 but then we go measure T3 and now we find out  that we are not in the optimal range but we're  

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still in the reference range so we wouldn't get  a flag on the regular blood test either way but  

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we would know if we look for the optimal range but  here's the point that now it's a totally different  

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problem it's the problem is not with the TSH  it's not with the pituitary and it's not with the  

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thyroid it's the conversion that's not working so  now it's either the liver or the gut that are not  

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working that are not healthy so the liver converts  about 60 percent of this and the gut does another  

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20 and another 20 is kind of wasted because it's  flipped around but if we don't have a healthy gut  

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a healthy microbiome we could lose 20 percent  of our active form of thyroid hormone so this  

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person can have a perfect effect TSH perfect T4  and still be functionally hypothyroid they don't  

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have enough of the finished product so we need  to understand that if the T4 is here it should  

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be somewhere in the same relative place in the  T3 range if our conversion is working properly  

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and then there's a couple of more markers called  thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin antibodies  

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and these are becoming quite common and they're  not that expensive so I would suggest everyone  

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regardless of symptoms get that done at least  once and if they're negative then you don't have  

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to test them every time but everyone should  do it just to know if you have an autoimmune  

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problem if you are having Hashimoto's then you  need to know about that most commonly missing  

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marker considering 88 of the population is insulin  resistant and we don't measure insulin routinely  

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you can measure insulin or c-peptide they're kind  of the same thing they're built in parallel the  

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c-peptide has a little bit longer Half-Life so  it's maybe a little bit better marker but it's  

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also a little more expensive so insulin works  fine for usual regular purposes of just getting  

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a baseline but the only time these are typically  measured is if they suspect type 1 diabetes  

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but like I said 88 percent of people have too  much insulin and we need to measure it to see  

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where they are and then we need a baseline  so we can see where it's going on my panels  

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I always add homocysteine next to insulin  it's the single strongest independent risk  

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factor for heart disease if it's high it means  you're not converting you're not getting rid of  

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it because you're low in methylation factors and  B vitamins it's usually a pretty easy fix but we  

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need to know what it is and the ranges again  are typically way way too big like 0 to 17  

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and you really want to keep this under six or  seven to keep your inflammation under control  

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and vitamin D is an absolutely critical marker  the more they study it the more they find that  

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vitamin D participates in just about everything  in the body and it's a simple test that we can  

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get a precise number and if we're low we just  supplement like I mentioned earlier this video  

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can only be a brief introduction to blood work  because covering it in detail would probably  

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be a 10 hour video which doesn't work so well  here so I've created a blood work course that  

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is more comprehensive and it is for the layperson  to help understand what's going on with them but  

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let me put that in the frame for you that when  I started this channel when I really started  

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becoming active with the channel a couple of years  ago I just wanted to get information out there but  

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with because of all of the feedback the positive  feedback of the thousands of lives that have been  

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changed for the better this interest of mine has  taken on more of a mission more of a calling and  

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now my job I realize is to change or be part of  the group of people who change the Paradigm of  

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Health on the planet there's so many sick people  who get the wrong information or no information  

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and we we need to have something for them and now  more and more I want to create a movement I want  

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to create a tribe of Health Champions where people  take charge and do something about their health  

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and take pride in doing the right thing for their  health so in order to help people on that Journey  

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a blood work course is the next logical step  so I've created the more comprehensive course  

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truly want to master health by understanding how  the body really works make sure you subscribe,  

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hit that bell and turn on all the notifications  so you never miss a life-saving video.

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