The REAL Reason Apple Cider Vinegar Works To Lose Weight 🍎🍏

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hello health champions are you taking apple cider vinegar to help you lose

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weight today i want to talk about how apple

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cider vinegar really works and why depending

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on the ph of your body taking vinegar could be a good thing

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or a bad thing once you understand how and why it really works

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now you can reach your weight loss goals and get healthier

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all at the same time coming right up hey i'm dr ekberg i'm a holistic doctor and

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a former olympic athlete and if you want to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you can

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keep learning how to get truly healthy there is a good amount of research today

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on how apple cider vinegar can help with weight

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loss it can help you lose belly fat it can

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lower blood glucose it can control type 2 diabetes and it

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can lower triglycerides and even blood pressure in other words

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everything that is associated with insulin

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resistance but does that mean that apple cider

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vinegar is the new cure it all it's a miracle solution for

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weight loss does it mean that it's a fix it all does

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it help a little or a lot and if so

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what is the mechanism well the exact mechanism

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of how apple cider vinegar helps with weight loss

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is not known but according to the research and observations

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they suggest it could have to do with improved satiety

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it could be that the liver is producing less glucose and also they notice

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that apple cider vinegar can actually up regulate

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genes for fat burning and of course it improves insulin sensitivity and any

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time that you become more insulin sensitive

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then your body is more favorable toward fat burning

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than fat storing but it still doesn't explain

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exactly what is it about vinegar that does this what is it about vinegar

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that is able to create physiological change

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in the body well the most characteristic thing is

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something you have already noticed vinegar is really really sour apple

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cider vinegar contains something called acetic acid

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and the way it's diluted in the apple cider vinegar it comes at about

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five percent acidity and that gives us a ph

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of 2.5 and that is right on par with stomach acid so it's a

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very strong acid that can help us break down food

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and even though most of the attention is on apple cider vinegar

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it doesn't seem to really matter if you use white vinegar

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or apple cider vinegar because the physiological benefit

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is in the acidity of the acetic acid but now in order to understand more

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about why this works and to feel confident

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about taking it we need to dispel a myth and that's the

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acid myth for the last 20 30 years we've all been

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told that we're all too acidic that all our

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health problems is because the body is acidic and

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therefore you can solve all your health problems if you just become more

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alkaline eat those foods that make you alkaline they've written

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books about it but are we really too acidic well a lot of

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natural healthcare practitioners like myself are finding

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that probably more people are actually too

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alkaline and that's what i'm finding in my practice

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and if you think about this for just a moment if

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almost everyone was already too acidic wouldn't we get worse

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if we added acid in the form of apple cider vinegar

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right we should get worse and yet we have all these people

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taking apple cider vinegar and they get better so

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real quick and simple now what is acid and what is

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alkaline well acid base is what they're talking about and everyone knows

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that water is h2o well h2o can split up in h plus

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and o h minus where h is the acid and o h is the base now in pure water

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they're always going to be equal amounts of h

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and oh so they balance each other out and we have neutral ph

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but if we mix things into the water that shifts the balance one way or the other

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we can change the ph so if the h plus becomes dominant now it's acidic

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and we have a ph below seven and if the opposite

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we mix something in that gives us more o h

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now it's alkaline and we have a ph above 7. now we can't really make sense

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of ph in the body unless we understand that the ph is

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supposed to be different in different parts of the body

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if we start with a digestive tract then saliva is supposed to be neutral or

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slightly alkaline if we eat a bunch of sugar and

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starch then we feed bacteria that make acid

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and we get cavities that's why sugar leads to cavities

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it's about ph but as soon as we leave the mouth and we move into the

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stomach now it's supposed to get super acidic

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and keep in mind that the ph scale is logarithmic

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that means that for every step down the scale for every whole number going

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down the scale you get 10 times more acidic so as you

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move from neutral down to two like in the stomach

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you've just become a hundred thousand times

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more acidic and that is necessary in the stomach it's a good

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thing we're supposed to have that the body isn't

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randomly making mistakes it needs that acid to break down the food

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that's the first stage of digestion and it sets the stage

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for what's about to come the rest of the digestive tract can only work

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if we have the early parts work first but as soon as we leave the

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stomach now we're moving toward neutral again

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we're still a little bit acidic in the proximal or the early portion

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of the small intestine but as we move to the

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distal or late portion of the small intestine now we become

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alkaline as soon as we cross into the large intestine the early portion of the

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large intestine we are acid and then as we move toward

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the later portion of the large intestine it moves

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to almost neutral again so the body has local regulation it changes the ph

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along the way by adding acid or by adding bicarbonate so the point of

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this is that we don't have an overall acidity or an overall

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alkalinity we have changing values and that's on

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purpose to support exactly what's supposed to

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happen at each stage of digestion but when we

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move from local regulation to whole body ph

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regulation what we're really talking about is the ph

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of the blood and the cerebrospinal fluid the cerebrospinal fluid is doesn't have

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red blood cells in it but it's continuous with the blood

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and it's what bathes your brain and your nervous system and that's

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very very sensitive so the ph needs to stay

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right at 7.4 if it moves even one-tenth away from

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that exact number you're going to get really really sick

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so the body again has ability to regulate

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the kidneys does this when the whole body starts becoming

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too acidic now it can dump some acid when it becomes too alkaline it can hold

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on to the acid and dump some bicarbonate a lot of

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people are testing the ph of saliva or they're testing the ph of

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urine but the only thing that really matters

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is the ph of the blood and if you think about it

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whatever the kidneys get rid of whether it's acid

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or base is going to end up in the urine so urine can have a very wide range

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of ph and still be normal and it doesn't mean that much exactly where the ph is

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because the urine only reflects what the kidneys

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got rid of now ph is not the only aspect of homeostasis but it is certainly one

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of the most important and one of the tightest regulated so if

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you get even a couple of tenths away from 7.4

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and you're too alkaline now you're going to get things like

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confusion and coma you could get nausea and

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vomiting tremors your muscles start twitching you get

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spasms you get numbness and tingling because your nervous system isn't

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signaling properly anymore you could get lightheadedness because

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you're deprived of oxygen because your body can't regulate

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blood flow anymore and if it goes a couple of tens

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toward the acidic direction well you could have a lot of the same stuff

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confusion coma nausea vomiting and your body is going to try to compensate

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for that acidosis by rapid shallow breathing

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you're going to have fatigue you're going to get headaches

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so the point though is if a couple of tenths of a point of

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ph can get you so sick you're on the verge of dying

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then even a lot less even a fraction of that

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starts moving you away from homeostasis so the ability for the body to maintain

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as close as possible to that 7.4 is absolutely critical one thing that

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i've noticed in my office and a lot of people doing

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the same kind of work they find that people with just a little

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bit nothing life-threatening or super

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dramatic but much less than that in the alkaline

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direction they start having multiple joint pain or they can have

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that and they can have something called frozen

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shoulder also the most important way that

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apple cider vinegar can help with weight loss is

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that it helps it improves your digestion as we age we tend to make less and less

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stomach acid and then that production is further reduced by various conditions

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like hypothyroidism and especially by stress so

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most people don't get enough stomach acid and then your digestion

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suffers because we have to have that stomach acid to

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digest protein and absorb minerals and like i said

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before a large amount of stomach acid a proper

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digestion in the stomach sets the stage for how well

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the rest of the digestive tract is going to work

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so your absorption is going to suffer if you don't have enough so by adding apple

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cider vinegar now you improve your absorption and

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a lot of people think that it's just about eating the right food they say

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that you are what you eat well that's not

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true you are what you digest and absorb

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so if you can absorb better if your overall digestion improves and you

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absorb more of the good stuff that's actually

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in the food now your body is going to be more

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satisfied so you're going to have better appetite control because your body

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actually got what it was supposed to the other way that apple cider vinegar can

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help is that it can make it easier for your

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body to take the ph in the right direction toward

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homeostasis but here we want to realize that not

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everyone is the same so even if acid can help your digestion if you're

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already too acidic overall in your body if your body can't

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get rid of the acid fast enough then what you want to do is you want to add

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some base if your whole body can't get rid of acid

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fast enough then you're making things worse by adding acid even if it

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technically could help your digestion so most people

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however are alkaline and then it's very easy just to add some acid in

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the form of apple cider vinegar and only when your whole body is in homeostasis

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is it able to regulate all aspects of health like

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blood pressure and blood sugar and hormone balance and minerals

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etc even though apple cider vinegar is a great

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thing and it can shift the odds in your favor

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you get so much more benefit when you combine it

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with additional tools like low carb diet and like intermittent fasting now you're

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going to get many many times the effect it's not

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ultimately about weight loss it is about health and quality of life if you take

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care of those then the weight will take care of itself

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so if you enjoyed this video then make sure that you also

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check out that one so that you can keep learning

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about how to get truly healthy thank you so much for

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watching i'll see you next time

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