The Dangers Of Statins & The Side Effects

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Statin drugs side-effects what are they and what are the other things that you

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should be equally concerned about concerning a statin drug? Coming right up

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. So we're

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gonna talk about statin drugs side effects and this is a request from

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Walter the Musician so I recently did a long video on cholesterol and we covered

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a little bit if I wanted to expand on some of the mechanisms of the side

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effects and talk about why we really need to understand how all this works so

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here are some of the most commonly recognized side effects things like

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liver damage and muscle damage and of course your primary muscle is the heart

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there is problems with memory concentration and depression cholesterol

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is very important for the brain there is pain and peripheral neuropathy there are

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sleep problems sexual dysfunction and fatigue and these are just the main

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reported one but the mechanism behind that is that there's a guaranteed thing

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that happens and that is that it's going to reduce the amount of Co Q 10 it's a

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very important enzyme that's vital for the energy production in mitochondria

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and where do you need it the most you need it in the organs that use the

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most energy which is your liver your heart and your brain pretty important

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organs this is all based on something called a Mevalonate Pathway and you

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don't have to understand these words but I just kind of put them in there so that

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you know that there's something going on. So HMG-CoA Reductase that's an enzyme

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that's involved with producing mevalonic acid and then there's a couple of

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intermediaries that are not important at all that leads up to something called

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farnesyl PP and this in turn becomes squalene which is a greasy

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substance that the body uses to make cholesterol and then the same substance

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is also used to make Co Q 10 so these two things compete for resources but

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when you take a statin drug now the statin acts on this enzyme and it

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inhibits it so a chemical substance that interferes with something in the body is

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called a poison and that's essentially what these things are

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so by blocking the this enzyme you're stopping this entire pathway and

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therefore your body is no longer able to make the same amount of precursor for

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the cholesterol and the Co Q 10 and if you watch that bigger Longer video that

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I made on on cholesterol you understand that cholesterol is not a stupid mistake

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the body doesn't go through all this trouble to make something that's harmful

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it makes the exact right proportions and amounts of LDL and HDL cholesterol of

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all the different sizes depending on what's going on in the body depending on

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what the needs are to repair inflammation and provide precursors to

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hormones and all these different things it's a very fine-tuned mechanism if you

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eat less cholesterol your body makes more because it's an essential nutrient

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your brain is 60 to 70 percent fat and 25% of that is cholesterol again that's

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not a mistake it's an essential nutrient so when we interfere with the production

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of this enzyme we're not just interfering with one essential nutrient

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called cholesterol we're also shutting down energy production by interfering

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with the production of Co Q 10 so now if we just go back to this list and we look

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at liver damage muscle damage heart memory concentration depression most of

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those is because the brain needs both cholesterol and coq10 it needs

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cholesterol as building products and precursors and it

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needs coq10 to make energy 95% of the energy in your body comes from the

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oxidation of fuel with the help of oxygen and if you don't have the Co Q 10

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you're going to reduce that amount of energy production and again your brain

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your heart and your liver uses the most energy because they're the most

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metabolically active organs that you have so when you interfere with the

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building materials and the energy production now you get damaged in all

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these vital organs these essential organs that provide essential functions

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but here's the thing to think about even if you don't have a side effect even if

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you don't notice some symptom are you better or worse off if your body has to

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have something and you interfere with the production of it are you better or

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worse off it worse off of course so what that means and in terms of every

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medication versus virtually because the mechanism is to interfere with a pathway

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in the body with the metabolic function and if the body is trying to do

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something it's not by mistake it's doing it on purpose and by interfering with a

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mechanism we are interfering with something the body feels is essential to

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do and in every case you're worse off whether you get a noticeable symptom or

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side effect or not when you interfere with the body when you reduce something

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that the body has to have then you're worse off so that's something to keep in

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mind and of course there is always a time and place for medication but it's

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for life saving not from metabolic and lifestyle imbalances the way to correct

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this we talked about in length in the other video but the main things to do is

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to get some exercise to reduce sugar and carbohydrates and

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things that create inflammation and insulin if you enjoy this sort of

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content then make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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and please share this information with as many people as you can because there

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are tens of millions of people on these drugs that are developing liver and

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heart and brain problems as we speak and if they can understand that they just

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need to shift their lifestyle just a tiny little bit in some cases and not

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really suffer it's not about deprivation it's just knowing the sound the innate

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