Supplements - User Manual For Humans S1 E11 - Dr Ekberg

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good evening and very welcome again especially those of you have been here

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before or getting in the habit of this we're at part number 11 of user manual

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for humans and today we will talk about supplements we won't just talk about

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which supplements it might be a good idea to take we will talk more about

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what nutrition is and what how the body works and why we might need supplements

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at all and how most of the time the way the supplements are sold is just

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completely crazy because it's just like the medical model to take a pill for

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something so what we'll get into that a lot of the things I'll talk about today

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will be very it'll seem very very basic and it will seem like I'm repeating

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myself so give yourself give me the benefit of the doubt and sort of see if

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look at it with fresh eyes and even if it's really really basic just realize

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that I'm doing it this way because in society as a whole we were clueless so

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it bears some repetition and embarrassment verification so first of

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all we'll go through a few things and we'll talk about the purpose of food

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we'll talk about where food comes from we'll talk about what optimal adequate

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and deficient nutrition is and we'll talk about is it really possible to

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boost function or energy you see everywhere you go there are energy

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drinks they say we'll give you five hours we'll give you six hours and how

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does that really work are you getting energy I throw these cartoons in and

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because to me a lot of the a lot of the news that you hear a lot of the health

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advice that you hear is every bit a cilia

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this cartoon yes the guy says if you swallow potato chips without chewing

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they act like little snowplows and clear all the cholesterol out of your arteries

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and a lot of a lot of the debate and a lot of the advice that they're really

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sort of at that level they're really a couple of hundred years behind the times

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so what's the purpose of food this may seem real real basic but bear

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with me the purpose of food is number one to provide building blocks whatever

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your body is whatever the tissues are they came from food so the food has to

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contain those building blocks and they are amino acids to make protein they are

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fatty acids to provide energy but also fatty acids are primarily the building

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blocks for your nervous system and your cell membranes and there are also

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precursors for a lot of hormones and you need minerals to also to become body

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tissues minerals like calcium for bone and and so forth number two food needs

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to provide fuel for energy so any movement any activity every heartbeat

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every little cell transmission requires energy your immune system requires

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energy all of this energy has to come from food food energy for movement

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signaling transportation within the body and anabolism which means building

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things up when you build the tissue it doesn't just happen these things these

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molecules have to be put together and that requires energy

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- sort of like Lego blocks they don't go together by themselves takes energy

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number three food also needs to provide vitamins and phytochemicals

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and these are things that act as catalysts in chemical reactions so if

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you burn wood then you're converting the carbon into energy the carbon molecules

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in the wood and you have to add a lot of heat several hundred degrees in the body

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we burn things the same way but we don't have the heat so instead of the heat we

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need to have some little catalysts some little helpers along the way that

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participate and bring the the reactions to to make the reactions happen without

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all that heat and these these catalysts are crucial in energy production

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movement signaling transport and abolition so all of the things that we

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need energy for we need little catalysts to participate and make that happen

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so sometimes people who are don't have energy people who feel the market they

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may actually not it's not that they're missing calories they may be missing

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some of these nutrients another cartoon here this is a great illustration also

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the doctor says to to the lady I want you to follow a healthy lifestyle whatever the

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experts say is this you thought about that oh well I want I'm going to start a

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new life but I want something new and exciting I want a new diet plan I want a

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new program well I've got news for you there is nothing new your DNA is 40,000

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years old and nothing has changed since then okay you still need to eat well

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move well think well you need to eat whoo that the nature that nature

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provided okay but the the cartoon just illustrates how far off track we are

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when there's a new thing every week a new thing every month nothing is

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changing okay it takes tens of thousands of years for these things to change so

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if you think that there's something new this week then you're just barking up

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the wrong tree so what is food and again it seems really basic but bear with me

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food is like we said above food is that which provides building blocks energy

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vitamins and phytochemicals so if it doesn't contain those things it's not

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food just because we call it a meal and put it in our mouth does not make it

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food all right most of what people eat is not food so

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whole food you can check off all three of these if if nature made it if it came

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from nature then it has all three of these it has building blocks it has fuel

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for energy it has vitamins and phytochemicals but processed food which

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is what most people eat most of the time do not meet these criteria therefore it

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is not food it contains some of the building blocks it typically has a good

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amount of protein and a good amount of energy it has a good amount of fat as

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far as burning fuel and it has carbohydrates but what it misses is it

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misses essential fatty acids for building blocks and it is virtually

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devoid of vitamins and phytochemicals and enzymes and things that help you

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digest the food and produce the energy where does food come from nature makes

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whole and real food we are part of nature the food that is part of nature

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makes a good match when we eat things from nature and we're from nature then

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everything works when we try to mess with it

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it doesn't work anymore so nature makes things to eat such as nuts vegetables

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animals fish etc and nature provides the perfect packages the proper ratios and

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the ideal content so when you eat fruits and berries and nuts and meat and fish

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the way that nature produced it it's always in a good proportion okay however

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when we put it in a box and stamp it with Kraft Nabisco Kellogg Campbell

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General Mills ConAgra Heinz etc it's just not food these companies they start

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with the raw materials which are real food and then they change them they take

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away pieces they process it they nuke it they chocolate they pulverize it and now

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it's altered fraction incomplete and here's one of my favorite things that

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makes absolutely no sense they say proudly yeah but it's made from

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blank real fruit juice made from blueberries well who cares what it's

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made from it's not that thing anymore right

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hmm tequila is made from cactus there's not much similarity who cares what it's

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made from it's not what it used to be and if we change it it doesn't do what

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it's supposed to do okay so whenever you hear made from then just don't get it

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you want not made from you want the thing that it is all right and then of

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course they have to make it sit on the shelf for a year and not soil so they

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have to strip all the nutrients out and add toxins and poisons so if we eat a

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packaged food once in a while a little bit will win survive but if we make it

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most of our food then you're in trouble in an ideal situation to be 100% organic

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biodynamically grown food like all the other animals on earth do you know any

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other animals that doesn't eat food from nature except that once we domesticate

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right they all eat plants and fruits and nuts and each other that's how nature

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works and if you eat like that and you have few stresses you have plenty of air

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sunshine physical activity you live in peace you live in harmony with nature

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and your surroundings now you do not need supplements you're getting

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everything that you need from nature but hands up how many people live like that

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okay I don't think there may be three people left on earth but the animal that

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we call human we have changed our environment so we don't forage like the

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other animals anymore we eat mass-produced food and this food does

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not have the same kind of nutrients that it used to if you buy a tomato today it

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doesn't taste like tomato used to if you buy fruits and vegetables and everything

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they look fantastic they look like picture perfect something

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but it doesn't taste the same and it's not the same because the criteria is how

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it looks and how well it keeps nutrients and tastes have very little to do with

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it so what do you do to make something blow up and grow and look real pretty

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you add synthetic fertilizers so that way you can make something grow really

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quick but it doesn't have all of the minerals and the vitamins and the

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sunshine and everything that used to make good tasting tomato so it's still

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better than no tomato but it's not the complete dense nutrients that that we

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used to get first off the food has decreased nutrient density secondly when

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we process the foods we destroy the nutrients they give the vitamins and the

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minerals and the enzymes and everything that we need from the food they just

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don't survive the processing and how many people here have something called

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stress right and and six billion other people what stress does it reduces your

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uptake of nutrients it decreases your ability to absorb nutrients but it makes

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you need more so it's a double whammy you get less and you need more because

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of stress then we eat processed food and we have depleted soils and the waiting

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room so it's not a perfectly ideal situation so therefore because of these

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reasons there are some things that that make sense to add to your diet to

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supplement a little bit essential nutrients essential means literally that

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you have to have it to live you cannot live without it and those are things the

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essential nutrients are amino acids that we get from high quality proteins

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omega-3 fatty acids primarily EPA and DHA there are several sources and we

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won't go into detail here but you can ask afterwards if you like omega-3s come

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from flax oil theoretically and when meaning we can make epa and DHA

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but we don't convert it very well we can get it from fatty fish like salmon and

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mackerel and so forth and that probably would be the best source except if you

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eat enough fish to get enough omega threes you're also getting semi lethal

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levels of heavy metals unfortunately so that that's just a tragic situation

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that's what we've done and the best source is to get these from fish oil

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supplements fish would be the best place to get them but because of the

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contaminants it's not so good when you get it from official they're very very

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pure and you can just take a capsule or a teaspoon and you can get enough and

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then you also want to try to look into getting some minerals and biomass the

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primary source is to get them still from Whole Foods but then you just get

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because of depletion and stress you want to boost that just a little bit probably

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so what is optimal well optimal nutrition means that you have enough of

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all these essential nutrients to sustain and maintain all physiological and

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biochemical processes at ideal levels that doesn't mean that we that we wait

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to get symptoms it means that everything is working close to a hundred percent

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adequate nutrition means that we get enough not to get symptoms means we

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don't have a hundred percent vitality we don't have all the energy and joy and

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function and long life that we could have but we're not really getting

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symptoms for for right now and that's the traditional mode that's how they

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judge how much of of everything that we should get they just look how much does

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it take to prevent and then deficiency this is when we have

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so little of a critical nutrient that the body just doesn't work we're getting

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some kind of symptom we're getting anemia or rickets or scurvy or something

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like that so that's a disease estate and we just have to add something real quick

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biggest thing that we have to overcome with nutrition and supplements though is

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have you noticed how there's you go into a health food store there's a million

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things and all of them are good for something so you get one of everything

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right and you spend a million dollars a month on supplements and you don't need

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anything else the biggest problem that we have is that the medical model has so

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ingrained this way of thinking that you take something for something that if you

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have a symptom then you got to take something for it and that's not how it

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works so when they sell supplements when they

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sell when they sell nutrition and vitamins like that to say oh well you

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need to take this to feel better you need to take this to get over this

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symptom oh you have a headache try this they're just buying into the medical

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model again they have just replaced that blood-pressure pill for another natural

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pill and they're not really helping you get much healthier it's a little bit

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better because it's a natural appeal rather than a synthetic drug but it's

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still the same way of thinking you're not addressing health you're not

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addressing the source when they say take this because it works for this best a

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long way of thinking we want to start changing this thinking and know that

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supplements are not supposed to do anything it they don't do anything they

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don't work there the simple way of looking at it is if you

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said you gotta have it that's it does that make sense does that is that

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difference clear and asked me afterwards to if I need to clarify that but if

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you're balling it your body is designed for healing and if you give it

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everything that it needs to heal then it's going to be healthy the function

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and the energy and everything that works in the body is a function of the body

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and if you're not getting what you need then the body can't function but that's

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different than that saying take this because it will help you do that okay

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well we'll do a few more examples here and hopefully it'll clear up a little

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bit so energy where does it come from people talk about all the time oh oh I

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have low energy I have high energy you'll take this you'll get more energy

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or get this energy drink and so forth well energy doesn't come from a pill

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energy comes from biochemical processes when you have certain substrates when

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you have certain raw materials such as glucose and fat and oxygen and certain

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catalysts like vitamin B and Co Q 10 then your body has all the ingredients

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needed to make energy and then if you provide the proper conditions you

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stimulate the body appropriately you give it the proper rest then the body

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will take these substrate and make energy and and this energy is

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what we call ATP we talked about that it's a previous sessions that any energy

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in the body is ATP when you give on the body these raw materials it will make

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ATP and you have energy but you can't add if you run out of energy

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if you're feeling flat one day you can add more energy you ran out okay a pill

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is not going to give it back to you you need to get more rest so I know you're

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probably still going to go for that cup of coffee if it's critical a test or if

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you need to stay away but realize what's happening that the energy drinks or the

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energy pills or the energy supplements or coffee or Red Bull and all of those

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they are stimulants they are drugs and they give you the illusion of energy by

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stressing you they are actually firing off your sympathetic nervous system

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which is the equivalent of you having a grizzly bear next to you so yeah the

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body is going to dig a little bit deeper for some more resources but it's not

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going to remain balanced doing so so another analogy is that when you take

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when you take coffee or you take caffeine or red Bowl or one of these

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stimulants to get to get more energy to get more await your borrowing energy

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somewhere and it's kind of like a credit card when you buy things you can't

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really afford it's gonna catch up with you all right so if you know what you're

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doing use the caffeine once in a while but don't think that it actually gives

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you energy and don't think that that energy drink out there is going to do

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anything good for you it's a stimulant it's a drug and you're stressing your

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water taking it all right they did some actual brain tests with the neuro

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infinity with a guy who just had a Red Bull and his responses were off the

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chart he was he wasn't a normal person anymore

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it dramatically sees changes let's just restate some of these common-sense

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points you cannot add function to or improve function of the body through a

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pill or a food whatever function the most that you can get is a hundred

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percent of what you're supposed to have when you give the body everything that

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it needs it will make a hundred percent of the function that you're

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and that's the most that you can get you can't get any more of that with the

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stimulant unless you're borrowing like we said and

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you get 100% by providing the body what it needs it needs proper food eat well

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it needs proper rest sleep and freedom from thoughts which we talked about last

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week for those of you are curious why you would want to freedom from thoughts

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you go back and check that out and proper stimulation which is exercise and

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a sense of purpose where do we get most of our energy how is the energy derived

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in the body yes it is from the raw materials that we talked about but most

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of the energy also comes from excitement if we wake up in the morning with a

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purpose or if we're going to Barbados we are going to get it's easier to get out

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of bed okay so the the sense of purpose that joy in life is also very very

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important to get energy and thoughts the hint of that thoughts are generally

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involved with trying to solve a problem or worry that's most of the time what we

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think about is watery and that uses energy and it depletes energy so when we

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can meditate and get some freedom from thought we actually raise our energy

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levels now what about all these miracle supplements

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you hear about there's thousands and thousands of them out there and every

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one of them have miracle stories they say to cure you from cancer and they

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cure you from diabetes and they cure you from this and that and every everything

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out there has a miracle story so let's just say that one person is really

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really deficient in vitamin C and then there's not working to have no energy

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they have bleeding gums for that person vitamin C is a miracle cure so if you

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give that person vitamin C they're gonna have a miracle and they're going to run

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around and tell everybody else over vitamin C it's C my life you should take

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it that does not mean that you're gonna feel better taking vitamin C if they

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miss it if they're lacking and they add it they will come back to health it

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doesn't mean it will do anything for you okay and most of what they're what

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they're doing with these these supplements of these testimonials is

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actually a placebo and placebo is not to be underestimated because placebo is the

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true healing force in the body that comes from you believing in something so

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if you believe that you can get healthy that's the first step to getting healthy

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so if they don't do anything else but but provide placebo effect and they can

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get people better well it's not such a bad thing

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and most of these are sold by multi-level marketing companies with a

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financial incentive so you have to be a little bit critical and know that these

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people are half of their excitement is about how rich they're going to get what

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everybody takes it so there's some good there's some good supplements still

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there's still some good products being sold but just just know that that this

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is sort of the thing to find it so with all of that said what are some of the

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supplements that we would maybe want to take we want to take the things that not

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to do anything but the ones that we are most likely to be deficient in the ones

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that are lacking in our lifestyle and the ones that get destroyed the most by

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processing of foods and the number one that everyone should be on because

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there's no question everyone in the Western world is deficient is omega-3

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essential fatty acids we just don't get enough of it if you as stressed as we

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are you need to eat fish every day to come up to the levels of omega-3s that

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you need and you can't eat that much fish without glowing in the dark so that

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is a good idea to supplement with with omega-3 fish oils next basic vitamins

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multi mineral I'll go through this real quick vitamin D there's more and more

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evidence showing that people are very deficient in vitamin D probiotics are a

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good idea Co Q 10 be good for some people especially it

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wants to be in a few years antioxidants and maybe some glandular

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support so let's go through some of those most chronic conditions like

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diabetes cancer arthritis cardiovascular disease they are inflammatory conditions

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they are marked by inflammation so it's not so much the reasons that we hear

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about too much cholesterol and too much fat and not enough of this and too much

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of that it's really an inflammatory condition and yes lifestyle is important

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stress is important but the thing that can reverse the inflammation is going to

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do that have the greatest impact on all of those conditions so what Oh Meghan

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threes actually do is they are a precursor for the body's natural

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anti-inflammatory so if you have inflammation you add fish oil you reduce

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that inflammation and you get better

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they did a study and they had people eating a diet rich in alpha linolenic

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acid ala which is omega-3 and they reduced inflammation by 75% then they

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did another study which was one of these gigantic thanks with 40,000 people over

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a couple of decades and they gave them one gram of ala per day and they reduced

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heart disease by 47% and if nothing else they gave them one pill of omega-3

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fishel reduce heart disease by 47% and there's still cardiologists that don't

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tell people to take official that's pretty amazing

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they tale they tell them to take statin drugs blood pressure medication but yeah

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so other than that omega-3s they are the basic building block for the cell

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membrane the cell membrane is maybe the single most important structure in the

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body it is the actual true information processor it is the true brain of the

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body of the cell and the integrity of that cell membrane depends on the

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quality of fatty acids that we eat and like I said it's a precursor for

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anti-inflammatory so there's really no reason for anybody

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not to take official because we all need a lot of it and we're not getting enough

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if you just take one thing make official then if if you everything organic if you

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have if you get everything from your garden don't worry about vitamins but if

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you're getting some of your food from the store then get a multi-mineral get a

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multivitamin we have some good basic ones vitamin D has been linked now the

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deficiencies rather if you don't have it they found that people with cancer

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people with arthritis people for your vascular disease multiple sclerosis

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autoimmune diseases they are low in vitamin D and the levels that they

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previously thought were adequate meaning you didn't get symptoms they up those

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levels significantly but they still need to up them more because my vitamin D is

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a very crucial nutrients so that's also a good idea to take especially if you

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have dark skin and you don't get much sunlight and during the winter months

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because we make most of our might Mindy from sunshine and if you're fair-skinned

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that means your body is better at soaking up the race so you'll make more

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vitamin D per minute than a dark-skinned person and during the winter months

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obviously we don't get that much of it we'll take some now probiotics

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what does probiotic mean bio means life and pro means four so a probiotic is for

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life antibiotic means against life did you

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know that think about that next time they try to give you one okay

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so if you have a life-threatening bacterial infection please take an

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antibiotic because it will save your life if you have meningitis you have

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something really severe or pneumonia whatever it will save your life but if

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you don't have a bacterial infection it's not very serious then don't take

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antibiotics because they don't do anything to help with the disease but

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what they do is they kill off everything in your intestinal tract and what is

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going on in your intestinal tract your GI tract has more life forms has more

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cells than the rest of your body put together you have about a hundred

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trillion cells in your body that make up all your tissues there's more than that

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in your gut that live there and because of that you have as much as 80% of your

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immune system of your cell based immune system of the cells that defend you they

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also live there in the gut if there's a lot of activity a lot of your health a

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lot of the absorption of nutrients depend on what goes on in that in that

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gut and there are there's not really a good and bad but there's some that when

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they when they take over they become really bad so what's good is to have a

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balance and what they call is there's some that are pent potentially pathogen

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and some some bacteria that we always have in our God is staph aureus

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Enterococcus faecalis and e-coli we always always always have a couple of

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dozens of trillions of those in our gut and if they were left by themselves if

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they were left unchecked then that could become very very unhealthy for you but

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if we have enough of the lactobacillus of the Bifidobacterium and the

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lactobacillus then those keep things in check they keep things in balance so

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that's what we're talking about with the probiotics that we want to take it

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normally if you're perfectly healthy then this balance will maintain itself

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but what happens when you take an antibiotic you kill off virtually all of

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it or you kill off a huge huge number of

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your of the flora in your GI tract and then you go back on the standard

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American diet of coca-cola and donuts and what happens the sugar the sugar

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selectively feeds the pathogens they love sugar so much you feed them and and

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they grow exponentially they grow so much faster than any of the

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lactobacillus so before you know it you have a huge huge imbalance and this

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happens to virtually everyone as antibiotic and it happens every time

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someone gets on another course of antibiotics so what we want to do is we

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want to watch our sugars and we want to take an ant a a probiotic thanks for

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catching that a probiotic so this balance again is one of the most

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important things to maintain health and absorption and you can have malnutrition

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simply you can eat the perfect food and you can be malnourished Center because

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you don't have the intestinal health okay so keep that in mind it's more than

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the other stuff you put in Co Q 10 this is an enzyme it's a cofactor it is

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normally produced inside cells it is part of the mitochondria and it's

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involved in the very very crucial step of making energy so making ATP requires

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Co Q 10 and now this is something that declines with age

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so a lot of elderly people will have will experience lesser levels of energy

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because they don't make enough Co Q 10 this doesn't automatically mean that you

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need to start eating it because in a healthy body the Co Q 10 is still

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maintained but what it does mean is if you have reached that level of low

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energy it may be a good idea to add a little bit and they have found that

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supplementation will improve energy levels and really high levels of coq10

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has been remarkable in reversing parking system

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thank you antioxidants they are something that neutralizes free radicals

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so as part of what the cells do in their normal way of going about business is

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they burn energy they make ATP in that process they make something called free

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radicals and if you are exposed to pollution radiation cigarette smoke

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pesticides herbicides or any other of those sites that kill things you will

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make a lot more of the free radicals so when you have what a free radical is

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it's a it's a molecule it's an atom with an unpaired electron and that means it's

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very very unstable and it's going to try to grab electrons from your body tissues

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and it basically goes around like like some crazy roto Ruter if you will it

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creates it wreaks havoc and creates damage and what an antioxidant does it

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can basically contain this free radical and pair up that that free electron the

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natural sources of antioxidants is a member of the moment called ASIS which

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is vitamin A vitamin C vitamin E and selenium so when you eat foods that are

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rich in those that's the best source and if you don't get enough then you may

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want to take a little bit more fruits and vegetables have the most and there's

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also something called chlorella and spirulina which are excellent sources of

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antioxidant and the reason I list those two is that they are

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I don't promote miracle foods because there's really no such thing we need a

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good variety but that's about as close as you get because they are jam-packed

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they're inexpensive and they're jam activate nutrients they're full of

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protein and antioxidants and all sorts of good stuff but one more glutathione

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that's the most powerful antioxidant in the body and that you can't really add

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it because it's made in the body so the body does have ways of balancing out for

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itself and make this there's some suggestions that you can take certain

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amino acids and increase the levels of glutathione but I haven't seen any

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conclusive evidence on that so now all the people who say yeah well well I hear

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what you're saying and we don't need all this my boys supposed to take care of it

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but I'm in menopause or I have a low thyroid or I have this and that and I

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found that I feel so much better my hot flashes go away with with this

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pill in this bill does that mean I shouldn't take it no this is what we

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call angular support so if you have a certain organ stress then there's

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nothing wrong at all with providing some support providing some nutrients that

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can strengthen those glands while you do everything else that you can do to get

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healthy and specifically the ones that you want to look at potentially the

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adrenals because the numbers the number one organ land to get struck out by

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stress it gets fatigued and exhausted by stress hypothalamus pituitary thyroid

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they're all involved with hormonal levels in the body and the liver is the

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main metabolic Factory in the body all of those glands tend to be tend to get a

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little bit tired and at times it can be very beneficial to

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to help them out a little bit so

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conclusions don't buy any supplements that say they do something it gets

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something if you're missing something that you have to have understand that

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the body works when it gets what it needs supplement a handful of things

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that you're likely to be missing and then eat well move well think well if

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your parasympathetic nervous system if you don't understand exactly what that

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is go back and look at previous videos if your parasympathetic nervous system

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is not engaging enough you cannot absorb much of anything

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anyway meaning stress will turn off your

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digestion and your absorption so it doesn't matter how good you eat research

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learn and use some common sense and then of course attend all future lectures

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here and read up on on on past watch sports past videos to basically get some

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common sense because there's not I'm not really saying anything new here I'm just

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trying to put it in a context that can help you think about it and when you're

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looking at supplements also do a little research or or check

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with with us here because 98 I don't know

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vast majority of everything sold out there are synthetic supplements so

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everything they have virtually at Kroger and Publix and Walmart and GNC and so

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forth there's some things that they'll do some good but for the most part

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they're synthetic and they're a far cry from from the food source nutrition that

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you're looking for we'll end up with a wonderful cartoon here the wise man

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sitting on the top of the mountain as a sign that says ignorance cheerfully

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returned if not completely enlightened and that holds true here as well I'm

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sure there won't be any takers no no refunds here so thank you so much

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for tonight we're excited to have you and if you get something out of this

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please tell someone please bring someone next time we're trying to make this into

Time: 2670.509

a continuing series and we want as many as possible to know as much as possible

Time: 2675.569

thank you

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