Sugar vs Fat - Which Is Better?

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Which is worse for you sugar or fat? Coming right up

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Hey this is Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe and

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hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything I saw a video about

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fat versus sugar on the size show channel recently and they did a great

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job it's an awesome channel that does a lot of research on various topics and

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then they give you the pros and cons and this was a very well researched video I

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enjoyed it tremendously however I did feel that they left the viewer hanging a

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little bit so I'd like to clarify a few points that I feel I know a little bit

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extra about so fat has been demonized ever since about 1953 and there was one

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man more involved than just about anyone else

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and his name was Ancel Keys and he got this idea that fat was a really bad idea

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and he brought out something called the Seven Country Studies and in this he looked

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at countries that ate a lot of fat and he found a great correlation to how much

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heart disease that was however he failed to mention that there was actually data

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from 22 countries so Ancel Keys just cherry picked the countries that suited

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his opinion and when people went back later and looked at all 22 countries

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there was no correlation whatsoever as a matter of fact two countries namely

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Switzerland and the Netherlands had even more fat consumption than one of the

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countries that was cited in the study Finland but Switzerland and Netherlands

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ate more fat than Finland and they had one third of the heart disease so there

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was a lot of countries involved but mr. keys just picked the ones

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suited his purposes another study was about cholesterol and there was always a

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question whether dietary cholesterol was a factor in blood cholesterol and

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cholesterol buildup so one study that they really liked back then was from

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Russia where they had fed rabbits diet high in cholesterol and then upon

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dissection later on they found that the rabbits had indeed cholesterol buildup

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in their arteries that looked a lot like heart disease but they've never been

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able to duplicate that in any other species and they seem to overlook the

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fact that rabbits in nature have a zero cholesterol diet they are herbivores

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they eat plants only so of course if you feed an herbivore a diet high in

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cholesterol it's not the innate species food for them any animal that you feed

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something including humans that doesn't belong for that species you're gonna

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create disease and if you'd like to know more about those topics about heart

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disease and cholesterol this is a great book highly recommended it's called The

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Great Cholesterol Myth by Jonny Bowden and Stephen Sinatra another thing about

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research that we need to be aware of research is great I'm all for forwarding

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science and knowledge but we have to keep in mind that people who perform the

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research have a bias they generally have something that they like to prove and

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the other side of the coin is that someone has to pay for the research and

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whoever pays for the research isn't interested in finding out things that

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they don't want to know another great book to learn more is called undoctored

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by William Davis he previously wrote wheat belly and he spent over 20 years

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in the medical field as a cardiologist so he knows the ins and outs and he

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shares a lot of that and he mentions about research that for example

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in the area of antidepressants that 37 out of 38 trials that were positive that

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produced the results that they wanted to find were indeed published but there

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were also 36 studies that had negative results they didn't find out they they

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found the opposite of what they wanted and 33 out of 36 of those studies were

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not published so basically virtually every time that they find a study that

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has the results they're looking for they publish it and most of the time that

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they don't find what they're looking for they don't publish it so how do we know

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what the research actually shows so first of all researchers have a bias

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they have an interest they have an expectation of what they're going to

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find and then in addition to that they also have to ask themselves if I find

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the opposite if it finds negative implications of this then who's gonna

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pay for my next study so researchers probably want to be idealistic but they

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also have to be realistic and and keep their job so coming back to sugar versus

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fat which one is worse we have to understand a couple of things about

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sugar and when people talk about sugar they usually talk about the white

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crystallized stuff that you can buy in a package or that is added to processed

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foods but sugar or carbohydrates is anything that causes an insulin response

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so a slice of toast or a potato or french fries or corn produces about as

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much of an insulin response as sugar and it's the insulin response that we don't

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want that's the damaging part about the sugar

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there are other problems with sugar being empty calories and depleting

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minerals and being inflammatory and and so forth but the main thing we want to

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avoid is the insulin response so when it comes to

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we are mostly concerned about the quantity so if you keep it carbohydrates

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low enough they're not gonna mess with you too much when it comes to fat

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however it's not that sugar is bad and fat is good or vice versa

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we also have to look at the quality so it turns out that when it comes to sugar

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it's mostly about quantity when it comes to fat it's mostly about quality so fat

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has been the preferred fuel for humans for thousands of years tens of thousands

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hundreds of thousands it's been the fuel source and the food source that has been

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the most stable and most readily available across all seasons that

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carbohydrates haven't been available to humans throughout the year but fat

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typically has and fat was much easier to store so fat is the preferred fuel for

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humans that's what our physiology is adapted to but it's very very important

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and we look at the quality for all those tens and hundreds of thousands of years

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that humans have been eating fat they have been eating fat exactly in the form

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that nature provided it they have been eating animal fats and fish fats and nut

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fats and so forth and today the healthy fats that we can eat has nothing to do

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with whether it's saturated or unsaturated it has to do with has it

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been altered so butter is a good fat extra virgin olive oil is a good fat

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coconut oil is a good fat and all natural fats from healthy food from

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avocados from clean nuts from clean animals animals that have been raised in

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their natural habitat eating what they're supposed to eat like a cow is

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supposed to eat grass if a cow eats grass the fat from the cow is healthy if

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we feed him grain the fat from the cow is unhealthy so it's not that fat is

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good or bad it is the quality of the fat as long as we eat natural fat that

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humans haven't altered then we're in good shape some of the worst fats

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obviously are all the fats that we have been sold the idea of in the last 50

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years margarine vegetable oils that are

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actually seed oils because they're so highly processed so damaged so heated

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and bleached and deodorized that there is absolutely no nutrition in there so

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is sugar or fat worse well I would have to say that sugar is by far worse

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because there is nothing really good about it

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there are carbohydrates from vegetables that you can eat almost unlimited and

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carbs in their natural form in very low quantity not moderation according to

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most people's standards low carb is what we're looking for and fat we can eat

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just about as much as we like as long as we eat natural fats and in between there

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we want to have a moderate amount of protein as well so we want to be careful

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with just looking at research and quoting research for the reasons I

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mentioned previously what we really want to do is we want to look at we want to

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use common sense we want to look at historically how have humans evolved how

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does human physiology function and there's great physiology textbooks and

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when we combine the historical research with the physiology textbooks and

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clinical results then we have the better package then we do research to further

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our knowledge but we don't depend on the research we use it to enhance our

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understanding so historical facts physiology and clinical results that's

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the way that we understand more about how

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the body really works and what we are supposed to eat as humans thanks for

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