Stress Signs & Just How Much It Hurts You - Dr Ekberg

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Maybe you've heard the expression that pain hurts but stress kills it's that a

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bit harsh is that a little exaggerated or is there something to that (Can Stress Kill You?) Coming

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right up

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything

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Most people come in to a chiropractor or they go to the doctor because something

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hurts it's the symptom that gets their attention but stress is something that

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goes on behind the scenes.It's the stuff that undermines your body's function it

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is truly the silent killer So let's talk about what that is And stress is when

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your autonomic nervous system reacts to something so your autonomic nervous

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system it's the thing behind the scenes that handles everything about your

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health that you don't have to think about so you're breathing and you're

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blinking your eyes and your digestion and beating your heart and growing

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fingernails and regulating pH and blood sugar and hormones all of that stuff

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goes on all the time and it's not doesn't happen by itself

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it is being managed for you by your autonomic nervous system so when your

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autonomic nervous system is in balance you're in homeostasis and you can

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quickly return to health but if something is constantly pushing that

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system out of balance then you can't really be in homeostasis then there are

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challenges to your health so let's talk about how that works so the two branches

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are called sympathetic and parasympathetic and stress by definition

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is when your sympathetic nervous system is activated

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that's simple physiology the inside workings of your body the physiology

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stresses when you have a sympathetic response when that part of your

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autonomic nervous system reacts to a stressor you have a stress response so

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why does it do that because your body is a closed system you have about a gallon

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and a half or five liters of blood in your body blood contains all the

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resources in your body you have oxygen and amino acids and vitamins and

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minerals and fatty acids and so forth and the blood transports this to all the

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cells that need it but it's a resource allocator your autonomic nervous system

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is a resource allocator so whatever parts need it the most whatever is the

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most important in this moment is who's gonna get the most resources so let's

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say you're sitting at a picnic and you're having a good time you had a

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wonderful meal that weather is great you're relaxed now your parasympathetic

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nervous system is a little bit more active because you're involved with

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digestion you're in a relaxed state so your body is allowing repair and healing

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and immune function and so forth and in that state you are allocating most of

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the blood to those processes to digest food and maintain repair but let's say

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that you glanced over and you see a grizzly bear come charging to join your

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picnic now things are not so relaxed anymore and consequently you have a

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stress response and the stress response is there to save your life so your heart

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starts beating faster your blood pressure goes up your cortisol goes up

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because cortisol raises blood sugars you have more quick energy available during

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a stress response so now all the resources are going to

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the heart and to the muscles to pump blood out so that you can run and fight

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and get out of there and now because your body shifted a lot

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of their blood a lot of the resources now there's not so much available for

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the digestion because your body says you know dealing with that grizzly bear is

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more important than digesting the food I'll worry about that later so in that

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scenario it's a very intelligent and very appropriate response but there are

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lots and lots of things that create a stress response not just grizzly bears

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not just things that require us to run and fight sometimes there's an imagined

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danger so anything that gets you tense or frustrated or overwhelmed or angry or

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fearful is going to trigger a sympathetic response a stress response

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and you're gonna have the same increases in heart rate increases in blood

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pressure increases in cortisol because your body is preparing for an imagined

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danger if you imagine it it's real to your brain and your brain is going to

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prepare for that danger to deal with it whether it's real or not

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so most people today have a lot of stress anyone I talked to says they we

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have more stress than we've ever had and that means most people are in

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sympathetic dominance now because we are a closed system and we are a limited

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resource system there's only so much blood only so much resources in the body

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anytime the sympathetic goes up the parasympathetic is going to go down and

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it's like a seesaw there is no other way it's you're hardwired in your nervous

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system to do that it's like you're driving a car you can't speed up and

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slow down at the same time you pick one of them and when there is a

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stress when there's a danger real or imagined your body is hardwired to fire

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off that stress response at the expense of the relaxation response at the

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expense of immune function digestion reproductive function repair and healing

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so this is why the stress is the silent killer stress is the number one thing

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that we should be concerned with so what do we do about it well the short term

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solution is breathing peace of mind awareness relaxation exercises

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affirmations getting yourself into a state where you can maybe see that

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things aren't so bad and there's no reason to be angry and so forth

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long term we want to work on this we want to develop an attitude and

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lifestyle where we don't let things get to us so much and another thing is there

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is no substitute for good health the body is chemical structural and

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emotional and all those aspects can trigger stress responses pain can

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trigger stress responses chemicals can trigger stress responses poor motion in

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the spine can trigger stress responses because signals are incomplete the

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picture that reach the brain receives is incomplete so we have to understand that

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stress is multifaceted and most stress is the kind that we're not even aware of

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that's why it's so important to start understanding these things and working

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toward stress relief whether we think we have stress or not if you take one thing

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away from this video just remember this you can heal or you can defend yourself

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you can heal or you can stress but you can't do both at the same time because

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your body is going to pick one over the other anytime the sympathetic increases

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the parasympathetic decreases so I hope this was

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helpful and maybe eye-opening if you know some people I could benefit from

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this please share this video the more people we can reach with this video the

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more people we can help if you're new to this channel and you enjoy this kind of

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content make sure that you subscribe and you hit that notification bell so that

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we can keep this content coming your way thanks for watching

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