Stress Makes You Stupid (Get Smarter!)

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Stress makes you stupid, but how does that work? Coming right up

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Hi I am Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master health

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by understanding how the body really works make sure that you subscribe and

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hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. So most people have

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probably noticed at some point in their life that when they're stressed they

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just don't perform the way they usually do some examples would be if you freeze

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up because someone's really rude to you and you're just steaming with fury and

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you just wish that you could tell them off just the right way but nothing comes

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to mind and then an hour later you think of all those clever things that you

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should have told them right or if you are nervous if let's say you're afraid

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of public speaking you're really uncomfortable and you get up there and

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you feel like a deer-in-the-headlight and you just freeze you're tongue-tied

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can't think of a single thing to say so in both of those cases it's a form of

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stress that makes you stupid your body changes priorities in those

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cases so what's happening is stress is the same thing as a fight/flight

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activation of your nervous system your nervous system has two branches is

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called a sympathetic fight/flight or the feed breed which is parasympathetic and

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whenever you have stress you're activating that sympathetic or the

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fight/flight portion and then something happens in the body so this is a an old

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response that's in place in your body so that you can survive emergencies so if

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an animal comes to you to eat you whether it's a saber-toothed tiger or a

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grizzly bear or a Mack truck in modern day you got to be able to act quickly

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and your body reprioritize --is and in those moments your heart rate increases

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your blood pressure increases your muscle tension increases you can quickly

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act and get out of there so let's look at the brain and how that all fits

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together so the frontal lobe of the brain is

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where your cognitive function the things that make us uniquely human our

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intellect our ability for abstract thought our ability to be discerning our

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ability for motivation and planning to staying focused all of those are

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functions of the frontal lobe so during a fight flight response when there's a

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truck coming at you you don't have to be creative you don't have to analyze a

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bunch of stuff you just have to get out of the way so you don't really need the

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frontal lobe you just need instincts you need basic pre-programmed responses if

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you will and those are taken care of for you by your brainstem there's three

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portions to the brainstem it's the midbrain the pons and the

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medulla and all these they regulate your autonomic nervous system they manage

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things for you so you don't have to think

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so this is where instinct sits this is where instinct comes from so that you're

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able to raise your blood pressure tighten your muscles and get out of the

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way quickly because you don't have time to analyze a bunch of stuff so what

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happens in a stressful situation is your body reprioritize it says in this moment

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we don't need to be really clever and thoughtful and analytical we just need

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to act so the blood is reprioritize the blood flow is what carries the oxygen

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and the resources for the brain to do what it does so it says we don't need

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this right now so it reduces the blood flow to the frontal lobe to the thinking

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portion and it increases the blood flow to the brain stem so that we can act

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quickly so that's great when it's a wild animal but it's not so great if we get

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stressed in other situations where we'd like to be functional but there's a fine

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line also because sometimes if we're really really relaxed and lethargic on

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we don't really perform that well so there is a different scale of brain

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frequencies and when we freeze when we sort of get tongue-tied then we're in

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high beta we're trying to get something done it's kind of frantic but nothing's

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happening that that's indicative of high beta in

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beta and SMR is when we perform the best this is when we have to do some action

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we have to interact we have to talk like what I'm doing now is primarily in beta

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and SMR I'm not really nervous but I'm focused trying to get the message across

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I can't be lethargic and if you're having a speech if you in a business

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meeting you want to be calm and confident and productive and this is in

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beta and SMR so a little bit of nervousness a little bit of sympathetic

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drive can be a plus it can make it perform better but then there is the

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other end of the spectrum where we have creativity and insight if you've been

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mulling over a problem and then in the morning when you wake up or at night

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when you fall asleep or when you're just sort of shifting out a dream state then

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it just comes to you that's inside that spontaneous insight and most creative

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people most innovators most scientists they can attest to the fact that most

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insight comes in a state where you're not really paying attention where you

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really really relaxed almost drowsy almost just coming out of sleep and

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that's right between theta and alpha those are slower frequencies alpha is

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associated with relaxed learning and meditation theta is associated with

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shifting into dream state so in these frequencies when the

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sympathetic is completely offline or virtually completely offline that's when

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we have these creativity's and insights high stress we tend to freeze

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and yet nothing done a little bit of stress we tend to perform the best but

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true creativity and insight which again is associated with frontal lobe comes

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when we are the most relaxed so that's why stress makes you stupid because

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stress reprioritize --is it says thinking isn't really important when you

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have too much to act on in this moment please share this video with many people

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as you can because this information is about having quality of life and

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avoiding diseases and unnecessary suffering if you're new to this channel

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please subscribe and hit that notification bell so that we can keep

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this content coming your way and if you have any questions or comments make sure

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that you let me know below and I'll be happy to try to answer those or even

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make more videos if there's some other topics that you'd like to have more

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information on so for today thanks for listening

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