Stress Is The Number One Killer

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did you know that stress is the number one killer but what is stress and what

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do you do about it stay tuned and I'm gonna explain it hey I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg

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with wellness for life and by subscribing to this channel you will

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learn everything that you need to know to master true health so you've probably

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heard that stress is the number one cause of headaches and heart disease and

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digestive upsets and migraines and so on and stress does all those things but

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what is stress the stress actually hurt us not really because stress is just the

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thing out there what hurts us is our stress responses

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it's our nervous system responses to these events and these actions going on

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around us technically speaking and we're just gonna get a little bit technical

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the only thing that is stress is a sympathetic response the only stress

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response that matters is a sympathetic response so what is that well your

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autonomic nervous system the part of your nervous system that regulates

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everything about you has two branches one is called a sympathetic also known

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as fight/flight and the other half of it is called a parasympathetic or feed

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breed so the purpose of the fight/flight is to keep you alive so that you can

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have a stress response so your body can come to life and get into action and run

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away when there is a threat so you need to save your life and the sympathetic

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the fight/flight is what does that for you it increases your heart rate

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increases blood pressure increases blood flow increases stress hormones increases

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energy utilization through stress hormones and on and on and on and while

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these things are life-saving in the long run they hurt you so here's the problem

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your body doesn't just have a sympathetic response when your life is

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in danger it also responds to every little thing

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that makes you feel tense or upset or angry or frustrated and I'm sure you can

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think of a few things in your daily life that can do those things so traffic and

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news and so forth there's several other factors that can set off a sympathetic

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response so you can have a chemical stress a toxic stress you can have a

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food allergy that sets off your sympathetic nervous system you could

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have a misaligned spine you can have a vertebra that isn't moving properly that

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is creating what's called nociception which is a stress activator activates

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your sympathetic nervous system so you can have chemical structural and

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emotional factors that trigger a stress response and because we have so many of

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these the stress becomes a norm that we have like a baseline of stress that is

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so common and so familiar to us that we don't even notice it that's why as much

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as 80% of the things that stress you you don't even notice so what do you do

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about this the single simplest method there's lots and lots of things because

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if you have vertebra that aren't moving you need to get adjusted you need to

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stretch you need to exercise if you have a toxic environment or toxic diet you

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need to address those things but you can still do something really simple right

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now to interrupt that stress response and reset the balance and that thing is

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called breathing all right so what happens when we breathe well when you

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breathe in your heart speeds up did you know that when you breathe out your

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heart slows down and what is it that makes the heart beat faster

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it's the sympathetic what makes the heart slow down is the parasympathetic

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so every time that you breathe you have a little bit of sympathetic and

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parasympathetic activation but the pace of breathing determines how well this

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balance is going to work out so for most people they breathe too fast

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so if you breathe in for a couple of seconds your sympathetic engages and

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then you breathe out but most people just breathe in like that out-breath is

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too fast it's too sudden it doesn't last long enough for the parasympathetic to

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kick in so the result is people breathe in and they breathe out but they don't

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breathe slow enough or regular enough for this seesaw for this balance to work

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itself out so the way you want to do it is you breathe in for four to five

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seconds and then you breathe out for four to five seconds it's a good idea to

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try to keep the out-breath just a little bit longer so maybe breathe in for four

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and breathe out for five or something like that it's not that technical but

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the point is you want to breathe much much much slower on the way out you also

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want to focus on the belly so it's a belly breath it's not a shoulder breath

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this is a stressful breath it's designed to bring in as much air as quickly as

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possible that's a stress response but when you breathe from the belly you

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breathe real real slow you breathe a little bit into your chest but not so

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much that your shoulders start moving most people when they do this the first

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thing they do is they take a full deep breath that's not the idea it's not you

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want to breathe maybe a little bit deeper than a shallow breath but not

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it's not about filling your lungs to capacity it's nothing like that then

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you're gonna get lightheaded because you're breathing off too much carbon

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dioxide so what happens most people think okay so I breathe for

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a few minutes and I feel good and I get this relaxation

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response that interrupts the stress response and that's all great but I only

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have five minutes at a time to do it so it's not going to change my life is it

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actually it is because anything that you do on a regular basis becomes a habit

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and your nervous system is constantly changing your brain your synapses your

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pathways they're always changing to adapt to your current situation and

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that's called neuroplasticity so if you just do the breathing exercise once for

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five minutes and not going to create a habit

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nothing's gonna change but if you breathe for five minutes in and out nice

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and slow and you do that once or twice a day then you will actually create a

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habit and the more you do it the more you're gonna strengthen the pathways

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that help you relax is going to get faster and faster and easier for your

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body to create the relaxation response until it becomes automatic until it's a

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way of life so the cool thing about this is it doesn't matter really if the

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initiator if the thing that started the stress response was emotional or

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chemical or structural yes you do want to address all those but you can still

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interrupt the stress response in that moment by practicing some relaxation so

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the better you get at this the better you can offset all those other stressors

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in life so the sympathetic handles your fight flight or survival they everything

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gets revved up but what is the parasympathetic do other than slow you

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down well it also handles all of your immune system all of your digestion your

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production of hydrochloric acid your production of digestive enzymes the

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peristalsis the movement everything that has to do with repair

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and digestion and slowing down is managed by your parasympathetics so by

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feeling a little more relaxed you're not just lowering your blood

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pressure and your heart rate you're also actually maybe digesting that food that

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you're paying very close attention to what to eat but how do you digest it you

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can put the best food in your mouth and if you can't digest it it really didn't

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matter that much it's not the stress but it's the stress response and the

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habitual sympathetic activity that it creates and you also know that you can

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do something to interrupt it in this moment give it a try I'd love to hear

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from you about your experiences if you've tried this or if you're going to

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try this let me know what's happening and remember you have to make it a

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regular habit for it to really work give us some comments give us questions if

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there's anything else you'd like to know more about remember to click that

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subscribe button and we'll keep this good material coming your way thank you

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