Stress & Health User Manual For Humans - Pt1 2/5
and you get to the smaller parts and the
smaller parts and the smaller parts
reductionism means that you believe when
you got to the smallest part if you
understand that part you understand all
about the machine
and you can control and regulate
everything about it
the only problem is that's not true that
holds true for mechanical machines but
it does not hold true
or biology
one of the best analogies that I've
heard for that is if you have a radio
and you start taking the radio apart and
you look at all the little components
into the minute detail
then you still will never find the music
you cannot take the pieces of the radio
apart and find the music
because the music isn't in the radio
and the same is true with humans that
you can't take the the molecules apart
and find the life force you can't find
the intelligence in there and yet we
know it's there we know that's what
makes us human but it's not in there
it's playing through the the body okay
everything in your body that you don't
think about
is handled for you your nervous system
handles about one billion bits of
information every second
amount of information
it's about growing fingernails and hair
and repairing skin and digesting food
and regulating balance and regulating
blood pressure and
ingesting and excreting and all of those
one and still keeping track of where you
are and everything that goes around you
one billion bits of information every
out of that you are aware of one
your conscious awareness can take little
snapshots click click click of a
thousand bits per second
that means of all the stuff your brain
does there's a million times more going
on in the background than what you're
ever aware of
that's a lot of work and all of that is
handled for you by the autonomic nervous
so what the autonomic nervous system is
all about
it has two branches that are busy
figuring out where to send the resources
where do we
spend the the most appropriately spend
the resources in any given moment
in the body
a resource is always carried by the
oxygen and nutrients and energy and
sugar and vitamin all those things are
sent by the blood so if we want to send
if we want to activate a body part we
just send more blood there it's just
like in your car if you want to speed up
the engine if you want to give it more
gas the engine revs up
it's the exact same thing with the body
you give more blood to a body body part
it wraps up
so allocating resources in the body
becomes the same thing as as deciding
where to send the blood at any given
time and that is basically what the
autonomic nervous system does
so it has two branches one is called the
sympathetic and one is called a
parasympathetic and you have all heard
that because I've told you a thousand
times you know it perfectly by now
that the sympathetic is your fight
it says when there is a real or imagined
threat I need to allocate the resources
I need to send the blood to the places
that can help me stay alive and defend
me in this moment
and then there is the parasympathetic
that helps you
internalize resources
to stay alive for next year so we call
the sympathetic it's about defense and a
parasympathetic is about health
so which one would you say is more
important let's see a show of hands how
many people think health is more
takers okay how many think that defense
is more important
you're a little more right
it's a trick question
both of them are vitally important
but they are appropriate in different
situations however defense is always
more important in this moment because if
you don't make it through the next few
seconds who cares about next year right
so because of that your body is wired in
such a way that the sympathetic always
comes first
always comes first and that is why we
are so stressed
very good everything clear about that
what is it then that brings this this
out of balance and we said that this
sympathetic nervous system responds to
so consequently what brings this out of
balance is really stress and stress
so stress is not just we need to
understand it's not only when we think
about what people say oh I'm so stressed
that is when we are when we feel tense
and overwhelmed or inadequate then we
feel stressed
but that's just the tip of the iceberg
because all of stress is so much more
stress is anything that your body needs
to respond to and this is any sort of
structural or emotional stress
so a chemical stress is something that
you're allergic to it can also be
anything artificial that doesn't belong
your body
chemicals pollution heavy metals
sweeteners artificial colorings all
those things that are the the artificial
man-made molecules that don't occur
naturally in food they are a burden for
the body they interfere and the body has
to deal with them
a structural stress can be something
bad posture
too much exercise not enough exercise
slips and Falls any kind of imbalance if
we learn to walk imbalanced that's a
structural stress
and an emotional stress kind of speaks
for itself that's anything that that we
feel tense or upset about
um so the sum total becomes the body
burden and the total stress that the
body has to defend itself against
but we also must realize that it is not
the stress in terms of the stress or
it's not the thing it's not the event
out there that
that is the bad thing it doesn't become
harmful until we react to it
it's really more about the stress
that that matters so if we sit in
traffic and we have White Knuckles then
that's a stress response but if we're
sitting in traffic relaxing listening to
classical music it is not a stress
and we are wired to react differently to
lead to millions of different situations
in our life and they become automated
and habitual and we don't think about
so that's what the stress response is
and that's how some people can do get
all these things done and not be
stressed and other people can hardly get
anything done and yet they're just
stressed all the time
because it's a perception and the
important thing about that is that it
can be changed
so any questions so far everything
Crystal Clear excellent
and so why Chiropractic
when I talk about this stuff people say
yeah this makes a lot of sense but they
still fail to to connect to what any of
this has to do with Chiropractic
like well you're talking about health
you're talking about brain you're
talking about stress but I know
chiropractors move bones and they help
with pain
so just to clear that up we need to talk
a little bit about what Chiropractic
actually does
and uh
we'll we'll I'll just give you the the
summary here and then we'll talk about
the details so Chiropractic interrupts
it neurological patterns that have
become stuck and this is on your slide
should be on there so
if I number these correctly
Chiropractic stimulates brain activity
and therefore the Chiropractic
adjustment is a neurological event not