Stress & Health User Manual For Humans - Pt1 2/5

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and you get to the smaller parts and the

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smaller parts and the smaller parts

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reductionism means that you believe when

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you got to the smallest part if you

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understand that part you understand all

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about the machine

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and you can control and regulate

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everything about it

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the only problem is that's not true that

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holds true for mechanical machines but

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it does not hold true

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or biology

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one of the best analogies that I've

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heard for that is if you have a radio

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and you start taking the radio apart and

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you look at all the little components

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into the minute detail

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then you still will never find the music

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you cannot take the pieces of the radio

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apart and find the music

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because the music isn't in the radio

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and the same is true with humans that

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you can't take the the molecules apart

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and find the life force you can't find

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the intelligence in there and yet we

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know it's there we know that's what

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makes us human but it's not in there

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it's playing through the the body okay

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everything in your body that you don't

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think about

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is handled for you your nervous system

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handles about one billion bits of

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information every second

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amount of information

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it's about growing fingernails and hair

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and repairing skin and digesting food

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and regulating balance and regulating

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blood pressure and

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ingesting and excreting and all of those

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one and still keeping track of where you

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are and everything that goes around you

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one billion bits of information every

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out of that you are aware of one

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your conscious awareness can take little

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snapshots click click click of a

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thousand bits per second

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that means of all the stuff your brain

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does there's a million times more going

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on in the background than what you're

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ever aware of

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that's a lot of work and all of that is

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handled for you by the autonomic nervous

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so what the autonomic nervous system is

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all about

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it has two branches that are busy

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figuring out where to send the resources

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where do we

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spend the the most appropriately spend

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the resources in any given moment

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in the body

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a resource is always carried by the

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oxygen and nutrients and energy and

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sugar and vitamin all those things are

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sent by the blood so if we want to send

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if we want to activate a body part we

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just send more blood there it's just

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like in your car if you want to speed up

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the engine if you want to give it more

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gas the engine revs up

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it's the exact same thing with the body

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you give more blood to a body body part

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it wraps up

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so allocating resources in the body

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becomes the same thing as as deciding

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where to send the blood at any given

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time and that is basically what the

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autonomic nervous system does

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so it has two branches one is called the

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sympathetic and one is called a

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parasympathetic and you have all heard

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that because I've told you a thousand

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times you know it perfectly by now

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that the sympathetic is your fight

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it says when there is a real or imagined

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threat I need to allocate the resources

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I need to send the blood to the places

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that can help me stay alive and defend

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me in this moment

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and then there is the parasympathetic

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that helps you

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internalize resources

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to stay alive for next year so we call

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the sympathetic it's about defense and a

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parasympathetic is about health

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so which one would you say is more

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important let's see a show of hands how

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many people think health is more

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takers okay how many think that defense

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is more important

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you're a little more right

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it's a trick question

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both of them are vitally important

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but they are appropriate in different

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situations however defense is always

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more important in this moment because if

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you don't make it through the next few

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seconds who cares about next year right

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so because of that your body is wired in

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such a way that the sympathetic always

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comes first

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always comes first and that is why we

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are so stressed

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very good everything clear about that

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what is it then that brings this this

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out of balance and we said that this

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sympathetic nervous system responds to

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so consequently what brings this out of

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balance is really stress and stress

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so stress is not just we need to

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understand it's not only when we think

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about what people say oh I'm so stressed

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that is when we are when we feel tense

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and overwhelmed or inadequate then we

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feel stressed

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but that's just the tip of the iceberg

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because all of stress is so much more

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stress is anything that your body needs

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to respond to and this is any sort of

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structural or emotional stress

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so a chemical stress is something that

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you're allergic to it can also be

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anything artificial that doesn't belong

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your body

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chemicals pollution heavy metals

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sweeteners artificial colorings all

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those things that are the the artificial

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man-made molecules that don't occur

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naturally in food they are a burden for

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the body they interfere and the body has

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to deal with them

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a structural stress can be something

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bad posture

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too much exercise not enough exercise

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slips and Falls any kind of imbalance if

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we learn to walk imbalanced that's a

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structural stress

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and an emotional stress kind of speaks

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for itself that's anything that that we

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feel tense or upset about

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um so the sum total becomes the body

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burden and the total stress that the

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body has to defend itself against

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but we also must realize that it is not

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the stress in terms of the stress or

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it's not the thing it's not the event

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out there that

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that is the bad thing it doesn't become

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harmful until we react to it

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it's really more about the stress

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that that matters so if we sit in

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traffic and we have White Knuckles then

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that's a stress response but if we're

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sitting in traffic relaxing listening to

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classical music it is not a stress

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and we are wired to react differently to

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lead to millions of different situations

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in our life and they become automated

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and habitual and we don't think about

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so that's what the stress response is

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and that's how some people can do get

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all these things done and not be

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stressed and other people can hardly get

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anything done and yet they're just

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stressed all the time

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because it's a perception and the

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important thing about that is that it

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can be changed

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so any questions so far everything

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Crystal Clear excellent

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and so why Chiropractic

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when I talk about this stuff people say

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yeah this makes a lot of sense but they

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still fail to to connect to what any of

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this has to do with Chiropractic

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like well you're talking about health

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you're talking about brain you're

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talking about stress but I know

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chiropractors move bones and they help

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with pain

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so just to clear that up we need to talk

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a little bit about what Chiropractic

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actually does

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and uh

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we'll we'll I'll just give you the the

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summary here and then we'll talk about

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the details so Chiropractic interrupts

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it neurological patterns that have

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become stuck and this is on your slide

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should be on there so

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if I number these correctly

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Chiropractic stimulates brain activity

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and therefore the Chiropractic

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adjustment is a neurological event not

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