Stress & Health Pt1 3/5 User Manual 4 Humans

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therefore the chiropractic adjustment is

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a neurological event not a mechanical

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now we're going to break things up a

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little bit here and do a muscle testing

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demo so

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you all have had muscle testing and i've

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shown you but let's just reiterate so

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you want to come on up

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and we'll just reinforce a few things

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if you hold your arm out

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parallel to the floor and you hold it

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real nice and strong and if i push down

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and you resist we'll see what happens

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hold strong

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and hold even stronger nice and strong

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so that's a nice strong lock

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what we need to understand is again

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there's three components here we're

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pushing on the bone which is attached to

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a muscle and controlled by the brain so

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all three of those have to work in order

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for that arm to stay to stay solid

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now if you move your left leg forward

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and then you try to hold strong again

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just like before hold

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and now it's not working well at all

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some people would say okay well the

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muscle for some reason the muscle went

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and that's not really a correct

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way of saying it because

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the bone

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is still there the bone didn't go

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anywhere the muscle is still there the

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muscle it's not like you lost

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half the muscle it's still the same

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cross-section area

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the only thing that can change is the

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signal from the brain

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so when we check a muscle we are

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checking the brain

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we're checking the function we're

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checking the the in this moment we're

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checking the signal strength on the

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the other thing that we learned from

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is that we would think

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that the arm

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is an independent body part that it

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takes care of itself if it's strong here

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why shouldn't it be strong here

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what is it that that has to do with this

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and now we start understanding that

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anything anywhere in the body can affect

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anything else in the body

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and why

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because they're all processed centrally

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so when we change something down here

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we're changing the signal input remember

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the body processes a billion signals

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bits per second so if we change some of

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those bits we can change the total

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so this is just like a computer

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how do you talk to a computer you use a

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mouse and keyboard the mouse and

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keyboard creates electrical signals that

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go into the computer and change the

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so that we produce a different output

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in the body

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we can change the position of a body

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part and we change the input therefore

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the output is different

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it makes sense i thought it was just the

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balance you know shifting and weight and

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things you know

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so in this case it is it is

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normal and expected because ever since

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you were six months old you've developed

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something called a cross crawl pattern

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when one leg moves forward the brain

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anticipates and tries to get the same

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arm to move back and the opposite arm to

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move forward

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so when you do something that doesn't

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make sense that confuses the brain

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and it says no no this needs to relax

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and come back

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so that's why you can't hold it up

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but it's all about software

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when we're changing the input we change

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the output

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make sense

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so you've all seen this before but i

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also want to make a point if any of you

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are ever tempted

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so this is an example of of a normal

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function of a normal inhibition of

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now put one foot on the floor and the

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other on the on the rug

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and hold that nice and strong and hold

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and that's not working either

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so that little difference

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in in leg length

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also changes to input

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it is not

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this input that the body expects it's

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off by a quarter inch

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and that's enough of a signal change

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that the brain gets confused again

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because it's not what it expects

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so that's an example of a structural

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stress can you imagine if you're walking

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around with

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shoes that are uneven

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or if there's a little bit of a

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misalignment in your pelvis

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and you take a million steps in a month

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and every time there's a little bit of

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distorted input

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over time this adds up and that's why

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this stuff matters

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so that's a structural stress what about

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chemical stress

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so now we need to just understand a

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little bit more about the world we live

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in so that this doesn't look too weird

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but according to quantum physics

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everything is energy you take the body

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down to its smallest parts its molecules

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and its atoms and its subatomic

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particles and then all of a sudden it's

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all empty space and energy

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that means that your whole body is

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and the little crystals in these packets

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are also energy

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so that energy

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interacts with each other and your

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energy field can sense

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the quality and nature of these of this

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so let's see what your body thinks

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thinks of this

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so hold nice and strong and lock that

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excellent now hold those for me

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and hold strong

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not much is happening

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these are two very popular sweeteners

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called equal and splenda

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your body knows that they're no good for

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you because the vibration doesn't match

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anything that has to do with life

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these were developed by pesticide

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when they discover they were trying to

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make pesticides to kill little bugs they

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found that these taste sweet and they

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said let's make human food out of them

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and that holds true for for all

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artificial sweeteners

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just an extra reinforcement to stay away

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from that stuff

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and then we also talked about emotional

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stress so let's

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let's do that real quick

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and we can demonstrate that very

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simply by if you think about something

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that you enjoy

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and hold nice and strong

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and it's rock solid and then you think

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about something that really bothers you

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somewhere you really don't like

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and hold strong

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and that's usually the one that gives

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the absolute weakest muscle response you

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can test this with your friends

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it works amazingly

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now think about the solution to the

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thing that you don't like

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and hold strong

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and it's rock solid

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so this is what happens to us when we

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have emotional stress when we think

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about things we don't like we are

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stressing and disrupting the flow and

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the healing in our bodies when we think

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about things we like and the things the

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way we want them

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then our bodies get strong and they

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function much better

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thank you very much

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now we need to understand one more

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and the first really important principle

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the balance of the sympathetic and the

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because the body cannot do both things

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at once so if you just understand one

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is that

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the stress

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pushes the body out of balance and it

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cannot heal at the same time

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so balance between sympathetic and

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parasympathetic is crucial

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now the next thing we need to start

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understanding is how does the body

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how does how is the physical tissue

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how does the body replenish the tissues

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every cell in your body needs two things

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to live

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it needs food and stimulation

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okay every cell

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so the food that's the stuff you eat and

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the oxygen

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but stimulation is absolutely crucial

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what happens to a muscle that you don't

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yep atrophy what happens

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to a tennis player that plays with one

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hand only and not the other

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the hand he plays with is that arm is

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twice as big as the other one

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and that makes a lot of sense because

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the body

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says use it or lose it

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it's going to send the resources to the

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that is activated

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because that's where it makes sense to

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resources and energy to do something if

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you don't use it you don't need it

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