Stress And Diseases Pt2 4/5 User Manual 4 Humans

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still there

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so that's why it's so important to

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understand this stuff and to learn how

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to adapt the lifestyle where you

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modulate your stress a little bit better

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so what happens when we have a prolonged

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stress now instead of adaptive we have a

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maladaptive stress response

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so now

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you have a decreased immune response

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your immune system doesn't work anymore

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whereas before you had an increase

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temporary increase in alertness now you

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have a decrease in memory and learning

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you have a decrease in reproductive

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and here's a big one

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whereas before you had an increase in

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pain tolerance

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because that helps you survive your

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grizzly bear over time this breaks down

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and you have a decreased pain tolerance

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with chronic stress this is a huge

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factor in why so many people are

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experiencing pain for no other reason

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there's no organic there's no real cause

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for the pain except their their

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sympathetics and parasympathetics are

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miswired so they perceive pain because

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they have a reduced stress uh pain

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uh also skin conductance

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this isn't necessarily life-threatening

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but it's worth noticing

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in an acute stress response your skin

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conductance goes up but with a chronic

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stress response you cannot wear out

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that response it says I'm I'm tired I'm

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not going to respond anymore so you get

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chronically dry hands

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so let's look at the rest of it we get

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an increase

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with insulin resistance and therefore

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we get an increase in fatigue we get an

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increase in chronic blood pressure

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called hypertension

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and this is the big one it's the biggest

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selling medication you see half the list

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of the popular drugs or blood pressure

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and in the medical books it is called

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essential hypertension

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that means they don't know where it

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comes from

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if you read the textbook it's right

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this increases blood pressure that is

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the cause

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but because they can't find a physical

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molecule that they can pin it on they

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say it's unknown

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okay it really beats me but

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we have increase in respiratory problems

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we have an increase in opportunistic

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infections because of the reduced immune

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we have an increase in bone

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that's osteoporosis

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we have an increase in autoimmune

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psoriatic arthritis rheumatoid arthritis

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we have an increase in strokes and

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cardiovascular disease and we have an

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increase in digestive illness

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so do you see how

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all of these these three slides how

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perfectly and exactly they fit together

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and how that there it really is no

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disease out there that is not a stress

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they have officially recognized that 95

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of all doctors visits are stress related

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I think that's an understatement because

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I think

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the anything that's not an acute trauma

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like a car accident or a broken bone or

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a gunshot or a knife wound those those

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are traumas I think everything else is

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absolutely everything there may be an

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exception here or there but

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all of these Mysteries now that when you

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read the magazines and the journals and

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and they say well we don't know what

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causes it we don't know well now you

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it's right there

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and all you have it's and

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this is not unknown it's not a secret

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it's in it's in the introductory

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textbook for medical physiology

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it's just that nobody applies it because

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and the reason we don't apply it is that

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we are we're so biased we're so

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hypnotized in believing that the

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physicalness of our world is the most

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real one

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we don't believe in things we can see

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and we can't see function it's harder to

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quantify function than

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than two inches of finger or a pound of

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those are very easy to quantify and and

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that's why we're stuck in in this

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erroneous model of the body where it's

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all a machine with different parts that

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we can manipulate

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it's all about function it's all about

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brain and how the brain allocates

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resources in our body

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based on the situation we're in

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when there's a grizzly bear that's an

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appropriate response when there is no

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grizzly bear it's an inappropriate

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response and that accounts for 99 of

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medical bills

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very good

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any questions on that so far

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get it all covered

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so now let's just wrap up and talk about

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what do we do about this

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so everything in your body that isn't

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working is a habit that's gotten stuck

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everything that you've ever learned

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every skill every pattern every belief

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that you have is a neurological pattern

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it is something that you receive a

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certain stimulus you're like a Pavlov's

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dog you just initiate that pattern you

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kick it off and it runs automatically

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that's where all of our reactions and

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virtually all our Behavior comes from

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so whatever is working or whatever isn't

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working is a neurological pattern

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so the first thing that we need to do

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to change is to interrupt that pattern

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we just there are many many ways of

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doing that but we just need to interrupt

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it one of the absolute most effective

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ways is the Chiropractic adjustments and

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we can show you the research we can show

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you the neurophysiology that the

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adjustment interrupts that pattern that

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is what it does you can do this with

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many different ways

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you can change your thoughts you can

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change your belief system you can start

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meditating you can exercise

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the problem is that it takes a lot of

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growth and most of us for most of us

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it's going to take years or decades to

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get to that point where we can change

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them on our own so in the meantime we

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can get it kick-started by by getting

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now we've interrupted the pattern number

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two we need to restore balance in the

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nervous system

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how does imbalance develop where does it

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come from

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well let's say that

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first of all every cell in your body

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needs food and stimulation

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it's called use it or lose it

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so how do you stimulate a brain cell

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you send an electrical signal the brain

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is designed to process electrical

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signals so in order to stimulate and use

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the brain you send an electrical signal

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okay you stimulate a muscle cell by

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putting tension on it because that's

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what it's designed for you stimulate a

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bone cell by putting weight on it in a

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field of gravity because that's its

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so how do you send electrical signals to

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the brain is you fire off receptors

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receptors are little things that sit all

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over your body and inside the joints and

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every millimeter of tissue has receptors

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that convert

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signals and movement and things in your

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environment into electricity so that

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your brain can process it

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