Stress And Diseases Pt2 3/5 User Manual 4 Humans

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okay well why would we want that

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digestion is good right but it's not

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going to save you against the bear your

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stomach acid is not going to unless you

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throw up on the bear but really for the

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most part that that digestive process

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isn't going to help so let's put those

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processes on the back burner and focus

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on saving our life with the bear so

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that's what drives this whole

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system uh sexuality

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well sexual function or erections or

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ovulation they're not going to do much

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for the

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bear we we

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assume right so they're going to be

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they're going to be turned off they're

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going to be a lower priority while we

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have a stress response reproductive

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hormones the female is not going to say

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that well you know grizzly bears here I

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I I don't think I want to reproduce

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right now so the body hasn't figured out

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growth and healing is not is not a

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priority and extremity temperature goes

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down so your hands get cold well that's

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just kind of a byproduct of of Vaso

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constriction when you raise blood

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pressure and you constrict blood

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vessels the the the fingers the skin in

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the fingers that's just not a high

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priority warm warm skin isn't going to

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do much for you so that blood is needed

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elsewhere and so all these things that

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happen they're a direct immediate result

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of the stress response so let's go back

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up and look at health

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issues uh high blood pressure well we

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got that one accounted for that's pretty

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plain high cholesterol we've got that

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one accounted for rod syndrome cold

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hands and fingers fers yeah neck pain

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not so totally obvious except that when

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we have a stress response we increase

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tension because we want to that

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increases our Readiness and our our

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alertness we can get out of there

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quickly so but if we have that neck if

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we have those muscles tense for a long

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long time when there's no bear around

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well we're probably going to get some

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neck pain and quite possibly some

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headaches as

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well uh

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diabetes we cover that because the

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cortisol will increase blood sugar

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glucose and it will uh it will increase

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your insulin resistance it will decrease

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your sensitivity to insulin which is the

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first step toward

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constipation okay we sell all these

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laxatives and constipation just says

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well you know I'm not going to expend

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energy moving my gut when there's a

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bear blood clots well that comes from

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the blood clotting Factor your blood is

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a little bit thicker than it should be

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so so that you could stop bleeding if

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you had an

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emergency uh

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obesity um this is a separate uh sem Al

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together but just real quick that the

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Obesity comes from when the cortisol

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raises your blood sugar because your

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body thinks there is a fight here I'm

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going to have to expand energy so you

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raise the blood sugar but if there is no

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actual fight if there's no actual

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grizzly bear but only a perceived danger

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then that blood sugar is going to get

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converted into storage and the only

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thing we can store in amount in any

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large amount is

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fat so if we constantly have a lot of

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cortisol then a lot of that blood sugar

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is just going to turn right around to

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Fat okay that's why people get bloated

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and and overweight when they're on uh

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when they're on what's it called

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cortical steroids for any length of

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time um

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infertility we got that one counted

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for Miss carriages we get that one

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accounted for erectile dysfunction

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digestive problems

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ulcers uh let's talk about ulcers just a

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bit do you know what actually causes

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ulcers the bacteria exactly for the

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longest time they just looked at the

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stomach and they said well it hurts when

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I have more stomach acid so the stomach

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acid must be the problem problem and

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therefore ulcers are caused by stomach

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acid then this guy came around and found

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that it was actual a bacterium that it

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lives in your gut and if there is an

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overgrowth of this bacterium it eats

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away at the lining of the stomach and

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you get an

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ulcer but this bacterium is very

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sensitive to

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acid so the ulcer is not CA

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by too much acid it is caused by not

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acid so when you have a

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functional uh system when you have your

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parasympathetics and your digestion

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functions you make more stomach acid

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that keeps this bacterium under control

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and you don't develop ulcers and they

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up the problem is that they look at it

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the wrong way so they say well it's the

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stomach acid hurts so we'll give you

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something to reduce the stomach acid

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even further so they're making the

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problem even worse well now you don't

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have the pain from the ulcer but you

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can't digest food your ulcer doesn't

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necessarily heal you just don't have the

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pain but now you're getting all sorts of

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problems down the road because you're

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not absorbing nutrients from your

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food um allergies they have to do with

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an imbalanced auto imbalanced immune

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system uh that's a separate takes a

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little bit long to go into and

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autoimmune diseases rheumatoid arthritis

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and cancer these are all immune system

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functions okay what happens with when

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you have a stress

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response you shut down your

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parasympathetic response right your

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parasympathetics is what runs your

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immune system so anytime that you have a

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stress response you shut down your

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system how many

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students get sick around finals time do

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you have an increase of colds and flu

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yes okay right there you have all these

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this evidence right in front of you and

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all you have to understand is what the

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sympathetics and the parasympathetics do

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in your body it accounts for everything

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thing that happens

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okay so all of these drugs would be

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unnecessary if people learn to balance

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their sympathetics and their

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parasympathetics so now let's just look

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at the the second half of of number nine

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there uh we covered what happens

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because when the grizzly bear is around

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that's an appropriate response that's an

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adapt stress response that's something

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we want to happen but if this goes on

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for a long long time what happens then

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and that's the problem because your body

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only has one stress response and it

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doesn't matter if it's a grizzly bear or

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if it's a pile of bills or rude people

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or gas

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prices or bad news on TV anything that

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makes you feel tense or uneasy or that

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puts you in defense like you're trying

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to attack something even if it's just

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imaginary it will trigger the same exact

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stress response but to a lesser

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degree but whereas the bear eventually

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you either he eats you or you you or he

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home these everyday stresses they never

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go away they're with you you wake up

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with them you add to them during your

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day you go to bed with them and you wake

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up the next day and there's

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