Stress And Diseases Pt2 2/5 User Manual 4 Humans

Time: 0.64

you rev it up

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you want to give a body part

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more energy you send it more blood

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okay it's as simple as that

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resource allocation is simply where do

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we send the blood in a given situation

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when we have a stress response we want

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to send the blood to the places that can

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save our lives

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we have a parasympathetic response when

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the danger is over

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then we can send the body to the

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digestive organs to

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heal and

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get healthy and procreate and regenerate

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next is just a little cartoon it's one

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of my favorites glass burgundy does a

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lot of funny stuff about health

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this lady says don't tell me to improve

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my diet i ate a carrot once and nothing

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i i like this guy because he he really

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he perceives the the flaws and the

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weaknesses in humans and in the system

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but that's how a lot of people think

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they they don't understand that it's

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about function and it takes time to

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build a system

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so we expect something to do something

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we take a pill because we want it to do

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something we take supplements to do

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something that's not how it works

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we take something if we need it

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if we need something and we provide it

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we're better off

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if we

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take something and we didn't need it it

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makes no difference it's not supposed to

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do anything

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all right

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so now we're moving into the that was

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pretty much review so now we're gonna

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spend a good amount of time on the next

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three slides seven eight and nine

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and this is where we're going to show

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so you will get a whole lot smarter than

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98 of the doctors out there

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because they will tell you that we don't

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know where these diseases come from

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they'll say the cause is unknown

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and i'm going to show you exactly where

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they come from it's not a mystery

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it is a mystery if you're looking in the

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physical tissue for this for the cause

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but it's not a mystery if you start

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looking at function and understand how

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the body works and it's all based on

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this sympathetic versus parasympathetic

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accounts for 99 of all the diseases so

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let's just read through some of the

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things here

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high blood pressure

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high cholesterol those

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both relate to cardiovascular disease

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and heart attacks

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reynaud syndrome that's a lot of women

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especially have cold hands and they have

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cold hands to the point where their

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fingers get white and they they're

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almost hurt

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neck pain headaches diabetes

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constipation blood clots obesity

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infertility miscarriages

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erectile dysfunction digestive problems

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autoimmune diseases

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rheumatoid arthritis and cancer

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we got a pretty good coverage with that

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now let's look next slide we're going to

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go back and we're going to tie this

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so don't worry about missing stuff

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and there may be some other drugs here

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but i just kind of went off the top 10

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list just to get some examples

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and there's simvastatin it's a

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cholesterol lowering it's levothyroxine

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which is thyroid lysinopril for blood

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hydrochlorothiazide for blood pressure

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and fluid retention

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atenolol blood pressure metropolis

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blood pressure

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blood pressure

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ulcers and gerd which is

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reflux disease as they call it

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metformin type 2 diabetes

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furosemide which is diuretic

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and then there's

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an array of over-the-counter medication

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which are primarily for

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cold and cough remedies

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allergy relief products antacids and

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do you see a pretty good fit

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between the drugs and the problems up

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not complete but there's like

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better than 50 probably 80 percent

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uh correlation there

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and now let's look

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at the mystery that they're telling us

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we don't know where these things come

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in the stress response when when we have

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a sympathetic response when the grizzly

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bear comes charging what happens in your

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that's going to be on the left side of

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the next diagram that's called the

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initial adaptive stress response so what

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happens is

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your adrenaline and your cortisol goes

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your glucose your blood sugar goes up

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as a result of cortisol you increase

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your energy mobilization

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you increase your cognition which is

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your alertness

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your mental powers if you will for that

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situation you become clearer

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you increase your pain tolerance

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you increase blood clotting factors

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you increase your blood pressure

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you increase your skin conductance and

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you increase your brain activity on the

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beta wave which is the high frequency

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so let's go back and talk and see why

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does this happen

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well here's the grizzly bear

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do you think adrenaline is too is a good

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idea to get you that burst of energy

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probably so yeah that sounds life-saving

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and in the following minute cortisol is

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released to increase blood sugar

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sounds like a good idea because blood

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is the energy for you to sustain the

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and in order for you to

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to get get that blood sugar you also

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your sensitivity to insulin

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you become insulin resistant okay we'll

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just kind of put that out there for now

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energy mobilization obviously that goes

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with the adrenaline cognition

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you want to be bright and alert you want

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to evaluate your options

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you you want to see where you can get

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away do i climb a tree do i grab a club

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what do i do

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pain tolerance

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increased pain tolerance that also seems

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like a good idea you don't want to worry

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every little ache and pain you want to

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get out of there

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so that becomes

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second hand

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blood clotting factor why why would you

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want a blood clotting factor

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what if you run through some thorny

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what if the bear gets a few scratches in

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on you you want to be able to stop that

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bleeding quickly

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and and that's what

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that's what the blood clotting factor

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the stress response does let me add one

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thing to that

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part of the blood clotting process is

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ldl cholesterol because the ldl

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cholesterol takes cholesterol out to the

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tissues and into the blood so that you

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can close up the wound quicker

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and so that you can rebuild cell

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membranes quicker

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to repair the damage

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your cell membrane is 13

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cholesterol so you need a lot of

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cholesterol to repair damaged tissue

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so this is all part of the stress

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response obviously your blood pressure

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goes up so you can squeeze the blood out

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into the body parts that need it quicker

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skin conductance that's that's the

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moisture on your skin

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okay people with sweaty hands

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why does that go up

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well if you have dry hands and you try

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to grab a club

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you might slip

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but if you're a little bit moist and

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sticky now that you get a really good

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grip on that club and that tree branch

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so it increases your chances of survival

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all these things have been built into

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your body

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to increase your chance of survival

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so let's look let's go further here

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we have a decrease in digestion

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