Stress And Diseases Pt2 1/5 User Manual 4 Humans

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good evening i'm dr stan ekberg thank

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you so much for coming here

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uh this is

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user manual for humans part two

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and uh we had part one last week we'll

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do a little bit of review

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we'll do that every time because there's

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some fundamentals and if you recognize

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then it's just your opportunity to learn

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it even better

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some of these basic concepts such as

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sympathetic parasympathetic which is

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fight flight and feet breathe

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these are so fundamental for for your

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health that i i think you should know

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to the point where you can teach them to

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someone else that you can save their

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life doing that

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when we talk about we started talking

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about stress and today we'll talk

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how what is the link between stress and

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diseases all the stuff that people

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complain about

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and the people suffer from and that

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people take medication for

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how does that actually come about

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in the body

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and you can mark off on on

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your little

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outline there

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if there's something that you

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specifically would like to improve if

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it's pain

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weight blood pressure cholesterol

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diabetes or if there's things that you

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just want to learn more about

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when we talk about health

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first we want to find out

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and and

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define and know

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that we know what health is

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because most people say

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hand raise how many people want to be

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good what is

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health we want it but what is it

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simply put

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is when everything is working the way

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it's supposed to

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that is completely different from the

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general opinion that health is simply

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when you don't have a disease

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if you go to the hospital and they say

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well do you feel healthy or whatever you

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get a clean bill of health that just

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means you don't have a disease you don't

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have a symptom well you can have a heart

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attack tomorrow

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but according to their definition if you

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don't have a symptom today you're still

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function which we talked about here is a

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much better way of defining health

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health is when everything is working

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another way of saying that is

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because your brain and nervous system

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regulates everything about your body and

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everything about your experience

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another way of expressing health is to

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when your nervous system can receive and

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appropriately process all information in

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your environment

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and that's the key appropriate

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so we'll talk more about that

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and in order to understand the body

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need to figure out

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when something isn't working in the body

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would you agree that if you have pain

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that there's something that's not

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working that if you have a symptom

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there's something that's not working

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well what is it that isn't working

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if we think of the body as having three

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levels of function the lowest level is

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passive tissue that's bone

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fluids blood fat tissue

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all those tissues they give the body

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structure they provide attachment points

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they don't take any action and they

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don't make any decisions

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they're passive tissue they're important

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but they don't do anything

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next level up is active tissue and

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that's muscle muscle

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which includes your heart and your

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digestive tract

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and your blood vessels

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take all the action they perform all

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but they still don't make any decisions

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the next level up

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is brain and nervous system that's

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regulatory tissue

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and that's where all the decisions are

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so if we truly understand this hierarchy

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of passive active and regulating tissue

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then we understand

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that the brain and nervous system is

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where all function is and it's where all

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problems are so if there's something in

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your body if you have a symptom there's

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something in your brain that isn't

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it's the only place it's the source of

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the problem make sense

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now we know those functions

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now we're going to talk about

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the autonomic nervous system

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in your body that happens without you

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thinking about it

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is handled by your autonomic nervous

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that nervous system has two branches

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it's called the sympathetic

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which is

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fight flight

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and stress both starts with an s so you

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can help remember

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and the other branch is parasympathetic

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or feed breed

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one helps your body defend itself

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whenever your body needs additional

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resources when it needs to expand energy

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for physical effort

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that's called defense

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so if there's a grizzly bear that shows

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up then your body wants to be in a state

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of emergency you want to allocate

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resources so that you can defend

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yourself and save your life

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the parasympathetic

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is about health it says when the danger

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is over when the grizzly bear is gone

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now we can allocate resources inwards to

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digest food

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and send energy to our immune system and

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our reproductive systems

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what we really have to understand as you

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see in this in the slide

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there is a seesaw

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there's there's a balance beam that

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that when one

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side increases the other side decreases

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and this is so key and so fundamental to

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understand because

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if one side is defense and one side is

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that means we can't do both at the same

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your body is always making a choice

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between the two

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so let's see a show of hands between

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defense or health

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which one is more important who says

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defense is more important

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and who says health is more important

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and how many people are on the fence

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all right we got we have one of

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it's kind of a trick question

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both are absolutely essential

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but they're essential at different times

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the defense is about surviving this

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health is about surviving till next year

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the hierarchy the priority in the body

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defense sympathetic always always comes

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because if you don't survive the next

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few seconds

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there's not much point to anything else

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right and it makes a lot of sense if

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you're if you're right in the middle of

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the battle you don't sit down to have

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right and so the body that's the body's

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priority as well

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that's so important to understand

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because it means whenever we have a

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sympathetic response whenever we have a

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stress response

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we cannot heal at the same time at least

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completely or or adequately

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what this means is that there are

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physiological changes in the body

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when we switch in the system from one to

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the other

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we want to start thinking this as

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resource allocation

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how do you

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allocate resources in the body what

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carries the resources in the body well

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it's the blood right blood carries

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oxygen and glucose and minerals and

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nutrients and it carries the waste

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products out that's the transportation

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system of the body

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so just like you're driving your car

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and you want to speed up you give the

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engine more gas

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