Stress And Digestion

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Today we're going to talk about stress and digestion. A lot of people are

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concerned with nutrition and what they put in their mouths, but they don't

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understand how stress and digestion plays a big part of that whole picture.

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So today we're going to go over all of what that entails and we're going to

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show you exactly how it works and what you can do to handle it better hey I'm

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Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master health by

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understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so that you don't miss anything. So I had a patient come in the

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other day and he said I have all these allergies I have all these digestive

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issues but I haven't changed anything what's going on? so we checked him out

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and we found that he was sensitive to a few things and he says oh but I

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haven't changed anything I've eaten those all along and then I asked what

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else has changed and he said well you know I've been really stressed I've had

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a lot of stuff going on so we're gonna talk about how all of those things fit

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together so number one when it comes to nutrition the first thing that people

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think about and sometimes the only thing they think about is the diet meaning the

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food choice what is the type of food that you put in your mouth and yes

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that's important but there is so much more to nutrition that makes more of a

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difference than even what sort of foods you put in so first once you put it in

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your mouth you have to start breaking it down so the first part of breakdown

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happens in the mouth so there's two things that happen you chew and you

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produce enzymes so that's step one already in the mouth you're starting to

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break down the food and then number two in the stomach the stomach adds

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hydrochloric acid and more enzymes so that you can break down the food into

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smaller and smaller pieces and then into the small intestine where it sits for a

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little bit longer and now there's even more enzymes to break it down even

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more and once that breakdown is done then in the small intestine there is

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absorption we have to get the smaller components out of the intestinal tract

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and into the bloodstream so they can be distributed and then once they're being

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distributed we have to assimilate them we have to get them out of the blood and

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into the cell and once it's in the cell we have to use the nutrients for

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anabolism for rebuilding for growth and repair so why does all this matter so

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much and what does stress have to do with it

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well every one of these steps is very very expensive have you ever thought

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about how you feel after a big meal so you put all this food into your body

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that should give you energy right how do you feel on Thanksgiving or you after

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stuffing yourself or you just all energized no you're comatose

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because you put all that stuff into the body and it's very very expensive for

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the body to make all the enzymes and to start all these processes so it can use

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up as much as a third of your entire energy production just to process a meal

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so oftentimes we don't think about these things that just sort of happen for us

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but it really helps to understand what's involved that none of these things

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happen by themselves and every time there's an enzyme involved if we ate

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whole food then that enzyme would already be contained and alive in the

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food but if we process the food then we killed off that enzyme and now the body

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has to produce the enzyme inside and now we're using up resources that we

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wouldn't have to use if we ate the whole fresh live food so all of these steps

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and stress is something that interferes with your parasympathetic nervous system

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so go back and revisit the videos that we've done previously on

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sympathetic and parasympathetic and on stress but essentially you have a fight

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flight system and a feed breed system and anything that makes you feel

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stressed anything that makes you feel tense frustrated overwhelmed upset

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fearful is going to increase your fight flight response at the expense of your

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feed breed response so anytime that you have stress you're going to turn off all

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the resources in your body that are associated with digestion immune system

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growth and repair so when you have stress you're gonna make less enzymes

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you're gonna make less hydrochloric acid in the stomach and you make less enzymes

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in the stomach you are going to make less enzymes in the small intestine and

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absorption doesn't happen by itself that's an active cellular process it's a

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transport mechanism that uses energy it's like little shuttles that have to

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take each molecule grab it and transport it across all of these things are very

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expensive they use up energy same thing with assimilation to get it from the

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blood into the cell again active transport it uses up energy and finally

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anabolism building growth putting all these things together it's like a little

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machine it's like a factory the the enzymes all these intracellular

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component they're like factory components and workers they have to work

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to put this together and it costs energy so the energy can either be allocated to

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survival meaning fight flight deal with things that you are stressed about or

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they can be used for this digestion process but you can't do both at once so

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as soon as you increase your stress you're gonna shut down your digestion so

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once I explained this to my patient then the light really went on for him and he

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all of a sudden he realized everything that had been going on with

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him that week was due to his stress levels his stress has shut down this

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digestion so even the things that he normally could eat all of a sudden they

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didn't agree with him he couldn't process them fully and when you can't

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completely break something down that's when you develop sensitivities to it so

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I hope this has been helpful and help shed some light and increase your

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overall picture on what's what's going on and why it's so important so by

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practicing some relaxation exercises doing some meditation doing some

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breathing exercises you can actually undo a whole day of stress you can

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dampen that stress response you can increase your parasympathetic your

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digestive your immune system your your uh anabolism function to get all

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of that working better again so leave me any questions any comments at all and

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we'll try to get back to you and answer those questions if you're new to this

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channel and you enjoy this sort of content then make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that we can keep this content coming

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your way thanks for watching

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